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Эксклюзивы для PS3 ...эти игры вы не увидите на PC и XBOX360

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Убирайте из списка эксклюзивов mercenaries 2, источник [url=http://www.gamespot.com]http://www.gamespot.com[/url] тк игруха будет везде кроме Nintendo
[size=75]Отредактировано Alchemiss[/size]

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[b]Dan4MerC[/b], и что из этого? а потом выйдет новость что ее отменили... вот выйдет - тогда посмотрим...

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[b]aladdin[/b], ну-ну :-D а если не выйдет ты все равно будешь ждать, да? :-D

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[b]ACE[/b], чего мне то ждать? на плейстейшен она стопудово выйдет! а на остальные платформы наплевать...

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Новость вышла ОФФИЦИАЛЬНО! Это уже не слух, так и будет, смирись... :lol:

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ну раз пофиг, значит вычеркивайте

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[quote name="xbuhby"]аладин
Новость вышла ОФФИЦИАЛЬНО! Это уже не слух, так и будет, смирись... :lol:[/quote]

дайте плиз ссылку где это по вашему оффициально? на фанбой сайтах?

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на геймерсайде пишут что новость не фейк, не верю, что Блим-блим ошибается :razz:

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[quote name="ACE"]на геймерсайде пишут что новость не фейк, не верю, что Блим-блим ошибается :razz:[/quote]

ну блин. если разрабы отказываются от новости то что это значит ) стоит задуматся о достоверности источника)

[quote]Capcom does not comment on rumors. Devil May Cry 4 is exclusive to PS3. No other announcements have been made.[/quote]

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[b]Digital Noise[/b], и где они отказываются? источник плиз

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[url=http://kotaku.com/gaming/capcom/capcom-smashes-devil-may-cry-4-xbox-360-rumors-232730.php]http://kotaku.com/gaming/capcom/capcom- ... 232730.php[/url]

[url=http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/Capcom_confirms_DMC4_as_PS3_exclusive]http://www.digg.com/gaming_news/Capcom_ ... _exclusive[/url]


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незнаю. как по мне то что дмц мультиплатформа это не значит что пс3 пришел конец. Уж не верится что в Сони такие уж идиоты сидят . чуствую что, что-то они готовят ) ибо так здаватся глупо )

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White Knight Story
[b]Espionage MMO
Whimsical MMO [/b]
L.A. Noire
[b]Ico Team Unknown Title [/b]
Drake’s Fortune
Killzone 2
[b]Socom Title[/b]
Gran Turismo 5
Hot Shots Golf 5
Eye of Judgment
[b]Gretzky NHL[/b]
Eight Days
[b]LittleBigPlanet [/b]
Ratchet & Clank
Heavenly Sword
[b]Factor 5 Unknown Title
thatgamecompany Two Unknown Titles[/b]
Final Fantasy XIII
Metal Gear Solid : Guns of the Patriots
Tekken 6
Ridge Racer 7
[b]5th Phantom Saga
Angel Rings
Black Blade
Derby Stallion
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
Monster Hunter 3
Monster Kingdom
[b]Redwood Falls [/b]
WarDevil Enigma
[b]Way of the Samurai 3
God Of War 3[/b]

and Highly expected games to be announced:

Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom Heart 3 - сколько игр для бокса сделала square ? :gigi:
Zone of the Enders 3 - [url=http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9739/1159576616452pf0.jpg]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9739 ... 452pf0.jpg[/url]

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крези, была новость от хтра, что кингдом хартс3 выйдет на всех платформах, так что удаляй :razz:
P.S надеюсь зое3 тоже будет мульти :roll:

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2 MMO ето хорошо. А то через пол года мне WoW уже точно надоест.

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[quote]Three new games have been announced for the PS3 from the new Cellius Inc. project between Namco and Sony.

(Cellius: The joint-venture will be focusing on developing games which can maximize the capabilities of the PS3's Cell Processor. This new company is headed by Ken Kutaragi.)

Months have passed and there has been no news about any of the games Cellius have been working on...until now.

The three games previewed in Famitsu magazine:

1) [b]Brave Arms: [/b]

Brave Arms is a 3rd person adventure in which you seemingly have no ranged weapons, so you attack by getting in close and fighting at ultra-close range with context-sensitive attacks. You can see a "guide line" of your enemies' attacks that tells you what they're about to do and if you react with proper timing you can counter it by pressing the Juggle Button at the instant it would hit you. So it's about getting in close, then it becomes a context-sensitive fighter.

2) [b]Chain Limit:[/b] A James Bond/Jack Bauer style spy adventure.

CHAIN LIM!T uses the Target Link system, which is SORT of similar to QTE, but far more advanced. It looks like you use the two sticks; the left stick chooses areas you can interact with in the environment while the right chooses your action. In the middle shot of the first page, the guy is choosing "Bite" and the tape on his girls pants. But he could choose to throw some other object or combine two other objects or whatever. Not exactly a linear QTE. In the airplane engine, we're seeing three scenarios. One where it looks like he dodges a falling box that hits the guy holding his legs, one where he messes up and dies, and one where he selects "remove" while targeting his own belt to drop his pants along with the guy holding them. So theoretically, you can choose any option at any target point, giving you 20+ possible actions. So instead of simple QTE multiple choice, you can combine your options in creative ways.

3) [b]Second Season 01:[/b] A first person drama/sci-fi action title.

SECOND is an investigation/adventure game with multiple game modes. One is exploration, one is shooting, and one is selecting voice responses in realtime, which is very similar to Indigo Prophecy. The modes can happen on top of each other, so you can have gun shooting while choosing voice responses. So in the shooting scene they show, you can either blow the target away with your gun (by physically doing it, not selecting it as an option), or try and negotiate with him by selecting your dialogue. You can always change the camera with the right stick, and the options/voice commands change based on what you're facing.

- The 3 games represent very different narrative genres (action, survival, investigative).

- All 3 use QTE moments (Quick Time Events) like Shenmue, God Of War, Tomb Raider: Legend (and soon to be Heavenly Sword), that is, some (or all?) of the gameplay will involve selecting the available targets on screen and pressing buttons to perform different actions and change how the scenes play out. They are not, however, intended to be pre-rendered QTE games.

- They're all cinematic games involving "bravery, heroes, danger" etc. [/quote]

И Monster Kingdom теперь стал [b]Folks Soul[/b] - [url=http://ps3.qj.net/Folks-Soul-for-the-PS3-gameplay-details-and-Screens/pg/49/aid/87269]http://ps3.qj.net/Folks-Soul-for-the-PS ... /aid/87269[/url] :)

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