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Весь контент Snatcher

  1. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    ▲ This illustration is by Platinum Games enemy concept artist, Kijima Hisayoshi (木嶋久善). Обложка последнего Фамицу
  2. Snatcher

    Art of Video Games [18+]

  3. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Этот Намуко случайно не тот же, который жаловался, что в Xenoblade X слишком много всего во время боев происходит и освоиться трудно? Претензия вроде как из той же оперы. Мне вот по части кастамайза уже не терпится увидеть какие именно сеты чипов создать получится и как часто игра будет заставлять между ними переключаться. На вскидку представляю что-то типа: Сет А - с упором на атаку. Сет В - с упором на уклонение, скорость и контратаку. Сет С - с упором на максимально удобное перемещение по миру, поиск и сбор предметов. Посмотрим, что там выйдет на практике.
  4. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Да они вообще не думали. Меня уже десятилетиями не перестает добивать их наплевательское отношение ко всему, что не ФФ. Копейки дают на разработку, еще меньше на рекламу, не локализируют, и т. д. Игра все равно каким-то макаром неплохо продается, преодолев все препятствия, которые сами же SE для нее создали своими бездействием и равнодушием, но им видите ли этих продаж мало. Чудо, что Автомата вообще выходит. А то, что сабы были в ФФ15 ни о чем ни говорит вообще. То ж была драгоценная ФФ.
  5. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    ▲ This illustration is by Platinum Games planning and development group artist, Nishii Tomoko (西井智子). Фотки японских стэндов
  6. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    2В удовлетворена.
  7. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Отсчет продолжается. ▲ This illustration is by Platinum Games VFX artist, Nakajima Shion (中島史音). ▲ This illustration is by Platinum Games character modeler, Matsushita Yoshikaze (松下祥風).
  8. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

  9. Snatcher

    13 Sentinels: Aegis RIM

    Ни слуху, ни духу. Я чуть не забыл об этой игре. О ней говорили хоть что-то после анонса?
  10. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    @Pony Slaystation тоже верно.
  11. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Похвалить под за хорошую работу при помощи тачпада на ПК не получится. Намекали что в иге еще фишки в этом духе могут быть.
  12. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Свежий выпуск Dengeki PlayStation. #1 Is this madness or depression? The overwhelming “World of Yoko” Story #2 The Sci-Fi atmosphere gets a big boost! This story takes place on an Earth that has been stolen by Bio-machines #3 Androids without emotion? The “YoRHa Squadron” is humanity’s only hope Among the ranks of androids, a small number of mighty warriors known as the “YoRHa Squadron” were created. Rogue androids: The mysterious A2. Although she is also a member of the YoRHa Squadron, she entirely works on her own. #4 The Commander in charge of the YoRHa Squadron and the Resistance, all of which are androids #5 The action is amazing! Platinum Games is in charge of the battle system. Speed attack… Square button Heavy attack… Triangle button TOPIC #1: The dodge function adds a ton of fun to the action If you dodge at the right time, you can counter an attack #6 You also have long-range attacks to your disposal Support unit Pod Machine Gun… R1 button #7 There are 4 weapon types Each weapon has its own unique pros and cons light sword heavy sword spear combat bracers #8 Use the plug-in chips to design your character around how you like to play #9 If you’re having trouble, turn on the “Auto Mode” There are 4 difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard #10 Nature is slowly returning to the planet abandoned by man #11 A world filled with wild animals They are also mountable and have their own unique abilities! boar: drift moose: high jump #12 Enemy Bio-machines have interesting designs Their appearance will differ from location to location Desert: mask & cape Amusement Park: clown Topic #2: Bio-machines have uniquely evolved in each area What is the purpose for this distinction? Boss enemies also have their own special design. As you progress through the game, you will fight bosses that have unique attacks. You’ll have to discover what their weaknesses are on your own! Some bosses use long-range attacks that you’ll have to maneuver through if you really want to prevail. #13 Depending on the situation and the enemies you fight, the camera angle will change. #14 Fighting is not the only thing? Sometimes you can take a break and go fishing! There are some really rare fish that you can sell for a lot of money when you’re short on cash. #15 Friend or Foe? The mysterious pretty-boys appear… Adam and Eve Shrouded in mystery, their silver hair and red eyes are a slightly concerning… #16 The Access Points are hugely helpful in your mission, allowing you access to: Area map updates Quick save Mailbox and other abilities…!? #17 If you’ve played the previous game, this ought to make you smile. Very nostalgic name-drops hit! Since the game takes place so far into the future, there is no deep connection with the previous game; however, Emil, Devola, and Popola seem to be returning (this Devola & Popola are not the same individual androids as before). If you’re a fan of the first NieR, then you’ll be very happy to see these guys again! Topic #3: Even some Bio-machines will help you fight!? Pascal is a pacifist who hates fighting. She works with other Bio-machines who share the same hopes for a peaceful world. Sometimes Pascal will tag along with 2B, but what is her true intentions? #18 A ton of Sub Quests and Weapon Stories Get quests from various people from all over the place As you upgrade your weapons, an additional portion of the Weapon Story will be unlocked #19 Multi-ending Story? Work your way to the very end Could 2B & A2 be on opposite sides even though they’re both YoRHa androids? The original game had multiple endings as well; but a revealing truth will become clear through the further you progress through each ending. #20 The game is out on February 23rd! For the Glory of Mankind!
  13. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    @delete да, аппетит эти видяшки раззадорили + ностальгия по временам, когда консольные библиотеки игр были по-разнообразнее и игры, в которых разрабы не боялись экспериментировать и создавать что-то своеобразное выходили чуть-ли не ежегодно по несколько штук. Не всегда эти эксперименты были удачными, но хотя бы скучно не было.
  14. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    С английскими сабами (их нужно включить).
  15. Snatcher

    Art of Video Games [18+]

    Кукла 2B из недавнего музыкального видео amazarashi Reveal hidden contents Hide
  16. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    @NotaKuroi Без знания сюжета первого Дракенгарда кое-что, о чем он говорит в видео о Нир может быть не особо понятно. Так что если, что не ясно будет можешь глянуть эти.
  17. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Хороший клип. Нужно будет послушать этих ребят на досуге. После просмотра клипа наткнулся на занятное видео повествующее о событиях всех предыдущих игр и не только.
  18. Snatcher

    Art of Video Games [18+]

  19. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    В Японии одновременно с игрой выйдет 192-х страничный гайд, который будет включать в себя артбук и карту мира игры с подробными описаниями и комментариями создателей + две новеллы по миру игры от Эми Нагашимы (писавшей рассказы по Drakengard 3 сюжет манги Drakengard: The Red Unto Death). Надеюсь фанаты не затянут с переводом, на официальный глупо надеяться.
  20. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Интервью с Taipei Game Show. ーThe demo received positive marks in Japan, but what sort of feedback did you get from the players? Saito: Our goal for the demo was to give players a hands-on experience, to witness firsthand how fluid the action is, and to show them what to expect from the final product. We released a demo because it’s difficult to explain in words what a game will be like—it’s better to show you the game and let you experience it for yourself. I’m extremely pleased with all the positive feedback the demo has been receiving. Even though it is an Action RPG, we really want to save the RPG elements for the final release of the game, things like the story, various forms of level progression, and buying and selling items. ーYou’re not able to use the lock-on function in Hard or Very Hard. Will this stay the same in the final release? S: There are many settings at work including the lock-on function, but it won’t be accessible in Hard or Very Hard, unfortunately. For Easy and Normal modes, you can equip a Plug-in chip to turn on this ability, but you are also free to remove it to further personalize your own difficulty level. If you’re not good at action games, you can equip every chip to help you on Easy mode so all you need to do is move the joystick. On Normal, you are also welcome to equip or unequip the lock-on chip as you like. I think the player will be able to customize the game around their own gameplay preferences. ーWe were able to see a few new weapons in the demo that included background illustrations and corresponding weapon stories. I’m sure there will be many more in the final release of the game. Can we expect to see these illustrations change as you level up your weapon? S: I can’t say much about this, but… (haha) Even though the background illustrations won’t change as you level up the weapons, the corresponding weapon story will. The weapon itself will also change its appearance. ーIn the demo, we saw the 3D screen change to a 2D side-scroller. Was there any particular reason you designed stages like that? S: The previous NieR also implemented similar 2D side-scrolling and top-down views. It’s one of the many things that make a “NieR” gameーa fun action gameーso we wanted to throw in a little homage to retro games and what made them so good. It was all the brainchild of Director Yoko Taro, especially since he loves retro 2D games. Simply put, Platinum Games is handling all aspects of the action, so these stage designs are their way of respecting the previous NieR. ーThis is a question for Ishikawa-san. Do you have any interesting stories to tell us from your recording sessions? Ishikawa: Right, I don’t have any funny stories to tell, but when we first began recording, but back then character illustrations were still in development. We had very little to work from. Now we have things like images of 2B and we can actually see how characters robots move, but in the beginning, all we had was a video of real actors performing a particular scene. That was a first for me. It was really interesting to see how that would eventually become part of the actual game. ーThe ending of the demo was so shocking; how does that connect to the finished game? Or was is purely a separate story only meant for the demo? S: Hmm… What do you think, Ishikawa-san? I: You’re passing this to me? (haha) Well, I’ve played the demo and, of course, I know the story, but I thought the ending was a huge cliffhanger. S: It actually caused a bit of a controversy in Japan. People were wondering things like, “Could this actually be the ending of the game!?” (haha) First of all, it’s not a separate story made specifically for the demo. Although it doesn’t depict the very beginning of the game, it still takes place roughly during the beginning. I hope you look forward to the official release of the game to see the resolution of this cliffhanger! ーSo, will there be multiple endings this time around? S: Yes, there will be multiple endings, but exactly how many is a secret. ーAnother question for Ishikawa-san. Without spoiling anything, can you tell us what do you think of 2B? I: (hahaha) Okay. First of all, the story itself is shocking in a multitude of ways—I’m really scared I might accidentally blurt something out. 2B isn’t allowed to express emotion, but in small places, here and there, you can see her treating 9S with gentle care. Since she isn’t overly flamboyant, she may be holding back her feelings, although they tend to unintentionally show in the heat of the moment or in slight subtleties of the heart. I recorded so many lines while thinking how it would be nice if she could express how she really feels. S: I won’t spoil anything, but listening to you just now almost made me cry. (haha) I: The release can’t come sooner! I want to get rid of this antsy feelingーlike I MUST play this game right now!! ーPS4 Pro Support? S: We talked about this with Platinum Games, and of course you can play おn a 4K TV, but when 4K is actually supported, it spoils the 60fps action. At any rate, when we set our minds on it, we were able to make it work. We entirely intend to preserve Full HD 4K/60fps so you can get every ounce out of NieR:Automata. We’re very particular with the motion blur, shadows, and other fine details. After that, we need to maintain the overall performance stability, I suppose. For example, the action cannot lag when a ton of enemies appear on screen. ーIn your demonstration, when you ran from place to place, we got a feel for how big the stages will be. Will we be mostly walking or running between locations? S: You can also fly in the sky and ride on animals. In the presentation, we literally ran through some of those areas because half of it is filled with story elements. Just past where we stopped at the front gates of the Amusement Park, it opens up to an entirely new area for you to explore. I hope we were able to tease that a little for you! ーBefore the presentation began, we saw multiple characters in a trailer. How many playable characters will there be? S: So far, we’ve only stated that 2B and 9S will be playable. There’s also A2, but whether she’s playable or not is a secret, so look forward to that reveal! Maybe she won’t be a playable character. (haha) ーIs this game somehow connected to the previous NieR title? Does it have anything to do with Drakengard? S: I could talk all night about how things are connected, but to answer you briefly, there is no need to play any of the previous games to enjoy Automata’s multiple endings. Simply, if you have played them, I think you’ll really get a kick out of seeing Emil again. As it turns out, though, Hanae-kun (voice of 9S) went back and played them ALL again to refresh his memory. (haha) ーNow that you mention Hanae-san, didn’t he manage to clear Very Hard?! Can you share anything more about that? S: Yeah, he wrote to me on LINE and said, “I’m at the last boss now, but I have to work in the morning, so I need to sleep.” I wrote back and told him, “Go to bed!” About an hour later, I saw he wrote on Twitter that he beat Very Hard. I tried to tell him that he should sleep since he had to appear on the “Oha Suta” TV program the following morning. (haha)
  21. Snatcher

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 / Torna ~ The Golden Country

    Почему-то самое интересное, что показали в трейлере никто не обсуждает. В начале когда гг бежит по полю, камера переходит в вид снизу акцентируя внимание на "двигающихся скалах" вдали сверху, которые на самом деле никакие ни скалы, а шея титана (там еще его рог явно видно). А то-есть герой, поляна по которой он бежит, и город или здание к которому он бежит явно находятся на плече этого титана. Что намекает на то, что возможно львиная доля мира игры состоит из таких странствующих гигантов с человеческими поселениями на них , и на то, что карта мира возможно будет постоянно меняться из-за этих перемещений. От титана к титану почти наверняка можно будет на воздушных кора(Слово удалено системой)х летать (их видно позже, припаркованными к какому-то воздушному порту). Возможно воздушные бои в замен боям на мехах. Может быть игра с самым оригинальным сеттингом эвер. Шикарнейшее развитие идеи оригинала.
  22. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    Это последняя капля. Ты ничего кроме полного абсурда написать я вижу не способен, говорить с тобой смысла нет. Вот тебе напоследок ссылка, почитай кто отвечает за сюжет. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nier:_Automata
  23. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    А они в JRPG когда-то были? Считай самый казуальный жанр на одних сюжетах выезжающий. У тебя чем дальше, тем невнятнее. Называется: "Ни слова из разговора не понял и даже не старался понять, но ляпнуть что-то хочется".
  24. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    [Offtop] Сообщение не относится к обсуждаемой теме. ????? Куда тебя понесло вообще и под действием чего? Нужно было на Patlabor не останавливаться, глядишь чушь не писал бы.
  25. Snatcher

    NieR: Automata

    [Offtop] Сообщение не относится к обсуждаемой теме. Да с 85-го (когда манга Appleseed вышла) вплоть до конца 90-х (в эпоху, когда подавляющее большинство аниме про роботов и вообще всяких мех было сделано) этот стиль заездили по самое не могу. Ты просто явно не смотрел ничего (или очень мало).