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Новое исследование обещает победу PS3

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SolidusSnake - предупреджение за неоднократные нарушения пункта 2.9

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PS3 Kiosk Hits GDC
Posted Mar 21, 2006 at 10:26PM by Scott K.

Listed in: News

Sony will have a Playstation 3 kiosk set up at the GDC (Game Developers Conference) expo hall tomorrow to show off some kind of performance analysis tools.

Sony just announced that they will be “showcasing the latest hardware and development tools for the next-generation console including Unreal Engine, COLLADA, Playstation Graphics Library and performance analysis tools.”

Come face to face with the future of the $11 billion game industry on the GDC Expo Floor and Career Pavilion.

Expected attendance: 12,000+
91% of GDC attendees are involved in the purchase decisions of software tools for their jobs; 84% are involved in the purchase decisions of hardware tools for their jobs.
98% of 2005 attendees rated the information provided at the GDC relevant to their jobs.
In 2005, attendees spent an average of 6.5 hours on the GDC Expo floor.
GDC attendees have an average of 7.5 years experience, and have published an average of 9.5 game titles.
[Via Kotaku]

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GDC: Ratchet & Clank PS3-bound
Sony and Insomniac are bringing the gun-crazy duo to the PlayStation 3.
SAN JOSE, Calif.--Immediately after showing off a new internal demo of Resistance: Fall of Man, the game formerly known as I-8, Ted Price of Insomniac used the rest of his stage time at Sony's 2006 Game Developers Conference keynote address to give a sneak peek of the next chapter in the long-running Ratchet & Clank series, currently in development for the PlayStation 3.

Price's demo was brief, showing the furry-eared alien and his robot friend walking through a tunnel and looking out over a huge city-planet reminiscent of the Star Wars planet, Coruscant. As the camera flies down over the planet, rows and rows of robots are shown, walking through the streets as a blimp with the Ratchet & Clank logo passes overhead.

We'll have more on Ratchet & Clank PS3 as it becomes available.

By Jeff Gerstmann -- GameSpot

[size=75]Добавлено 22 Мар 2006, 21:48:[/size]

Update 10:36am - The speech begins

Update 10:41am - God of War director David Jaffe takes the stage and shows a trailer for God of War II: Devine Retribution for the PS2.

Update 10:49am - A vibrant, cartoony Loco Roco clip is shown to the audience

Update 10:51am - A new duck demo on the PS3 is shown similar to last years E3 demo
Update 10:57am - A demo showing many knights, possibly thousands, getting blasted and bodies scattering

Update 10:59am - Another clip is shown, this one of a grey sports car in a desert

Update 11:02am - A demo for Getaway is shown, this demo shows the camera being moved around in real time

Update 11:03am - Warhawk is shown, showing off the water effects and scattering of gunfire and clouds

Update 11:13am - Another demo is shown, this time of the racing game Motor Storm.

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[quote name="3BEPb"]Точно не ошибусь, если скажу, что их всех Next-Gen консолей в Японии лидирует XBox360.[/quote]

На данный момент других Next-Gen и нету :cry:

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[quote name="3BEPb"]Точно не ошибусь, если скажу, что их всех Next-Gen консолей в Японии лидирует XBox360.[/quote]жжош :-D )))

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О тачке

GDC 06: Car Demo Details
Even the best paint jobs look like crap after a clip of ammunition tears it apart.
by Chris Roper
March 22, 2006 - During Sony's keynote at GDC 2006, it showed off a number of new PlayStation 3 demos, including the destruction of a car. The scene took place in a desert and began with a close camera flyby of one side of the car that showed off its highly complex paint shaders. Nicely simulating many of the fine details in realistic paint, the car featured subtle, distorted reflections, small paint ripples, metallic specular highlights and more, all intermixed to form what is quite possibly the most realistic real-time car shader we've seen to date.

While the car started out looking great, this didn't last long. Shots were soon fired and a plethora of bullet holes began denting the sides of the automobile. Once the shots neared the two fenders, they became dislodged and fell to the ground. The trunk eventually popped open to display the engine itself, and once the shooting was over, the car's wheels popped off and the vehicle hit the ground with one last thud.

The cool part about the demo was that all of the destruction inflicted to it was dynamic, each bit of damage rendered and applied to the car procedurally. The demo is indeed a tiny portion of an in-production game, though details on exactly which game it is were left to guesses.

Our guess is that it's connected to the gas station demo from last year's E3. Time will tell if we're right.
уровень ролика Е3 2005 не достигли но всёсрано впечатляет
GDC 06: Motorstorm Update
The coolest-looking original PS3 franchise from E3 is now realtime at GDC.
by Nix
March 22, 2006 - In its platform keynote address at GDC 2006 this morning, Sony Computer Entertainment displayed for the first time the new multi-vehicle dirt racing game, MotorStorm.

Compared to the E3 presentation, the game is close in presentation and functionality and look to its promise, with detail not reaching the level of the astounding E3 demo but still running with some very cool technology to provide a new way of playing in the mud. Developed by Evolution Studios, the game's presentation featured buggies and motorcycles running through a rugged desert. The game's advanced new mud physics were incredible, leaving ruts behind in the mud using real physics. For example, a motorcycle was seen cutting a deep groove in the mud while kicking up muck at a white truck following it, the trailing vehicle buckily wildly as it battled off the streaming mud while also trying to find a line to drive in the groove-etched bog. The particle effects, however, were not nearly at that level of quality, looking very temporary at this stage of early development. Hopefully, the unfinished details will be sweetened up as the game goes on, and the gameplay already showed signs of achieving the frantic nature of the E3 2005 teaser video.
ну вы всё сами поняли джойстик будет переработан

Sony Confirms PS3 Controller Redesign
Posted Mar 22, 2006 at 06:59PM by Mark M.

Listed in: Controller
PlayStation 3 fans should be dancing in the streets, and critics congratulating themselves, as one of the most ridiculed next-gen controllers has apparently bitten the dust.

Phil Harrison, Sony's president of the Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios division, announced today that the often ridiculed PlayStation 3 controller is undergoing a redesign.

Harrison made this statement in a speech that was mainly about the Xbox Live-like PlayStation Network Platform. Apparently the "boomerang/banana" shape that has worried many gamers since it's unveiling will be revised and revealed at E3 in May.

So, now the waiting begins...
И на закуску гвоздь в тех кто сомневался в подлинности Гейтвея :D
GDC 06: Eyes-on The (Manipulated) Getaway
Phil Harrison proves last year's demo real.
by Jeremy Dunham
March 22, 2006 - Following the cooling-off period from last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sony Computer Entertainment President of Worldwide Studios, Phil Harrison had something to prove. "People didn't believe that The Getaway demo was real-time," he said during his keynote address today at GDC. "I'm going to bring back the same demo today to prove that it was."

And that's exactly what Harrison did. Booting up the same scene from The Getaway shown at last May's event, the president moved the camera around to show everyone that it wasn't a pre-rendered movie at all. Shifting camera perspectives, he zoomed in and out of London's Piccadilly Circus and revealed new angles to a stage that hadn't been seen before.

Yes, it's impressive looking isn't it?

Sadly, there wasn't much else to the demo other than that. Cars moved realistically down the road; people walked the sidewalks; light reflected off glass and metallic surfaces. It all looked well and good, and as my colleague Chris Roper put it, "It had HDR out the ass!" (For the unfamiliar, HDR is short for 'High Dynamic Range,' which essentially means the manipulation of an image between its brightest and darkest areas beyond the current standard of modern displays.)

Straightforward as it may have been, the demo was used to prove a point. Harrison wanted to show the crowd why having the Blu-ray storage format was so important. This simple Getaway scene in particular, was so huge in terms of its data (hundreds of MBs), that without the Blu-ray, building the environment wouldn't be possible. It's an advantage that the 50 Gigs (on a dual-layered BD-ROM) can bring to content developers -- the opportunity to build and stream bigger, more detailed worlds.

What will all this mean for the final version of The Getaway when it comes out sometime before the apocalypse? Obviously we don't know yet, but if the finished game looks anything like the demo we could be in for a real treat.
ИМХО расчитываю что новый ГТА будет нехуже


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Поэтому-то только на ign и весят такие хвалебные новости :lol:

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может знатоки англицкого будут переводит Все свои отчеты на русский?? :twisted:

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ТИПА на Девелопер конфе показали рбочие демки с ПС3 Моторшторма Вархавка Гейтвея Ретчета итд всё было очень круто...Джойстик переделают,в ПС3 регионов не будет

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Моторшторм, кстати, несмотря на красивые эффекты и реалистичную грязь из-под колес, до ролика на который др@чили все ожидатели зы3, не дотягивает. В смысле, в реалтаймовой неинтерактивной демке с GDC графика ощутимо хуже чем в ролике.

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[b]Gera[/b], раз уж копируешь текст, то хотябы переводи, во-первых, форум русскоязычный, по правилам ГМ у тебя уже несколько нарушений =)
во-вторых, если если уж лень переводить, то кидай просто линк, но не текст =_=

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Физика великой целки. :-D

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[quote]ИМХО расчитываю что новый ГТА будет нехуже[/quote]
это скрины из нового Гейтвейя?!! ого, я было подумал, зачем фотки постить места проведения GDC :mrgreen:
[quote]Физика великой целки.[/quote]
этож рейлган, он пролетает сквозь объекты.

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[quote name="Dimasius"]больше не хочу покупать 360
сони набирает очки :encore:[/quote]Смешной ты :lol:
Где они, очки? PS3 ещё даже не вышла...

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