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Grand Theft Auto V


Сообщение добавил KuP9I


36 проголосовавших

  1. 1. Собираетесь ли вы покупать Next-Next-Gen версию?

    • Да, на PS5
    • Да, на Xbox Series X|S
    • Нет, буду ждать GTA VI
    • Нет, я ограничусь пастнекстгеном.
    • Нет, жду патч для ПК версии.

Рекомендуемые сообщения

А что странного,чтобы рубать по 14-16 часов в сутки?


я так играл, когда мне было лет 10-12, сейчас даже, когда на больничном был больше 8 часов не могу сидеть перед теликом, старею походу :icon_mrgreen:  

Изменено пользователем sport14

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[member='Amok'], быстрее бы на андроид, а то завтра уже играть начинать.

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[quote name='Charles Bronson' timestamp='1379337057' post='3586035'] не моё конечно дело, но играть 14-16 часов в сутки это имхо перебор [/quote]


Меня вообще на 4-5 часов максимум хватает (если игра очень нравится). Обычно 1.5-2 часа, не больше.

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[quote name='Ozu_sensei' timestamp='1379336295' post='3586004'] Ну игру им уже отправли. [/quote]


 Чем отправили?)


[quote name='MisticK93RUS' timestamp='1379336218' post='3586000'] а ты откуда? [/quote]



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[member='Denkane2009'],  [spoil]How would we survive without apps? Apps can transform your mobile device into essential tools like a harmonica, disco ball or convincing moustache. Somewhere out there is the perfect storm of touchscreen technology to fix everything that’s wrong with your life. And maybe all you’re missing is the iFruit app. Maybe not. At least you’ll have something to keep you entertained while your significant other prattles on endlessly about their day.

iFruit hooks directly into your experience of Grand Theft Auto V with some fun activities to further postpone the need for real social interaction. Keep up-to-date on the latest Grand Theft Auto V news, log into the Rockstar Games Social Club, stay connected on LifeInvader and launch other Rockstar Games apps.

Los Santos Customs
The Los Santos Customs app offers players the freedom to create their ultimate vehicle in Grand Theft Auto V from anywhere. At the bar, on the beach, on the toilet. This is the future, we’re almost sure of it.

You can even create and reserve custom license plates for both Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online – order your personalized plates before they’re gone!

Also choose from paint jobs, window tints, smoke colors, wheels, hoods and spoilers. Upgrade your engine, brakes, exhaust, suspension, and accessorize with new lights, horns, tires and body armor. Place your order on-the-go and find it waiting for you in the garage the next time you play Grand Theft Auto V, or send your order in while playing and get a call from your local mechanic to swing by.

Everybody’s had some work done in Los Santos, so don’t let your ride be the exception to the rule.

Chop the Dog
Depth of content, high production values, defecation. It’s the app that has it all. Because who doesn’t love tending to a virtual pet? Chop is Franklin’s canine sidekick in Grand Theft Auto V. Look after him well in the “Chop the Dog” app and you will reap the benefits when playing as Franklin in Grand Theft Auto V. Pet him, feed and water him, play fetch and tug-of-war, teach him tricks. Too much or too little of an activity, however, will cause Chop to become unhappy, and nobody likes an unhappy Rottweiler. Take Chop on walks to give him a chance to work off last night’s steak and Piswasser and to mark his turf in the hood - defending his ladies, fending off gang members and even protecting the beach babes of Los Santos from unsightly tan lines by removing their bikinis.

Looking after Chop successfully is reflected in his behavior in Grand Theft Auto V in a number of ways:

•He will be more helpful and responsive to Franklin

•He will perform tricks such as sitting, begging and giving paw if properly trained through the app

•He will sniff out the nearest hidden items when the player takes him for a walk

•Earn enough credits through walks and proper caretaking and exchange them for new collars for Chop[/spoil]


А в самой игре нельзя что ли дрессировать Чопа?

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[quote name='Ozu_sensei' timestamp='1379337199' post='3586037'] что я должен делать по твоему? [/quote]


Я не знаю, это не моё дело. Я просто своё мнение высказал, не более того. Если чем обидел, звиняй. 

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Видео геймплея после ввода читкода на[textspoiler] снег[/textspoiler]:



Это просто нечто. В игре и так шикарная графика и освещение, но теперь просто CGI какой-то. От земли пар идет, цвета настолько естественные что просто обалдеть.

это только на пиратке можно замутить?

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[member='sport14'][member='Bristolq'], ну я не говорил,что именно играл столько.Смотрел сериалы или аниме.

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[member='Bogoroditsk'], нет. Как бы пираты снег в игру внедрили?

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Чем отправили?)

Скрывают.Видимо Почта Россииawwyeaa.gifspravedlivo.png foreveralone.gif 

Если чем обидел, звиняй. 

Нет, не обидил.Просто интересно твое мнение.

Меня вообще на 4-5 часов максимум хватает (если игра очень нравится)

Помню Deus Ex последний....сел где то в 8-9 вечра,а когда прошел игру,то было уже 4 утра.Сам офигел)) 

Изменено пользователем Ozu_sensei

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[member='Bogoroditsk'], нет. Как бы пираты снег в игру внедрили?

тоесть это просто код? например как в гта4, которые вводились через телефон?

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[member='Bogoroditsk'], да. Самый крутой чит, если он конечно поведение машин и людей меняет.

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Блин, все персонажи просто трахнутые на голову))) Такой бедлам. Пес этот еще)) 

По-английски тяжело играть. Нигерский сленг жесть.

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[member='Denkane2009'],  [spoil]How would we survive without apps? Apps can transform your mobile device into essential tools like a harmonica, disco ball or convincing moustache. Somewhere out there is the perfect storm of touchscreen technology to fix everything that’s wrong with your life. And maybe all you’re missing is the iFruit app. Maybe not. At least you’ll have something to keep you entertained while your significant other prattles on endlessly about their day.

iFruit hooks directly into your experience of Grand Theft Auto V with some fun activities to further postpone the need for real social interaction. Keep up-to-date on the latest Grand Theft Auto V news, log into the Rockstar Games Social Club, stay connected on LifeInvader and launch other Rockstar Games apps.

Los Santos Customs
The Los Santos Customs app offers players the freedom to create their ultimate vehicle in Grand Theft Auto V from anywhere. At the bar, on the beach, on the toilet. This is the future, we’re almost sure of it.

You can even create and reserve custom license plates for both Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online – order your personalized plates before they’re gone!

Also choose from paint jobs, window tints, smoke colors, wheels, hoods and spoilers. Upgrade your engine, brakes, exhaust, suspension, and accessorize with new lights, horns, tires and body armor. Place your order on-the-go and find it waiting for you in the garage the next time you play Grand Theft Auto V, or send your order in while playing and get a call from your local mechanic to swing by.

Everybody’s had some work done in Los Santos, so don’t let your ride be the exception to the rule.

Chop the Dog
Depth of content, high production values, defecation. It’s the app that has it all. Because who doesn’t love tending to a virtual pet? Chop is Franklin’s canine sidekick in Grand Theft Auto V. Look after him well in the “Chop the Dog” app and you will reap the benefits when playing as Franklin in Grand Theft Auto V. Pet him, feed and water him, play fetch and tug-of-war, teach him tricks. Too much or too little of an activity, however, will cause Chop to become unhappy, and nobody likes an unhappy Rottweiler. Take Chop on walks to give him a chance to work off last night’s steak and Piswasser and to mark his turf in the hood - defending his ladies, fending off gang members and even protecting the beach babes of Los Santos from unsightly tan lines by removing their bikinis.

Looking after Chop successfully is reflected in his behavior in Grand Theft Auto V in a number of ways:

•He will be more helpful and responsive to Franklin

•He will perform tricks such as sitting, begging and giving paw if properly trained through the app

•He will sniff out the nearest hidden items when the player takes him for a walk

•Earn enough credits through walks and proper caretaking and exchange them for new collars for Chop[/spoil]


блин даже у собаки есть собственный сюжетjakie2.png

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[quote name='Bergamot' timestamp='1379337975' post='3586068'] По-английски тяжело играть. Нигерский сленг жесть. [/quote]

Дык вруби субтитры.

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[quote name='Ozu_sensei' timestamp='1379337718' post='3586063'] Скрывают. [/quote]


 Интересно на чем, самолетом или поездом?

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[quote name='Ozu_sensei' timestamp='1379338083' post='3586070'] Дык вруби субтитры. [/quote]

Даже с субтитрами тяжело. Откуда мне знать что key - это партия кокса)) 

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[quote name='Charles Bronson' timestamp='1379337057' post='3586035'] но играть 14-16 часов в сутки это имхо перебор [/quote] Ну 16 - это сурово, конечно. Но я вот часов 8-10 хочу потратить на игру, устрою себе праздник. GTA - это исключительный случай, подобных игр у меня лично за все поколение и десяти не наберется.

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В игре, кстати, вылезло сообщение что Чопа можно тренировать с помощью программы iFruit.

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ни фига себе....тут по 16 часов играют.....люди вам заняться не чем? Максимум 2 часа перед сном.

Изменено пользователем laziofan

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