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Bending Unit 22

Обновление Xbox Live Marketplace 10 июля

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[spoil] [quote]theme
Title: Prizefighter

Content: Documentary Theme
Price: 150 Microsoft Points
Availability: All regions except Austria, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland
Dash Text: Download this theme. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see [url=http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts]www.xbox.com/live/accounts[/url].

Content: Venues Theme
Price: 150 Microsoft Points
Availability: All regions except Austria, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland
Dash Text: Download this theme. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see [url=http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts]www.xbox.com/live/accounts[/url].
Title: Canada Day 2008

Content: Canada Day 2008 Theme
Price: Free
Availability: Canada
Dash Text: Xbox Canada and 360 Prophecy bring you exclusive content just in time for Canada's 141st birthday. Be sure to check out xbox.ca for more Canada Day content!

In Game Content

Price: 200 Microsoft Points
Availability: Asia
Dash Text: シアトルのバトルステージマップです。海に隣接した夜間戦闘のステージ。MS機体の選択や機体カラーの選別が影響します。水陸両用モビルスーツがお勧めです。 ※マルチモードでのみ使用可能です。このアイテムの返金はありません。詳細についてはwww.xbox.com/live/accountsを参照してください。 There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see [url=http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts]www.xbox.com/live/accounts[/url].

Gamer Picture
Title: disruptivepublishers.com

Content: University of Florida Picture Pack
Price: 100 Microsoft Points
Availability: United States
Dash Text: Show your school spirit with this officially licensed picture pack featuring various school logos, colors and more. Preview and interact at disruptivepublishers.com. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see [url=http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts]www.xbox.com/live/accounts[/url].

Content: University of Virginia Picture Pack
Price: 100 Microsoft Points
Availability: United States
Dash Text: Show your school spirit with this officially licensed picture pack featuring various school logos, colors and more. Preview and interact at disruptivepublishers.com. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see [url=http://www.xbox.com/live/accounts]www.xbox.com/live/accounts[/url].
Title: C&C3: Kane's Wrath

Content: C&C3 Kane's Wrath Scrin Gamerpics
Price: 100 Microsoft Points
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: Choose your army and conquer the world in Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath, the follow up to 2007’s best selling real-time strategy game, C&C 3 Tiberium Wars. This standalone game features the new CommandStick interface, making RTS easier to pick up and play than ever before. Kane’s Wrath includes all the units, structures, and superpowers from Tiberium Wars, giving you over 100 units and structures to command and 9 unique armies, each with its own play style! Spread Tiberium across the planet -claim it as your own for the glory of the Overlord. Unleash this gamerpic pack as Scrin, Traveler-59, and Reaper-17 and continue the infestation across the planet!
Title: Canada Day 2008

Content: Canada Day 2008 Picture Pack
Price: Free
Availability: Canada
Dash Text: Xbox Canada and 360 Prophecy bring you exclusive content just in time for Canada's 141st birthday. Be sure to check out xbox.ca for more Canada Day content!

Title: Supreme Commander

Content: Supreme Surrender - You Mean Us No Harm, Episode 3
Price: Free
Availability: United States
Size: 73.53 MB
Dash Text: [ESRB] He who runs away lives to surrender another day. The conclusion to the newest machinima series from Rooster Teeth using Supreme Commander on the Xbox 360.

Content: Supreme Surrender - You Mean Us No Harm, Episode 2
Price: Free
Availability: United States
Dash Text: [ESRB] Who would have thought that e-mail could be so dangerous? Find out why in the second episode of Supreme Surrender, created by Rooster Teeth using Supreme Commander for the Xbox 360.[/quote][/spoil]

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Да, МС любит брать бабло за то, что у других нахаляву -- бери-не хочу :-D

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