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Metal Gear Solid V (Тема для спойлеров)

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Оцелот из трейлеров - это Декой Октопус. [textspoiler]А НАСТОЯЩИЙ ОЦЕЛОТ НАХОДИТСЯ В КОМЕ[/textspoiler]

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Но тут несостыковочка, голоса у Оцелота и Скалл Фэйса разные.

ну, блин, отталкиваться от голоса, это как-то, эм... китон, помимо оцелота, еще и человека-паука озвучивал, например, значит ли это, что оцелот и питер паркер одно лицо? :icon_smile:  

а новый голос/мокап бэйкер, например, помимо оцелота, всякую солдатню ещё в pw озвучивал, значит ли это что-нибудь аналогичное? да и сложно ли подделать голос ради такого дела-то, особенно учитывая, предыдущие суперочевидные твисты, вроде ликвид=миллер... а голос октопуса вообще неизвестен, да  :icon_cool:



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[member='FrØmSpace'], Нет же Скаллфэйс это Ишмаэль, а Оцелот это Код Толкер

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Мне в голову пришла идея про смерть детишек:

У ББ начинается глюк, типа тех в госпитале, негритята превращаются в десяток инфернальных созданий и нападают на нас, а нам естественно придется отбиваться или геймовер. После битвы глюк проходит и мы очухиваемся на выжженной земле, в кровище и с осознанием того, что мы собственоручно замочили взвод детей. Кодзима повесит на нас их смерть!

У Йонга классный анализ трейлера, очень доставила теория про предательство и объединение со Скаллфейсом. Офигеть как все закрученно будет) Изменено пользователем Broke

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[member='Broke'], Я думаю все проще, сайфер или кто то кто контролирует негров в африке направил детей в атаку на ББ чтобы остановить его или наобот сломать, в любом случае он идет через их трупы так словно ему все уже равно.

По моему по жестокости игра превзошла  даже ManHunt в одних лишь трейлерах и прологе, да и если взглянуть на игру со стороны, в ней больше нет идеи спасения мира от терроризма, ты сам являешься террористом убивающим американских, русских солдат, пытающим женщин и расстреливающим некомбатантов - надо мизулиной и малахову материальчик подбросить, бугуртеть будут на всю россию не хуже чем после Company of heroes 2  


Изменено пользователем legato

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[b][member='legato'][/b], можно будет сделать ролик где Снейк убивает "советского" солдата разбив бошку об стенку, потом подгоняет лошадь и она на него гадит, а потом мы его фултоним и он орет благим матом. Подаем все как зверское издевательство японских анхуманов над светлой памятью героев и оскорбление чувств верующих с помощью фекальной некрофилии и намеков, что его отправили на небеса поглумиться на Иисусом. К-к-к-омбо брейкер. Такое вообще легально писать?

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After seeing your post I was trying to find more about this guy and I found this bit on a wiki:

"Alfredo Morelli was a friend of Richard Fisk, formerly the Rose. Together they hatched a plot to overthrow Richard's father, the Kingpin. Alfredo had his face surgically altered in order to look just like Richard. However, when the Kingpin was overthrown by the combined forces of Daredevil and HYDRA, Alfredo betrayed his old friend by maintaining that he was truly Richard, and took over as the new Kingpin.

Richard then became the vigilante Blood Rose, and began gunning down criminals in a bloody purge of the city. The Blood Rose even shot and wounded Alfredo, who later returned under the alias of Gauntlet, although he was ultimately defeated by Nightwatch and incarcerated. Finally caught by Spider-Man and arrested, Richard briefly entered the Witness Protection Program before rejoining his father's criminal organization."

So this means that the BB we are seeing is not the real BB but someone impersonating him..right? Right??! :O



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угу, твист а-ля ac3, где играешь такой играешь, а потом, как всегда внезапно, выясняется, что за тамплиера  :icon_cool:

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Если фейк, то качественный. Это ж надо столько всего написать. Сам пока только начал читать.
[hide='Сценарий TPP']

Before we begin let’s get the obvious stuff out-of-the-way first. The story outline below probably isn’t the real deal and let’s say more of a joke that was sent to me. However, IF this is real and the content below turns out to be true, then say good-bye to any mystery about the questions that fans have theorized about. Ask yourself this: Do you really want to ruin the story details about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid game that everyone is desperately waiting to get their hands on?

Wouldn’t it be more fun unveiling the truth about Skullface, Quiet and all the other characters along with everybody else around the world on release date? I stopped at chapter one. Truthfully I didn’t read all of it and the script could end on “ HAHA GOTCHA” for all I know. From me rolling my eyes and light laughter from the possible fact somebody might have leaked story beats from a series I massively love, to me refusing to read any more because it’s quite possible I have already ruined chapter one for myself. This was surprising to say the least.

I would also like to mention I have done NO edits and have kept the entire post that was sent to myself in it’s true form. I haven’t changed any of the story nor do I take credit for what you will see below. I am simply passing along something that I thought may be interesting and a little bit of fun.
Here I present to you the back-story about how this person got the information: 

Don’t know if this is genuine but heard from a friend who works with a certain gaming production company based in L.A. He gave me the entire plot of the game.
My friend is working on a 13 month based contract with Kojima productions Los Angeles. He worked on games like Urban Chaos, Soldiers of fortune, Crash Bandicoot, An old game called Time Splitters but mostly works for Telltale games. I became friends with him after meeting him at comic con four years ago and we’ve been playing on the same battlefield clan on PC ever since. I begged him for months and months to tell me about the game. He sent me a message on Facebook with what i copied and pasted above. I have no reason to doubt him but he said some story elements were changed in the last year however, that’s the reason for delay. But he’s working with 600 other people on the online right now


PROLOGUE: Snake infiltrates Camp Omega, A U.S controlled black site prison facility in Cuba to rescue Chico and Cipher spy Paz. After rescuing them, Snake discovers a bomb in Paz which he and a surgeon takes out from here, saving a potential explosion. Meanwhile, A group of Cipher agents led by Skullface who have used the Alias XOF to trick U.S Forces into believing their with the government and infiltrated Mother Base by pretending to be a U.N Inspection team and they have also used one of their inside men, within Mother Base to launch a devastating attack on the base in an attempt of stealing Metal Gear Zeke. Snake returns to the base during the attack and saves his second in command, Kaz Miller and they depart as the base is destroyed. Paz, however wakes up and reveals she has another bomb and she exits the helicopter saving Snake in the process and after regaining control of the helicopter, they battle an XOF unit chasing them before going back to mother base to look for survivors, but find none. After making it to land, Chico is reunited with his sister, the leader of a resistance group, but they are attacked by a U.S mercenary unit who mortally wound Snake. Kaz and the other survivors are taken back to camp omega and tortured, but Kaz escapes and rescues Snake. Kaz uses his contacts to get them to a private hospital in Jamaica where Snake falls into a coma.

CHAPTER ONE: THE PHANTOM PAIN Snake has a flashback of Operation Snake Eater and re-lives fighting The Boss before waking in a hospital. His body is out of shape and he is weak. He is occasionally visited by a Nurse and his doctor who reveals that he has been in a coma for nine years and has lost his left hand and wrist and has shrapnel lodged in his skull which will in the course of the next few months work its way out. Snake goes into a shock and reveals he has slight memory loss. Going back to sleep, he has flashbacks of how he learned of the innocent of The Boss, his decision to leave The American Philosophers, an organization created by his former Commander Zero due to their differences in interpreting the will of The Boss and how he came to be a mercenary in Central America and his occasional violent run-ins with a rival mercenary leader Kaz Miller to finally the two men coming to peace and creating MSF together. Snake wakes up in shock when an explosion rips through the hospital and machine gun fire followed by people screaming. Snake is introduced to a man who calls himself Ishmael whom reveals he has been watching over Snake for the past nine years. He helps the weak Snake move through the hospital for safety when they are attacked by several strange figures who at first seem hostile, but then are revealed to be trying to help Snake after they rescue him from a death squad of XOF soldiers.

Snake and Ishmael make it out of the hospital and try fleeing by car, but are attacked by an attack helicopter. Snake is saved after the helicopter is taken out by a strange psychic figure. Snake also finds that Ishmael was just an illusion created by this Psychic in order to help Snake. Snake is then snatched by Revolver Ocelot who is shocked to learn that Snake does not remember him. Ocelot takes him away revealing that the people trying to kill him belong to Skullface, who has started a full-blown war against Cipher for unknown reasons and is trying to kill Snake in order to kill Cipher’s icon and propaganda tool. Together, they fight off these strange figures who are working for Cipher before being rescued by Diamond Dog soldiers. Snake however, passes out after trying to fight them as he is still confused. In another flashback, Snake re-lives the moment he was introduced to Ocelot and has more flashbacks of fighting him throughout operation Snake Eater. SNAKE is taken to an off shore plant similar to Mother Base. Ocelot reveals that when Snake was in a coma, Kaz went back to Camp Omega with the Sandinista and rescued the remaining MFS members there and they began to rebuild their outfit, this time re-naming it Diamond Dogs. Ocelot lets Snake rested before his first mission. The next day, Snake is fitted with a robotic hand and wrist which MSF took from a Russian KGB agent they killed a decade ago and then Ocelot takes Snake to Afghanistan to rescue Kaz that has been captured and has been held for over a week. Snake goes on his first ever mission since waking up and finds Kaz whom has both a leg and an arm missing. They fly back to their new home and Kaz explains what he went through in the last nine years. He reveals Ocelot came to him and helped financially as he owes Snake. Kaz also reveals that Skullface has a base in Afghanistan as he is trying to help the Soviets win the war and that is why he chose Afghanistan as a place of interest. Snake is also warmly greeted by the Diamond dog soldiers who see Snake as a living legend. Kaz gives Snake a series of mission objectives. The base at that moment is attacked by a rival mercenary outfit and later after the fight, Kaz reveals that the base needs improvements, better protection and more firepower and men. He encourages Snake to focus on both gaining them their revenge and doing mercenary missions on the side to fund their quest.

CHAPTER TWO: DIAMOND DOGS Before going after Cipher and XOF for revenge, Snake goes back to Afghanistan to raise money for the new Mother Base by completing mercenary missions such as capturing Soviet and Mujaheddin bases, stealing Intel, equipment, personnel, doing assassination & sabotage and intelligence gathering missions for a corrupt CIA unit based there. They capture enemy armored vehicles and collect raw diamonds. Snake also does missions for both the Soviets and for the Mujaheddin in return for diamonds, money and resources. During one mission, Snake finds the person responsible for killing all of the men protecting Kaz and the same person who captured and delivered Kaz to the Russians. Her name is Quiet and she’s an expert sharpshooter. Snake rescues her from being raped and murdered after she kills a perverted Soviet commander. After Snake’s efforts help Mother Base expand into a now fully fledged mercenary outfit, Kaz and Ocelot approach him and reveal they have found the suspected Cipher spy, Huey Emmerich who resides under XOF’s close guard in a Bosnian mansion. Snake goes there and captures him and brings him back to Mother Base where he is then put through severe torture by Ocelot. Quiet was tortured also, escapes and Snake is given the mission of chasing after her since she has valuable information on Diamond Dogs. Snake tracks and locates Quiet, but she quickly turns the hunter into prey and has a sniper stand-off with Snake resulting in her being wounded. As Snake is about to mercy kill her, Kaz calls him with Intel on her background.

She’s from Ireland and her father, an IRA supporter was gunned down along with her brother in the Bloody Sunday incident by the British armed forces. She became a sniper for the IRA, but they betrayed her by attempting to hand her over to the UVF in return for some of their own men, but she killed them, moved to England, changed her name and joined the British Army and worked her way up so she could kill the men responsible for her father and brother’s murders and she did so before being captured by the SAS and tortured to near death and even had her tongue cut off. She escaped and became a mercenary before finding herself working for the Soviets as an assassin. Snake feels for her and offers her a place with Diamond dogs which she accepts. Back at Mother base, Diamond Dogs is given a new series of mercenary missions, similar to the ones before and Snake completes them all. During one mission in which Snake is to assassinate the leader of a rebel group known only as The Orphans, Snake discovers they are a small rag tag group of kids who had lost family due to the on-going war. Snake finds their leader Eli and instead of killing him, Snake recruits him and his companions. Mother Base has now expanded even further and has more men, equipment and contracts. After returning to Mother base, it is attacked by a Soviet assault team in revenge for Snake not completing his mission of killing Eli. He then learns from torturing the last remaining Soviet that they aren’t in fact soviet, but Americans working for Skullface and that they kidnapped Eli from Cipher and were using him as a bargaining chip, but after the boy escaped for the tenth time in six days, Skullface ordered the boy to be execute. Eli however, kills the man before he can say why. Snake decides to let the boy stay on Mother Base in a hope to find out why Cipher value the boy so much.

CHAPTER THREE: A GHOST IN THE MACHINE Huey finally breaks and reveals he was helping cipher. He reveals that Cipher threatened to kill his fiance if he did not help. He also goes on to say that he was aware that Paz might not go through with her plans so he contacted Cipher. He then leaked information to Cipher and created the entire fake inspection plot. He then says that the team were to come in and simply take Metal Gear Zeke and then leave, but they instead planting explosives, killed half of MSF and kidnapped Huey before destroying MSF’s mother base. Huey cries that his actions in betraying Snake has caused him PTSD and he is now a heavy drinker and that his marriage has fallen apart because of it. Snake himself then tortured Huey out of anger, but forgives him later on. Huey tells Snake that Skullface knows both Zero and Snake personally from the 1960′s and gives Snake the location of one of Skullface’s bases in Afghanistan. Snake finds the outpost and infiltrates it in an attempt to capture or kill Skullface, but is detected by the base. As Snake’s extraction fails, he is stranded and has to fight a group of other Cipher assassins, deformed Super Soldiers. Snake barely survives, he beats them, but is surrounded by XOF soldiers, he is rescued by The Mujaheddin who takes him to their camp. Snake, without communication helps the Mujaheddin fight off a large number of Soviet forces before Diamond Dog soldiers arrive and a battle occurs in which many Diamond dog soldiers are killed in the process. Quiet also dies during the battle after sacrificing herself to save Snake. After returning to the base, Snake and his men mourn their fallen comrades and this fuels his desire for revenge even deeper. The base is then visited by Skullface and his men unexpectedly and instead of fighting, Skullface comes to make peace. He reveals himself to be Aleksandar Antov who was once an agent with Fox alongside Snake back in the early 60s. In the mid 60s his wife and children were killed by Major Zero who was in charge of the American Philosophers in retaliation for refusing to kill Eva, a woman from Snake’s past. Skullface explains that he has been keeping his friends close, but his enemies even closer. He wishes to kill Zero who is now in charge of Cipher, but needs help doing so. Despite the protests from Kaz, Snake agrees. Skullface hands Snake a dossier before leaving. The dossier reveals that Cipher has a base in South Africa where they are developing weapons to surpass Metal Gear and that Zero will be there and also reveals that Eli was part of a secret project conducted by Cipher in which Zero used Snake’s genetics to create three cloned baby boys, one of them being Eli. A shocked Snake then later sends Eli off to London with fake papers and enough money to survive to lead a normal life away from both he and Zero, but Eli sees this as abandonment. Snake then tells his men that their time in Afghanistan is over.

CHAPTER FOUR: A COUNTRY WITHOUT BORDERS The war torn South African country of Zawbowii has no government and is not even recognized within the UN. It is made up of desert, a mountainous region, dense jungle and swampland with hundreds of small villages scattered all over it. Snake is told by Kaz that the country is gripped in a civil war between the Christian south and the Muslim north. Snake arrives and is given the mission of infiltrating a rebel there. After doing so, he finds that the rebels are being equipped and paid by Cipher. Snake also finds civilian prisoners whom he releases, one of them begging Snake to save their children that are being kept prisoners and forced to become boy soldiers at another camp. Snake agrees and goes there to find small boys being trained how to fight. Snake rescues them and takes them back to mother base. Kaz disagrees with using boy soldiers, but Snake persuades him. Snake also becomes a friend for one of the small boys named Vosoloo. Snake is given a series of mercenary missions to complete. After completing a mission, snake is suddenly attacked by a demon like fiery figure that was seen at the hospital. Snake kills the figure before heading back to mother base which expands even further.

CHAPTER FIVE: BLOOD DIAMOND Snake gets Intel that Cipher has a large facility and compound and decides to head to it to kill Zero once and for all. Snake comes across a village on his way to the facility and finds all the rebels dead. He finds two lone survivors, a teenage boy named Frank Jaeger and his sister Naomi. Snake saves their lives. Frank fights Snake and Snake wins and subdues him. He tells Frank that he can give him a real cause to fight for and sends them both back to mother base. Snake reaches and infiltrates the cipher facility where he fights the strange psychic and beats him. The Psychic reads Snake’s future before departing from the facility, but tells Snake they will meet again in another life. Snake finds Zero and is about to kill him, but captured and tortured and Zero reveals to Snake that they have developed Nano technology and what he has in store for the world, a future the boss would be proud of. Snake escapes and causes a self-destruct and escapes the facility before it explodes. It is unknown of Zero survives or not.

Snake makes it to a village and discovers that Cipher is sending its full entire force to get him. Snake calls in for all of his men to arrive which they do and they all prepare for battle. Also,getting involved in the battle are the child soldiers. The battle rages after Cipher and the Rebels attack and Snake and his men are heavily outnumbered and surrounded. Snake calls for air support and napalm and cluster bombs are dropped on their location killing almost everyone. Snake then begins to execute the wounded cipher and rebel soldiers one by one before mercy killing a wounded vosoloo. Kaz and the others arrive to witness the aftermath and the bodies that Snake mutilated. Back at mother base, Snake and his men cremate and hold a ceremony for the dead. Snake then goes to extreme measures and orders his men to take the whole country by force and keep it’s people on a tight leash. Snake even has some of his own men punished by death for refusing to kill civilians. Many abandon Diamond Dogs and even Kaz starts to question the cause and war that they are fighting. Snake goes on a series of missions in which he and his forces go from village to village, fight in the jungles and attack base after base, wiping out everyone on sight, including civilians.

Ocelot leaves Diamond Dogs, stating that his mother would hate what Snake has become. The next morning, Snake wakes up to discover that half of the men at Diamond Dogs have gone up and left without warning. Snake orders Kaz to gather up as many men as possible for an assault on the countries capital city where the ruling royal family live. Snake and his men including Kaz, attack the city and Snake orders the deaths of the royal family and the civilian population who are rioting at them. Snake kills several of his own men who refuse to fire at the civilians much to the shock and horror of Kaz. Back at mother base, Kaz questions snake and Snake reveals that Cipher is planning on taking over the world, not by force, but within, via the brain through technology and he wishes to put an end to it. When asked how Snake will accomplish this, snake suggests that they acquire nuclear weapons and simply reduce the Earth’s population and destroy every capital city in every single super power country. Kaz, now sickened by what Snake has become secretly plans a takeover with the diamond dog soldiers who all agree. Snake is attacked by his own men who try to subdue him, but Snake kills them and launches a one man assault on his own base, killing his own men. Kaz and the others try and fightback but Skullface and his unit arrive and launch the same type of devastation on Mother Base as they did a decade earlier but only this time are helped by Snake. Kaz escapes along with a traumatised Huey. Skullface accept Snake for who he is and even agrees with Snake’s plan on saving the world from Cipher.

CHAPTER SIX: OUTER HEAVEN Snake is taken to an abandoned missile site where Skullface has shaped into his own mother base. There, Snake is introduced to a Metal Gear which his men have built based on Zeke. Both Skullface and Snake form an alliance and decide to take over the country and take it for themselves and use it as an F.O.B in their war against Cipher. Snake now has a series of missions to complete in order to impress and win over Skullface and his men which he does. Snake is accepted as one of them. Snake realizes he will always be a target of Cipher whom will stop at nothing. So Snake comes up with a plan. He kills Skullface and takes over as commander or General Saladin as his new army call him. Snake then orders that his men build a wall around the small country, expand the base and start developing nuclear weapons. He then arranges to meet with Zero. Snake meets with an aged and weak Zero whom is with Ocelot and gives Zero Skullfaces head as a gift. He begs Zero to forgive him and give him another chance. Zero is quick to accept and allows Snake to have his own Special Forces Unit which Snake named Foxhound. Zero also introduces his adopted son David Plisken to Snake. Zero then reveals to Snake in private that David is actually his and will even allow Snake to be there for him but only as a mentor. Snake agrees. Zero has no idea that the General Saladin who is now the leader of the mercenary state, Outer Heaven is Snake. Snake arrives at the Foxhound base facility in Colorado in dress uniform. He meets Major Roy Campbell who becomes the units second in command. Snake is later visited by Ocelot who asks what Snake is trying to accomplish. Snake simply smiles and replies with, “Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer”..Also arriving at the base are the first ever batch of recruits, amongst them is Frank Jaeger.

The game ends with the sentence, “To be continued in, Metal Gear Solid: Outer Heaven”. Suggesting that the next game will not only be a follow-up but will actually be a full re-telling/Remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.

There we have it folks! This may or may not be true, but I think one thing we can agree on and that is the obvious discussion that will follow with fans coming up with future theories about the approaching end of the Metal Gear Solid (as we know it) series.


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пробежал глазами текст. Если правда, то вполне себе годно.

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Если фейк, то качественный. Это ж надо столько всего написать. Сам пока только начал читать.
[hide='Сценарий TPP']

Before we begin let’s get the obvious stuff out-of-the-way first. The story outline below probably isn’t the real deal and let’s say more of a joke that was sent to me. However, IF this is real and the content below turns out to be true, then say good-bye to any mystery about the questions that fans have theorized about. Ask yourself this: Do you really want to ruin the story details about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid game that everyone is desperately waiting to get their hands on?

Wouldn’t it be more fun unveiling the truth about Skullface, Quiet and all the other characters along with everybody else around the world on release date? I stopped at chapter one. Truthfully I didn’t read all of it and the script could end on “ HAHA GOTCHA” for all I know. From me rolling my eyes and light laughter from the possible fact somebody might have leaked story beats from a series I massively love, to me refusing to read any more because it’s quite possible I have already ruined chapter one for myself. This was surprising to say the least.

I would also like to mention I have done NO edits and have kept the entire post that was sent to myself in it’s true form. I haven’t changed any of the story nor do I take credit for what you will see below. I am simply passing along something that I thought may be interesting and a little bit of fun.
Here I present to you the back-story about how this person got the information: 

Don’t know if this is genuine but heard from a friend who works with a certain gaming production company based in L.A. He gave me the entire plot of the game.
My friend is working on a 13 month based contract with Kojima productions Los Angeles. He worked on games like Urban Chaos, Soldiers of fortune, Crash Bandicoot, An old game called Time Splitters but mostly works for Telltale games. I became friends with him after meeting him at comic con four years ago and we’ve been playing on the same battlefield clan on PC ever since. I begged him for months and months to tell me about the game. He sent me a message on Facebook with what i copied and pasted above. I have no reason to doubt him but he said some story elements were changed in the last year however, that’s the reason for delay. But he’s working with 600 other people on the online right now


PROLOGUE: Snake infiltrates Camp Omega, A U.S controlled black site prison facility in Cuba to rescue Chico and Cipher spy Paz. After rescuing them, Snake discovers a bomb in Paz which he and a surgeon takes out from here, saving a potential explosion. Meanwhile, A group of Cipher agents led by Skullface who have used the Alias XOF to trick U.S Forces into believing their with the government and infiltrated Mother Base by pretending to be a U.N Inspection team and they have also used one of their inside men, within Mother Base to launch a devastating attack on the base in an attempt of stealing Metal Gear Zeke. Snake returns to the base during the attack and saves his second in command, Kaz Miller and they depart as the base is destroyed. Paz, however wakes up and reveals she has another bomb and she exits the helicopter saving Snake in the process and after regaining control of the helicopter, they battle an XOF unit chasing them before going back to mother base to look for survivors, but find none. After making it to land, Chico is reunited with his sister, the leader of a resistance group, but they are attacked by a U.S mercenary unit who mortally wound Snake. Kaz and the other survivors are taken back to camp omega and tortured, but Kaz escapes and rescues Snake. Kaz uses his contacts to get them to a private hospital in Jamaica where Snake falls into a coma.

CHAPTER ONE: THE PHANTOM PAIN Snake has a flashback of Operation Snake Eater and re-lives fighting The Boss before waking in a hospital. His body is out of shape and he is weak. He is occasionally visited by a Nurse and his doctor who reveals that he has been in a coma for nine years and has lost his left hand and wrist and has shrapnel lodged in his skull which will in the course of the next few months work its way out. Snake goes into a shock and reveals he has slight memory loss. Going back to sleep, he has flashbacks of how he learned of the innocent of The Boss, his decision to leave The American Philosophers, an organization created by his former Commander Zero due to their differences in interpreting the will of The Boss and how he came to be a mercenary in Central America and his occasional violent run-ins with a rival mercenary leader Kaz Miller to finally the two men coming to peace and creating MSF together. Snake wakes up in shock when an explosion rips through the hospital and machine gun fire followed by people screaming. Snake is introduced to a man who calls himself Ishmael whom reveals he has been watching over Snake for the past nine years. He helps the weak Snake move through the hospital for safety when they are attacked by several strange figures who at first seem hostile, but then are revealed to be trying to help Snake after they rescue him from a death squad of XOF soldiers.

Snake and Ishmael make it out of the hospital and try fleeing by car, but are attacked by an attack helicopter. Snake is saved after the helicopter is taken out by a strange psychic figure. Snake also finds that Ishmael was just an illusion created by this Psychic in order to help Snake. Snake is then snatched by Revolver Ocelot who is shocked to learn that Snake does not remember him. Ocelot takes him away revealing that the people trying to kill him belong to Skullface, who has started a full-blown war against Cipher for unknown reasons and is trying to kill Snake in order to kill Cipher’s icon and propaganda tool. Together, they fight off these strange figures who are working for Cipher before being rescued by Diamond Dog soldiers. Snake however, passes out after trying to fight them as he is still confused. In another flashback, Snake re-lives the moment he was introduced to Ocelot and has more flashbacks of fighting him throughout operation Snake Eater. SNAKE is taken to an off shore plant similar to Mother Base. Ocelot reveals that when Snake was in a coma, Kaz went back to Camp Omega with the Sandinista and rescued the remaining MFS members there and they began to rebuild their outfit, this time re-naming it Diamond Dogs. Ocelot lets Snake rested before his first mission. The next day, Snake is fitted with a robotic hand and wrist which MSF took from a Russian KGB agent they killed a decade ago and then Ocelot takes Snake to Afghanistan to rescue Kaz that has been captured and has been held for over a week. Snake goes on his first ever mission since waking up and finds Kaz whom has both a leg and an arm missing. They fly back to their new home and Kaz explains what he went through in the last nine years. He reveals Ocelot came to him and helped financially as he owes Snake. Kaz also reveals that Skullface has a base in Afghanistan as he is trying to help the Soviets win the war and that is why he chose Afghanistan as a place of interest. Snake is also warmly greeted by the Diamond dog soldiers who see Snake as a living legend. Kaz gives Snake a series of mission objectives. The base at that moment is attacked by a rival mercenary outfit and later after the fight, Kaz reveals that the base needs improvements, better protection and more firepower and men. He encourages Snake to focus on both gaining them their revenge and doing mercenary missions on the side to fund their quest.

CHAPTER TWO: DIAMOND DOGS Before going after Cipher and XOF for revenge, Snake goes back to Afghanistan to raise money for the new Mother Base by completing mercenary missions such as capturing Soviet and Mujaheddin bases, stealing Intel, equipment, personnel, doing assassination & sabotage and intelligence gathering missions for a corrupt CIA unit based there. They capture enemy armored vehicles and collect raw diamonds. Snake also does missions for both the Soviets and for the Mujaheddin in return for diamonds, money and resources. During one mission, Snake finds the person responsible for killing all of the men protecting Kaz and the same person who captured and delivered Kaz to the Russians. Her name is Quiet and she’s an expert sharpshooter. Snake rescues her from being raped and murdered after she kills a perverted Soviet commander. After Snake’s efforts help Mother Base expand into a now fully fledged mercenary outfit, Kaz and Ocelot approach him and reveal they have found the suspected Cipher spy, Huey Emmerich who resides under XOF’s close guard in a Bosnian mansion. Snake goes there and captures him and brings him back to Mother Base where he is then put through severe torture by Ocelot. Quiet was tortured also, escapes and Snake is given the mission of chasing after her since she has valuable information on Diamond Dogs. Snake tracks and locates Quiet, but she quickly turns the hunter into prey and has a sniper stand-off with Snake resulting in her being wounded. As Snake is about to mercy kill her, Kaz calls him with Intel on her background.

She’s from Ireland and her father, an IRA supporter was gunned down along with her brother in the Bloody Sunday incident by the British armed forces. She became a sniper for the IRA, but they betrayed her by attempting to hand her over to the UVF in return for some of their own men, but she killed them, moved to England, changed her name and joined the British Army and worked her way up so she could kill the men responsible for her father and brother’s murders and she did so before being captured by the SAS and tortured to near death and even had her tongue cut off. She escaped and became a mercenary before finding herself working for the Soviets as an assassin. Snake feels for her and offers her a place with Diamond dogs which she accepts. Back at Mother base, Diamond Dogs is given a new series of mercenary missions, similar to the ones before and Snake completes them all. During one mission in which Snake is to assassinate the leader of a rebel group known only as The Orphans, Snake discovers they are a small rag tag group of kids who had lost family due to the on-going war. Snake finds their leader Eli and instead of killing him, Snake recruits him and his companions. Mother Base has now expanded even further and has more men, equipment and contracts. After returning to Mother base, it is attacked by a Soviet assault team in revenge for Snake not completing his mission of killing Eli. He then learns from torturing the last remaining Soviet that they aren’t in fact soviet, but Americans working for Skullface and that they kidnapped Eli from Cipher and were using him as a bargaining chip, but after the boy escaped for the tenth time in six days, Skullface ordered the boy to be execute. Eli however, kills the man before he can say why. Snake decides to let the boy stay on Mother Base in a hope to find out why Cipher value the boy so much.

CHAPTER THREE: A GHOST IN THE MACHINE Huey finally breaks and reveals he was helping cipher. He reveals that Cipher threatened to kill his fiance if he did not help. He also goes on to say that he was aware that Paz might not go through with her plans so he contacted Cipher. He then leaked information to Cipher and created the entire fake inspection plot. He then says that the team were to come in and simply take Metal Gear Zeke and then leave, but they instead planting explosives, killed half of MSF and kidnapped Huey before destroying MSF’s mother base. Huey cries that his actions in betraying Snake has caused him PTSD and he is now a heavy drinker and that his marriage has fallen apart because of it. Snake himself then tortured Huey out of anger, but forgives him later on. Huey tells Snake that Skullface knows both Zero and Snake personally from the 1960′s and gives Snake the location of one of Skullface’s bases in Afghanistan. Snake finds the outpost and infiltrates it in an attempt to capture or kill Skullface, but is detected by the base. As Snake’s extraction fails, he is stranded and has to fight a group of other Cipher assassins, deformed Super Soldiers. Snake barely survives, he beats them, but is surrounded by XOF soldiers, he is rescued by The Mujaheddin who takes him to their camp. Snake, without communication helps the Mujaheddin fight off a large number of Soviet forces before Diamond Dog soldiers arrive and a battle occurs in which many Diamond dog soldiers are killed in the process. Quiet also dies during the battle after sacrificing herself to save Snake. After returning to the base, Snake and his men mourn their fallen comrades and this fuels his desire for revenge even deeper. The base is then visited by Skullface and his men unexpectedly and instead of fighting, Skullface comes to make peace. He reveals himself to be Aleksandar Antov who was once an agent with Fox alongside Snake back in the early 60s. In the mid 60s his wife and children were killed by Major Zero who was in charge of the American Philosophers in retaliation for refusing to kill Eva, a woman from Snake’s past. Skullface explains that he has been keeping his friends close, but his enemies even closer. He wishes to kill Zero who is now in charge of Cipher, but needs help doing so. Despite the protests from Kaz, Snake agrees. Skullface hands Snake a dossier before leaving. The dossier reveals that Cipher has a base in South Africa where they are developing weapons to surpass Metal Gear and that Zero will be there and also reveals that Eli was part of a secret project conducted by Cipher in which Zero used Snake’s genetics to create three cloned baby boys, one of them being Eli. A shocked Snake then later sends Eli off to London with fake papers and enough money to survive to lead a normal life away from both he and Zero, but Eli sees this as abandonment. Snake then tells his men that their time in Afghanistan is over.

CHAPTER FOUR: A COUNTRY WITHOUT BORDERS The war torn South African country of Zawbowii has no government and is not even recognized within the UN. It is made up of desert, a mountainous region, dense jungle and swampland with hundreds of small villages scattered all over it. Snake is told by Kaz that the country is gripped in a civil war between the Christian south and the Muslim north. Snake arrives and is given the mission of infiltrating a rebel there. After doing so, he finds that the rebels are being equipped and paid by Cipher. Snake also finds civilian prisoners whom he releases, one of them begging Snake to save their children that are being kept prisoners and forced to become boy soldiers at another camp. Snake agrees and goes there to find small boys being trained how to fight. Snake rescues them and takes them back to mother base. Kaz disagrees with using boy soldiers, but Snake persuades him. Snake also becomes a friend for one of the small boys named Vosoloo. Snake is given a series of mercenary missions to complete. After completing a mission, snake is suddenly attacked by a demon like fiery figure that was seen at the hospital. Snake kills the figure before heading back to mother base which expands even further.

CHAPTER FIVE: BLOOD DIAMOND Snake gets Intel that Cipher has a large facility and compound and decides to head to it to kill Zero once and for all. Snake comes across a village on his way to the facility and finds all the rebels dead. He finds two lone survivors, a teenage boy named Frank Jaeger and his sister Naomi. Snake saves their lives. Frank fights Snake and Snake wins and subdues him. He tells Frank that he can give him a real cause to fight for and sends them both back to mother base. Snake reaches and infiltrates the cipher facility where he fights the strange psychic and beats him. The Psychic reads Snake’s future before departing from the facility, but tells Snake they will meet again in another life. Snake finds Zero and is about to kill him, but captured and tortured and Zero reveals to Snake that they have developed Nano technology and what he has in store for the world, a future the boss would be proud of. Snake escapes and causes a self-destruct and escapes the facility before it explodes. It is unknown of Zero survives or not.

Snake makes it to a village and discovers that Cipher is sending its full entire force to get him. Snake calls in for all of his men to arrive which they do and they all prepare for battle. Also,getting involved in the battle are the child soldiers. The battle rages after Cipher and the Rebels attack and Snake and his men are heavily outnumbered and surrounded. Snake calls for air support and napalm and cluster bombs are dropped on their location killing almost everyone. Snake then begins to execute the wounded cipher and rebel soldiers one by one before mercy killing a wounded vosoloo. Kaz and the others arrive to witness the aftermath and the bodies that Snake mutilated. Back at mother base, Snake and his men cremate and hold a ceremony for the dead. Snake then goes to extreme measures and orders his men to take the whole country by force and keep it’s people on a tight leash. Snake even has some of his own men punished by death for refusing to kill civilians. Many abandon Diamond Dogs and even Kaz starts to question the cause and war that they are fighting. Snake goes on a series of missions in which he and his forces go from village to village, fight in the jungles and attack base after base, wiping out everyone on sight, including civilians.

Ocelot leaves Diamond Dogs, stating that his mother would hate what Snake has become. The next morning, Snake wakes up to discover that half of the men at Diamond Dogs have gone up and left without warning. Snake orders Kaz to gather up as many men as possible for an assault on the countries capital city where the ruling royal family live. Snake and his men including Kaz, attack the city and Snake orders the deaths of the royal family and the civilian population who are rioting at them. Snake kills several of his own men who refuse to fire at the civilians much to the shock and horror of Kaz. Back at mother base, Kaz questions snake and Snake reveals that Cipher is planning on taking over the world, not by force, but within, via the brain through technology and he wishes to put an end to it. When asked how Snake will accomplish this, snake suggests that they acquire nuclear weapons and simply reduce the Earth’s population and destroy every capital city in every single super power country. Kaz, now sickened by what Snake has become secretly plans a takeover with the diamond dog soldiers who all agree. Snake is attacked by his own men who try to subdue him, but Snake kills them and launches a one man assault on his own base, killing his own men. Kaz and the others try and fightback but Skullface and his unit arrive and launch the same type of devastation on Mother Base as they did a decade earlier but only this time are helped by Snake. Kaz escapes along with a traumatised Huey. Skullface accept Snake for who he is and even agrees with Snake’s plan on saving the world from Cipher.

CHAPTER SIX: OUTER HEAVEN Snake is taken to an abandoned missile site where Skullface has shaped into his own mother base. There, Snake is introduced to a Metal Gear which his men have built based on Zeke. Both Skullface and Snake form an alliance and decide to take over the country and take it for themselves and use it as an F.O.B in their war against Cipher. Snake now has a series of missions to complete in order to impress and win over Skullface and his men which he does. Snake is accepted as one of them. Snake realizes he will always be a target of Cipher whom will stop at nothing. So Snake comes up with a plan. He kills Skullface and takes over as commander or General Saladin as his new army call him. Snake then orders that his men build a wall around the small country, expand the base and start developing nuclear weapons. He then arranges to meet with Zero. Snake meets with an aged and weak Zero whom is with Ocelot and gives Zero Skullfaces head as a gift. He begs Zero to forgive him and give him another chance. Zero is quick to accept and allows Snake to have his own Special Forces Unit which Snake named Foxhound. Zero also introduces his adopted son David Plisken to Snake. Zero then reveals to Snake in private that David is actually his and will even allow Snake to be there for him but only as a mentor. Snake agrees. Zero has no idea that the General Saladin who is now the leader of the mercenary state, Outer Heaven is Snake. Snake arrives at the Foxhound base facility in Colorado in dress uniform. He meets Major Roy Campbell who becomes the units second in command. Snake is later visited by Ocelot who asks what Snake is trying to accomplish. Snake simply smiles and replies with, “Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer”..Also arriving at the base are the first ever batch of recruits, amongst them is Frank Jaeger.

The game ends with the sentence, “To be continued in, Metal Gear Solid: Outer Heaven”. Suggesting that the next game will not only be a follow-up but will actually be a full re-telling/Remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.

There we have it folks! This may or may not be true, but I think one thing we can agree on and that is the obvious discussion that will follow with fans coming up with future theories about the approaching end of the Metal Gear Solid (as we know it) series.


где тут хоть раз упоминается Code Talker, кто это вообще, и почему он даже заявлен в трейлере?  :icon_cool:



и начинается:

Zero reveals that Eli was part of a secret project conducted by Cipher in which Zero used Snake’s genetics to create three cloned baby boys, one of them being Eli. A shocked Snake then later sends Eli off to London



Zero also introduces his adopted son David Plisken to Snake 

ну ок, not so shoked  :-D


и в конце еще биливчик такой:


The game ends with the sentence, “To be continued in, Metal Gear Solid: Outer Heaven”. Suggesting that the next game will not only be a follow-up but will actually be a full re-telling/Remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2

короче, люблю писать © форест гамп  :icon_cool:

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[quote name='Raggamuffin' timestamp='1405310866' post='4288469'] где тут хоть раз упоминается Code Talker [/quote]

плюс ни слова о происхождении рога у ББ, никакой инфы про разницу о Веном Снейке и Панишед Снейке (а они таки разные судя по скринам)

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[quote name='shaSTICK' timestamp='1405401474' post='4290078'] плюс ни слова о происхождении рога у ББ [/quote] 


В описании первой главы же. Но сам по себе текст не очень. 

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по моему просто проанализировали лор по МГС и понапридумывали что хотят увидеть, хотя душа Паз в зике это довольно интересно, хоть и повторяет МИРОХОД

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пули в руках между пальцами - ну это точно он

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А мне кажется, что это галлюцинация от Мантиса. 

100% читал мысли снейка

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[member='r0m1988'], Есть также вероятность что он выжил и теперь гнев буквально сжигает его, а если нет то Мантис 100% призовет как минимум еще одного Босс'а  :icon_cool: 

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