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<b>[member=tylymbass]</b>, c шоу конана о брайна. Впринципе там ничего интересного не показали.

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[b][member=Paragraf][/b], супер :up:

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 1 минут 56 секунд:[/size][/color]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 9 минут 59 секунд:[/size][/color]
всем фанатам хало в подпись :icon_cool:

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[b][member=Paragraf][/b], хэдшоты на месте, ок

но почему он не откидывается назад от хэдшота, а картинно падает, как в коде?
щетаю хэдшоты должны поощряться красивой анимацией падения Изменено пользователем pivsky

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[b][member=pivsky][/b], как в жизни скорее
наверное от хедшота улетающий в воздух противник выглядит устаревше по нынешним стандартам физики и анимации

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[b][member=ACE][/b], ну это же хало :why:
по всем законам хало он должен отлететь назад :icon_evil:

ЗЫ в жизни в таком скафандре, при такой скорости движения спартанцы и от 9мм патрона в голову он должен был откинуться назад головой. Изменено пользователем pivsky

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[b][member=pivsky][/b], Уже стрелял в спартанцев из 9мм?)

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[b][member=ЕвгенийМиркин][/b], можно просто провести мысленный эксперимент. надеть шлем и бежать, а тебе навстречу будут лететь теннисные мячи. я думаю, ты упадешь при попадании в голову мяча на высокой скорости, а представь, что энергия пули, тем более будущего, в несолько десятков или даже сотен раз больше.

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[b][member=pivsky][/b], Ну так спартанцы не обычные люди, кто знает сколько весит такой костюм.

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[b][member=pivsky][/b], вес стального скафандра = летать не выйдет. ну разве что только с джетпаком

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[b][member=ACE][/b], прям таки стального в 26 веке. и оружие там тоже не винтовка мосина.

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[b][member=pivsky][/b], ну на самом деле чувак в том видео просто подскользнулсо о помет чайки :pff:

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[b][member=ACE][/b], х фактор симуляции, прям как в метал гир. мне эти серии нравятся одинаково, я знал что их что то роднит :icon_cool:

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Она расскажет вам все про физику движения!


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[b]Spawn system[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]343 has built from the ground up a new weapon spawning system, the big goal for creating it was to do it in the context of the infinity (spaceship the Spartan IV’s will be fighting on).
[*]Another goal for the new spawning system is to make it accessible for new players, but also to classic Halo players.
[b]Random weapon drops and player spawn time[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]You will still have the initial weapon drops at the beginning of the match, this was done so there is still control over the openings. Especially in team games, so you can still go after the weapons right after you spawn.
[*]Initially they didn’t have weapon drops at the beginning of the match, they discovered that everybody went to the center of the map and started chucking grenades. This, of course, ruined the flow of the maps.
[*]When designing the multiplayer, they broke down it down to the core and see how much they could differentiate from that experience before things fell apart.
[*]The weapons that come into the map are not random, they have timers and there will be a lot done to communicate to the player that the weapons have respawned.
[*]Every mode and map has its own specific weapons and drops that fit the play style. For example: smaller maps you will not randomly get a sniper, but more stuff accordingly like the sword and rocket launcher.
[*]The weapon drop system is called “Ordinates”. They drop down from the skies (Frank mentions the ODST’s pods), they can kill the player if they are close when they’re landing. The player will be informed that it is incoming though.
[*]They emphasize that like previous Halo’s its customizable and you can make your own variants (aka custom games). So all the new stuff implemented can be turned off (For example: the player spawn time).
[*]That players get a heads up that new weapons have spawned has changed up the game to a certain extent, it takes away the knowledge advantage of players who have played longer and has brought back the pure skill of playing.
[*]There is a lot of information coming in (on the hud), but they are not distracting and it takes about three of four games to get completely use to them.
[*]The instant player respawn is up to the player, you can take your time choosing you’re loadout. However, if you want you can go back instantly you can.
[*]The instant player respawn is not implemented in all modes, for example objective modes do not have it.
[*]All the maps created for Halo 4 multiplayer can be used for any objective game type, but they have also made the maps in mind to one specific objective.
[b]Load-outs[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]Unlocking of Armor Abilities and Weapons in system link are confirmed to be in there. Right out of the gate people can customize for tournaments and custom games.
[*]There is a career mode in multiplayer, in which you must grind for experience points.
[*]The load-out system is back, this was done so people can cater to their own play style.
[*]Via the load-out system you can get the Battle Rifle as start weapon, but this of course hast o be unlocked.
[*]Not every weapon will be in the load-out, some of them will be exclusive to the “Ordinates”. For example: you can’t choose the rocket launcher. Again, this can still be done in custom games.
[*]They will however be balancing them so there isn’t one god-tier weapon people start out with.
[*]There was internal debate whether both Battle Rifle and DMR both should return, because they both serve the same purpose. They have however found that there are subtle differences, they mostly say that sound really plays a huge role.
[*]Another difference is that the DMR has a slower rate of fire (compared to Reach) and it is balanced against the Battle Rifle because that has a faster rate of fire.
[*]With the Battle Rifle you have recoil, distance plays a big role. Mid range Battle rifle will win, outer range DMR will win.
[*]Each weapon has its role, so there is no weapon that will rule them all.
[b]Armor abilities[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]Armor Abilities will return, but they have looked at how people have used them in Reach.
[*]Everybody has Sprint from the start, you have a sprint meter so you can’t use it endlessly.
Maps have been designed on the basis of mobility.
[*]There is a slow-down mechanic when you’re getting shot, so you can’t run up and double-melee without taking a face full of bullets. The same applies for people running away.
[*]You walk faster on base level ten you did in Reach.
[*]They looked at Halo 1 and Halo 3 as benchmarks for specific things, for weapons they have looked at the Halo 1 and speed and mobility at Halo 3. They love Halo 2 too though.
[*]Forerunner vision is more like the visor mode from Halo 3: ODST and Batman Akham Asylum’s Detective mode .
[*]Forerunner vision was built for situational awareness, the refer to it as a “motion tracker”. With the mode you can see where people are and if somebody is nearby. You can’t use other armor abilities with it.
[*]Forerunner vision is more likened to sonar. So there is some delay before you get information. Another trade-off is that other players can hear you use it.
[*]The armor abilities, for most part, have counters to other armor abilities. There is a more “Rock-paper-scissors” type of approach going on.
[*]Armor Lock will not be returning.
[b]Spartan Ops[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]Spartan Ops is integral to single- and multiplayer. They say if you’re a fan of Firefight, then you will love Spartan Ops.
[*]There is one consistent character development across all modes, so your ranking will carry over from modes. This was done intentionally to bridge that gap between single- and multiplayer.
[*]Spartan Ops is more objective based compared to Firefight and they will bring story into it via a weekly CGI movie.
[*]Although they put a lot of emphasis on story in multiplayer, they will not force people to watch story bits.
[*]You will get experience for contributing, for example using different tactics, vehicles and guns.
[*]There is another unannounced system that ties into the reward system, for completionist players are going to dig it.
[*]With the objectives in Spartan Ops, they will push the player to go in different areas and use different tactics.
[*]The missions you play in Spartan Ops tie into the fiction and hopefully will appeal to people who love great science fiction and characters.
[*]Spartan Ops is in ways an continuation of the Halo 4 campaign.
[b]Other[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]:[/font][/color][list]
[*]The map “War House” (The map with the huge Gundam in the middle) has been renamed.
[*]They have a internal system called “Cortana’s Web”, a robust system for taking game play information and tweaking so can give out specific information, like advantages of weapons.
[*]Weapon sounds have been upgraded, sound more menacing and scary.
[*]The game will be at E3.
[b]Notes[/b][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]: Some of the stuff was already clarified earlier via the community thread, but kept them in for the sake of putting everything in one place. The podcast is pretty interesting, nice hearing people behind the scenes talking about the though process. If you have the time, do listen to it. Like I said with my previous post, it is sometimes better to read this while listing to the podcast; it can make more sense in the context it is being said. [/font][/color]

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[quote name='Paragraf' timestamp='1334758380' post='2620488']There is a slow-down mechanic when you’re getting shot, so you can’t run up and double-melee without taking a face full of bullets[/quote]

а так все ништяк звучит

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[quote name='pivsky' timestamp='1334760912' post='2620535']
[quote name='Paragraf' timestamp='1334758380' post='2620488']There is a slow-down mechanic when you’re getting shot, so you can’t run up and double-melee without taking a face full of bullets[/quote]

а так все ништяк звучит
реализм,в моём хэйло!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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квадратный реилган?
там хотя бы оружие ковенанта или предтеч будет отличным от кубов?

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 29 секунд:[/size][/color]
арт крутой

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как жэ всётаки грамотно нагнятают хайп к выпуску хало4!

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[quote][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Игровая серия [/size][/font][b]Halo[/b][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] от [/size][/font][b]Bungie Studios[/b][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] — идеальный материал для создания фильма: научная фантастика с серьезно проработанной мифологией и сюжетом, а также с многомилионной аудиторией фанатов. Первая информация об экранизации этой знаменитой серии всплыла еще в далеком 2005 году, и с тех пор производство фильма так и не сдвинулось с мертвой точки. Писатель [/size][/font][b]Джейми Рассел[/b][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] рассказал почему фильм по мотивам Halo скорее всего так и не увидит свет. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000]С его слов, компания [b]Microsoft[/b], которая прекрасно понимала ценность Halo, требовала своего участия во всех процессах производства фильма, и никак не могла умерить свои запросы. «[i]Microsoft пыталась все делать по-своему, не оглядываясь на то, как происходят дела в Голливуде[/i]», — написал Джейми Рассел в своей книге Generation Xbox: How Videogames Invaded Hollywood. Ссылаясь на [b]Ларри Шапиро[/b] из Creative Artists Agency, Рассел добавил, что со временем запросы и требования Microsoft, относительно фильма по Halo, превратили проект в нечто совершенно неподъемное, а ведь лента могла стать новым «Аватаром». [/color]

[color=#000000]В разное время на участие в создании фильма подписывались такие люди, как [b]Гильермо Дель Торо[/b], [b]Стивен Спилберг[/b] и [b]Питер Джексон[/b], но на определенном этапе переговоров отказывались от проекта. Сейчас экранизация Halo находится в «замороженном» состоянии и ее дальнейшая судьба неизвестна.[/color]

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