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Monster Hunter 4

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Платформа : 3DS
Жанр : Action/RPG
Издатель : Capcom
Разработчик : Capcom
Официальный сайт: http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/4/
Дата выхода : Март 2013 [Япония] ; 1-й квартал 2015 [Запад]



Monster Hunter 4 is a new game being produced by Capcom. It is the second game in the Monster Hunter series to be released on the Nintendo 3DS.
Details and information about it are currently limited; only a teaser video and a short trailer have been released by Capcom.
These videos both show numerous updates; there is a stronger emphasis on platforming than before, walls can now be climbed
more fluidly and in any direction, and for the first time Hunters can grab onto monsters and attack them. Environments shown also appear to be larger than before - possibly even open-world.
Various monsters have been confirmed to return, most notably Rathalos, Rathian, and Tigrex.
It was later revealed here that the entirety of the original teaser trailer was playable.

In an even later article, it was stated that the game is going to put far more effort into adventure and storyline, and there will be a group of traveling caravans. Underwater battling will not be present, however.
New monsters include a mysterious black dragon named Goa Magara and an orange monkey-like Pelagus known as Kechawacha.
In a new Famitsu Magazine scan, a new Weapon Class is revealed (操虫棍) "Operating Insect Rod".
This double-ended staff is capable of quick fluid attacks like the Long Sword, but it also is capable of summoning a large Neopteron that will drain energy from monsters to boost the Hunter (in terms of attack, health, speed or defense).



Трейлер с ТГС 2012:
[media] [/media]

+ 20 минут директ-фид геймплея:
[media] [/media]

+ самое главное: В игре подтверждён ОНЛАЙН мультиплеер! :icon_cool:

А это значит, что всё ГеймМаг комьюнити, владеющей 3ДС будет эпично собираться и охотиться за монстрами! fuckyea.gif
Ждём будущего открытия сезона в Европе! happycry.gif



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[b][member=Taelsien][/b], Сначала у нас весной 3 Ultimate выпустят на Wii U и 3DS, потом ждем четверки :agree:
Круто, что подтвердили онлайн!

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Казалось темка была уже...
Артбук заверните пожалуйста :cg:

Заставка прям БоФ4 напомнила)))
Крэй с Ниной такие:
[img]http://lparchive.org/Breath-of-Fire-IV/Update 01/39-Breath_of_Fire_IV_00037.jpg[/img]

А потом:


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кстати правда, я и не заметил.[b] Тае[/b], там будет прокачка статов. надо переносить :khm:
И 3G у нас в RPG создан.

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[quote name='SkyerIst' timestamp='1348182426' post='2874993']там будет прокачка статов[/quote]

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видео в ленте + фото с презентации: http://gamemag.ru/news/mhnovosti-monster-hunter-3-ultimate-monster-hunter-4-81769

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[b][member=SkyerIst][/b], Серьёзно будет кач?) Вчера так много новостей было :rolleyes07: ...
Смотрю кто-то уже перенёс).

[quote]Сначала у нас весной 3 Ultimate выпустят на Wii U и 3DS, потом ждем четверки :agree:[/quote]
:agree: блин, я уже прямо разрываюсь во что загамить т_т...
Что подтвердили онлайн -- самое прикольное, что мы это (как и КХ ХД!!!) же не раз обсуждали в МК и с Ниндо лично, а вот теперь и объявили прям
по велению "сильно хотите, вот вам пожалуйста)!" Мечты сбываются! :icon_mrgreen: :icon_cool:
Рад я короче), надо покупать :agree: !

Скай, а ты будешь 3ДСик брать и с нами фигачить? :fffuuuh:

[b][member=nindo][/b], А ведь и правда! :-D :up:
Ты гений! :yuno: А я всё думаю почему у меня такие ощущения от просмотра прям домашние и свойские))...
Дааа, артворки просто чудо как хороши! :bte:

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[quote name='SkyerIst' timestamp='1348182426' post='2874993']там будет прокачка статов[/quote]
ты про улучшение брони и оружия?

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 49 секунд:[/size][/color]
ну вот, "прокачкой" людей спутал :gigi:

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 30 секунд:[/size][/color]
[b][member=Taelsien][/b], самоплагиат :-D

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[b][member=Taelsien][/b], будем фигачить вместе :agree:

[b][member=nindo][/b], нет, я о другом.

[quote]В мире Monster Hunter 4 такая энергия ([b]EX[/b] или [b]EXE[/b]) будет встречаться в нескольких вариантах, отличных друг от друга по цвету. Например, белая повышает показатель скорости, зеленая увеличивает жизненную силу, а оранжевая положительно сказывается на оборонительных способностях.[/quote]

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это свойства нового оружия с жуком, какая это прокачка блин, зачем путать людей
временные улучшения статов в битве, как у оружия Hunting Horn :facepalm:

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соберём свою пати gamemag и вперёд на монстров)))) эх зараза опять затянет не на шутку :gigi:

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[b][member=nindo][/b], тем не менее, куча элементов.

в любом случае этому треду место в рпг разделе. так что эйси не ошибся :)

[quote][b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genres"]Genre(s)[/url][/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_role-playing_game"]Action [b]role-playing game[/b][/url][/quote]

[quote]it's an open-world adventure RPG where you level up your character, gather resources, hunt monsters, craft better equipment, hunt bigger monsters, craft better weapons and continue to move up in the world of becoming a world renown monster hunter.[/quote]

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[b][member=SkyerIst][/b], да раздел тот, но о прокачке выше раскатившим губу надо забыть :gigi:

хотя с ней игра была бы легче :-D
вот вчера на псп мучался один забивая Yian Garuga в тренировках

[b][member=vodafon][/b], как вообще возможно играть оружиями кроме пушек и лука??? :ass:

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[b][member=nindo][/b], я кстати под конец игры в Tri стал с жиру бесится :gigi: и начал делать более-менее крутое огнестрельное оружие.. совсем не понравилось((( управление ужас.. ОЧЕНЬ медленно всё как то.. хз может я просто не привык

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[b][member=vodafon][/b], ну вот в этом и крутость наверно, каждому свое, буду вас пульками лечить :gigi:
Для меня melee weapon мука адская

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[quote]“The series did start out on Sony platforms, but it’s just realistic to think that it can’t continue on one platform forever,” says Tsujimoto. “With Monster Hunter 4, it actually just came down to timing - we were developing a new Monster Hunter and the 3DS hardware had just come out, so we figured it was probably the best platform for us to develop it on. You have two screens, with action on top and menus on the bottom, and there’s the 3D view as well. It just made sense to put it onto 3DS.”[/quote]


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фанатам демка игры понравилась на TGS.

[quote]- Response to MH4's demo from fans has been good
- players have found it to be natural
- Can attack enemies that are clinging to walls and knock them off.
- Weapons feel a bit different from before
- Every weapon is available to try in the MH4 demo.
- Targeted a March 2013 release since the beginning of development
- team wanted to release it as soon as possible (not in a negative sense).
- Development is "at the climax of its climax"
- Development of the action portions is pretty much set in stone.
- Considering a demo.
- Finding it easy to bring back monsters that have kind of been on hold (example they give is Yian Kut-ku) given the large changes mechanically and to the level design.
- Want to add popular monsters to the game if they can.[/quote]


[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 32 минут 59 секунд:[/size][/color]




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[quote]Nelscylla (ネルスキュラ)
- Chelicera (arachnid) species.
- Builds nests in caves, utilizes its nest to attack, and can attack in various abnormal manners to corner its prey.
- Has a hidden chelicera in its jaw. This is also used for attacks.
- Can hang from ceilings using silk, or hang from the underside of its nest.

Attacks include:
- Lunge: Sprays a thread of silk towards its target, then uses it to lunge at them.
- Slash: slashes at its target with its claws.
- Chelicera attack: utilizes its chelicera like a pincer attack.
- Silk attack: Shoots silk at target, binding them when it hits, preventing all movement.

Tetsukabura (テツカブラ)
- Amphibious (frog) species.
- Has a giant jaw.
- Utilizes its hind legs to jump around in any direction, even while on steep terrain.
- Can use its jaw like a shovel.

Attacks include:
- Foreleg swipe: mows down anything that's right in front of it.
- Chomp: bites down on its target.
- Mucus: spits mucus from its mouth. Example shown of a hunter climbing, and Tetsukabura spitting its mucus at him.
- Boulder lift: lifts up a boulder using its jaw as a shovel. Similar to a forklift.
- Boulder crush: after lifting up a boulder with its jaw, Tetsukabura proceeds to bite down on it, crushing it, sending a hail of shrapnel around.
- Boulder throw: throws a boulder it has lifted up at its prey.
- Hunts Jaggi using its giant jaw.

Riding/climbing up the Tetsukabura might be the key to conquering him.

Yian Kut-ku
- Can climb/ride on him now.

Attacks include:
- Spit flame: spits flammable liquid from its mouth. Explodes when it hits a surface.
- Back jump: jumps backwards, can switch to a number of different attacks from this position.
- Can now hunt and eat prey, which recovers its stamina.
- Consecutive peck: uses its beak to incessantly peck at its target.
- Panic run: lunges forward while spitting flames everywhere.


Attacks include:
- Acid spit: spits poisonous liquid; target will be poisoned if it hits.
- Flash: releases light in its general surroundings when it screeches.
- Tail attack: swipes its tail around. Has a long reach given its gum-esque tail.
- Can attack hunters while they're climbing by either flying up to them to attack or climbing up the wall.

Underground cave
- New field.
- Contains both outdoor areas and cave-like areas.
- Cave part has giant crystals and plants that give off light.
- Camp area shows smoke rising in the background.
- Image of a hunter jumping into a gaping hole.
- Some areas with gas billowing out from the ground are also present.
- Area shown that looks like a giant net, presumably a spider's nest.
- Area shown with a pool of greenish liquid with a flock of some type of animal flying above.

Insect Staff
- Can harvest "ex" that strengthen you by utilizing the staff to throw/release your insects.
- White "ex" strengthens movement, red strengthens attacks, orange strengthens defense, green strengthens vitality recovery.
- Type/color of "ex" received is dependent on which part of the monster you attack.
- Can have numerous different types of ex strengthening effects on you at the same time.

- Mark monsters with smoke to make it easier for insects to reach the monster when released. Insects will fly towards the marked monster or portion of a monster.
- Releasing insects at a monster that isn't marked will just send them forward.
- Can mark a specific monster, or mark a specific part of a monster.
- Order in which you harvest ex from monsters is: mark monster, release insects at the monster, insects will harvest ex, insects that have successfully harvested ex will glow with the color of the type of ex they harvested, have insects return to retrieve the harvested ex (this last part is automatically done when you have the insects return to you).
- If insects don't harvest any ex, they won't glow. Return them and try again.
- Have insects harvest even more ex to further strengthen yourself.[/quote]


Новая локация:







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[url="http://i.imgur.com/RCKpA.jpg"] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RCKpA.jpg[/img][/url]
[url="http://i.imgur.com/v8C9k.jpg"] [img]http://i.imgur.com/v8C9k.jpg[/img] [/url]
[url="http://i.imgur.com/1NRxd.jpg"] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1NRxd.jpg[/img][/url][url="http://i.imgur.com/1NRxd.jpg"] [/url]

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Новые видео.
Выглядеть чуть лучше действительно стала).


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Да. очень хорошо сейчас смотрится.

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Вам кажется :-D

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 8 минут 35 секунд:[/size][/color]
где улучшили то?

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