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Wii U

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[quote name='maxmagneto' timestamp='1348835003' post='2888081']
Кстати, тут писали по поводу пятен на чёрном планшете. Но ведь визуально экран чёрного планшета, будет казаться больше чем белого.Сам столкнулся с этим после покупки белого iPad 2 (перед этим долго пользовался первым).
Точно подмечено.
Буду черную брать в М-Видео.

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[quote]In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today.[/quote]

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[quote name='Saverio' timestamp='1348849055' post='2888635']In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today.[/quote]

матерь божья :raisins: :motherofgod: что там платинумы творят

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[quote name='vodafon' timestamp='1348850019' post='2888678']
[quote name='Saverio' timestamp='1348849055' post='2888635']In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today.[/quote]

матерь божья :raisins: :motherofgod: что там платинумы творят
В качестве дефолтного костюма сделали бикини :cg:

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[quote name='Fоrgotten' timestamp='1348850212' post='2888686'] В качестве дефолтного костюма сделали бикини :cg: [/quote]

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[quote name='vodafon' timestamp='1348850019' post='2888678']
[quote name='Saverio' timestamp='1348849055' post='2888635']In happier news, I had to buy a power loader to pick my jaw off the floor after watching some Bayonetta 2 today.[/quote]

матерь божья :raisins: :motherofgod: что там платинумы творят

скорей бы показали больше... :what:

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 6 минут 11 секунд:[/size][/color]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 3 минут 55 секунд:[/size][/color]
[color=#ff0000][b]Кто хотел купить Wii U на немецком Амазоне, вы официально опоздали. Там тоже сообщили о полном солд-ауте. И на бейсик, и на премиум.[/b][/color]

[quote]Mark Amazon Germany down on the list of retailers that have no more Wii U consoles for preorder. Amazon Germany has confirmed that their Wii U basic and deluxe preorders are full-up.[/quote]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 2 часов 14 минут 37 секунд:[/size][/color]

[color=#ff0000][b]Nikkei пишет, что с Wii U Nintendo сделает очередной прорыв.[/b][/color]

[quote][b]I believe that Wii U's debut could herald the diffusion of wireless video transmission technology. Nintendo's products, such as Nintendo DS's touchscreen or the Wii controller's accelerometer have proven to be breakthroughs for new technology.[/b] Smartphones also played a role in popularizing accelerometers and touchscreens; the first of which being Apple's iPhone.

[color=#ff0000][b]Nintendo are world-class leaders with historical results at bringing "technology" to "entertainment". I'm anticipating that other companies, inspired by Nintendo's adoption of wireless video transmission tech, will bring about new ideas, as well.[/b][/color]

On September 20th, 2012, The Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA), the group that certifies that wireless LAN products are cross-connect compliant, and facilitates the spread of wireless LAN, announced that they will begin a certification program, Wi-Fi Certified Miracast, for a technological standard for transmitting video over wireless LAN. Samsung Electronics, Intel, Broadcom, MediaTek, etc. have announced that they will comply with this new standard. Given this, it seems likely that a number of wireless video transmission compliant devices will emerge quite soon.

Wireless video transmission also has the possibility of transforming the living room. [b]If wireless video transmission begins to diffuse with Wii U's arrival, then forms of home entertainment that were never imagined before could appear anew.[/b][/quote]

в статье также рассуждают на тему, какой технологией пользуется Н в стриминге картинки с консоли на пад. своей или чужой.

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Ничего себе, Амазон солд аут.
Я хоть и не собирался брать, но сочувствую тем, кто хотел брать консоль на ланче.
Придется у нас покупать(((
Или другие магазины искать
Хотя такими темпами свободных предзаказов и не останется

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[b][member=vodafon][/b], чуваки из MEGA64 создали прикольное видео на тему анонса Байо2 на вии ю и дикой реакции некоторых особо впечатлительных юзеров, играющих на пс360.

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[quote name='SkyerIst' timestamp='1348887837' post='2889225']Кто хотел купить Wii U на немецком Амазоне, вы официально опоздали. Там тоже сообщили о полном солд-ауте. И на бейсик, и на премиум.[/quote]

Ух, прям интересно каким тиражом разойдется на старте!

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[quote name='thetip' timestamp='1348908317' post='2889434']
[quote name='SkyerIst' timestamp='1348887837' post='2889225']Кто хотел купить Wii U на немецком Амазоне, вы официально опоздали. Там тоже сообщили о полном солд-ауте. И на бейсик, и на премиум.[/quote]

Ух, прям интересно каким тиражом разойдется на старте!
В этот раз по ходу дела Nina превзойдет сама себя, чартов продаж еще нет, а они уже заведомо порваны. :gigi:

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[quote]там же сплошные замуты с контроллером! Так-то они отдаются на откуп второму игроку, а если играешь один? Получается, либо головой бесконечно качать, либо на падике спокойненько.[/quote]
Здесь есть весьма эпичный сюрприз:
[quote]- In the single player mode a [b]good portion of the game will be played as Murfy. Rayman will be AI controlled and Murfy (the player) is his protector[/b]
- There will still be [b]some[/b] "classic" levels where you can play as Rayman in single player[/quote]

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даже не знаю может не париться с немецким амазоном и взять в видеоиграх

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Асе уж давно все предзаказ сделали)) вот думаем не кинут ли с ценой и датой опять

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[b][member=vodafon][/b],с ценой 100% не кинут! На счет даты зависит от Нин и количества предзаказов.

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Сделал предзаказ на черную лапушку :happycry: с марево :happycry:

надеюсь что новый дистрибьютор нинтендо завезет все вовремя и в нужном количестве :newtrollface:

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Реджи [url="http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/24/the-difficulty-discussing-wii-u"]недавно[/url] говорил:
[quote]Yet knowing that some gamers wanted more information, Fils-Aime noted that that [b]more unannounced Wii U games are in development, including some that will release “during the launch window that we haven’t announced yet."[/b] Precisely when we’d learn more information about that software, and who is developing it, is unclear.[/quote]
надеюсь как раз на осенней конференции анонсируют их

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[b][member=nindo][/b], я думаю это в том числе всякие версии других игр, типа Resident Evil 6 от Capcom, но все равно интересно.

На следующей Е3 прямо разрыв будет *__*

> Дебют новой игры от Миямото
> Дебют новой игры от Retro Studios
> Дебют новой игры от Monolith Soft?
> Дебют других топовых фест пати проектов
> Bayonetta 2...

ну и так далее. лучшая Е3 инкаминг...

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 1 минут 22 секунд:[/size][/color]
[quote name='ACE' timestamp='1348921366' post='2889760']
даже не знаю может не париться с немецким амазоном и взять в видеоиграх
офигено. отличные цены и русские версии...

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 9 минут 24 секунд:[/size][/color]
Новый препейд-карты:


[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 1 часов 22 минут 37 секунд:[/size][/color]
[b]Wii U на Видеоигр.нет[/b] http://gamemag.ru/news/tsena-wii-i-igr-rossii-otkriti-predzakazi-81968 !!

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Много деталей Rayman Legends

[b]General/gameplay details[/b]

- Ubisoft really wanted to make Rayman Legends because of the GamePad
- Ubisoft Montpellier was one of the first third-party studios to receive Wii U dev. kits
- Michel Ancel says that the environment is very important in a platforming game, and the GamePad allows players to change the environment in new/different ways
- Up to four players lead Rayman and company through level level with Wiimotes or Wii U Pro controllers
- Fifth player manipulates surroundings with Murfy on the GamePad
- Murfy can cut ropes, lower platforms, turn gears
- Turn gears with the gyroscope
- Murfy can be mischievous as well
- It’s possible to take a health bottle from someone who’s about to take it and give it to another player
- Murfy can use the environment to wreak havoc on other players
- Ex: take lava and dump it on someone’s head
- The team wants the GamePad player “to feel like they have an identity in the game’s world”
[u]- In single-player, you’ll mostly control Rayman or one of the other playable characters[/u]!
- Temporarily switch to Murfy when you reach certain sections
- In these cases, AI will take over the other character
- Developers promise that the AI will perform flawlessly
- No mosquito levels
- New character in each world
- Barbara is from the medieval world

[b]Improvements made to the Origins formula[/b]

- Platforming mechanics improved over Origins
- Ex: in Origins, if you jump-kicked while running you would basically stop in midair and drop down; now you keep moving forward
- Different structure this time around as well
- Travel to any of the five worlds out of the gate
- This choice was made so that players could have options, especially if they get stuck on a level
- Ubisoft considers each world to be its own legend
- Each has its own mini story and personality
- Each world also focuses on a particular gameplay mechanic and highlights particular skills
- Abilities are all available right off the bat

[b]Olympus world[/b]

- Nintendo Power saw an Olympus world
- Level called “Swarmed & Dangerous”
- Tons of ferocious shadow creatures chase Rayman and the others throughout the level
- Murfy can hold back a few creatures at a time
- Only works for a bit before too many of the creatures appear
- Usually need to lose a swarm by using its own momentum against it
- Ex: drop off a cliff and quickly come to a stop on the narrow ledge below
- Creatures will keep going and run into the lava
- Can kill the creatures by triggering fireworks
- Level comes to a close as the creatures chase you into a palace
- Need to jump over a little purple minion who is scrubbing the floor
- Legends has a lot of humorous touches like the above
- In the game, you’ll come across a big brute with a hammer and shield to make him drop his guard
- Murfy can tickle his armpit to drop his guard
- Another Olympus world level: Murfy holds a magic shield over the heads of the other characters to protect them from Zeus’ lightning bolts

[b]Magic Beanstalk world[/b]

- Nintendo Power also saw Magic Beanstalk’s “Orchestral Chaos”
- Stage has players jumping, swinging, and punching to the beat of the music
- These stages have the nickname “Platform Hero” within the studio
- Traverse a giant beanstalk in the level
- Thorn-covered vines will close in around you
- Drop below the clouds in the middle of the level and into a violent storm
- Rain pours around you, with some lightning strikes
- 8-10 music stages in the final game
- At least one per world
- Some feature original tracks made by composer Christophe Heral (Rayman Origins, Beyond Good & Evil)
- Also features remixed music like “Eye of the Tiger” in flamenco style with gibberish vocals and a little kazoo mixed in
- “Wo Hoo” from The′s

[b]Underwater world[/b]

- Exclusive sneak peak showed to Nintendo Power
- Jules Verne-inspired environment
- Story will be more James Bond
- Secret underwater base
- Need to infiltrate it
- Levels play with light and shadow
- Need to remain cloaked or risk being spotted (and fried) by the base’s security system
- In one room, players have to avoid a sentry’s spotlight
- Another room: swim between glowing jellyfish
- Murfy will need to manipulate light sources or create shadows in some levels
- Ex: hold a discarded robot head in front of a rotating floodlight
- Rhythm of these levels will be somewhat different from Origins
- Not just a matter of running full steam ahead
- Some sections will have lots of traps and electrified water
- Will have to platform over mechanical objects, climb into an air vent, and navigate through a dark room
- The team didn’t just want to make an underwater world with just new fishes

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<b>[member=nindo]</b>, очень круто. Не даром я предзаказ оформил.

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Кубовский F-Zero на эмуляторе красив

Почти 10 лет новой части на домашние приставки не завозят :ass:

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