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Shin Megami Tensei IV

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Музыку для игры будут писать:
[quote]Music for Shin Megami Tensei IV is being composed by [b]Ryota Kozuka[/b], who has worked as a composer on [b]Persona 4, Trauma Team and both Devil Survivor[/b] games. Also working on the game’s music is[b] Kenichi Tsuchiya[/b], who has worked on [b]Catherine, Trauma Team and Devil Survivor[/b], among other Atlus titles.
:what: Опаньки...

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[quote name='nindo' timestamp='1353681185' post='2982811']
гуд, а то ни мигурыча ни канэко :gigi:
Не знаю, Кодзука мне совсем не нравится.

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У Катеньки хороший ост, если будет что-то поднобное как на сайте, то :up:

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Главное, что бы тема самураев была раскрыта. И не в виде многочасовой брехни ни о чём, а что бы мечами помахать от души.

[i]Рубануть шашкой от уха до жопы! ©[/i]

А вообще, очень сильно понравился город. По крайней мере его арты.

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[url="http://i.imgur.com/b0O0g.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/VBhVI.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/Qe1ro.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/QHnav.jpg[/img][/url]

[url="http://i.imgur.com/mfmS8.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/TxtgF.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/bsgz9.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/NNFyE.jpg[/img][/url]

[url="http://i.imgur.com/ZovWR.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/V2KzH.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/WkEyZ.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/jtoUw.jpg[/img][/url]

[url="http://i.imgur.com/ebT8O.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/Q2oA5.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/LrUg5.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/nGjbZ.jpg[/img][/url]

[url="http://i.imgur.com/r4RUA.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/TH5qg.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/plMeh.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/eAYDo.jpg[/img][/url]


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В последнем номере Фамицу "раскрыли" какого-то нового персонажа
[quote]The article says the Black Samurai is a mysterious character dressed in black armor.[/quote]

Напоминает костюм Demonica из Strange Journey

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да этож зеленин)))

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 4 минут 31 секунд:[/size][/color]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 23 секунд:[/size][/color]
по крайней мере баба точно.

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 1 минут 7 секунд:[/size][/color]
хотя все же для пернатых не тот фэйшон

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[b][member=SkyerIst][/b], плохого качества и ничего нового кроме того куска

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[b][member=SoulGrabber][/b], Ты бы фуллсайз запостил). [img]http://s1.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2012/12/2ac510a6039d568a974b04a9c692a619.jpg[/img]

Кстати, помнишь? :gigi: [img]http://cdn.lordyuanshu.com/images/StrangeJ/zelenintransformation.jpg?cda6c1[/img]

Так, а что тут рассматривать?)
Фигура женская, и комплекция 1 в 1 как у Зеленин...
К слову,а что она там забыла? Хм, занимательный кросс получится...
Или разрабы нас троллят, и это кто-то другой, или реально она).
Всё-таки Стрендж Джорней даже Фаплусы признают номерной СМТ ;).

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[b][member=Nec][/b], Круто выглядит! :icon_cool:
Её зовут Леди Кага(Гага :gigi: ), и она принадлежит к культу Гайи (которые разделяют мировоззрение Хаоса)
Вот бы ещё мэйн чаров колоритнее сделали...

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Shin Megami Tensei IV: social classes and organizations


The official website for Shin Megami Tensei IV was updated today with new story details and characters.

The main characters of Shin Megami Tensei IV live in East Mikado, where the separation of social classes is clear. Government and intellectual workers are high ranking Luxuries, while farmers and traders are low ranking Casualties. Luxuries seem to treat Casualties poorly, but the latter lives without complaints of their difference in class. Only when one of the Casualties is chosen to be a Samurai can they become one of the Luxuries. Many Casualties admire the Samurai.

Moving over to Tokyo, demons thrive, but order is kept by an organization called “The Eight Legions Union Asura Assembly” based in Roppongi district. They protect people from threats by negotiating with the demons. But a sanction that prevents forgiveness is imposed on those who don’t approve of this method. The “Cult of Gaia,” which Shin Megami Tensei fans should be familiar with, is based in Ginza. They carry a survival of the fittest mentality, believing that humans and demons alike must rely on their own power to survive. They are hostile toward The Eight Legions and disapprove of their methods.


  • Tayama (CV: Houchuu Ootsuka) – Leader of the Eight Legions Union Asura Assembly. He is worshipped and feared by the masses.

  • Kaga (CV: Kahoru Sasajima) – A member of the Cult of Gaia. She has a strong and brave personality, and is fighting aginst the Asura Assembly.

  • Black Samurai (CV: Atsuko Tanaka) – A mysterious person who appears before the hero. She is familiar with the roads of Tokyo and East Mikado.


















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Офигенчики :icon_mrgreen:  :



Shin Megami Tensei IV: battles, grinning, difficulty, and revival
Grin to increase your strength during battle.


Atlus recently updated the official Shin Megami Tensei IV website with new details on the game’s battle system, grinning, difficulty, and revival options. Find our full summary below.


Press Turn Battle

During battles, you attack by choosing a certain number of actions. The number of actions can be increased by attacking weak points.

It’s refreshing to hit the enemy’s weak points a whole bunch in one stroke, but on the contrary, you can get caught in predicaments when attacking the weak points.

All in all, it’s a simple but thrilling battle system. In addition, occasionally demons will band together and appear as an “army.” The weak points of the army groups aren’t always obvious.

You’ll need to find the weak point and attack it aggressively before the army unleashes their waves of attacks on you.



The character that increases the number of actions may grin widely and laugh.

Not only will the grinning character become strengthened temporarily, but their weak point becomes ineffective, and it changes the battle progress greatly.

Both enemies and allies can break out into a grin, so it’s an advantageous system in a pinch, but also nerve-wracking if things aren’t going your way.



When you use up the set number of turns, a simpler level of difficulty becomes available.

Since you can change the degree of difficulty whenever you want, it’s possible to adjust the play style freely. You can also save and load at any time too.



When you are annihilated in battle, you are sent to the Styx River, but you can return to the point before you were annihilated by paying up game coins.

You can hand over your money (macca) or game coins to the Styx Ferryman “Karon,” and he will revive you right before where you died, where you can immediately attempt the fight again.

And this time, hopefully not lose.[/quote]


^ Хаха, Демонс Соулс стайл возрождение?)

Ухмылка это прикольно, не говоря уже о сплочении врагов в армии и появлении слабых точек в конкретных вражеских формациях) -- это всё круто.

С сейвом и сложностью всё правильно. Главное, что бы и баланс смогли соблюсти, и градус челленджа :icon_smile: .

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[quote name='Taelsien' timestamp='1360674695' post='3106777'] ^ Хаха, Демонс Соулс стайл возрождение?) Ухмылка это прикольно, не говоря уже о сплочении врагов в армии и появлении слабых точек в конкретных вражеских формациях) -- это всё круто. С сейвом и сложностью всё правильно. Главное, что бы и баланс смогли соблюсти, и градус челленджа . [/quote] 

Какой смысл от этого возрождения, если можно перезагрузиться?

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а что за гейм коины?

Изменено пользователем ЕвгенийМиркин

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