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Wii U

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скачал аддон Луиджи.. прошёл пару уровней)
по хардкорнее стало, сто секунд всего дают на прохождение этапа и монетки запрятаны лихо уже

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[member='thetip'], через месяц кажется. и на 50% дороже

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Ну что, моежте меня поздравить - я купил Wii U! Беленькую:) Первые впечатления очень положительные! Консоль оказалась гораздо лучше, чем я предпологал ранее:) Ребята, вопрос: у меня стоит самая первая прошивка, сколько примерно будет весить первое обновление? Я тут начитался страшилок о 5Gb апдейте о.О Изменено пользователем Solid_Sergei

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[quote name='Solid_Sergei' timestamp='1371794343' post='3396140'] Первые впечатления [/quote]

А что насчёт пада?:) 

[quote name='Solid_Sergei' timestamp='1371794343' post='3396140'] сколько примерно будет весить первое обновление? [/quote]

Много. Долго обновляет. Но зато потом консоль работает в разы лучше. 

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Ивата и Реджи — 1st-party игры необходимы для привлечения сторонних издателей, ЕА работает над играми для Wii U

The following comes from an IGN interview with Satoru Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime.

"What we need to do is regain the momentum of the Wii U in the marketplace and establish successful examples of third-party Wii U software. Our focus is, first of all, to regain the momentum of the Wii U towards the end of this year, and then we’ll try to establish successful third-party Wii U software titles. I believe in the importance of third-party support for Nintendo platforms. I’m very willing to change the current situation.

If we had an infinite amount of resources, development resources, we might be able to satisfy any and all needs of game players and non-game players all over the world. But our resources are always limited. The fact of the matter is that there are some areas of game creation that Nintendo is very good at, but there are other things that Nintendo is not very good at. There are huge numbers of fans of Nintendo software, but at the same time, those types of players still sometimes want to play something else on our platform. Because of that, we always need third parties to support us, in order to make our platform complete. - Iwata
"I’ve had conversations with a number of the publishers. As they see what we’re doing and the commitment we have with Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda… As we have behind-the-scenes conversations about what’s further in development and what’s coming down, the decisions around the next lineup of development and where they’re going to put their development dollars are starting to shift. EA do have projects in development... just nothing coming out this fall.

Looking at this through the prism of a business decision, if I’m a third-party publisher, what I want is that I want a large, diverse installed base to invest in my development and be able to monetize against that large installed base. That’s why, from a Nintendo first-party perspective, we have to drive the installed base. We need a diverse group of consumers. Not just core, not just casual, but a broad, diverse group of consumers within that installed base, so that whether you’re Ubi with Assassin’s Creed or with Just Dance, you’re feeling confident that your game is going to find a home. You’ll be able to monetize your development.

We have ongoing conversations with publishers about how to support them, how to support their development, how as best as we can to assure that their games are going to do well on our platform. In the end, independent publishers need to decide what’s going to be best for their companies." - Reggie Fils-Aime

Миямото старается придумать новые идеи для F-Zero, хочет оставить F-Zero/Star Fox для внутренней разработки

Coming from an IGN interview with Shigeru Miyamoto.

"I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game. I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."

Miyamoto was asked if he felt some franchises (like F-Zero or Wave Race) were better suited to older generations of Nintendo hardware.

"It’s tough. We come to the show and we bring a lot of great franchises and everyone says, 'Oh, well, where’s this game that I want to play? Where’s something new?' I only have so much capacity. [laughs] Obviously in the past we’ve tried to work with other companies, where we’ve let them develop games for us in franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero, but the more we think about it, the more we prefer to be able to create those games internally, on our own. We’ve obviously, as I mentioned, been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time, so we can create new games and work on additional old IP and still maintain the other primary franchises that people want to see."



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[quote name='VLQ' timestamp='1371795763' post='3396179'] ЕА работает над играми для Wii U [/quote] 


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Ну что, моежте меня поздравить - я купил Wii U! Беленькую:) Первые впечатления очень положительные! Консоль оказалась гораздо лучше, чем я предпологал ранее:) Ребята, вопрос: у меня стоит самая первая прошивка, сколько примерно будет весить первое обновление? Я тут начитался страшилок о 5Gb апдейте о.О

полтора гига, у меня  - час качало, 20 минут устанавливало... 
Велкам ту зе клаб! ))

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слил на первом же уровне все пять жизней в NSLU. Хорошая игра.

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скачал аддон Луиджи.. прошёл пару уровней)
по хардкорнее стало, сто секунд всего дают на прохождение этапа и монетки запрятаны лихо уже

Сын вчера тоже поиграл немного, до первого босса. Говорит заметно сложнее обычного НСМБЮ.

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Ну почему не сделали возможность играть за 2 персонажей на геймпаде и на моуте, опять гребаный режим поддержки em48.gif

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Первые впечатления

А что насчёт пада?:)

сколько примерно будет весить первое обновление?

Много. Долго обновляет. Но зато потом консоль работает в разы лучше.
На счет пада - он офигенный! Я его как из коробки достал - как ребенок радовался:) Угарная штуковина:) В ркуах лежит хорошо, экран оказался на удивление хорошим и ярким:) Короче я в восторге:) Всем спасибо за ответы! :D

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Создатель Conker's Bad Fur Day делает The Unlikely Legend of Rusty Pup для Wii U/3DS eShop

The following info comes from a Nintendo Life interview with Chris Seavor.

- coming from Chris Seavor's company, Gory Detail
- 2D platformer with dark elements

"It's all very much about the story. It's a very sad tale. It's not dark as in 'mature' — it's not got swearing in it, or anything like that. It's quite a serious and adult story, but still a fun and hopefully playable game with lots going on. There will be moments of dark humour, but nothing gory.

It's a 2D platformer, but a with depth to it. You physically move in and out of the screen. It's also got hints of Lemmings in there. The game has a core gameplay mechanic — and when I say mechanic I mean something you do which will effect something else in the gameworld — which we can't say because it will give so much away! The main reason I'm being secretive is because we don't know whether it works or not yet and until we've tried it properly, we won't know. It will change. You put a mechanic in and even the simplest mechanic will throw out a thousand different problems.

The character is becoming the important thing. You're caring about this character. There are added elements which make it quite like a virtual pet game, a nurture game — you've got this character you want to keep alive. Rather than you're controlling him to get from A to B, you're controlling everything else to make sure that he doesn't die. Within that framework, you've got your traditional kind of gameplay — platforms that move, monsters that get out of the way, monsters which don't — but Rusty always has a relationship with you. You're the narrator. So in that way, it's like a God game — it's not strictly a God game, but it's got narration and this mysterious figure — which is you. I'm going to do some little twists and turns with the logic of the story, so there's a reason for the character to be there. It's not like Angry Birds or Jetpack Joyride — there's a reason this character is here. He just doesn't seem to know why."

- looking to spend a year and a half on development


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К NSMBU вышел патч, добавляющий поддержку про контроллеров.

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Вообще Wii U - стильная штука. Я бы сравнил ее с продуктами Apple. Wii U gamepad обладает магнетизмом - не хочется его выпускать из рук. Сама консоль аккуратная и компактная - я думал будет больше, а она чуть длиннее Wii:) Геймпад также приятно удивил легкостью. По фото я думал он тяжелый будет. Понравилась мягкость кнопок. Сейчас думаю прикупить Ninja Gaiden 3, чтоб как следует протестировать пад на хардкорной игре. Короче я очень доволен:) Жду The Wonderful 101, Баечку и шикарные эксклюзивы нинтендо!

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Ну почему не сделали возможность играть за 2 персонажей на геймпаде и на моуте, опять гребаный режим поддержки em48.gif

тоже уже обрадовался что сейчас в марио побегаем, смахнул пыль с про контроллера и вот такая вот фигня, не понимаю я нинтендо.

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Реджи и Ивата — Nintendo никуда не уйдет, рост продаж 3DS, успех Wii, ключевые игры продают консоли

The following comes from an IGN interview with Reggie Fils-Aime and Satoru Iwata.

"The fact of the matter is that we’ve been here constantly. We’ve been betraying people’s expectations, in a good way, for a long time. Have you heard of the theory or the story of the four-minute mile?

For a very long time in the past, it was believed to be impossible that a human could run a mile in four minutes. However, once one person broke the record, 23 more people broke the record themselves in the following year. Many things we can’t do are simply because we think we can’t do them. To put it another way, if we start thinking we can do something, we can do it." - Satoru Iwata
"I saw a video clip from 1990 or 1991. It was a clip off of Good Morning America. It was just before the transition here in the Americas from NES to SNES. The broad themes were, “Is Nintendo dead? Can they make the transition to the next system with other devices getting stronger?” They were talking about PCs. “Is the dedicated gaming system dead?” 1990 or 1991. This industry has been declared dead so many times. Nintendo has been declared dead so many times. It’s just noise.

Fundamentally, this is the entertainment business. If we entertain people, if we put smiles on their faces, they’re going to buy our products – hardware and software. They’re going to support our brands. We will continue to be a very effective and a very, dare I say, successful company. It’s about the content." - Reggie Fils-Aime

On the 3DS turnaround

"Fire Emblem by itself did not change the momentum of 3DS. Fire Emblem, plus Luigi’s Mansion, plus Lego City Undercover, plus Donkey Kong Country, and now Animal Crossing. All of a sudden I’m looking at my 3DS hardware business and it’s cranking." - Reggie

On what made Wii a success

"The inflection point of our Wii business actually changed when we had that sequence of Smash Bros., Mario Kart, and Wii Fit. That’s why we’re so focused on making sure we have this sequencing of games to drive Wii U, essentially beginning now." - Reggie


On one piece of software having the ability to turn things around

"This is something really interesting about this industry. I should say that it’s also something really scary about doing business here. The existence of one software can change the entire picture. Of course, it depends on circumstances. Here’s a hypothesis I seriously believe. If there hadn’t been a Pokemon game, maybe the market for handheld game devices would have gone extinct. If there hadn’t been Wii Sports, maybe the situation surrounding Wii could have been completely different. Remember that before the launch of the Wii, many people in the industry used to say that the Wii could be Nintendo’s last console. So those are two examples of my hypothesis, that one software title can change the entire picture. The console that people were saying would be our last ended up with the most sales in the marketplace." - Iwata
"One game can sell the system. Having said that, I’m not sure that today, in today’s environment, if one game can sell the system. Why do I say that? Again, if you roll the clock back to 2005, the gaming industry, in terms of who was playing games, was much more narrowly defined. If you look at the ESA data that was put out during that time, what it would suggest is that less than 40 percent of households played video games. Where do we sit today? That same data suggests that more than 65 percent of households play games. It’s much more diverse. I would argue that, given the increased diversity, unless the game has that same type of breadth, I think it’s a little bit more challenging for one game to truly change the momentum." - Reggie


Миямото про расширение внутренних студий, разработку игр с помощью сторонних компаний, использовании Retro Studios/Next Level Games

Coming from an IGN interview with Shigeru Miyamoto.

"[We've] been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time."

- This increase in size will allow Nintendo to not only create new games but watch over older IPs
- Miyamoto has been working with Yoshiaki Koizumi "on what we can do to allow the Tokyo studio to create more games."
- Nintendo had already started to "gradually" increase that studio's team over time

"We're doing this not by going out of house to different companies and having them develop games for us, but instead by working with partner companies and subsidiaries in a way that allows the Tokyo studio to run more projects."

Miyamoto on Retro's talents

"Certainly we do feel that we want to leverage the capabilities of Retro Studios further, because as we've seen from the Metroid games, they're a very capable studio."

Miyamoto on why Nintendo has been shifting its thinking and leaning more on its own teams.

"In the past, we had what we called the collaboration projects, which were sort of like an outside company almost doing a cover of our games with their own studios. The determination that we’ve come to more recently is that we prefer to have an internal Nintendo producer who’s there to oversee any outside development work that’s happening, to make sure that it’s in line with what we expect out of our games. I guess in one sense, some of those outside companies that we worked with, they also have a tendency to continue to work on the same projects over time. They tend to look more like internal companies or internal partners than they really actually are. The development style that we have with those companies (Retro, Next Level) is much closer to our own internal development style. It allows us to expand our resources."



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[quote name="Krill" post="3398190" timestamp="1371857167"][b][member='Solid_Sergei'][/b], Какие игры взял вместе с консолью?[/quote] Взял New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land и Zombi U. Марио шикарен - настоящий олд скул хардкор в великолепном HD! Играю и отдыхаю душой от кровищи и насилия. Nintendo Land очень круто демонстрирует возможности геймпада, но я еще не все игры там проверил. Zombi U атмосферная хардкорная - самое то. Еще кое-что хочу подкупить, но пока финансы поют романсы:)

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[member='Solid_Sergei'], Какие игры взял вместе с консолью?

Взял New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land и Zombi U. Марио шикарен - настоящий олд скул хардкор в великолепном HD! Играю и отдыхаю душой от кровищи и насилия. Nintendo Land очень круто демонстрирует возможности геймпада, но я еще не все игры там проверил. Zombi U атмосферная хардкорная - самое то. Еще кое-что хочу подкупить, но пока финансы поют романсы:)

Всё правильно сделал.  :up: 

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[member='Solid_Sergei'], Если не пугает сеттинг, то советую докупить Lego City Undercover. Там отлично реализованы возможности пада.

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[member='Solid_Sergei'], Если не пугает сеттинг, то советую докупить Lego City Undercover. Там отлично реализованы возможности пада.

ну и монстерхантер отличный - но на любителя

Изменено пользователем Sharu

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побегал в демку мх-не мое
пока попрохожу виишные зельды с маревами и ксеноблейд конешн Изменено пользователем KarmaKiller

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