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[quote name="xaxatun"]А когда можно будет покупать новые вещи?[/quote]
Хмм, у меня сразу можно было, главнoе чтобы деньги были, а покупать можно когда загрузаешь сейв

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[quote name="EQA Rif"] [quote]Вопрос всем - у меня не выполнено 2 варианта убийства(стили) - где мне найти представителей других банд чтобы выполнить Стили?[/quote]
Своих бей. Народу как мух.[/quote]

свои в меня трелять не хотят :?
а мне нужно воспользоваться живым щитом и чтоб его убили...

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[color=green][size=75]Posted after 2 minutes 17 seconds:[/size][/color]

Короче знаешь где железные пути,так вот там можно найти челов из других банд,они там какой-то груз всегда охраняют.

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SsobGib, спасибо, попробую.
Я так понимаю,мой способ помог?

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Я прошол игру на 99,5% собрал все катушки,взорвал все сейфы,захватил все здания, но осталось в разделе стиль исполнения выполнить виды убийств это - витражное стекло - несчастный случай - картинная казнь.Желательно обьяснить как это делать. :sad:

[size=75]edited by $Mag[/size]

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[quote][size=75]#1 Blackhand Execution

Kill Rival Family Member with Blackhand fighting without grabbing them.

#2 Bombs Away Execution

Blow up a Rival Family Member with Dynamite or a Bomb.

#3 Cocktail Hour Execution

Use a Molotov on a Rival Family Member

#4 Grand Slam Execution

When you see a Rival Family Member is on their knees go up to them (facing
them) with a Bat and use Execute.

#5 Blackhand Grapple Execution

Grab Rival Family Member and kill them with Blackhand fighting.

#6 Hard Head Execution

Grab Low on Health Rival Family Member and face either side of them towards a
counter before slamming the side of their head into it to kill them.

#7 Last Gasp Execution

Grab and Strangle (L3+R3) Rival Family Member or regular pedestrian.

#8 Over Cooked Execution

When you are in a Funeral Home or Bakery grapple a Rival Family Member and
take them over to the oven. Push them towards it with your left Analog stick
(with their backs facing it) and while holding the left analog stick towards
it Push them in with your right analog stick.

#9 Road Rage Execution

Run over a Rival Family Member with your vehicle.

#10 Silent Assassin Execution

Sneak up and use your Garrote Wire on a Rival Family Member or regular

#11 Stained Glass Execution

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a One-Story window. Push them towards it
with your left Analog stick (with their back facing it) and while holding the
left analog stick towards it Push them out of it with your right analog

#12 Watch Your Step Execution

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a Two-Story window, off a Rooftop, over
a railing or any other high up places. Push them towards it with your left
Analog stick (with their back facing it of course) and while holding the left
analog stick towards it Push them out of it with your right analog stick.

#13 Traffic Accident Execution

Throw a low on health Rival Family Member in front of a moving car. This one
is a bit tricky you need to not stand directly in front of traffic but just
to the side of the traffic to still let the traffic flow. Throw the Rival
Family Member in front of a car or just toss them towards a still moving car
to kill them (this takes practice but you should eventually get it).

#14 Wallpapered Execution

Slam a Rival Family Member against the wall until dead.

#15 Hats Off Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to
them (facing them) with a one handed weapon and use Execute.

#16 Pistol Execution

Use a One handed weapon on a Rival Family Member while they are standing and
use Execute.

#17 Faceoff Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to
them (facing them) with a two handed weapon and use Execute.

#18 Gut Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member in Gut (Auto Aim and move the reticle down their
body until it turns red at the stomach area).

#19 Disarmed

Shoot Rival Family Member in Shoulder to make them drop their weapon.

#20 Kneecapped

Shoot Rival Family Member in Knee to make them drop to their knees.

#21 Firearm Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member using a Firearm.

#22 Sure Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member with a Head Shot to kill them.[/size][/quote]

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А по руски написать :evil:

[color=green][size=75]Posted after 25 minutes 42 seconds:[/size][/color]

11-13-14 Вот именно их по русски нельзяли написать,а то переводчик фигню пишет. :sad: Плиз :cry:

[color=green][size=75]Posted after 3 minutes 1 second:[/size][/color]

[quote name="$Mag"] [quote][size=75]#1 Blackhand Execution

Kill Rival Family Member with Blackhand fighting without grabbing them.

#2 Bombs Away Execution

Blow up a Rival Family Member with Dynamite or a Bomb.

#3 Cocktail Hour Execution

Use a Molotov on a Rival Family Member

#4 Grand Slam Execution

When you see a Rival Family Member is on their knees go up to them (facing
them) with a Bat and use Execute.

#5 Blackhand Grapple Execution

Grab Rival Family Member and kill them with Blackhand fighting.

#6 Hard Head Execution

Grab Low on Health Rival Family Member and face either side of them towards a
counter before slamming the side of their head into it to kill them.

#7 Last Gasp Execution

Grab and Strangle (L3+R3) Rival Family Member or regular pedestrian.

#8 Over Cooked Execution

When you are in a Funeral Home or Bakery grapple a Rival Family Member and
take them over to the oven. Push them towards it with your left Analog stick
(with their backs facing it) and while holding the left analog stick towards
it Push them in with your right analog stick.

#9 Road Rage Execution

Run over a Rival Family Member with your vehicle.

#10 Silent Assassin Execution

Sneak up and use your Garrote Wire on a Rival Family Member or regular

#11 Stained Glass Execution-По русски перевод :evil:

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a One-Story window. Push them towards it
with your left Analog stick (with their back facing it) and while holding the
left analog stick towards it Push them out of it with your right analog

#12 Watch Your Step Execution

Throw a Rival Family Member out of a Two-Story window, off a Rooftop, over
a railing or any other high up places. Push them towards it with your left
Analog stick (with their back facing it of course) and while holding the left
analog stick towards it Push them out of it with your right analog stick.

#13 Traffic Accident Execution-По русски перевод :evil:

Throw a low on health Rival Family Member in front of a moving car. This one
is a bit tricky you need to not stand directly in front of traffic but just
to the side of the traffic to still let the traffic flow. Throw the Rival
Family Member in front of a car or just toss them towards a still moving car
to kill them (this takes practice but you should eventually get it).

#14 Wallpapered Execution-По русски перевод :evil:

Slam a Rival Family Member against the wall until dead.

#15 Hats Off Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to
them (facing them) with a one handed weapon and use Execute.

#16 Pistol Execution

Use a One handed weapon on a Rival Family Member while they are standing and
use Execute.

#17 Faceoff Execution

Shoot a Rival Family Member in the Knee to get them on their knees. Go up to
them (facing them) with a two handed weapon and use Execute.

#18 Gut Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member in Gut (Auto Aim and move the reticle down their
body until it turns red at the stomach area).

#19 Disarmed

Shoot Rival Family Member in Shoulder to make them drop their weapon.

#20 Kneecapped

Shoot Rival Family Member in Knee to make them drop to their knees.

#21 Firearm Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member using a Firearm.

#22 Sure Shot Execution

Shoot Rival Family Member with a Head Shot to kill them.[/size][/quote][/quote]

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Очередное творение электроников получилось как обычно интересным, красивым, увлекательным захватывающим, даже с голосом Марлона Брандо. Довольны EA??? ВсЁ хорошо но... это не игра, Игрой была Mafia. Ты жил ей ты ждал что будет дальше. Здесь же ты наблюдаешь парочку дохлых заезженных дешёвых сюжетных ходв и смотришь титры. Мда... интересная перспектива

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мне тоже она непонралилась:brash:

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80% того, что делает ЕА - :brash:

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[b]Gasm[/b], делать с бандитами.
11 - подтащить к окну - и выбросить. Аналогом в направлениее окна, вероятно со стеклом - а может и нет ,я не помню.
13 - бросить под движущуюся машину(я этого так и не сделал)
14 - мочить об стену(аналог в сторону стены нажимать) пока не сдохнет.

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[b]$Mag[/b], Что за аналог это описание для РS2 что-ли.Короче я сам делал эти виды убийств раньше правильно но с обычными людьми.Единственное чем твоё описание мне помог это то что надо было это делать с бандитами а не с прохожими.Короче спасибо тебе за помошь.Итог я прошол игру на все 100%,у меня всё 100%.Спсибо.


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Люди захватил всё и вся, и что игра закончилась? :?

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[b]Hatake[/b], да...короткая она.
если не на 100% добил - то добей.

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Покупай лицензию,и будет всё ОК!

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вчера начал в нее играть - игра супер! мне понравилась, т.к. Мафия была моей любимой игрой...

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[quote name="aladdin"]вчера начал в нее играть - игра супер! мне понравилась, т.к. Мафия была моей любимой игрой...[/quote]

слава богу у крестного с мафией почти ничего общего :wink:

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я пока до статуса "Солдат" дошел, а по времени уже 6 часов наиграл... так что игра достаточно долгая, если играть спокойно, а не носиться на время от задания к заданию, пропуская все интересное в игре... это ж не гонка! по такому городу приятно просто побродить, побить кого-то, поездить на машинах... паралельно выполняя задания...

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