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Bending Unit 22

Некоторые владельцы Halo 3: ODST обнаружили в игре сюрприз

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Сюрприз состоит в том, что новенькие, только что купленные диски с игрой просто не читаются. (С дисками других игр таких проблем нет.)

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у меня перадская версия там же висла,но установка игры помогла

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[quote name="Xopek"]А если попробовать установить игру на винт?[/quote]
Парню, что снял второе видео это не помогло.

Вот его коммент:

My 360 Manufacturing Date: 2006-09-07

- Game crashes with a "Disk read error" after the drop cinematic. **(see note under this list)
- Perfect Quality brand new Disk
- All other games have worked fine
- The Failure is repeatable and not random.
- Works in other 360 systems.
- It is not a dirty DVD lens
- happens during loads only
- Replacement game disks fail in the same way at the same spot
- Removing HDD does not fix it
- Clearing cache does not fix it
- Installing to HDD does not fix it
- Profile logged in or using a temporary does not fix it.
- does not fail during gameplay *
*This error is linked to loading only, once loaded it should not fail during gameplay. If it does, maybe you do have a dirty disk or dirty dvd laser.

My response to a Bungie Mods request:

Since different people can have slightly different issues, we want to get an idea of the various issues that people are seeing individually. For those of you having problems similar to this, please PM me the following:

1. A brief description of your specific problem and what you've tried to fix it. Please do not recap the thread.
2. Remove your hard drive and play through the same sections of ODST that are failing. Does that make a difference?
3. Put in Halo 3 and play through a the first few campaign missions (on easy, it'll go quick). Do you see the same behavior as in ODST, or does it function perfectly?

Edit: I'd like people to try playing Halo 3 now. For many people it's worked in the past, but the piece of information I'm looking for is does it work now.

1. All game menus work and loading the maps but it will give me the Cannot Read Disk error every time. Some times I get the error from watching the first cut scene.

2. Removing the Hard Drive does nothing.

3. Halo 3(original) functions perfectly. The Halo 3 included in ODST does not work as I get Unreadable Disk Errors also.

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