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HALO 5: Guardians

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[quote name='John117-rus' timestamp='1462867016' post='5164180'] ребаланс кампании [/quote]

а они невероятно оперативные 

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[member='Vadimeys'], ждем хд ремейка на хбокс ван поинт файв с переписанным сюжетом и 1080р

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[quote name='Vadimeys' timestamp='1462902932' post='5164794'] а они невероятно оперативные  [/quote]

а часто разработчики вообще возвращаются к таким вещам как баланс в кампании? 

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[quote name="UnreaL" post="5164213" timestamp="1462868331"]ворден дрючить будет не так сильно, клешнерукие своего добились[/quote] А он дрючил?

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[member='Lex Mercer'], на гафе куча людей жаловалась, кококо сложно, десять раз убивать, три за раз невозможно

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[member='Lex Mercer'], на гафе куча людей жаловалась, кококо сложно, десять раз убивать, три за раз невозможно

Ыыыы :)))))

Там площадь огроменная! Оружия до жопы! Три напарника! И ускорение, с которым уворачивайся от чего угодно.

Я не проходил на Легендарном, но на предыдущем уровне вполне по силам справится с парой этих чудиков, соло, без коопа.

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[quote name='UnreaL' timestamp='1462948263' post='5165157'] три за раз невозможно [/quote]


На легенде вальнул их проще чем на нормале)) 

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Вроде как завтра апдейт.

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[quote name='UnreaL' timestamp='1462916118' post='5165010'] а часто разработчики вообще возвращаются к таким вещам как баланс в кампании?  [/quote]

мы говорим про 343, которые даже не почесались исправить мультиплеер MCC. В результате там остались только самые упоротые раки, которых невозможно даже ранить

[quote name='Lex Mercer' timestamp='1462950763' post='5165184'] Я не проходил на Легендарном [/quote]

Попробуй. И еще в коопе обязательно. Поймешь, почему жалуются 

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[member='John117-rus'], Я просто краем уха услышал на стриме, а потом уже лень было исправлять.

Хз чего там на легендарном за проблемы, но он не сложнее легендарного в других частях, а может и легче.

Вчера буквально видел тред на вейпоинте мол легендарка легкая очень.

Вот в коопе да ибо сложность скейлится.

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[quote name='Vadimeys' timestamp='1463051225' post='5166364'] мы говорим про 343, которые даже не почесались исправить мультиплеер MCC. В результате там остались только самые упоротые раки, которых невозможно даже ранить [/quote]

они его давно исправили :icon_lol:  

могли вообще забить, учитывая что не они сборник пилили

и опять же, многие ли правят баланс в СИНГЛЕ после релиза? нет, всем пофиг


[quote name='Vadimeys' timestamp='1463051225' post='5166364'] Попробуй. И еще в коопе обязательно. Поймешь, почему жалуются  [/quote]

ШОК! На леджендари играть сложно! Да как они посмели...

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[quote name='Vadimeys' timestamp='1463051225' post='5166364'] Попробуй. И еще в коопе обязательно. Поймешь, почему жалуются  [/quote]


Трава зеленая, вода мокрая, небо голубое, игра на высокой сложности - сложнаяnice.gif

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в коопе норм же идет. там в соло проблемы из-за нереальной тупости ии напарников

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Не такие и проблемы. Лучше бы вообще этих возрождалок не было или черепок для соло сделали, чтоб отключались.

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Хрена там чейнджлог



 Removed shields recharging while sprinting while speed boost is active.
 Performing a Spartan Charge against an enemy while Speed Boost is active no longer kills in 1 hit.
 Plasma Caster: Default 
 Reduced non-charged timer from 0.5 to 0.3 (less overshooting of enemies).
 Sticky grenade has less arc (to be able to place it on the map more reliably).
 Sticky grenade detonation is now more damaging vs. vehicles, but less damaging vs bipeds (will still kill bipeds in one shot when stuck).
 Increased sticky grenade submunition damage values from 43 to 75 (indirect fire from a sticky shot can now actually kill!)
 Sticky submunition grenade inner AOE increased from 0.65 to 1.0.
 Plasma Caster: White Scar 
 Needles have improved aim toward nearby targets.
 Plasma Caster: Scourge of Fire 
 Sticky shot now has 7 submunitions instead of 5.
 Hydra Launcher: Default 
 Reduced recoil in hip.
 Increased inner AOE radius from 0.4 to 0.8.
 Increased impact damage to make it more effective against vehicles (still two rockets to kill Spartan).
 Hydra Launcher: Typhon 
 Enabled multi lock on for up to 3 targets.
 Increased impact damage (still two rockets to kill Spartan).
 Scattershot: Loathsome Thing 
 Increased number of hardlight projectiles to be same as normal scattershot (5 -> 8).
 Rocket Launcher: High Five 
 Increased AOE radius on cluster rockets.
 Binary Rifle: Twin Jewels of Maethrillian 
 Reduced recoil.
 Placed twin projectiles a bit closer together for easier biped targeting.
 Covenant Carbine: Rain of Oblivion 
 Reduced recoil.
 Increased zoom magnification a bit (closer to default Carbine).
 Incineration Cannon: River of Light 
 Added slight homing to charge shot to hit multiple bipeds easier.
 Incineration Cannon: Heartseeker 
 Added proximity detonation to charge shot (like the normal Incineration Cannon has) to make it more effective against airborne targets or targets behind cover.
 Fuel Rod Cannon: Pool of Radiance 
 Fixed a damage bug (was not causing AOE damage on initial explosion).
 Made projectile thicker.
 Needler: Talon of the Lost 
 Reduced supercombine count to be same as normal Needler.
 Needles have longer lifetime to more easily supercombines against difficult to hit targets (8s instead of 4s).
 Spartan Laser: Selene’s Lance 
 Reduced recoil.
 Made beam thicker .
 Gravity Hammer 
 Spartan Charge with the Gravity Hammer is no longer one shot kill when hitting from the front.

Please note that enemy-specific changes will also apply to Warzone AI.
 Reduced two-player difficult slightly.
 Increased single player difficult slightly.
 Made Warden attacks a little easier to dodge, particularly on lower difficulties. 
 Face Beam tracks moving targets less accurately
 Gravity Bomb has less homing.
 Melee attack has slightly less range.
 Made the Warden slightly easier to kill from the front.
 Reduced AI Focus Turret damage output.
 Reduced AI Storm Rifle, Suppressor, and Light Rifle effectiveness. 
 AI Storm Rifle: fires in shorter bursts, projectiles spread out more and move more slowly. Jackals are now less effective than Elites with the Storm Rifle.
 AI Suppressor: fires in longer bursts, projectiles have less homing. Crawlers are now less effective than Soldiers with the Suppressor.
 AI now fire shorter bursts with the Light Rifle.
 Increased AI Plasma Pistol, Needler, and Beam Rifle effectiveness. 
 AI Plasma Pistol: slightly higher accuracy and damage.
 AI Needler: AI now fire longer bursts (i.e. can now supercombine players on Heroic and above), slightly higher damage.
 AI Beam Rifle: slightly more damage (mostly this will make it a two-shot kill instead of a three-shot kill in Heroic single player, allowing Jackal Snipers to actually kill a player from time to time).
 Added a "tackle" animation to Sword Elites. 
 Instead of stopping to swing at a moving target they can swing on the move.
 Increased Elite, Elite Officer, and Solider Officer durability.
 Reduced Solider bamf frequency.
 Killing a Crawler now deals area-of-effect damage to all nearby enemies, softening them up or killing them outright.
 Reduced frequency of Squad AI getting killed while in a gunner's turret in a player's vehicle.
 Made being killed by an attached Plasma Grenade non-revivable, similar to lethal damage from a Binary Rifle.
 Increased AI special ability chance with higher player count in co-op games, e.g. Plasma Pistol overcharge, grenade throw.
 Increased AI promotion chancde with player count in co-op games. 
 i.e. in cooperative games you will enounter more high-ranked enemies where promotion paths exist (most noticeable with Grunts, Elites, Jackals, and Crawlers).
 The first player to press the "Call for Help" now has priority, other players will have to wait their turn for a revive.

New and updated features:
 Material Base: Change the material of the primitive building blocks (blocks, triangles, cylinders, & rings). Choose from: 
 Default Metal.
 Concrete.
 Wood.
 Covenant.
 Forerunner.
 Marble.
 Material overlay: Customize primitive blocks with additional overlay textures to blend into your environment and add character to your world. Choose between Grime or Frost overlays.

 Removed shields recharging while sprinting while speed boost is active.
 Performing a Spartan Charge against an enemy while Speed Boost is active no longer kills in 1 hit.
 Plasma Caster: Default 
 Reduced non-charged timer from 0.5 to 0.3 (less overshooting of enemies).
 Sticky grenade has less arc (to be able to place it on the map more reliably).
 Sticky grenade detonation is now more damaging vs. vehicles, but less damaging vs bipeds (will still kill bipeds in one shot when stuck).
 Increased sticky grenade submunition damage values from 43 to 75 (indirect fire from a sticky shot can now actually kill!)
 Sticky submunition grenade inner AOE increased from 0.65 to 1.0.
 Plasma Caster: White Scar 
 Needles have improved aim toward nearby targets.
 Plasma Caster: Scourge of Fire 
 Sticky shot now has 7 submunitions instead of 5.
 Hydra Launcher: Default 
 Reduced recoil in hip.
 Increased inner AOE radius from 0.4 to 0.8.
 Increased impact damage to make it more effective against vehicles (still two rockets to kill Spartan).
 Hydra Launcher: Typhon 
 Enabled multi lock on for up to 3 targets.
 Increased impact damage (still two rockets to kill Spartan).
 Scattershot: Loathsome Thing 
 Increased number of hardlight projectiles to be same as normal scattershot (5 -> 8).
 Rocket Launcher: High Five 
 Increased AOE radius on cluster rockets.
 Binary Rifle: Twin Jewels of Maethrillian 
 Reduced recoil.
 Placed twin projectiles a bit closer together for easier biped targeting.
 Covenant Carbine: Rain of Oblivion 
 Reduced recoil.
 Increased zoom magnification a bit (closer to default Carbine).
 Incineration Cannon: River of Light 
 Added slight homing to charge shot to hit multiple bipeds easier.
 Incineration Cannon: Heartseeker 
 Added proximity detonation to charge shot (like the normal Incineration Cannon has) to make it more effective against airborne targets or targets behind cover.
 Fuel Rod Cannon: Pool of Radiance 
 Fixed a damage bug (was not causing AOE damage on initial explosion).
 Made projectile thicker.
 Needler: Talon of the Lost 
 Reduced supercombine count to be same as normal Needler.
 Needles have longer lifetime to more easily supercombines against difficult to hit targets (8s instead of 4s).
 Spartan Laser: Selene’s Lance 
 Reduced recoil.
 Made beam thicker .
 Gravity Hammer 
 Spartan Charge with the Gravity Hammer is no longer one shot kill when hitting from the front.

Please note that enemy-specific changes will also apply to Warzone AI.
 Reduced two-player difficult slightly.
 Increased single player difficult slightly.
 Made Warden attacks a little easier to dodge, particularly on lower difficulties. 
 Face Beam tracks moving targets less accurately
 Gravity Bomb has less homing.
 Melee attack has slightly less range.
 Made the Warden slightly easier to kill from the front.
 Reduced AI Focus Turret damage output.
 Reduced AI Storm Rifle, Suppressor, and Light Rifle effectiveness. 
 AI Storm Rifle: fires in shorter bursts, projectiles spread out more and move more slowly. Jackals are now less effective than Elites with the Storm Rifle.
 AI Suppressor: fires in longer bursts, projectiles have less homing. Crawlers are now less effective than Soldiers with the Suppressor.
 AI now fire shorter bursts with the Light Rifle.
 Increased AI Plasma Pistol, Needler, and Beam Rifle effectiveness. 
 AI Plasma Pistol: slightly higher accuracy and damage.
 AI Needler: AI now fire longer bursts (i.e. can now supercombine players on Heroic and above), slightly higher damage.
 AI Beam Rifle: slightly more damage (mostly this will make it a two-shot kill instead of a three-shot kill in Heroic single player, allowing Jackal Snipers to actually kill a player from time to time).
 Added a "tackle" animation to Sword Elites. 
 Instead of stopping to swing at a moving target they can swing on the move.
 Increased Elite, Elite Officer, and Solider Officer durability.
 Reduced Solider bamf frequency.
 Killing a Crawler now deals area-of-effect damage to all nearby enemies, softening them up or killing them outright.
 Reduced frequency of Squad AI getting killed while in a gunner's turret in a player's vehicle.
 Made being killed by an attached Plasma Grenade non-revivable, similar to lethal damage from a Binary Rifle.
 Increased AI special ability chance with higher player count in co-op games, e.g. Plasma Pistol overcharge, grenade throw.
 Increased AI promotion chancde with player count in co-op games. 
 i.e. in cooperative games you will enounter more high-ranked enemies where promotion paths exist (most noticeable with Grunts, Elites, Jackals, and Crawlers).
 The first player to press the "Call for Help" now has priority, other players will have to wait their turn for a revive.

New and updated features:
 Material Base: Change the material of the primitive building blocks (blocks, triangles, cylinders, & rings). Choose from: 
 Default Metal.
 Concrete.
 Wood.
 Covenant.
 Forerunner.
 Marble.
 Material overlay: Customize primitive blocks with additional overlay textures to blend into your environment and add character to your world. Choose between Grime or Frost overlays.


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[member='Azik'], Хорошо, что запостил, а то я искать уже хотел.

Это полный список?

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На Windows 10 выпустят отдельно Фордж для Хало

На Windows 10 выпустят отдельно Фордж для Хало

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