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Грустно всё это, господа хорошие... Грустно видеть во что превращается этот форум...

А что делать игроков много, а понимающих людей мало :evil:

И как они только загадки там умудряються решать :wonder:

:roll: причем народ настолько ленивый, что никто ведь не хочет пробежаться по страницам форума или скачать прохождение, а нужно обязательно, чтоб ему, милому, все обьяснили на пальцах, индивидуально для него, как гороскоп, составили персональное прохождение

Может еще и игру за них проходить, а они будут сидеть рядом и пугаться :-D

ЗЫ есть сэйвы сразу поле ящика, после досок и после просмотра ролика в ресторане (специально сделал), но только как их добавить???

Вышли мне на мыло, я выложу на сайте.

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Грустно всё это, господа хорошие... Грустно видеть во что превращается этот форум...

А что делать игроков много, а понимающих людей мало :evil:

И как они только загадки там умудряються решать :wonder:

:roll: причем народ настолько ленивый, что никто ведь не хочет пробежаться по страницам форума или скачать прохождение, а нужно обязательно, чтоб ему, милому, все обьяснили на пальцах, индивидуально для него, как гороскоп, составили персональное прохождение

Может еще и игру за них проходить, а они будут сидеть рядом и пугаться :-D

а потом нагло всех уверять, что, мол, я прошел такую-ту игру за три часа и не потратил не потрона!

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ЛЮДИИИ объясните мне как скачать сейвы концовок SH2 а потом и просмотреть их?

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Он лечит только от кошелька в унитазе а чтоб еще и код виделся то это надо подругому-как я уже описывал! посмотри такая тема есть называется "Есть идея" просмотров 62 ответов 0... грустно

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ЛЮДИИИ объясните мне как скачать сейвы концовок SH2 а потом и просмотреть их?

А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал :shock:

Но если нашел, то закачай браузером или прогой для закачки, а потом запихни файлы *.dat в папку Folder_01. А в игре загрузи нужный сэйв.

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А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал

Но если нашел, то закачай браузером или прогой для закачки, а потом запихни файлы *.dat в папку Folder_01. А в игре загрузи нужный сэйв.

Игра хранит информацию о сейвах в файлах "SaveImage.pcv" и "sh2pc.sys". Если просто скопировать файлы *.dat, ничего не изменится, игра просто не будет их 'видеть', т.к. записи о них нет в выше упомянутых файлах.

Потому надо заменять всю папку "save".

А сыйвы вот:

Ссылка 1

Ссылка 2

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А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал

Но если нашел, то закачай браузером или прогой для закачки, а потом запихни файлы *.dat в папку Folder_01. А в игре загрузи нужный сэйв.

Игра хранит информацию о сейвах в файлах "SaveImage.pcv" и "sh2pc.sys". Если просто скопировать файлы *.dat, ничего не изменится, игра просто не будет их 'видеть', т.к. записи о них нет в выше упомянутых файлах.

Потому надо заменять всю папку "save".

Не обязательно. Можно просто заменить старый файл, о котором есть запись, а загрузиться нужный сэйв.

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ЛЮДИИИ объясните мне как скачать сейвы концовок SH2 а потом и просмотреть их?

А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал :shock:

Выкладывал. Один крендель с погонялом "Coredumper" на форуме iXBT ... :twisted:

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Esli vam povezlo tak chto v pechatnoy masinke ne viden kod(kak i mne povezlo) to esli igra u vas na diske s dvuma versiyami(Russian & English,a vi estestveno vibrali Russian) to mojete pereustanovit na English a tam obazatelno on viden,no potom srazu je vernite na Russian potomushto dalshe ponadobitsa xoroshee znaniye angliyskogo.

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ЛЮДИИИ объясните мне как скачать сейвы концовок SH2 а потом и просмотреть их?

А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал :shock:

Выкладывал. Один крендель с погонялом "Coredumper" на форуме iXBT ... :twisted:

Напиши как туда попасть (forum iXBT) :mrgreen:

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ЛЮДИИИ объясните мне как скачать сейвы концовок SH2 а потом и просмотреть их?

А сэйвы концовок никто вроде не выкладывал :shock:

Выкладывал. Один крендель с погонялом "Coredumper" на форуме iXBT ... :twisted:

Напиши как туда попасть (forum iXBT) :mrgreen:

Ссылка на эти сэйвы пятью постами выше.

А вообще: http://forum.ixbt.com/0025/011858.html

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парни ну не понимаю как можно вообше мучаться с прохождением игры ну??????

все!!!!! чтоб не было типо постов как зделать как то как что... и все в том же духе...

еше пост дублирую в отдельную тему

это полное прохождение со всеми секретами ... на пк тоже самое











After the scenes, head west from the bathroom. In the car, grab the

Silent Hill Map.


Head down a flight of stairs and head across a path. You should see a

gate nearby. Head through.

Inside the graveyard, you'll see Angela. Talk to her and exit through

the gate to the west. Follow the path and you'll be on a road. That

road is Sanders Street.

Head to Lindsay Street to find blood. Head north on Vachss. There are

some Health Drinks on the right side of the street. Grab them... you'll

need them, especially on hard mode!

Follow Vachss Road. There's a lawn nearby with the first save point of

the game. Instead of the notepad from SH1, you get some red slab. There

are 2 health drinks nearby... you'll need them.

Continue on Vachss Street. At the end is a wooden block in. Climb

through and you'll encounter your first monster. Inside, a scene

happens. James gets his first weapon... a Wooden Plank! It is effective


Strike the monster and finish it off. The Plank is effective, since the

Handgun isn't coming your way for a while. You also get the Radio,

which sounds when monsters are nearby. Head back to Lindsay Street.

From there, find your way to Saul Street and then to the very top of

Martin Street.


Monsters now roam the streets... dodge them since you have a lot of

space. On the top is a corpse. On it is a key. It is the Apartment Gate

Key. Look at the map to find "WOODSIDE APARTMENTS." To get there, head

west on Katz. The gate is nearby. Use the Key you just found to get in.

Head to the nearby door. You are in the Woodside Apartment Building. It

is MUCH like the Midwich School from the first game.




Inside the building, grab the Map of Woodside. You'll need it! Grab the

Health Drink and save. You can't see the map yet because you need a

flashlight. Head up the nearby stairs.

Enter through the door to the second floor. Turn right and travel down

the hall passed 2 doors into room 205. Inside, explore the human decoy.

Grab the Flashlight and a monster attacks.

Hurt it with the Plank. Now that you can see the map, we need more

weapons, after that weird monster. While the Handgun isn't coming for a

while, we stock up on bullets.

Run to Room 210, using the map for guidance and killing monsters with

the Plank on your way there. Inside the rooms, grab the Handgun

Bullets. Now that we have decent stock, head to 3F. There, you'll see a

key across a gate.

A girl will kick it away. Head to room 301 on 3F. Inside is the Handgun

in a cart.


Go to Room 208 now. Passed it is a gate with a monster. Beyond that

gate is something important- a door!

Inside 208, a man lies dead. On a shelf is Room 202 Key. Take it to

Room 202 on 2F. Inside, head to the kitchen for an important Health

Drink. A bedroom with some green stuff and bats has a Clock Key.

Take the Clock Key to Room 208 and head into the room near the dead

guy. Inside is a clock. Use the Clock Key on the face. Now use the D

PAD to turn the keys of the clock.

Keep turning it until you hear a click. When it clicked while I was

playing, it was a 9:10. It may be random, depending on the riddle

difficulty you chose at the start of the game.

Now go to the side and try to push the clock. Examine the clock like

you would any item and select "yes" when pushing it. It reveals a hole

in the wall leading to another apartment. Head out this apartment and


Outside the room, you are on the other side of the gate near the door

leading to Room 208. Head through the door to another flight of stairs.

Climb it to 3F.

Examine the Map to find out that you can now get to the other side of

that gate where that girl kicked the key. Run there. Grab the Fire

Escape Key. Head into Room 307. After a scene, grab the Courtyard Key

in the closet and exit.

Head to the stairs on the east, noted on the map. Head down to the

bottom of the stairs to 1F. The door nearby leads to Canned Juice. Grab

it. Head back up to 2F by taking the stairs you just went down on.

Head up to 3F, down the north stairs, through Room 209, through the

room with the clock and dead man and to the laundry area by the stairs

you first used to get to 2F.

There is a garbage tunnel there. After about 10 minutes of figuring,

the realized the heavy thing you needed to drop into there was the

Canned Juice you found.

Now I ponder... where do we go next? Outside. This took me an hour to

find, but outside, near the gate you first entered from, is a garbage

dump. Examine it to get an Old Man Coin.

Head inside again and to the locked door at the foot of the stairs. Use

the Courtyard Key and head out. In this pool area, run down into it and

shoot the monsters. Head to the cart in the middle and grab the Snake


Now head to the other door in this courtyard. It is near the one you

used to get to this building. Head into Room 101. Inside, is Eddie.

After talking to him (It never occurred to me that we had to explore

that area, so we couldn't move ahead), leave.

Head back through the courtyard and climb to 2F. Head to the left side

of the lobby and use the Fire Escape Key to head through. You arrive at

another building... another damn apartment building!




We are in another apartment building, but this one is shorter than

Woodside. We are in a bedroom. Run out into the bathroom. AndyRose2000

told me to check in the toilet for a combination.

Check it and you get a combination. It might be random. Jot it down,

along with arrows' direction. Head into the main area o the same room

and you will find a safe.

Use the combination from the toilet. When going to a new number, turn

the dial in the direction of the arrow after the previous number.

Inside are 4 Handgun Bullets. Thanks to AndyRose2000 for this extremely

helpful tip.

Now we need to head out. Arm the Plank for now. Head out. Outside, find

a door under an exit sign. It is a stairway and to James' right is the

Blue Creek Map.

Use it to follow my next directions. To get back to Woodside

Apartments, use Room 203, as hinted in the map. But we don't need to

bother with that place anymore, but if you want to ever get back to the

areas at the start, that's the path you use.

If you want to save, head to Room 105, on the first floor. For another

dose of ammo, head to Room 109. Head through the white door in that

room and you'll see a scene with Angela.

You know have her knife. But it isn't a weapon! I've tried!


Collect the coin nearby. It is the Prisoner Coin. Like the Snake and

Old Man Coins you found at Woodside, we are going to need this for a

puzzle coming up.

Head to Room 105. Look at the little drawer with the 5 circles. The

coins you found are needed for it. Since I'm playing on all 3 Riddle

Modes, here are my solutions.

For the HARD Mode, insert the Old Man in the second slot. Put the Snake

in the fourth slot and the Prisoner in the last slot.

For the NORMAL Mode, insert the Old Man in the second slot. Put the

Prisoner in the middle slot and the Snake in the last slot.

For the EASY Mode, insert the Old Man in the first slot. Insert the

Snake in the middle slot and the Prisoner in the last slot.

The drawer should open, revealing a key called the Lyne House Key. A

person named Lyne probably owned this place. The Lyne House Key fits

into Room 209, so head there on 2F.

Inside, you'll hear someone whisper. But I couldn't hear what he said.

If anyone heard, please e-mail me!

Anyway, head to Room 208 via the balcony. Inside 208, there is a Save

Point. SAVE!!! Then grab the Apartment Stairway Key and the Bullets-

you'll need the bullets for your first boss fight!

Travel to the north stairs on 2F. Travel across the balcony again to

209 and turn left to the stairs in the northern area. The Key you got

should work there. Remember to SAVE!!!

Head down to a boss fight! This is fairly hard, so arm the Handgun and

have at least 45 Handgun Bullets.





This is probably the monster President Evil called "Pyramid Head" in

his analysis of SH2. Now it's after us! Arm the Handgun and get as far

as possible from Pyramid Head. Start shooting it. On Normal and Hard

Modes, reload your gun in the menu because James can get hit doing it

manually. Believe me, I know!

Keep shooting and running passed it. It hits pretty hard. That Knife is

the best weapon James can find later and if it is stronger than even

the Handgun, imagine the damage it can inflict on James.

Although it seems P. Head isn't getting hurt, it is. Just listen to the

clank of the bullets. P. Head will eventually go down the stairs. DON'T

FOLLOW! I followed him and I got killed.

The water will drain and you can now exit the damn place. Exit and you

are back outside, on the other side of the blocked area near Woodside


Another away to defeat him, thanks to someone e-mailing me, which I

will post his name soon, is to just dodge him until he leaves the room

down the stairs. Some people say it is impossible to hurt him, and it

is. BUT the shots make it faster for him to surrender.

Which strategy shall YOU use? Experiment and see which one is best for

you. I personally would shoot it out!







We need to get to the park James wanted to go to at the start of the

game. Run to Rosewater Park. Use the Map to get there. That bratty

little girl who kicked the Fire Escape Key at Woodside Apartments is in

a scene.

After she leaves, proceed to Rosewater. Run through the park until you

see Maria. She will accompany you for now on. According a few people,

what you do with her affects the game.

Now look for "Pete's Bowl-A-Rama." Head inside. Turn to the door to the

left and you'll see Eddie and the girl, named Laura.


Leave the place for now. Talk to Maria and head down the side of

Pete's. Turn right and you'll see a gate. Head through and turn left.

After a scene with Laura, try opening the nearby door.

After another scene, head through the door and up the stairs to the

right. Look for the tiled door and head through to a night club room.

Head out and turn right. Follow Laura to the hospital. Head inside.




Hospitals... brings back [uN]lovely memories, especially in SH1 and RE3.

To the left is a Hospital Map- you'll need it like all the maps thus

far. If you want to save, there's a red slab in the Reception Office.

Head to the Document Room, via the Reception Room. There's a Purple

Bull Key by the typewriter. Read the journal nearby, too. Using the

map, find the staircase so we can go to Floor 2. Head inside the

Women's Locker Room. Examine the bear for a Bent Needle. The Shotgun is

in the nearby locker.

Head inside the Men's Locker Room. Inside the Exam Room Key. Go back

downstairs and unlock the Examination Room. Head to the Doctor's Lounge

for very important Shotgun Shells.

Travel to 2F again. Head into Exam Room 3. Grab the First Aid Kit.

Check the typewriter for a VERY, VERY important code. JOT IT DOWN ON

PAPER, because it is random!

Head into the room called M2 and grab the Lapis Eye Key. The Shotgun

Shells nearby are a needed item for the boss at the end of this


Head into M3 for Handgun Bullets and a Health Drink. M6 has Shotgun

Shells and a Health Drink. Head to Floor 3.

Go to the door leading to the hallway with the "S" Rooms. You need a

code. That code is 7335 on Easy and Normal Riddle Modes and 1328 on

Hard. To find this out, read a memo in the First Floor Exam Room.

Head to Room S3. Maria will leave James' side. There's a key nearby.

Grab the Roof Key. Head over to the roof, via the staircase. Use the

Roof Key to unlock it.

On top is a diary. Read it if you want.


As you head back in, something will be blocking the door. Pyramid Head,

from the Blue Creek Apartments, has returned. After a scene, you'll be

back on the third floor, in the Special Treatment Room.

Down there, head through the door left of the sign. Inside, read the

blood-spattered wall. Try to figure out the code. JOT IT DOWN ON THE


Head to Floor 2 and check on Maria. Then head to the last door in that

hall- S14. Inside, is a box that needs 2 codes and 2 keys to open. Use

the Lapis Eye Key and Purple Bull Keys to remove the chains. Now enter

the code you got from the typewriter on the right padlock.

Enter the code you got from the bloody wall on the left and open the

case for... HAIR!!! Ew...

Anyway, this took me a damn half-hour to figure out, so I had to refer

to my BradyGames Guide for this one! Thanks to BradyGames for the tip!

Go to the Shower Room and look at the green slimed faucet. Go to the

item screen and combine the hair from the bear with the bent needle.

To combine, select the hair and then use the "combine." Now select the

bent needle and select "use." You should get an elevator key. Use it on

the elevator on Floor 3F.

Ride it to Floor 1. Head into Room C3 and talk to Laura. After a few

scenes, you are in your second boss battle. Arm the Shotgun!





I call them monkey men because they hang on ceilings. Aim your Shotgun

up and fire a shot from the Shotgun. There are 2 of them, so keep

moving and strafing.

They can damage, but not VERY much. They'll give you the occasional

hit, but it won't be anything a Health Drink can't heal. But be

careful... as in all survival horror games, damage adds up (I've died

countless times against crows in BioHazard 2!).

Keep firing that Shotgun and it'll be your best friend. The Handgun is

also effective if you run out of Shotgun Bullets. Compared to Pyramid

Head, this guy is a wimp!

After the scenes, we arrive in the Evil Brookhaven Hospital!







We are back in the Garden, but now it is EVIL, like the Midwich School

from SH1. Move through the double doors. Save and grab the Shotgun


Search Room C2 for a First Aid Kit, which you will definitely need.

Head to the elevator. Ride it to Floor 2, 2F. There are nurses and

Shotgun Shells on M4.

Head into M6 and grab the Dry Cell Battery and the Basement Storeroom



They are located near some strange color symbol. Grab the memo nearby.

There are also Handgun Bullets and a First Aid Spray in there.

Return to the elevator and go to 3F. When you emerge, there is a weird

door nearby. It needs 2 rings. Didn't the file from the last room talk

about a ring?

Head to S11 and grab the Handgun Bullets and the AMPOULE! This makes

Harry go to green health AND makes him invincible for about 20 seconds!

Read the memo nearby.

Head to the stairs on 3F by the Storeroom. Descend all the way to the

basement level and use the Basement Storeroom Key to open it. Inside,

push the shelf nearby. After a scene with Maria, climb down the ladder

and grab the Copper Ring.

Travel back to 3F. Head down the elevator to 2F. A radio show message

comes from James' Radio, the one he found in the Construction Site when

that monster first attacked him. Read it closely.

Travel to the Day Room on 2F. Open the refrigerator with Maria's help

to get the Lead Ring. This next section is optional. Otherwise, travel

to the strange door by the elevator on 3F.




Here is the sequence box.

1 2 3

01: O O O

02: O O O

03: O O O

OK. Now we need to press the right buttons. If you remember from the

elevator message, you need the right answers. Well, on the "01" Row,

press button 3. Press button 1 on the "02" Row. On the "03" Row, press

the 3 button.

The box should open, revealing 5 Boxes of Shotgun Shells and 2

Ampoules! Worth the deviating trip!




Now we are back on track. Head to the weird door by 3F's working

elevator. Use the Copper and Lead Rings. Head through the door and down

the stairs.

Down there, there is a long tunnel. Pyramid Head seems to have survived

your battle from Blue Creek Apartments, so we need to run! Run down the

tunnel as fast as you can. Keep running.

If Maria is murdered, the game ends. Keep running until you're at an

elevator. After a sad scene, James is at the other section of 1F. Don't

be too sad, though.

Head into the Director's Room and grab the Hospital Key. Check the map,

too. Now we could head out. Exit through the way you came in after

seeing Laura.




Head south on Carroll Street. The travel east on Rendell. Head south on

Monson. There are many items on the ground- search for many of them!

Head back to Saul Street.

Cross the gate. Now run to the trailer you may have gone to before and

save there. Now go to Neely's Bar for an important file. Look on the

window, passed the comment you saw at the beginning of the game.

Head to "Gonzale's Mexican Restaurant" on East South Vale Silent Hill.

Head there by going north on Neely's Street, and East on Sanders. Head

north Lindsay and grab the Wrench and memo.

Now we need to get back to Rosewater Park where we first saw Maria. Go

west on Katz, through the gate, near the Woodside Apartments and Blue

Creek Apartments you explored at the start of the game. Continue for

Rosewater Park.

Head through the left entrance of the park and find the statue of a

praying woman. Behind the face of it, look for a brown spot and dig

there. There is a box in which you will use the Wrench for.

Now grab the Old Bronze Key. Head to the Silent Hill Historical

Society. Head there, which is west of the Rosewater Park. Enter through

the door in the parking lot. Use the Silent Hill Map from the truck in

the start of the game to get there.




Head into the only open door in this room. Head through the hole in the

wall. Keep going down for about 3 minutes until you reach a door.

Through it, take the FAK (First Aid Kit). Move to the nearest door for

Handgun Bullets. Now head to the far door to continue.

There is a hole in this room. Jump down. You end up in a well. Arm the

Steel Pipe you found at Texxon Gas Station. Examine every inch of the

wall until you find a message saying some of the wall is weaker.

When you find that part of the wall, hit it with the Steel Pipe to find

a door. Head through are you are in a new section of the sewers from

the first Silent Hill. Head to your right to find a blocked door. But

near it is another door to head through.

At the end of the next room is a hole in the ground. We need to open

the hole first. Head through the nearby door. Grab the Spiral-Writing


Now the room is filled with Roaches and your Flashlight goes out. The

Dry Cell Battery you found way back in the Evil Hospital. Suddenly, the

door is locked. Head to the nearby panel.

We need to unlock it. Check to see the lighted buttons. This will

change, depending on your difficulty level. But you must only press the

lighted buttons.

Try out all combinations. Eventually, you'll get the code to get out.

Head to the bars to the right. Use the Spiral Writing Key. Jump down

the hole (again).




We are in a prison beneath the Historical Society. Run to the nearest

door. Inside is Eddie. After Eddie leaves, check the room for some

items, including a Pig Tablet.

Head out and turn left... all the way to the table. There is a map there.

Take it! This place can be confusing!

Head down to the door to the right. Head into the shower and grab the

Seductress Tablet. Use the map to get to the bottom hall of the Toluca


In the bottom hall, head to the only open cellblock for a Wax Doll.

Head to the right hall of the Prison now. Head north. Head north to the

middle doors of this hall and enter the one to the left. There are VERY

important Rifle Shells, since we are getting the most powerful gun, the

Hunting Rifle!

Head to the northern hallway. To your right, head to the seventh cell

block to find the Oppressor Tablet. We have 3 tablets... head to the very

large room of this complex.

In this yard is an hanging platform with 3 square engravings. Place all

3 Tablets into it and you'll hear a dying man scream. Nothing happens!


Head back through the door you came from... there's a Horseshoe on the

door! Grab it! Head to the west corridor. The best way would be to

cross the northern hallway back to the west hallway, to unlock some


Head to the very top left door of the west hall. Head through this

visiting room to the other door. On this new corridor, head to the

lowest right room of this hall to get a Lighter.

Outside in the hallway, there is a sewer hole. Before opening it, you

might want to save in the Boy's Bathroom, nearby. Before going, check

on of the doors on the left side of this hallway. Use the map for

reference. Inside is the... HUNTING RIFLE!


Head back to the sewer hole. Got to the COMBINE option and use it on

the Wax Doll. Then select the lighter and use COMBINE again. Then use

the Horseshoe and the sewer door should open. Thanks to BradyGames'

guide for this tip (since I couldn't figure this one out either:).

We aren't out of the prison yet, though. We are in the basement. Head

through the only open door. Head through the next rooms until you reach

a hole (AGAIN! James' feet will eventually get CRUSHED!).

Head into the nearby elevator. Ride it to another room and save,

because there is a VERY confusing level next.




I call this place the labyrinth because it is a Greek word for "maze"

and believe me, it's more than just a maze! It is also something that

constructs itself... if you refer to the map, the maze is building as

James moves!

Across from the doorway is a ladder that is blocked. Turn left and find

a fork in the maze. You should see a nearby ladder you can climb down-

climb down.

Pyramid Head is here, so if you want to fight, use the Rifle to scare

it away. Circle the room until you feel you have made a circle and look

at the map. The red shows you've been through that door, so you should

head through the other one.

Head through. Inside is the Great Knife! It's the Knife that Pyramid

Head used when you fought him in the Blue Creek Apartments and when

Maria was stabbed.

Grab it and 2 ammo boxes. The Great Knife is stronger than the Steel

Pipe and Wooden Plank, but a little slower. Head back through the

ladder you came from. Using the map you have, head "DOWN" to where a

hole has been made.

Head down. Now is the time to use that Great Knife.




Head through the tunnels until you see a block with faces. Here is MY

solution, though it may be random, depending on the difficulty level.

The cube needs to have red eyes facing right side up. Turn the cube

until you see an upside down face with green eyes.

The exit will now be open. Head through. Maria is alive! (Weird...).

Anyway, she needs to be freed and there's another way inside, passed

the bars. Head back to the room with that cube.

There is a wire cutter now. OK. Fight your way to the very start of the

level, where you entered from the Toluca Prison. Remember the blocked


Cut it with the Wire Cutter and head down the ladder. Head to the first

ladder in a tunnel leading right. Climb that ladder. Follow the next

few tunnels. There are some dead ends, but they only cause a 10-second

devitation. The exits of the tunnels should eventually find you.

Climb a few ladders and turn left, since Pyramid Head is nearby. Climb

the ladders. Equip the Shotgun now. A boss is coming up!

Head down the hallway.





Pop this thing with the Shotgun. Run around this relatively slow boss

and pump this thing full of Shells. After 10+ shells, the boss should


This thing can have a devastating attack if it hits you. It smashes you

and can cut your health down pretty low. Be careful, because 3 hits can

spell James' doom. But don't worry. The relatively quick Shotgun and

the slow boss are a good fit, especially with the Shotgun's sheer


The Hunting Rifle is also effective. But it is relatively slower and

got me killed. DON'T USE IT! You can barely move with it AND it fires

slower than the Shotgun. This can be your biggest blunder, so be VERY,

VERY careful!




After killing this bastard, Angela does the honor of torturing it after

death. Head out after Angela leaves. Head to the first door you see.

Read the inscriptions on the bodies. I figured out this puzzle.

EASY MODE: The Kidnapper is innocent.

NORMAL MODE: The Arsonist is innocent.

HARD: The Counterfeiter is innocent.

Remember their positions in this room!

Head to the next door to the left you see. Inside, depending on your

mode, pull the rope that had the inscription of the guy in the previous

room. If you read the papers of the hanged men, you'll see you're in a

similar room.

Pull the rope that had the innocent man and head back to the room with

the bodies. The Persecuted Key is there. Grab it and head through the

only door you haven't been through in the hall outside. Proceed and you

end up in Maria's Cell, but she's now dead. Who did this? Eddie?


Head through the gate. You are in a weird graveyard. Save, grab 3

Shotgun Shell boxes and head down the grave hole. Make sure you have

the RIFLE equipped.

Down the hole, you must fight yet another boss.





After Eddie stops talking, hit Eddie with the Hunting Rifle twice. One

hit from his gun with take you down to the bottom health, so heal with

a First Aid Spray or Ampoule.

After 3-5 Rifle hits, Eddie heads into the next room. At this time,

equip the Shotgun because Eddie will take a few more hits. Follow him

and then start shooting after he shuts the hell up. Run around him and

fire the Shotgun.

Eddie's Pistol can kill James in even just 2 hits. Always use a Health

Drink when shot.

Run around Eddie. Fire the Shotgun several more times. Eddie will

eventually fall. Unlike the fight with Cybil from Silent Hill 1, Eddie

can't be saved.




After Eddie dies, exit this weird place. We are out of the Labyrinth!




James ends up in an area behind the Silent Hill Historical Society he

explored just a few minutes ago. Now that we are out of that damn

strange level, we still have to get to the Hotel over by the northern

area of the lake (By the area where SH1 took place). It's also day

time, again, which is good.

Save and head down the pier. There is a boat you have to row. On Easy

and Normal Mode, head toward the light by simply pressing the D-Pad.

Turn right when you get on and run toward the light.

On Hard mode, you must use the twin sticks. OK. Start by rotating both

sticks right. You should see the light. Now turn the left stick left

and the right stick right, both at the same time.

You should reach the light in no time. You are now in the hotel.




Climb the stairs and turn left. Look on a fountain for a Little Mermaid

Box. Grab it and enter the Hotel.

Inside, turn left to get the Hotel Map. Use it to navigate through for

the rest of the game. Enter the Lake Shore Restaurant. Investigate the

piano and you get a Letter from Laura.

Find a table and gather the Fish Key. There are Door Monsters, but they

are smaller than the one you saw at the Labyrinth. The Great Knife can

do damage. Look for the small set of stairs behind a nearby door. Head

down the B1F. look for the Venus Tears Bar. It's locked. But in the

nearby elevator, is a Thinner Can. Head up to 1F and to the lobby.

Inside, insert the Little Mermaid Music Box in the center stand, on the

left slot. Save and head through the door left off the check in desk.

Grab the Room 312 Key.

Head up the staircase and turn right through the door. Search the Cloak

Room. There is a briefcase you should open with the Fish Key. Grab the

Room 204 Key. Grab all the other supplies. Head to Room 204. Unlock it

and look for an Employee Elevator Key. Head through the hole in the

room to the next apartment room.

There are photos- use the Thinner to get a code. Use it on the nearby

safe. The Cinderella Box is inside, like the Little Mermaid Box from

the fountain outside. Head to the staircase and then through the other


Head through the white door with the Employee Elevator Key. Inside,

save and there is a save point. Near the elevator is a cabinet. You

MUST store all your items. EVERY LAST ONE.

Head to 1F on the elevator. Ride down and grab another map of the

hotel, displaying some employee areas. Go to the Pantry Room and

collect the Cinderella Box from the shelves.

Enter the Office nearby and grab the Video Tape and Can Opener. Find

the staircase and head down to B1F. Head to the Boiler Room, avoiding

any monsters.

Inside, look to your right and grab a key hanging from a rope. Head to

the Kitchen now. Inside is a can. Use the Can Opener and grab a Light


Head through the other door in the kitchen to the Venus Tears Bar. On

the bar, near the jukebox, use a Light Bulb on the lamp and exit the

room using the Bar Key. You are now back in the hall where you found

the Thinner.

Head back up to the lobby and head to the center piece where you left

the Little Mermaid box. Place the Cinderella Box inside, but we need

the last one- it's in the cabinet near the employee elevator.

Run back there, gather all your items and head back here. Place the

Snow White Box inside. There may be different combinations, so place

them all in whatever order. You should get the Hotel Stairway Key. Head

to the 2F stairs.

On the 3F level, unlock the gate to 3F. Head to Room 312 at last.

Inside, view the video tape and talk to Laura. Afterwards, exit the


Afterwards... some things will have changed...




Now travel to the Reading Room on 2F. Listen to the headphones.

[After playing more than once, the headphones have been determined to

get you an ending. When I viewed it, I got both the In Water ending and

Leave ending. It depends on your other actions.]

Head to the elevator (the one NOT used by staff). Head to Room 202 to

get warped outside Room 19. From there, run to the elevator. Ride it to


Enter the Venus Tears Bar. In the back of the bar, grab 5 Health

Drinks. Run to the kitchen. There are Shotgun and Rifle Shells. You'll

need the Shotgun Shells, trust me!

Head to the Employee Stairs. After speaking to Angela, exit. When you

exit, you aren't in the previous room anymore- you're at the top of the

employee stairs! Weird...

Head to 1F. The Manager's Office has some Rifle Shells you may need.

Head through the other door that's unlocked. Run down the hall,

avoiding the monsters underneath.

At the end are 9 total save points. SAVE! SAVE!! SAVE!!! Load the

Shotgun, since you know have to fight a boss in the lobby.





This is where your skills as a Silent Hill 2 gamer are tested. This

boss is like the one you faced in the Blue Creek Apartments- except

there are TWO of them!

Also, you MUST shoot them this time, instead of just dodge like in the

Blue Creek Apartments and at the labyrinth and hospital.

Load the Shotgun. It is faster than the Hunting Rifle, yet slightly

weaker than the Hunting Rifle. Which should you choose?

Like the battle with Eddie at the Labyrinth, quickness is more than

power. If you are slow, the Pyramid Heads will slash you up into


If the shots are powerful, you can squeeze by with one shot before

running again. There are 2 different strategies here. One for the

Shotgun and one for the Rifle, since different gamers can utilize bth

weapons their own way.




Load the Shotgun. Get as far from either one as possible. Then start

firing. Fire 2 shots and move around them as they approach. They are

slightly slow, yet slightly fast.

Shoot them in a 2 shot pattern. You might get hit in the process- use a

Health Drink or Ampoule. The Ampoule will protect you from damage for

10 seconds- so this might be the time to equip the Rifle and fire off 5

powerful shots.

19-25 shots should kill them after they stab each other. Pyramid Head's

gone now! YAY! Take THAT, punk! [That bastard who killed me twice!]







So you like the Rifle better? OK, that's fine. Load your rifle and run

to a corner, far from them. Fire one shot. If they are pretty far,

shoot again and run.

Run far from them, since they are medium distance in moving. Fire one

shot or two shots, again. Run to the first corner you were in and


15-18 shots kill them at long last.




Run to where the Pyramid Heads are and search them for Scarlet and

Rust-Colored Eggs. Head to the nearby doors. Insert the Scarlet Egg to

the right door and the Rust Colored Egg on the left door.

Head through one of the doors now- it doesn't matter which one.

Cross the hallway- if you listen as in stop running... you get a certain

ending. If you run through without stopping, you probably will get

another ending, based on my experience.

Head through the door at the end. At the other side, turn left and head

up the long stairs. At the top is the boss............

***SPOILER ALERT*** (Scroll down... way down!)

The boss is...






























Anyway, you must fight a boss. Arm... whatever you want to arm, because

like the last boss, there are 2 strategies to use here.





Compared to Eddie, she's a total wimp. Arm whatever you want.

So what should you arm? For the challenge, use the Handgun. For the mid

challenge, use the Shotgun. For the real challenge, use the Hunting





For the Handgun, you must learn to run, shoot, run and shoot. If you

fought Pyramid Head with the Handgun at the Blue Creek Apartment

Building, you might know how to do it.

Shoot, run, shoot, run is the strategy. Since the gun is quick, 3 shots

can be fired before you must run again. Take advantage of the smallness

and quickness of this gun. If the boss can never hit you, just pelting

it with one bullet before running again can guarantee you a victory.

I won't suggest this strategy, but merely if you want the challenge.

It's harder than you believe!




The Rifle is the strongest and slowest weapon- major sacrifice! Shoot

one shot and run. If you're lucky, the bosses' flies won't hit you.

Use the strategy from the Pyramid Head fight to beat this boss.




Use the strategy you used on pyramid Head and Eddie to kill the boss.

One last shot once the boss is on the ground will kill this freak.







You have beaten the damn game already, though it was rather short!

Enjoy your ending!

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Игру не проходил до конца, застрял на копирке как и многие, что лучше экзэшник или английская версия?

Где то и другое достать, а то прям очень охото развязку узнать и увидеть особенно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

И почему интересно в русской версии не отображаются пароли...?

Заранее спасибо!!!!

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Отвечают тут я смотрю не очень часто, поэтому вот второй вопрос:

Где взять экзэшник для Silent Hill 2 для перевода на английскую версию?

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люди ну нелзя так.. купите же англискою версию и играите себе.. и вообше почаше читаите посты других умних людеи вроде меня.. я например запостил полное прохождение... на забугорском.. идите на translate.ru и переводите.. перевод будет не очень но все таки...

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Отвечают тут я смотрю не очень часто, поэтому вот второй вопрос:

Где взять экзэшник для Silent Hill 2 для перевода на английскую версию?

Посмотрите <<здесь>>, могет что и поможет. Ссылка на английский экзешник там же.


и вообше почаше читаите посты других умних людеи вроде меня.. я например запостил полное прохождение... на забугорском.. идите на translate.ru и переводите.. перевод будет не очень но все таки...

Да проблема таки не в прохождении, с этим у всех, надеюсь, все в порядке, т.к. игра в этом плане достаточно проста.

Главная проблема в пиратах, которые своими 'прямыми' руками лишили людей, играющих не по своей воле в 'русскую' версию, очень важного для прохождения кода.

А т.к. этот код каждый раз генерится случайно(т.е. у каждого он свой), то никакие прохождения тут не помогут.

Вы лучше удалите эти длинные посты, толку от них мало, а ветку портит... Или лучше оформите их в виде ссылки.

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да это так... но посты удалять не надо... саит с которова я его даостал запрешает... не нужныи трафик понимаите ли....

и вообше все саиты такое запрешают... я вообше то очень незаконапослушныи в этом плане... но в этом случае я поступю послушно.... согласитесь не надо переходить в наглость.... :clever:

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etu temu chto kodi menayutsya kajduyu igru uje mnogo raz pisali.I ne tolko sdec.I ti ne perviy kto pitalsya suda zasunut' proxojdeniya,i tvoye soobsheniye ne pervoye kotoroe takimobrazom sterli.

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У мени SH2 director's cut русская версия от фаргуса на 3 cd, не неподумайте все коды показывает и все вообще чики пики. Ребят покупайте реально или англискую версию аль нормальную русскую и тогда гемора небудет, а то вы тут одну тему мусолите незнамо скока.Нравится мне компания фаргус нравится вот и в етот раз не подвела единственый недочет песен нет так чут чут совсем .

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Скачал с вашего сайта сохраняловки, вставил сохраняловку с концовкой "Мария" - Убил в конце пирамидоголовых, а получилась концовка "В воду", переиграл - "Уезд", еще раз-"В воду" вставил другие - "В воду", какие бы сейвы не всавлял- загружаю результат игры все "в воду" что делать?

Помогите плиз!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Заранее спасибо!!!

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Тут страшно важных 2 вопроса: для концовки "Мария" неотъемлемой частью является не наносить ей урон и послушать наушники в отеле.

Так вот вопрос: в туннеле(где Мария не успевает в лифт) пирамидо голова све время ее догоняет и бьет ножом - повлияет ли это на концовку.

И подскажите добрые люди!!! - где лежат наушники, обшарил весь отель - не нашел.

Заранее спасибо!!!

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Тут страшно важных 2 вопроса: для концовки "Мария" неотъемлемой частью является не наносить ей урон и послушать наушники в отеле.

Так вот вопрос: в туннеле(где Мария не успевает в лифт) пирамидо голова све время ее догоняет и бьет ножом - повлияет ли это на концовку.

И подскажите добрые люди!!! - где лежат наушники, обшарил весь отель - не нашел.

Заранее спасибо!!!

Наушники лежат в маленькой библиотеке или как на карте сказано, в читальном зале! Но вроде бы наушники появляются только тогда, когда Джеймс посмотрит кассету в одном из номеров, то есть в темной стороне отеля!

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а на первыи вопрос отвечу я....

нет это некак не мешает концовке... несмотря на то что марию буквално тирят здоровым колом...

просто беги... к лифту а об остолном не беспокоися...

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Урааа!!! Поздравьте меня, во первых с тем что оказывается у меня Silent Hill 2(2 в одном, т.е. English and Russian version), так что я установил ангийскую версию и сейф и печатная машинка у меня в кармане!!! Во вторых с тем, что мне таки удалось пройти игру с концовкой "Мария"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Но при повторном прохождении, нужно взять камень в первом толчке для окончания "НЛО", где он там именно лежит? Я копался в унитазах в течение получаса, но бесполезно!!

Еще вопросик, около какого мотеля брать Dog key, тот который в конце?

Концовка "Возрождение" доступна после второго прохождения или во время второго прохождения?

И последнее, как связан сценарий Марии (доп. сценарий) с основным?

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