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Final Fantasy XIII

Ваш Любимый Главный Герой:  

190 проголосовавших

  1. 1. Ваш Любимый Главный Герой:

    • Lightning
    • Oerba Dia Vanille
    • Oerba Yun Fang
    • Snow Villiers
    • Hope Estheim
    • Sazh Katzroy

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[b]kawa77[/b], Да себе можно что угодно под саунд нафантазировать :-D

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[b]danna[/b], Сами разработчики этого не говорили :)
Toshiro Tsuchida и Kitase говорили, что они хотят сделать безшовную боевую систему.

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[b]Vina Sora[/b], в интервью с наташей одинцовой они сказали что будет энкаунтеры аля бд или тэйлс оф/грандия2, когда противники видны на карте но когда ты подходишь к ним то действие переносится на арену
вообщем либо наташа что-то напутала в своем интервью либо скваре до сих пор не разобрались с системой.
вообще мне главное чтобы были либо динамическая боевая система а не сонное убожество из фф12, либо красивые камеры/постановка в боевой системе как в ЛО.
вообще хочу оба варианта :love: давайте уже :love:

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[b]ACE[/b], Красивые камеры точно будут :)
[quote]в интервью с наташей одинцовой они сказали что будет энкаунтеры аля бд или тэйлс оф/грандия2[/quote]
Прямо так именно сказали?
Я думаю такого не будет.
[quote]либо скваре до сих пор не разобрались с системой[/quote]
Врядли они будут сливать сырую информацию

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[b]Vina Sora[/b], они ее описали - по описаниям то самое. я выкладывал это в тему. у них тогда на кавере фф13 была.
выходи в аську

да, описали систему энкаунтеров а не саму боевую систему.

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круто. а на мобилу никто не записал трейлер?

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Пока что всё очень запутанно чтобы делать выводы.
На одних источниках одно, блоггеры пишут другое, разрабы третье с другой стороны так и сяк. нифига не понятно.
Ладно буду ждать демку и не ломать голову, а то еще понапридумываем и разочаруемся в чем-нибудь(...

Ндя, судя по описалову - новые персы увиденные это просто npc боты второго плана... Ну когда же остальных членов пати покажут?
Неужели вся наша пати - 3 человека?)

Учитывая то, что Сквара первым делом сначала всю пати всегда показывала (вспомните первые ролики и инфу на 10ю фф довольно-таки быстро ГГ повылезали)...

Ну короче я в замешательстве, и вообще не понимаю что они хотят.
От такого нетерпения и нежелания показывать новую нормальную информацию публике(а не вокруг да около) - у меня уже нотки негативности проскакивают) - неужели напороли так что боятся что-то показать еще? :-D ну блииииин.
Такое первый раз.

Демка будет чертовски ограничена чувствую >__<.
посмотрим еще и на продолжительность "длиннее адвента в два раза" уху было бы круто конечно очень...

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[b]Taelsien[/b], ждем демку за деньги или на дисках. :-D

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[quote name="Taelsien"]Пока что всё очень запутанно чтобы делать выводы.
На одних источниках одно, блоггеры пишут другое, разрабы третье с другой стороны так и сяк. нифига не понятно.
Ладно буду ждать демку и не ломать голову, а то еще понапридумываем и разочаруемся в чем-нибудь(...

Ндя, судя по описалову - новые персы увиденные это просто npc боты второго плана... Ну когда же остальных членов пати покажут?
Неужели вся наша пати - 3 человека?)

Учитывая то, что Сквара первым делом сначала всю пати всегда показывала (вспомните первые ролики и инфу на 10ю фф довольно-таки быстро ГГ повылезали)...

Ну короче я в замешательстве, и вообще не понимаю что они хотят.
От такого нетерпения и нежелания показывать новую нормальную информацию публике(а не вокруг да около) - у меня уже нотки негативности проскакивают) - неужели напороли так что боятся что-то показать еще? :-D ну блииииин.
Такое первый раз.
Пиарят сволочи. Информацию ужали до каких-то микроскопических размеров. За три года об игре узнали три копейки. Народ в стотысячный раз один и тот же ролик пересматривает ради пары новых секунд, а ты целую пати захотел) Персонажей строго по одному и только по большим праздникам.

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Немного выдержки из нового Famitsu
[quote]Some updates on the development by Kitase of SE:
- FF XIII will be a complete game in one package, and there will be no DLC. If they were to create DLC, they'd rather make a completely new game.[/quote]
Клево :gigi: Значит, если все таки надумают делать DLC, то будет новая игра во вселеной FF13
- FF XIII is up to the point where the base of the game is done, and they are starting to see some completion.[/quote]
Если все уже практически готова, зачем делать закрытые показы?
- They are going to promote FF XIII so much that the whole world will know about it.[/quote]
Громко сказано :gigi:

Информация со сканов

- Apparently the MP system is gone and is replaced with a "cost" system.

- In one turn, you can stock up a series of commands and activate them all at once, instead of choosing one. Also, depending on the pattern of the commands you choose, Lightning's actions will change. For example, choosing "attack-attack-fire" and "attack-fire-attack" will activate different movements of Lightning. At the beginning of the game the maximum number of stocks per turn is 3, but it is very likely that the number will increase as you progress through the game.

- ATB is updated in the game, where you can to control the amount of the ATB gauge to use. For example, if you choose the maximum amount of commands in a turn, the gauge will become empty, but if you choose only one command in a turn, the loss of the gauge will be minimal. [/quote]
Интересная система. Придаст игре разнообразие, кинематографичность, но при этом останется тактической. :)

- A yellow bar is displayed on the top right corner of the screen, which displays a "bonus" percentage on the bottom and the chain attack number on the top. "BREAK" replaces the chain number when the chain attack is broken. The use of the bar and the meaning of the bonus percentage is still unknown.

- The field system is very similar to FFXII's where the enemies are visible, and you have the choice to engage in combat or ignore. On the field you can check the enemies' names and HPs before you go into combat.

- The main enemies from the Holy Government are the Gewalt hounds, and the PSICOM soldiers. When Lightning was still in the Holy Government, she had some kind of association with PSICOM.

- The giant mechanical enemy that Lightning has been seen with on the train belongs to the Holy Government, and is called Manasvin. It mainly attacks with lasers and with circular blades that are attached to its wings.

- During gameplay, Lightning's weapon's form can freely be changed by a command in the menu. From a blade, to a gun, and vice versa.

- Lightning uses her weapon with her right hand, while she uses magic with her left hand. She does not summon gravity with her own powers, instead, she uses a special mechanic that's attached to her left hand.

- Not much of the new character on the bottom left corner of page 3 is revealed, except the fact that he knows Lightning since she was with the government.[/quote]

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[b]Vina Sora[/b], можешь перевести все и запостить в новостях?

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[b]Vina Sora[/b], пасибо...порукоблудил :agree: :gigi:
пока батл систем очень нравится :D

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Самое подробное описание боевой системы, взятое из Famitsu HongKong.
[url=http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/forums/showpost.php?p=140045&postcount=31]http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/forums/sho ... stcount=31[/url]
Многое что здесь написано было в Famitsu weakly, но с некоторыми доработками и исправлениями.
Например ATB bar - это линейка под именем Лайтинг. А линейка которая находится над Command List просто показывает сколько дёйствий может сделать Лайтинг за ход.
Лайтинг также может атаковать сразу нескольких противников, если они стоят близко.
Во время битвы Лайтинг может менять оружее ( c меча на пистолет) кнопкой треугольник, приэтом не затратив ATB cost.
Само боевое меню состоит из "слоев" (показано на 30 стр. внизу)
Нам лишь показали Combo list (Attack, Fire, Cure и т.д.)
Но также будут Skills/Technique и другие меню (Items)
О Snow известно, что он не использует оружее. В основном использует physical combat/wrestling skills
Переход от карты к битве будет проходить плавно (бесшовно).
Ну и кто хочет почитать оригинал :)

[quote]Battle System

Shall skip the black words at the very top. Just an intro into the section.

-Top Half (Box and Right Heading.)
Black Right Heading : Waving a Solid Hit Returning the Monsters To Hell (ok this is cheesy, I know, can't think of anything else at 3am in the morning.)

Left Heading: The Calm, Butchering Cold Sword.
In a battle with a party of Geparuto (Direct romanji from the Japanese Katakana, the hound like monsters) and PSICOM soldiers, Lightning displays a smooth and elegant swordsmanship. When in battle, the camera agnle will change/switch/rotate according to the commandes input, to ensure the perfect simulation of a speedy battle.

- Bottom half
Left Heading: Created using the Holy Government military's techonolgy, the power of this huge, ominous weapon is pretty shocking.
This huge weapon, made of metalloid, is called Manasuuiso (Again direct romanji from the Japanese Katakana, may have some mistakes.). From the beams of light at the bottom of the machine, it can be decuded that this weapon is also in charge of patrol and guard duty. From the current pictures being released, it can only be seen that it can use laser attacks of some sort. However, the spikes lined up on the top of the machine and the circular blades on the left, it is believed that the weapon would have a variety of attack options.
Being able to confront such a terror weapon, with just a human body, it seems that Lightning's fighting strength is just as unimaginable.

Still in the box, bottom part
Left Heading: Counterattack?!
Center Heading: Weapon Mode Change! (refering to Lightning's weapon)
Details will be give later, but Lightning's weapon mode can be changed from sword mode to gun mode and vice versa, from the commands being input.
Right Heading: Multiple parts?
One attack, but having multiple damage values? It is not known whether the enemy is designed to have mulitple parts or that there are mulitple hits?

- Bottom bar.
"Sera" is a key name that appears numerous times in the trailers. As Lightning and co. journeys from Cocoon to Pulse, there seems to have a huge incident involving "Sera". And Lightning seems to be extremely angry and berated Snow for not protecting "Sera", punching him. What/Who is "Sera"?

Black Left Heading: Fluently drawing out the resplendent trails of an elegant sword dance, slashing every enemy who stands in the way! (I really hate how they describe this kinda things, it's nice in chinese, but simply not nice to translate. -.-)

- Right Box
Heading: Physical attacks and magic, smooth switches with situation.
Lightning not only uses physical attacks, but she can also use magic to battle. In her situation, she uses her right hand for physical attacks and left hand for magic. As shown in the bottom left picture, she can also use Healing magic, such as Cure, to heal herself during a pinch. (In case you guys can't see, it's the bottom left picture.The last command on the left hand side. the one that's not really blue.)
Use sword to attack all enemies?
"Attack" option displayed physical attacks, causing mulitple damage values. Can it be that we can attack multiple enemies, if they come close enough?

- Bottom Left Pic (The Cure Picture)
Heading: Use backstep to evade and counterattack!

-Bottom Bar
The latest trailer not only shows Lightning's battles, but also battles of Snow and 2 of the members of the anti-Holy Government group, as a party of 3. When in battle, we can see that the other party members doing chain attacks on the enemy, as he is being thrown up by the controlled character. Besides that the trailer also revealed that we can freely choose which character to control.

Pg30 (Killer Page)

-Top Left Corner. (From left to right)
Heading: Store all your commands first, then execute in one go!
The biggest feature of the battle system in FFXIII is perhaps the "Store all commands, execute at one go!" system. When issuing commands, the character's actions will change according to the type of commands stored, or the sequence of the commands.For example, the actions associated with "Attack, Attack, Fira" will be different from those with "Attack, Fira, Attack". Furthermroe, if you add the command "Urraba" (ok I'm pretty sure I got this wrong, but the chinese can't be translated either.) to the list, the character will be able to do beautiful chain attacks in air. Finding out the most efficient combinations would definitely be endless fun. Furthermore, in the pictures released this time, the maximum number of commands being stored is 3, but there may still be chances for it to increase or decrease?
Right Section
Heading: Empty during Enemies' Turn (To Attack)
In the middle of the "Command List" and "Instant Commands" bars, there will be a meter, separating these 2 types of commadns. This meter seems to display the current command being executed. Hence the meter will be empty during the enemies' turn to attack.
(Ok, I stared at the picture for 3minutes, then I realised it's the white line ABOVE the commandline, with white words on the line itself. why in the WORLD did they call it a meter?!)

- Bottom Left
Heading: All commands use Cost = No MP?!
There's a number displayed on the right of every command, showing the number of Cost required to store the commands.
For example, when the maximum commands for the commands list bar is 3, players can store up to 3 of any commands which only requires 1 Cost (Attack/Fire). However for some commands, such as Firaga, which requires 3 Cost, can only be stored once in one turn.
There seems to be no indication to anything similar to the MP system at this point of time. Maybe in FFXIII, using magic and attacks will not be dependent on things such as the MP, but rather on the new system of Costs?!

Battle Menu Layering (The chinese says layers, but you can view it as levels.)
If we observe the released screenshots of the battle systems, we'll realise that there is a menu for "Combat" and related commands and a menu for "Skills/Technique" and related commands. The battle menus are organised in layers, probably for the benefit of the players freely switch through the menus, while selecting the combat choices.
However, why are the Fire magic and Healing magic put on the first layer and independent from the other related magic commands? The reason for such a layout is unknown. Is it because players can freely organise the menus and options or maybe it is because of different layouts due to different characters?

-Bottom Right
Heading: The Evolved ATB (Active Time Battle)!
Sub-heading: Icons to indicate the controlled character!
ATB (Active Time Battle) is a battle system whereby the gauge will be filled gradually, and players can issue out commands when complete. FFXIII will also inherit this representative system of the Final Fantasy Series. However, there will also be major but interesting differences. That is, the players can freely control the depletion of the ATB gauge. This is achieved through the system described earlier, whereby players can store pre-defined commands and execute them at one go. If players store up to the maximum number of commands allowed (3 currently), then the gauge will be depleted at once. However, if players execute only one command each time, then the gauge will deplete slower and the time between the current and next turn of action will be shortened. If this system is used effiecently, you hold the key to battle victories!

We know that Lightning uses Fira and Firaga, in the screenshots snow. In the trailer, Snow is also shown to be using Blizzard and Blizzaga in battle. Maybe Snow's name is representative of his ability? In addition, Snow does not use any weapons, he uses physical combat/wrestling skills. (aka melee)

- Top Right
Heading: Chain and Bonus, and an unknown meter
On the top right of the screenshot, we can see a meter, and the words "Chain" and "Bonus". "Chain" would probably mean multiple attacks chained together (chain attacks). On the other hand, the purposes of the "Bonus" and the unknown meter are yet to be detemined.
In the earlier releases of the gameplay, the word "Overclock" is in place, instead of the meter and "Bonus". Deducing from this, maybe the "Bonus" and meter have something to do with the "Overclock" system? If the percentage for the "Bonus" goes over 100%, there may be the possibility of strengthening a certain skill? To know more about the system, please stay tuned for more reports in the future.

Sometimes, in place of the "Chain" word, there will be a "Break" there. When we talk about Break, we would immediately refer to the Limit Break system in FFVII. However, the "Break" in FFXIII is placed in a somewhat hidden area, hence it may just simple mean "Chain Break"?

- Underneath the top right section
Heading: Viewing the enemies' name and HP?!
In released screenshots, the enemies' names and HP are displayed all the time. In previous games in the series, we need "Libra", "Penetrate" to view the details of enemies. But it seems that there is no need for those in FFXIII anymore?

Heading below this section: Whipping out her sword from her waist, hitting enemies in the way in a lightning slash!

- Bottom Left
Heading: Viewing Enemies Icons to Get into Battle.
In FFXIII, players can see the enemies on the map itself and go into battle, by touching the enemies. Furthermore, it will be seamless transistion from touching the enemy to the start of the battle. Hence it will make the whole battle more smooth and full of speed and rhythmn. Players can also choose to proceed while avoiding enemies.

- Bottom
In the trailer, it also revealed Snow summoning Shiva. The Shiva sisters transform into a motorcycle as Shiva rides on it, while fighting a battle. This form of Shiva is totally different from the other forms in the whole Final Fantasy Series. What are some of the other summoning for the other summons?[/quote]

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когда же оно выйдет :kksd: у меня серьезный недостаток финалки в крови :fijh:

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более-менее правдоподобный фан-арт с новыми персами


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[b]RD[/b], слева это мужик или баба? если баба то где сись*е :gigi: :confused:

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[b]Aсerp[/b], мужик, вроде. Кададж-стайл
а справа негр с взорвавшимися рыжыми волосами :lol:

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[b]Aсerp[/b], [b]RD[/b], [b]Taelsien[/b], Что значит "Кададж-стайл " :-D Это и есть Кададж. Над ним же написано FFVIIACC Новая сцена, вестимо.

Персы крутые. Мне нра 8)

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[b]Meatwad967[/b], Новая сцена? Да по-моему это фантазия Фудзёси :-D, нарисовали обнаженного яойчика :gigi: , ну да его там что-то поглотило, подумаешь)

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• Chain & Bonus: Found at the screen's top right. "Chain" refers to the number of consecutive hits inflicted. It's not clear what "Bonus" refers to, but Famitsu thinks it's related to Final Fantasy VII's Limit Break.

то есть фамицу тоже не в курсе что за "Bonus"

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Никто не в курсе, кто автор музыки на сайте? Особенно техно-микса?
Это великолепно! :fscpjki:

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Показали нового персонажа из FFXIII :D

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