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концовки сх2 и как их получить

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как не странно многие не знают концовок сх2 тут я выложил их все и как их получить.... (про)дринутые узеры сразу узнают уткуда я их достал а что для остальные читаите!!!!

Sub Scenario: Born From A Wish

- Maria's Sub Scenario Ending -

** This ending is the only ending you can receive in the Born From A Wish sub-scenario. Maria feels hurt and saddened that Ernest was only a ghost and that he made her remember many things that she didn't want to. Now Maria realizes she is all alone again and is in a suicidal state-of-mind. It's a sad ending, but allows you to figure out how Maria met her destiny, who is James. **

What you must do:

- Complete Maria's Scenario.

What happens in the ending:

In this ending Maria realizes that Ernest was only a ghost and now that she really is all alone in the town. Maria slowly walks down an alley and points a revolver to her head and closes her eyes. After awhile Maria opens her eyes and slowly lowers the revolver, she then throws the revolver. Maria is still sad, but something came over her not to do it. Maria then walks down the alley to Toluca Lake's pier and whispers "James".


Main Scenario: Letter From Heaven

- Leave -

** This ending is the best ending possible to receive. It explains the closure between James and Mary. It's sad yet rewarding. It means that you really wanted to find Mary and didn't let anyone interfere in your mission **

What you must do:

- Neglect Maria as much as possible.

- Heal everytime you are injured, never letting your health go below a dark red.

- Never fully listen to Maria's orders.

- More quickly through the game.

- Don't visit (or check on) Maria in the Brookhaven Hospital room.

- Listen to Mary's full conversataion in the final hallway before the final boss.

What happens in the ending:

After James kills Maria, he will be at Mary's bedside. James shares a short moment with Mary, who is alive once again for a short instance. James apologizes for killing her, hating her and for wanting her misery to end. James also admits that he wants to end his misery as well. Finally, Mary forgives James and tells him to go on with his life. She gives James the real letter he was supposed to receive. As the letter is read and we come to understand Mary's final wishes, James and Laura leave Silent Hill together. The ending lets us know that James is leaving Silent Hill with the closure and resolution that he came looking for. James can finally let go of his guilt and begin a new life with Laura!


- In Water -

** This ending is depressing. It tells us how James wants to be with Mary forever. It's sad, but it's something you wouldn't expect. It means that you couldn't live with this sin of killing your wife anymore and you want to be with her no matter what. **

What you must do:

- Run around in a suicidal manner, with your health in red for long periods of time.

- Read Angela's knife.

- Neglect Maria.

- Listen to the headphones in the alternative lakeview hotel.

- Listen to Mary's full conversataion in the final hallway before the final boss.

What happens in the ending:

After James kills Maria, he will be at Mary's bedside. James shares a short moment with Mary, who is alive once again for a short instance. James apologizes for killing her, hating her and for wanting her misery to end. James also admits that he wants to end his misery as well. Finally, Mary forgives James and tells him to go on with his life. She tells him that he suffers enough in his life and that is enough. Once Mary dies, he picks up her body and drives off a cliff into the lake. Thus, killing himself with Mary. James' misery is over now! As the letter is read and we come to understand Mary's final wishes. The letter is shown as being read from the bottom of the lake. The ending lets us know that James couldn't live with himself anymore and commits suicide. James is now dead and can finally rest from his misery!


- Maria -

** This ending is probably the easiest to get. It tells us how James wants to move on with his life with Maria. It's the type of ending you would expect from the way you played the game. It means that you wanted Maria more than anything and didn't want anything to happen to her. **

What you must do:

- Spend alot of time with Maria (visiting her when shes sick etc.).

- Protect her from harm, NEVER let her get hit (even by James).

- Do exactly what she says, do not ask her twice.

- Don't listen to the full conversation in the final hallway.

What happens in the ending:

James confronts Mary and apologizes for killing her, taking so long to find her and spending so much time with Maria. Mary will not allow him to move on with his life and transforms into the final boss. James kills Mary, then goes to the pier where he finds Maria. James asks Maria to leave Silent Hill with him, excepting the fact that she isn't truely real. Maria hands Mary's final letter to James. The ending lets us know that James is willing to except Maria and move on with his life. James and Maria leave Silent Hill together, to start a new life!


- Rebirth -

** This ending can only be achieved when you complete the game once. Collect four new ceremonial items and you will get this ending. It's weird, yet you can understand why he wants Mary back. It means that you can't live without Mary and want her back and your willing to do anything to get her. **

What you must do:

- Collect the White Crism from room 105 at the Blue Creek Apartments.

- Collect the Obsidian Goblet that is located inside the broken display in the Silent Hill Historical Society.

- Collect the Book of Lost Memories is located in the newspaper stand outside of Texxon Gas.

- Collect the Crimson Ceremony located in the reading room of the alternate Lakeview Hotel.

What happens in the ending:

After James defeats Maria, he will row back to the center of the lake where an island is located. James intends to use these items he collected in a ceremony to try to bring back Mary. James becomes a follower of Samael and joins the dark cult in hopes that it will revive Mary from the dead. He sells his soul and wants to stay with Mary in Silent Hill forever.


- Dog -

** This ending can only be achieved when you completed three endings or the Rebirth ending. Once you find the Key you must go the observation room in the alternative Lakeview Hotel. Once you play the videotape, the ending begins. **

What you must do:

- Find the Dog Key by a little dog house in a space behind Jack's Inn on Nathan Avenue.

What happens in the ending:

Once enter the room the hilarious scenes begin. A MUST see ending, if you have a sense of humor.


- UFO -

** This ending can only be achieved when you completed both Born From A Wish and Letter From Heaven scenarios. Once you complete both and start a new game, a blue gem will be on the floor in the bathroom at the start of the game. **

What you must do:

- Use the blue gem in the garden of the alternate Brook Haven Hospital.

- Use the gem before you get into the boat on the dock.

- Finally, use the blue gem in Room 312 in the Lakeview Hotel.

What happens in the ending:

Once you use the blue gem in room 312 (without missing the other 2 locations above) a cut-scene will begin. The cut-scene is in black and white, it shows Harry (from SH1) and James facing each other. Harry asks James if he has seen his daughter and James asks harry if he has seen his wife. Then suddendly an alien stuns James, then Harry and the alien drag him into their ship.

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А вдруг некоторые английский не знают? :lol:

Говорю не про себя, а вообще... :wink:

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ребята мне что в место вас мислить?? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

скопируите текст на www.translate.ru и одним кликом перевидите... перевод не очень но все таки...

видите какои я умныи :mrgreen:

:clever::clever: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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УУУУААААА псибо большое я только прашел SH2, мне оч понравилось, какраз начал уж было грустить о невозможности пройти еще раз а ту и канцовки разные прикона будем опять проходить, вопрос от сложности игрa сильно меняется ,я прошел игру на нормале.

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Я недавно прошел игру с концовкой "В воде" и чето никак немогу понять, почему ей дали такое название :?

Единственное что я видел - это как Джеймс после разговора с Мери взял ее на руки, появился черный экран, ну Джеймс сказал, что понял зачем он приехал в этот город, было слышно как хлопнула дверь машины он сказал, что теперь они будут вместе и судя по звуку машина рванула с места. И все! Дальше идет фраза Мери (типа "Джеймс, ты сделал меня щастливой" :sad: ) Тут конечно ясно что Джеймс покончил с собой, НО ПОЧЕМУ КОНЦОВКА НАЗЫВАЕТСЯ "В ВОДЕ" :?: :shock: . У меня игра от русского проекта так вот меня терзают смутные сомнения :x что наши друзья пираты чего - нибудь да вырезали :evil:

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Он утопился в озере...

Это я понял из названия :) но кроме этого ничего не указывает на то что Джеймс утопился (или указывает :?: )

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У меня игра от русского проекта так вот меня терзают смутные сомнения что наши друзья пираты чего - нибудь да вырезали

Ага, пираты как всегда постарались.

Должен был идти ролик, изображающий воду и идущие вверх пузырьки воздуха, на фоне которого Мэри очень печальным голосом читает свое предсмертное завещание. :sad:

Самый проникновенный момент в игре, много пропустил.

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Ага, пираты как всегда постарались.

Должен был идти ролик, изображающий воду и идущие вверх пузырьки воздуха, на фоне которого Мэри очень печальным голосом читает свое предсмертное завещание. :sad:

Самый проникновенный момент в игре, много пропустил.

:sad: :sad: так и знал :sad: :sad:

Ну за что? :cry: руки бы им за это поотрывать :twisted: :fight:

А что там в письме у мери написано кроме "Джеймс, ты сделал меня счастливой" ?

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Да там вроде письмо во всех концовках одно и то-же. :crazy:

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