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[quote name="jB_hIpS"]ааа кто может поделится динамической темой Heavy Rain ? позалочу на яндекс деньги....добрые люди..ау!! пишите в ЛС[/quote]она не ок. серъёзно.

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кто разгадал ? ;)
[quote]Four Days: The Heavy Rain Online Experience… You’re about to embark on a
unique series of three live four-day challenges that will draw you
inexorably into the universe of Heavy Rain – and the first challenge has

The rain is already falling - look there for answers...

Follow – and you’ll find yourself witnessing a disintegrating mind.
Listen and observe, even if your skin is crawling. Look for clues. Peel
back the layers. Just because you don’t see it straight away, doesn’t
mean it isn’t there.

Keep your eyes open. With careful X-amination, new secrets could be

You’ll have seen a sick mind at work. Then, as you see just how far their
influence may have spread, it’ll be time to turn the search inwards. Ask
yourself the question, what would you do for love?

* Four Days: The Heavy Rain Online Experience is a live event which plays
out in real time across three weeks. Between Tuesday and Friday every week
there will be daily tasks for you to complete. Each task will lead you onto
the next part of the journey. At key stages you will be prompted, whilst on
other occasions you will need to deduce the right thing to do. You will
receive an instructional email at the beginning of each of the three weekly
events, and you can always turn to the Facebook Fan Page Community for help
and discussion [url=http://www.facebook.com/heavyrainofficialfanpage]http://www.facebook.com/heavyrainofficialfanpage[/url]

Remember - make your choices, and live with the consequences. Because your
smallest decisions can change everything…[/quote]

ничего в голове не складываецо

[quote]e c d o l p e r s f f t [/quote]

это определено чьето мыло

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кто разгадал ? ;)
[quote]Four Days: The Heavy Rain Online Experience… You’re about to embark on a
unique series of three live four-day challenges that will draw you
inexorably into the universe of Heavy Rain – and the first challenge has

The rain is already falling - look there for answers...

Follow – and you’ll find yourself witnessing a disintegrating mind.
Listen and observe, even if your skin is crawling. Look for clues. Peel
back the layers. Just because you don’t see it straight away, doesn’t
mean it isn’t there.

Keep your eyes open. With careful X-amination, new secrets could be

You’ll have seen a sick mind at work. Then, as you see just how far their
influence may have spread, it’ll be time to turn the search inwards. Ask
yourself the question, what would you do for love?

* Four Days: The Heavy Rain Online Experience is a live event which plays
out in real time across three weeks. Between Tuesday and Friday every week
there will be daily tasks for you to complete. Each task will lead you onto
the next part of the journey. At key stages you will be prompted, whilst on
other occasions you will need to deduce the right thing to do. You will
receive an instructional email at the beginning of each of the three weekly
events, and you can always turn to the Facebook Fan Page Community for help
and discussion [url=http://www.facebook.com/heavyrainofficialfanpage]http://www.facebook.com/heavyrainofficialfanpage[/url]

Remember - make your choices, and live with the consequences. Because your
smallest decisions can change everything…[/quote]

ничего в голове не складываецо

[quote]e c d o l p e r s f f t [/quote]

это определено чьето мыло

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твитор это вроде

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 1 секунду:[/size][/color]


спроси у Врена


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[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 19 минут 31 секунду:[/size][/color]

Всем спасибо....было бы кому <_< первая нитка видет так @EERDLOP FTSCF=PERFECT FOLDS=@perfectfolds= [url=http://twitter.com/perfectfolds]http://twitter.com/perfectfolds[/url] а что там делать ну одно видно строки в луже могут быть из этих сообщение, дальше связи не вижу....наверна там напишут чтонибудь новое

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Спойлеров нет (пока)

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[quote]To quote: Some of you may have noticed some strange happenings in the Presentation Podium over the last few weeks. Well, as of tomorrow, we can confirm that the blast door, (below) behind the jumbo screen will be opening for the very first time unveiling a brand new space – The Backstage Pass.

What will you find in The Backstage Pass? Well, your first task will be working out how to get through the next security door, which will only open once certain criteria have been fulfilled…

If you do manage to get through, you will be able to take part in the HEAVY RAIN: Evidence Analysis mini-game. We don’t want to give away too many clues, however check out the screenshots below to whet your appetite:

And that’s not all, those of you that do manage to successfully complete the (cerebrally challenging) Evidence Analysis, will receive a rather special reward! This prize is definitely one you HEAVY RAIN fans won’t want to be without... [/quote]

думаю это и есть продолжнеии в игре 4 дня, и думаю попадут туда те кто активировал футболочку полученую после регистарции на сайте хеви райн...

да и комент из твитера найденого мною вчера говорит об этом


[quote]don't even want to set foot outside my door today
[i]about 1 hour ago from web[/i] [/quote]

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 1 час 30 минут 25 секунд:[/size][/color]

ЩЩИкарно :crazy:

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[quote]To quote: Some of you may have noticed some strange happenings in the Presentation Podium over the last few weeks. Well, as of tomorrow, we can confirm that the blast door, (below) behind the jumbo screen will be opening for the very first time unveiling a brand new space – The Backstage Pass.

What will you find in The Backstage Pass? Well, your first task will be working out how to get through the next security door, which will only open once certain criteria have been fulfilled…

If you do manage to get through, you will be able to take part in the HEAVY RAIN: Evidence Analysis mini-game. We don’t want to give away too many clues, however check out the screenshots below to whet your appetite:

And that’s not all, those of you that do manage to successfully complete the (cerebrally challenging) Evidence Analysis, will receive a rather special reward! This prize is definitely one you HEAVY RAIN fans won’t want to be without... [/quote]

думаю это и есть продолжнеии в игре 4 дня, и думаю попадут туда те кто активировал футболочку полученую после регистарции на сайте хеви райн...

да и комент из твитера найденого мною вчера говорит об этом


[quote]don't even want to set foot outside my door today
[i]about 1 hour ago from web[/i] [/quote]

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 1 час 30 минут 25 секунд:[/size][/color]

ЩЩИкарно :crazy:

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[quote]To quote: Some of you may have noticed some strange happenings in the Presentation Podium over the last few weeks. Well, as of tomorrow, we can confirm that the blast door, (below) behind the jumbo screen will be opening for the very first time unveiling a brand new space – The Backstage Pass.

What will you find in The Backstage Pass? Well, your first task will be working out how to get through the next security door, which will only open once certain criteria have been fulfilled…

If you do manage to get through, you will be able to take part in the HEAVY RAIN: Evidence Analysis mini-game. We don’t want to give away too many clues, however check out the screenshots below to whet your appetite:

And that’s not all, those of you that do manage to successfully complete the (cerebrally challenging) Evidence Analysis, will receive a rather special reward! This prize is definitely one you HEAVY RAIN fans won’t want to be without... [/quote]

думаю это и есть продолжнеии в игре 4 дня, и думаю попадут туда те кто активировал футболочку полученую после регистарции на сайте хеви райн...

да и комент из твитера найденого мною вчера говорит об этом


[quote]don't even want to set foot outside my door today
[i]about 1 hour ago from web[/i] [/quote]

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 1 час 30 минут 25 секунд:[/size][/color]

ЩЩИкарно :crazy:

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[quote]To quote: Some of you may have noticed some strange happenings in the Presentation Podium over the last few weeks. Well, as of tomorrow, we can confirm that the blast door, (below) behind the jumbo screen will be opening for the very first time unveiling a brand new space – The Backstage Pass.

What will you find in The Backstage Pass? Well, your first task will be working out how to get through the next security door, which will only open once certain criteria have been fulfilled…

If you do manage to get through, you will be able to take part in the HEAVY RAIN: Evidence Analysis mini-game. We don’t want to give away too many clues, however check out the screenshots below to whet your appetite:

And that’s not all, those of you that do manage to successfully complete the (cerebrally challenging) Evidence Analysis, will receive a rather special reward! This prize is definitely one you HEAVY RAIN fans won’t want to be without... [/quote]

думаю это и есть продолжнеии в игре 4 дня, и думаю попадут туда те кто активировал футболочку полученую после регистарции на сайте хеви райн...

да и комент из твитера найденого мною вчера говорит об этом


[quote]don't even want to set foot outside my door today
[i]about 1 hour ago from web[/i] [/quote]

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 1 час 30 минут 25 секунд:[/size][/color]

ЩЩИкарно :crazy:

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[b]Новый геймплей за Медисон :[/b]


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[quote name="Clerk"]Осталось узнать что думает грабитель корованов[/quote]

Молекулы не умеют думать.

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 4 секунды:[/size][/color]

ну Логвинов нескоро мнением поделится, он вроде в отпуск в Финляндию улетел, писал, что в гости к Remedy заглянет.

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[quote name="Clerk"]Осталось узнать что думает грабитель корованов[/quote]

Молекулы не умеют думать.

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 4 секунды:[/size][/color]

ну Логвинов нескоро мнением поделится, он вроде в отпуск в Финляндию улетел, писал, что в гости к Remedy заглянет.

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[quote name="Clerk"]Осталось узнать что думает грабитель корованов[/quote]

Молекулы не умеют думать.

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 4 секунды:[/size][/color]

ну Логвинов нескоро мнением поделится, он вроде в отпуск в Финляндию улетел, писал, что в гости к Remedy заглянет.

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Доступ к жж закрыт, скопипастните плиз всё что врен ннаписал про хеви, уж очень интересно

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