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PlayStation Network [PS Store и PS Plus]

Рекомендуемые сообщения

oeUO2jR.png     gGhB7RX.png    Sdyj2D3.png    HrS7xDP.png    v7HVa3W.png  

PSN позволяет играть онлайн*, общаться с друзьями и загружать цифровой контент. Вас ждут уникальные предложения и живое, активное игровое сообщество.
*- Доступ к сетевым возможностям игр без дополнительной платы осуществляется только для PS3, PSP и PSV.

  • Обновление PS store происходит во вторник вечером
  • Обновление Playstation Plus происходит в первый вторник месяца
  • Цена PS+ : 3899руб. - за 1 год, 1599руб. - за 3 месяца и 499руб. - за 1 месяц
  • Будьте осторожны! Если вы прервали подписку PS+ на какой то срок,а потом решили продлить, то часть игр может у вас не работать по причине слетевших лицензий. Сони отказывает признавать данную проблему и не будет помогать вам. 
  • Сайты для мониторинга цен в PSN 1 и 2
  • Сайты на которых можно узнать о наличии русского языка в играх 1 и 2
  • Проверка состояния PSN


Вы можете обратиться в техподдержку Sony по телефону и электронной почте.
Телефонная служба поддержки
8-800-200-76-67 (звонок по России бесплатный)
Поддержка по электронной почте
Форма запроса в службу поддержки
Факс 8-495-258-76-50
Центр информации для потребителей ЗАО «Сони Электроникс» - Карамышевский проезд, 6

123154 Москва, Россия



Пользователь twitter под ником @exec00t создал DNS сервер для обхода блокировок ip адресов которые использует PSN. Данная инструкция работает не у всех, но уже много позитивных отзывов и если не хочется заморачиваться с VPN, то это самый простой способ починить PSN.


Чтобы изменить DNS на консоли, нужно:

  1. Зайти в "настройки системы"  
  2. Там найти опцию "сеть".
  3. Дальше второй пункт "установить соединение с Интернетом"
  4. Выбирайте нужный способ подключения (кабель или Wi-Fi). 
  5. Способ установление подключения "Специальный"
  6. Далее настройка IP на "автоматически", а DHCP "Не указывать",
  7. Вот главное: DNS нужно указать "Вручную". Их два, основной лучше указать, а дополнительный
  8. Дальше MTU – "Автоматически", а прокси сервер "не использовать".

Это все. Сделайте тест соединения если хотите.


При таких настройках должны заработать трофеи, тусовки и отображение списка друзей. Игры работают не все. В сети можно встретить отзывы, что работают R6 Siege, Destiny и некоторые другие популярные игры. Проблемы остаются с Fortnite и не работают For Honor и GT Sport.  

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7 минут назад, fukknerv сказал:




Обновилась она что-ли. До вчера ничем стор в 6-ке не отличался :)

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Осталось еще нормальное распознавание текста добавить, когда можно просто ввести английское название игры, а не гуглить как там переводчики постарались. 

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30 минут назад, Beren сказал:

Осталось еще нормальное распознавание текста добавить, когда можно просто ввести английское название игры, а не гуглить как там переводчики постарались. 

Не, такое даже мс при наличии своего поисковика не умеет, когда ввёл неправильно одну букву и получаешь "нет результатов". Это технологии из 3018.

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7 минут назад, TheVS сказал:

Не, такое даже мс при наличии своего поисковика не умеет, когда ввёл неправильно одну букву и получаешь "нет результатов". Это технологии из 3018.

Пусть хотя бы научится при вводе Spider-man показывать игру про паучка, а не какое то там DLC для MvsC. 

Изменено пользователем Beren

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Да приехала бета 3 прошивки 6.0

Да поиск поменялся. Больше пока ничего заметно не было. Не считая разного формата внешних HDD, как и в бете 2. Но ищет он по точному совпадению, т.е. аналогичено поиску в браузере в сторе :) Spider-man никак не находил нового паука, а первые буквы от марвел нашли сразу :)



Изменено пользователем Tarnumius

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5 часов назад, fukknerv сказал:





Так, за это меня благодарите. Буквально пару дней назад проходил опрос Сони и посоветовал им запилить нормальный поиск, чтобы можно было вбивать требуемое не по букве, как раньше, а нормально. Быстро послушались)

Изменено пользователем Grindders

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2 минуты назад, Grindders сказал:


Так, за это меня благодарите. Буквально пару дней назад проходил опрос Сони и посоветовал им запилить нормальный поиск, чтобы можно было вбивать требуемое не по букве, как раньше, а нормально. Быстро послушались)

Об этом уже давно просят, при чем здесь ты?

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5 минут назад, Шепард сказал:

Об этом уже давно просят, при чем здесь ты?

это была шутка про совпадения =\


[Offtop] Сообщение не относится к обсуждаемой теме.

мне казалось, что по моей манере общения на форуме видно, что я последний человек, который мог бы написать такое всерьез или начать бахвалиться-выпендриваться.

Изменено пользователем Grindders

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Осталось псн с тегами подружить, что бы можно было искать не только по локализованым названиям некоторых игр. 

9 минут назад, Grindders сказал:


Так, за это меня благодарите. Буквально пару дней назад проходил опрос Сони и посоветовал им запилить нормальный поиск, чтобы можно было вбивать требуемое не по букве, как раньше, а нормально. Быстро послушались)

)))) то же проходил, но попросил нормальный вишлист на консольке, рефанды и подарки. 

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[Offtop] Сообщение не относится к обсуждаемой теме.

Grindders сорян, не понял юмора 



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2 часа назад, Шепард сказал:

Об этом уже давно просят, при чем здесь ты?

консольку наверное хотел выиграть,тоже получал этот опрос но забил на него,так как это разводилово что и в прошлый раз

Выиграйте юбилейную PS4 Pro | Смотреть онлайн mailservice?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimage.plays
В честь выпуска 500-миллионной копии PlayStation мы рады представить вам уникальную версию консоли PlayStation®4 Pro, а также предложить поучаствовать в нашем опросе и получить возможность выиграть эксклюзивную PlayStation®4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition.

Нам очень важно знать, как вы относитесь к игровым дополнениям и какие находите наиболее интересными.

Заранее спасибо за ответы, и желаем удачи в розыгрыше PlayStation®4 Pro!
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'Град погружённый' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8914-CUSA02089_00-SUBMERGED0000001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'Медный город' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8914-CUSA09526_00-CITYOFBRASS00001 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Столпы Земли' Кена Фоллетта' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA08560_00-DAEEUPOTE0000001 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.199
-62% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 949 (PS+)

'101 Ways to Die' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0966-CUSA02850_00-WTD0101PS4000001 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'10 Second Ninja X' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA04692_00-10SECNINJACROSSB) (PS4|PS Vita)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'«Орден 1886»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00076_00-TO1886GAME000000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 929
-73% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 679 (PS+)

'2MD: VR Football' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0967-CUSA11529_00-2MDVRFOOTBALLPS4 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 929 -> RUB 649

'3D Billiard' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1629-CUSA09542_00-3DBILLIARDS00000 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'3D MiniGolf' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1629-CUSA09170_00-3DMINIGOLF000000 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'Abo Khashem' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2826-CUSA10531_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 899

'Action Henk' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA02910_00-ACTIONHENKPS4000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Aegis Defenders' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3717-CUSA10502_00-AEGISDEFENDERS00 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'AER - Memories of Old' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA03176_00-FORGOTTENKEYAER0 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 649
-49% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 542 (PS+)

'A Hat in Time' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3717-CUSA10028_00-AHATINTIMEPS4000 ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 789

'Air Conflicts: Double Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA05165_00-ACPCACVBUNDLE000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers - PlayStation4 Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA02866_00-PACIFICCARRIERS0 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Air Conflicts: Secret Wars Ultimate Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2607-CUSA05482_00-ACSECRETWARS0000 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 599

'Air Conflicts Vietnam Ultimate Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4335-CUSA00456_00-AIRCONFLICTSVIET ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 599

'AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA01539_00-AKIBASNEXTAPP000 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 599

'Alien: Isolation' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA00362_00-ALIENISOLATIONP4 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 599

'Alien: Isolation - Коллекция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA00362_00-AITCOLLECTIONPS4 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 929

'Arcade Apocalypse Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-NPEJ00417_00-ARCADEAPOCALYPSE) (PS3|PS4|PS Vita)
-75% RUB 859 -> RUB 215

'ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2955-CUSA07284_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'Комплект Battlefield' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-NPEJ00420_00-BATTLEFIELDBUNDL ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 599

'Battlefield 1' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02387_00-BATTLEFIELD01000 ) (PS4)
-86% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 574

'Battlefield 1 Revolution' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02387_00-BATTLEFIELD01REV ) (PS4)
-83% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 599

'Battlefield 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00049_00-BATTLEFIELD40000 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499

'Battlefield 4 Premium Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00049_00-BF4PREMIUMEDITIO ) (PS4)
-86% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 599

'Эксклюзивное издание Battlefield Hardline' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00633_00-BFHDELUXEEDITION ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 574

'Стандартное издание Battlefield Hardline' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00633_00-BFHSTANDARDEDITI ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499

'Максимальное издание Battlefield Hardline' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00633_00-BFHULTIMATEEDITI ) (PS4)
-86% RUB 4.499 -> RUB 649

'Beach Buggy Racing' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0786-CUSA02366_00-BEACHBUGGYPS4001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Beast Quest' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2955-CUSA09052_00-BEASTQUEST000000 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.199

'Bedlam: The Game by Christopher Brookmyre' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0966-CUSA02435_00-BEDLAMTHEGAME001 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'Beholder Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA09921_00-BEHOLDER00000EUR ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Beyond Eyes' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA02690_00-BEYONDEYES000000 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 929 -> RUB 289

'Birthdays the Beginning' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07004_00-HAPPYBIRTHDAY000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'Blackwood Crossing' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0966-CUSA04812_00-BLACKWOODCROSSIN ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 574

'Blasters of the Universe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA10275_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'Золотое издание Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA00852_00-CODAWPSNGOLDEDIT ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 3.399 -> RUB 1.349

'Call of Duty: Ghosts - Золотое издание [R/P]' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA00028_00-B000000000001044 ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.349

'CastleStorm Definitive Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA00403_00-CASTLESTORM00001 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'Celeste' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2120-CUSA11235_00-CELESTEXXCELESTE ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 899
-51% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 689 (PS+)

'Chaos on Deponia' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA08542_00-DAEEUDEPONIA2000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 649
-60% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 519 (PS+)

'Chicken Assassin: Reloaded' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3245-CUSA12742_00-CHXAMOH000000000 ) (PS4)
-20% RUB 499 -> RUB 399

'Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku!' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA06741_00-CLASSICDUNGEON03 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1024-CUSA10876_00-CODEREALIZESHPS4 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.199
-68% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.039 (PS+)

'Crawl' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2730-CUSA07441_00-000000000CRAWLEU ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Cursed Castilla' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4186-CUSA05495_00-0000000000000002 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 859 -> RUB 289

'Danganronpa 1/2 Reload' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA06720_00-DANGANRONPARLDEU ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07299_00-ZETTAIZETUBOUPS4 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 899

'Danger Bundle - Dangerous Golf and Danger Zone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1884-CUSA08594_00-3FEDANGERBUNDLE1 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 599

'Dangerous Golf' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1884-CUSA04398_00-TFEDANGEROUSGOLF ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'Danger Zone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1884-CUSA08594_00-3FE1234500000000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1052-CUSA03438_00-DARIUSBURSTCS0EU ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 1.199

'Darkest Dungeon' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2483-CUSA05967_00-RHSDDPS4BND00001) (PS4|PS Vita)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'Darkest Dungeon: Crimson edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2483-CUSA05967_00-RHSDDPS400000003) (PS4|PS Vita)
-63% RUB 1.949 -> RUB 719

'Darknet' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA07524_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 789 -> RUB 359

'DARK SOULS III' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03365_00-DARKSOULS3000000 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 899

'DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01589_00-DARKSOULS2000003 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Dead Alliance' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2955-CUSA07756_00-MOVINGHAZARDXXXX ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'Dead Alliance: Multiplayer Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2955-CUSA09141_00-MPXXEDITIONXXEUX ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 799

'DEAD RISING' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04671_00-DEADRISING001PS4 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 434 (PS+)

'DEAD RISING 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04672_00-DEADRISING002PS4 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 434 (PS+)

'DEAD RISING 2 Off The Record' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04673_00-DEADRISIN2OTRPS4 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 429 (PS+)

'Набор DEAD RISING «3 в 1»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04671_00-DRTRIPLEBUND0000 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 899

'Dear Esther: Landmark Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA05064_00-DEARESTHERBUNDLE ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'Demon Gaze II' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA09283_00-DEMONGAZEPS42017 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 899

'Deponia' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA03770_00-D0001DEPONIA1PS4 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 509 (PS+)

'Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01708_00-MAINRDOBXXXX0000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 719
-65% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 629 (PS+)

'Devil May Cry HD Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA09263_00-DMCHDC0000000000 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.299

'DiRT 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA07062_00-DIRT4E0000000000 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.009

'DiRT Rally' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA03648_00-DIRTRALLYLABELNA ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 649

'DiRT Rally PLUS PLAYSTATIONVR BUNDLE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA03648_00-DIRTRALLY0001000 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 809

'DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01708_00-MAINRDOBXXXX0009 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 2.599 -> RUB 719

'DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01022_00-DMCDEFINITIVE000 ) (PS4)
-74% RUB 2.299 -> RUB 599

'DOOM' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA02092_00-DOOMEUROPEROWSKU ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.999 -> RUB 719

'DOOM VFR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA09090_00-DOOMVFR000000000 ) (PS4)
-7% RUB 859 -> RUB 799

'Эксклюзивное издание Dragon Age: Инквизиция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00503_00-DELUXEEDITIONUPG ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'Эксклюзивное издание Dragon Age: Инквизиция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00503_00-DAIDELUXEEDITION ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 719

'Dragon Age: Инквизиция - издание «Игра года»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00503_00-DA3GAMEOFTHEYEAR ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 719

'Dragon Age: Инквизиция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00503_00-DAINQUISITION000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574

'DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01186_00-DRAGONBALLXV0000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Time Travel Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01186_00-DBX000TIMETRAVEL ) (PS4)
-82% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 799

'Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA07340_00-DDDAFULLGAME0000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 899

'Dragon's Lair трилогия' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2043-CUSA06878_00-DLTRILOGY0000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Drunkn Bar Fight' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3399-CUSA10397_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 969 -> RUB 429

'Duck Game' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0149-CUSA05355_00-DUCKGAMEEU000000 ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 929 -> RUB 359

'Семейный набор от EA' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01866_00-FAMILYBUNDLE0000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'EA SPORTS UFC 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01936_00-EASPORTSUFC2GAME ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

'EA SPORTS UFC 2 Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01936_00-UFC2DLXEPOSTLNCH ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 2.899 -> RUB 799

'EVERSPACE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1547-CUSA10572_00-EVERSPACE0000000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 899

'EVERSPACE — Stellar Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1547-CUSA10572_00-EVERSPACESTELLAR ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.199

'Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1024-CUSA05473_00-EXISTARCHIVE0004 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 1.069

'Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0701-CUSA09868_00-FLCROSSBUYP4VITA) (PS3|PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Fallout 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA03450_00-FALLOUT4FULLGAME ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.999 -> RUB 799

'Fe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA08977_00-ZOINKGAMESFE0000 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Feist' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0403-CUSA05995_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 859 -> RUB 289

'FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA01615_00-FFXVROYALEDITION ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.199

'FlatOut 4: Total Insanity' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07458_00-FLATOUT400000000 ) (PS4)
-38% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 799

'Football Nation VR Tournament 2018' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4068-CUSA09874_00-FNVR1EU000000001 ) (PS4)
-38% RUB 929 -> RUB 574

'Get Even' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03415_00-GETEVENGAME00001 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 799

'Ghostbusters' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA05159_00-GHOSTBUSTERS2016 ) (PS4)
-82% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 574

'Goat Simulator' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA02779_00-GOATSIMULATORPS4 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 649 -> RUB 215

'Goat Simulator: The GOATY' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA02779_00-GOATGOATYBUNDLE1 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 649

'GOD WARS Future Past' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07257_00-GODWARSFUTURE001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 899

'Gorogoa' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2333-CUSA11643_00-GOROGOASIEE00000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'Grand Kingdom' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA04630_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 799

'Guns of Icarus Alliance' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0453-CUSA11511_00-GUNSOFICARUSALNC ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 859 -> RUB 429

'Haimrik' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2632-CUSA10251_00-HAIMRIKSIEE00002 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 799

'HAJWALA' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3334-CUSA11340_00-RG2017XX2018RG18 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Hand of Fate' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2182-CUSA01321_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

'Hand of Fate Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2182-CUSA01321_00-HOFDELUXEEDITION ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Headlander' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0149-CUSA04127_00-HEADLANDER000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'HoPiKo and Tango Fiesta' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-NPEJ00493_00-HOPIKOTANGOBUNDL ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 899 -> RUB 429

'Horizon Chase Turbo' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0040-CUSA11452_00-HORIZONTURBOGAME ) (PS4)
-28% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 1.009

'Hue' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA05065_00-HUESIEECROSSBUY0) (PS4|PS Vita)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Human Fall Flat' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4395-CUSA07208_00-HFFGAMEANDTHEME0 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 432 (PS+)

'Iconoclasts' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1268-CUSA09325_00-ICLCROSSBUYEU000) (PS4|PS Vita)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Illusion: A Tale of the Mind' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3617-CUSA10825_00-FRIMAKOCHILLUSIO ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Infinite Minigolf' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA07813_00-IMINIGOLF0000001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'InnerSpace' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA07734_00-INNERSPACEFLIGHT ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'INSIDE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-CUSA02754_00-INSIDE0000000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Island Flight Simulator' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1629-CUSA07870_00-ISLANDFLIGHTSIMU ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07934_00-SCES503610000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA04909_00-JOJOEOHDGTLED001 ) (PS4)
-80% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 899

'Just In Time Incorporated' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4567-CUSA11575_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'KLAUS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0400-CUSA04096_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 324

'Knockout League' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1489-CUSA11642_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 899

'Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00806_00-LARACROFT2OSIRIS ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 289

'Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Season Pass Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00806_00-LARADAYONEBUNDLE ) (PS4)
-83% RUB 2.099 -> RUB 359

'Layers of Fear' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA04497_00-LAYERSOFFEAR0000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA04497_00-LAYERSOFFEARPACK ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'League of War: VR Arena' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3275-CUSA10058_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 719

'LIMBO' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-CUSA01369_00-PLAYDEADD11LIMBO ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 649 -> RUB 289

'LIMBO & INSIDE Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-NPEJ00466_00-INSIDELIMBOBUNDL ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.949 -> RUB 719

'Little Nightmares' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05952_00-LITTLENIGHTMARES ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Little Nightmares Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05952_00-LITTLEDELUXEED00 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 799

'Mages of Mystralia' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1697-CUSA08412_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499

'Marooners' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1662-CUSA04627_00-MAROONERSCEE0000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06380_00-DUCKPREORDEREUDX ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.199

'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Standard Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06380_00-DUCKFULLBUNDLE00 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 899

'Mass Effect: Andromeda — стандартное издание рекрута' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02491_00-ME4RECRUITSTNDRD ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 574

'Mass Effect: Andromeda — издание рекрута Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02491_00-ME4RECRUITDELUXE ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 2.999 -> RUB 719

'Mega Man Legacy Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA02521_00-MEGAMANLEGACY000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA08259_00-RCC12BUNDLE00001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 719

'Mega Man Legacy Collection 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA08259_00-RCC2000000000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Merge Games Mega Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-NPEJ00492_00-MERGEMEGABUNDLE1 ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 799

'Metro 2033 Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA00591_00-M33REDUXDIGITAL1 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499
-74% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 359 (PS+)

'Metro: Last Light Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA00592_00-MLLREDUXDIGITAL1 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499
-74% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 359 (PS+)

'Metro Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA00593_00-MCOMPLREDUXDISC1 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 789
-68% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 599 (PS+)

'Micro Machines World Series' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA07400_00-MICROMACHINES000 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 539

'Mirror's Edge Catalyst' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01499_00-PAMPLONA00000000 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 574

'Mortal Blitz' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1625-CUSA08818_00-MORTALBLITZSKO00 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Motorcycle Club' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA01170_00-MOTORCYCLECLUB00 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Mugsters' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA11915_00-MUGSTERS00000000 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'Mulaka' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1102-CUSA10648_00-MULAKA0000000000 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 799

'Murdered: Soul Suspect' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00342_00-MURDEREDSOULSCEE ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'NAtURAL DOCtRINE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA00721_00-NATURALDOCTRINE4 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'NECROPOLIS: A Diabolical Dungeon Delve' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05243_00-NECROPOLIS00E300 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Need for Speed' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01866_00-NFS16SE000000001 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574
-61% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 509 (PS+)

'Need for Speed Эксклюзивное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01866_00-NFS16DELUXEED000 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 2.299 -> RUB 719
-74% RUB 2.299 -> RUB 604 (PS+)

'Need for Speed Эксклюзивный набор' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01866_00-NFSDELUXEBUNDLE0 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 899
-81% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 709 (PS+)

'Need for Speed Rivals: Полное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00168_00-NFSRIVALSGOTY000 ) (PS4)
-71% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 719
-76% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 594 (PS+)

'Need for Speed Rivals' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00168_00-NFS14000PS4000EU ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574
-61% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 509 (PS+)

'Nex Machina' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2604-CUSA05595_00-NEXMACHINAGAMEEU ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Next Up Hero' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA08211_00-NEXTUPHERO123456 ) (PS4)
-28% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 1.009
-38% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 869 (PS+)

'Night in the Woods' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0403-CUSA05996_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 899

'Nine Parchments' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA05979_00-NINEPARCHMENTS00 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4492-CUSA03953_00-NP10PS4HGBENG001 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 599

'Nom Nom Galaxy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA01373_00-NOMNOMGALAXY0000 ) (PS4)
-79% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 215

'observer_' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA07558_00-OBSERVER00000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 799

'Odin Sphere Leifthrasir' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA05262_00-ODINSPHERELE0000 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 899

'OKAMI HD' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA08364_00-OKAMIHD000000001 ) (PS4)
-22% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 1.009

'Onechanbara Z2: Chaos' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA02814_00-ONECHANBARAZ2CHA ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'One Piece Burning Blood' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03584_00-ONEPIECEBBPS4000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 799

'One Piece Pirate Warriors 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01742_00-PROJECTOP3EU0000 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 574

'One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01742_00-OPPW3GOLDEDITION ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 719

'One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA08306_00-OPUWR00APPLI0000 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.199

'Outcast - Second Contact' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07582_00-OUTCAST000000000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899

'Outcast - Second Contact Launch Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07582_00-SIEE600000000000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.199

'Out of Ammo' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA09540_00-OUTOFAMMO0000000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Overcooked' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKED000000 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 359

'Overcooked: Gourmet Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKEDBUN001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Overcooked Holiday Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKEDBUN002 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Overlord: Fellowship of Evil' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA02645_00-OVERLORDFOE00000 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 324

'Overwatch Legendary Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA03975_00-OWLEGENDARY00000 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 3.299 -> RUB 1.799

'PaRappa the Rapper, LocoRoco, Patapon Remaster Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07172_00-REMASTERBUNDLE00 ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 859

'PaRappa the Rapper Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07172_00-UCES007750000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Patapon Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07285_00-UCES009950000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Peggle 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00743_00-EAPOPCAPPEGGLE02 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Peggle 2: Издание Magical Masters' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-NPEJ00410_00-PEGGLE2MAGICALED ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 929 -> RUB 359

'Pierhead Arcade' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA08704_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'Pinball FX2 VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA06390_00-PINBALLFX2VR0000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Pirate Flight' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4702-CUSA11121_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 649

'PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA00510_00-SHOOTERULTIMATE0) (PS4|PS Vita)
-75% RUB 859 -> RUB 215

'Planetbase' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2502-CUSA09873_00-MADWPLANETBASE00 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 579 (PS+)

'Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01934_00-PVZGW2BASEGAME00 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 574

'Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01934_00-PVZGW2DELUXEED00 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 719

'Project CARS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA00940_00-PCARSDIGED000001 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'PSYCHO-PASS: Mandatory Happiness' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA05261_00-PSYCHOPASSPS4000 ) (PS4)
-81% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 599

'RAID: World War II' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3367-CUSA08490_00-RAIDWWIIVERRC001 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899

'Rain World' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0149-CUSA05667_00-RAINWORLDEU00000 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Rebel Galaxy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0222-CUSA02586_00-REBELGALAXY00000 ) (PS4)
-74% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 359

'RE Revelations 2 — «Сезонный билет»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA00804_00-BHR2PASSSEASON00 ) (PS4)
-79% RUB 1.689 -> RUB 359

'Resident Evil' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01067_00-BHRHDPS400000001 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 509 (PS+)

'Resident Evil 0' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01815_00-BH0HD00000000001 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 509 (PS+)

'Набор Resident Evil «3 в 1»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03840_00-RE456BUND00000EU ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 899

'resident evil 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04704_00-BH4HD00000000001 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 599
-67% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 459 (PS+)

'RESIDENT EVIL 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04284_00-RE5HDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 599
-67% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 459 (PS+)

'Resident Evil 6' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03840_00-BH6HDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 599
-67% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 459 (PS+)

'Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01815_00-BHDOB00000000001 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 719

'RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06212_00-RERHDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599
-64% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 469 (PS+)

'Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06212_00-BHR1HDBHR2BUNDLE ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899

'Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA00804_00-BHR2DELUXE000000 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 649

'RiftStar Raiders' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0966-CUSA06428_00-RIFTSTARRAIDERS1 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Riptide GP2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0786-CUSA02365_00-RIPTIDEGP2PS4001 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 499 -> RUB 215

'Riptide GP Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0786-NPEJ00497_00-RIPTIDEGPBUNDLE0 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 929 -> RUB 429

'Riptide GP: Renegade' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0786-CUSA04558_00-RGPRENEGADE00001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Rise & Shine' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0149-CUSA07234_00-RISEANDSHINE0000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Rocket League' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-ROCKETLEAGUEEU01 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Набор дополнений Rocket League — Fast & Furious' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-RLFFDLCEU0000001 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 359 -> RUB 215

'Rocket League - Game of the Year Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-RLGOTYEU00000001 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 1.079

'School Girl/Zombie Hunter' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1024-CUSA09762_00-ZHSG000000000000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899

'Senko no Ronde 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1052-CUSA08206_00-SENKONORONDE2000 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.199

'SENRAN KAGURA ESTIVAL VERSUS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4492-CUSA03464_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.199

'SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4492-CUSA08343_00-PEACHBEACHSPLASH ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.199

'Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA07792_00-DEAST00000000001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.199

'Shadwen' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA04540_00-SHADWENSCEE00000 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 359

'Sheltered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04293_00-SHELTERED0000000 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 929 -> RUB 289

'Sherlock Holmes : The Devil's Daughter' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA03773_00-SHERLOCKHOLMESDD ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

'Silence' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA03174_00-DAEDASILENCE0001 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 969
-59% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 779 (PS+)

'Smashbox Arena' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA08117_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 719
-82% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 389 (PS+)

'Snake Pass' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3021-CUSA07443_00-SNAKEPASSPSSA001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Sniper Elite 3 — ГЛАВНАЯ ВЕРСИЯ' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4040-CUSA01796_00-SNIPERELITE30000 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 899
-81% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 709 (PS+)

'Snow Moto Racing Freedom' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1615-CUSA05713_00-MOTOFREEDOMEUR00 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Songbringer Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA05836_00-SONGBRINGERBUND1 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Sports Bar VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4068-CUSA06116_00-PNVR1EU000000001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'Самое полное издание STAR WARS Battlefront' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA00634_00-SWBULTIMATEED000 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 719

'Stories: The Path of Destinies' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8933-CUSA04104_00-STORIESGAME00001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 789 -> RUB 289

'STRIDER' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA00087_00-STREUHG4TRIAL001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Super Cloudbuilt' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA07018_00-CLOUDBUILTPLUS00 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Super Hydorah' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4186-CUSA09297_00-0000000000000010 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'VRFC & SPORTSBAR BUNDLE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4068-CUSA09874_00-VRFC1EUBUNDLE001 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 859

'Surf World Series' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0966-CUSA05665_00-SURFWORLDSERIES1 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05033_00-SWORDARTHR0000EU ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.199

'Sword Art Online: Lost Song' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA02763_00-SAOLOSTSONG00000 ) (PS4)
-81% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 599

'Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA02607_00-SWORDARTREHF000E ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 429

'Table Top Racing: World Tour' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4537-CUSA01498_00-TABLETOPRACINGWT ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'TABLE TOP RACING: WORLD TOUR - SWAG BAG' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4537-CUSA01498_00-VALUEBUNDLE00001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'Tales of the Tiny Planet' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1629-CUSA11169_00-TALESTINYPLANETJ ) (PS4)
-21% RUB 999 -> RUB 789
-31% RUB 999 -> RUB 689 (PS+)

'TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA02388_00-TEMBO00000000000 ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 929 -> RUB 215

'Tethered Divine Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1225-CUSA06529_00-TETHEREDEUBUND01 ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 719

'The 25th Ward: The Silver Case' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA11002_00-25THWARDPS400000 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 799

'Thea: The Awakening' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2436-CUSA07697_00-1111222233330001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 649

'The Disney Afternoon Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06851_00-DISNEYLEGCOLLPS4 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 434 (PS+)

'The Escapists' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-THEESCAPISTS0000 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'The Escapists 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA06244_00-THEESCAPISTS2000 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 799

'The Escapists 2 Special Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA06244_00-THEESCAPISTS2BN0 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.009

'The Escapists: Supermax Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-ESCSUPER00000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 799

'The Escapists + The Escapists: The Walking Dead Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-THEESCAPISTSBU01 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'The Escapists: The Walking Dead' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04097_00-THEESCAPISTSWD00 ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 289

'The Evil Within' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA00375_00-THEEVILWITHINROW ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

'The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor - Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3245-CUSA09478_00-METRONOMGAME0008 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 649

'The Sexy Brutale' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2972-CUSA06819_00-THESEXYBRUTALE01 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 499

'The Silver Case' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07272_00-THESILVERCASEPS4 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 599

'The Vanishing of Ethan Carter' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1210-CUSA03048_00-ETHANCARTERPS4EU ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.349 -> RUB 499

'The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA02815_00-TWATHKREVIVAL100 ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 574

'Thief' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00250_00-B000000000000923 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'Thimbleweed Park' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3662-CUSA09135_00-THIMBLEWEEDPARK0 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

'Through the Woods' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2632-CUSA09137_00-THROUGHTHEWOODS1 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 799

'Стандартное издание Titanfall 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA04013_00-TITANFALL2RSPWN1 ) (PS4)
-71% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 719

'Titanfall 2: Максимальное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA04013_00-ULTIMA0000000000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 859

'Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA06045_00-TTGHDAYBREAKSPGJ ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574

'Tokyo Xanadu eX+' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1024-CUSA06987_00-TOKYOXANADUPS4SP ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.199

'Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00109_00-000000TOMBRAIDER ) (PS4)
-74% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 499

'Torment: Tides of Numenera' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2911-CUSA05827_00-TORMENTTONGAME00 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 899

'Touhou Double Focus' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07003_00-TDFFPSPS4EDITION ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA05278_00-PS4GAME000000001 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 599

'Touhou Genso Wanderer' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA06506_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 899

'Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA08572_00-KBT4GAME00000001 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 799

'TowerFall Ascension' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2120-CUSA00534_00-TOWERFALLCROSSBU) (PS4|PS Vita)
-71% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 289

'Trine 2: Complete Story' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA00217_00-TRINE2COMPLETE00 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 289

'Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA03057_00-TRINE3ARTIFASCEE ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 359

'Trine Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA01126_00-TRINEBUNDLE00000 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 574

'Trine Enchanted Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA01126_00-ENCHANTEDEDITION ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 929 -> RUB 215

'Trine Trilogy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA03057_00-TRINETRILOGYSCEE ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 789

'Ultimate Chicken Horse' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1651-CUSA09374_00-CLEVENDEAVUCH000 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04543_00-UMVC3FULLGAME000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 574

'Ultra Street Fighter IV' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01839_00-USF4DEV00104SCEE ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 574

'Ultrawings' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0067-CUSA10761_00-100000ULTRAWINGS ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 789

'Umbrella Corps' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03086_00-BHS0000000000001 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03086_00-BHSDELUXE0000001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'UNBOX: Newbie's Adventure and Sublevel Zero: Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-NPEJ00496_00-UNBOXSUBLEVELBUN ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 2.399 -> RUB 799

'Unravel Two' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA10416_00-COLDWOODPIKE0000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 899

'Valkyria Chronicles Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA03951_00-BFVALKYRIE000100 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574

'Vector Unit Triple Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0786-NPEJ00498_00-VUTRIPLEPACK0000 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Verdun' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1662-CUSA03395_00-VERDUNPS40000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Планета Обезьян: Кризис' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2879-CUSA10826_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-33% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 719

'VR Karts' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2889-CUSA06711_00-VRKARTS000000001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 649

'Waddle Home' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA06503_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'Welcome to Hanwell' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4715-CUSA11117_00-WELCOMEHANWELL01 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 799

'What Remains of Edith Finch' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2333-CUSA07974_00-WHATREMAINSFINCH ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Whispering Willows' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2135-CUSA01827_00-WSWILLOWSBUNDLE1) (PS4|PS Vita)
-68% RUB 899 -> RUB 289

'Windlands' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1499-CUSA05879_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 649

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-22% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 859

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-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

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-70% RUB 1.449 -> RUB 429

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-75% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 719

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-78% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 359

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-63% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 599

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-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

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-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

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-66% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.299

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-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599

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-38% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 799

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-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

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-58% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 799

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-68% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 799

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-76% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 899

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-58% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.199
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 914 (PS+)

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-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

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-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

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-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

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-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

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-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

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-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

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-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Jak 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07991_00-SCES524600000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

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-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899
-78% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 614 (PS+)

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-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

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-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Kinetica' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01947_00-SCUS971320000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'OKAGE: Shadow King' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02282_00-SCUS971290000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'PaRappa The Rapper 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01946_00-SCES504080000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Primal' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02077_00-SCES511350000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Resident Evil Code: Veronica X' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA07343_00-SLES503060000001 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 649
-49% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 542 (PS+)

'The Mark of Kri' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01945_00-SCES511640000001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Twisted Metal: Black' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02076_00-SCES503600000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'War of the Monsters' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01981_00-SCES512240000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Wild Arms 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02273_00-SCUS972030000001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Марсианин – Виртуальная реальность' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2879-CUSA06454_00-THEMARTIANEUR001 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 359 -> RUB 215

'EVEREST VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3085-CUSA07210_00-EVERESTVRREL1001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429


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56 минут назад, Gyddini сказал:

Чет нфс захотелось погонять, в нфс 2015 совсем плохо все?

Плохо. Hot Pursuit 2010 последний нормальный NFS.

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2 часа назад, Gyddini сказал:

Чет нфс захотелось погонять, в нфс 2015 совсем плохо все?

Да нет, в общем довольно хорошая игра. Просто игре нужен постоянный онлайн и на релизе было очень много багов, а сюжетные диалоги иногда слушать невозможно, особенно с нашей локализацией. 


А так, в целом, проект стоит внимания за такую цену. 

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3 часа назад, Gyddini сказал:

Чет нфс захотелось погонять, в нфс 2015 совсем плохо все?

хорошая игра, прошел с удовольствием брал еще на старте

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7 часов назад, Gyddini сказал:

Чет нфс захотелось погонять, в нфс 2015 совсем плохо все?


да нормально, не лучший представитель серии - но по хорошей скидке взять можно

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Взял комплект нфс +нфс  райвалс за 700 :agree:

Изменено пользователем Gyddini

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13 часов назад, Gyddini сказал:

Та бухла взял и так :icon_mrgreen:

Сопьешься)) Без бухла не сможешь в это играть )) 

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