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Solidus Snake


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как мы уже все знаем ,фильм теккен не за горами.
На данный момент кроме сарафаного радо о сюжете фильма есть официальный логотип фильма

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[b]Solidus Snake[/b], ха ппц))) но терь все знают, что съемки идут активно)) и даже очень))

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[b]Lucy[/b], а мне аниме понравилось)) и на фильм возлагаю большие надежды...

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[quote name="SoulGrabber"][b]Sh1nn[/b], :agree: Лучше ДОА лишний раз посмотреть... там хоть есть на что :gigi:[/quote]
+1 :rotfl:
Очередной треш. Логотип некрасивый, почему-то напоминает о Советском Союзе :gigi: :roll:

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[url=http://games.mail.ru/platform/psp/news/23.12.2007/semki_filma_po_motivam_ekshena_tekken_nachnutsya_4_fevralya/646/]http://games.mail.ru/platform/psp/news/ ... ralya/646/[/url] - новость о фильме.

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[quote]а третья часть и вовсе стала культовой — во многом благодаря ей вторая консоль "Сони" начала продаваться ударными[/quote]
Я после этого стал с недоверием новость читать...
Может им всё-таки нужно было посмотреть где что выходило,а не наугад писать?

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[b]Mirael[/b], молодец, меня это фраза тоже задела. Насчет фильма я думаю - это правда. А вот та фраза [quote]вовсе стала культовой — во многом благодаря ей вторая консоль "Сони" [/quote] - это их невнимательность.

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[quote name="DispeL"]почему-то напоминает о Советском Союзе :gigi: :roll:[/quote]
Это точно. Смотрю на логотип и сразу мысль: не хватает серпа.

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как буд-то твой авик лучше)))))))
читал на неких источниках про сюжет.Оказывается Маршал Лоу враг Джина будет))))))
куда катиться мир,сценаристу Йаду,да побольше..я плакаЛь)))

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[b]Solidus Snake[/b], а кто у нас там Маршала играет ? (надеюсь не Ван дам :-D )

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Мдаа...лого сакс ещё тот...посмотрим что из этого всего выльеЦа, кто знает какой бюджет у фильма?

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хз))))ща скину весь текст

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 5 минут 10 секунд:[/size][/color]

IESB.net reports:

TEKKEN Movie Details!
Written by Stephanie Sanchez
Friday, 02 November 2007

The IESB has gotten their hands on the audition sides from the upcoming live action flick TEKKEN based on the popular video game of the same name (which has TEKKEN 6 coming to the USA sometime in 2008).

Audition “sides” just use certain scenes in the script, usually emotionally charged ones, to see how the actors would react in that situation. We’ve gone through them all and have some character descriptions for ya plus a few details of the story.

Characters first –

JIN – Hero supreme with a serious drug problem, he’s hooked on ZEN and does what he can to get his next fix.(это псц, дорогая редакция..) He has entered the tournament in order to get near MISHIMA to kill him. He finds out along the way that he is the son of KAZUYA and grandson of MISHIMA. He is the people’s favorite to win KING OF THE IRON FIST. Suffering from ZEN withdrawals and sweating profusely, he enters the arena to try out for the latest IRON FIST tournament, his opponent? MARSHALL LAW. *See KAZUYA’s details for more on his lineage.

BONNER - The scene used for the sides for the character of BONNER is actually our first introduction to the character. It’s about 10 minutes into the film and we find BONNER in his chop shop working on some underground black market kind of stuff listening to an “old” Black Eyed Peas song “Pump It”(пирдец блин..) and singing along. A knock at the door rattles BONNER and his crew and they quickly cover up what they are working on. Luckily, it’s just BONNER’s acquaintance JIN at the door with his latest run of illegal goods. He hands over the microprocessors and gets a fix of ZEN (via inhaler) in exchange. Clearly a ZEN junkie, JIN asks for more but BONNER doesn’t give it out for free. JIN offers to take part in the “fights” later that evening in order to make some extra dough for BONNER so he will give him more ZEN.

BRYAN FURY – Tekken’s favorite cyborg is a part of the live action TEKKEN film. BRYAN FURY of the ONYX CORPORATION. We meet him as we should, flexing his muscles for all the world to see. With his muscles rippling, veins protruding and sweat beading, FURY is more machine than man. His skeletal structure was replaced by flexsteel. He is being blackmailed (sorta) by head villain Kazuya. Not sure for what, but Kazuya knows Bryan’s secret. Did I mention it’s illegal to have more that 30% of bodily enhancements in Iron Fist? FURY sports his famous eye to chin scar. (лол. у браяна нашли излишек метала в организме) бедный браян, его же дисквалифицируют).

MISHIMA (мишима, хейхачи мишима) – Head of TEKKEN Corporation that has taken over the world pretty much after the last big war. He sees TEKKEN as the saving grace of the human race, things were in complete disarray before the corporation stepped in and brought order to the world. He believes he is remaking the world. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility and it looks like TEKKEN CORP has gone overboard outlawing all sorts of things in the “best interest” of the people. And what’s a big world dominating power without a big “cage match” to find the ultimate fighter? IRON FIST is TEKKEN’s version. The KING of the IRON FIST is the best fighter in town. MISHIMA doesn’t seem as “bad” as he did in the video game. He may even have a change of heart about TEKKEN thanks to JIN. (они вообще в курсе, что у страшного но пушистого мишими, все же есть имя?).

KAZUYA – MISHIMA’s son who thinks his father is weak and he should be in control. Has waited for the torch to be passed down for a long time and is getting pretty frustrated with his father. Considering we find MISHIMA is the detention center later in the story with JIN going to him for help to escape, it looks like KAZUYA is the one who put him there and is now in power. He is also the one who raped JIN’s mom resulting in his birth.

MARSHALL LAW – Remember the guy at the end of OVER THE TOP? The final arm wrestling opponent for Stallone? Well, maybe not many of you do, but that’s SO this guy, MARSHALL LAW(а?! это еще что за юхня?), he’s the bad ass scary IRON FIST opponent that JIN fights to qualify. He breaks bones, wills and has a tendency to throw his opponents, well, at least what’s left of his opponents. He demands respect from JIN, but JIN is the one who gets the respect instead.

STEVE FOX – Former IRON FIST competitor turned IRON FIST ANNOUNCER. Give him a hand, he’s British! (o rly?!) He leads the open call fighters to the arena on opening day and helps JIN get through a tough match with MARDUK by revealing the fighter’s weak left knee. He also helps JIN discover who is really is. *See KAZUYA for more on that. (господи боже мой, я должен это посмотреть в оригинале. лишь бы таблетки не отказали. успокоительные..)

KING – Current champion of the TEKKEN IRON FIST TOURNAMENT. His face is all over the advertisements TEKKEN IS KING.

In sides, there is always some left over dialogue from the page before or the page after. From what I gather from the TEKKEN sides, other than the scenes and character descriptions I described above, the fighters (Marduk, Phoenix, Anna and Nina - sisters, Christie, Raven , Gorgo, Fury, Dragunov and Jin) seem to have gathered together and are trying to escape from the Mishima complex, they are ordered to return to their rooms, but refuse and an intense action sequence ensues. A fighter dies.

Well that’s what I’ve garnered from the pages we received. The character seem pretty close to the game thus far with just a few added twists. Also, there is plenty of violence, blood and a lot of “fucks” that would constitute an R-rating.
в обще описание хз с какого сайта.в некоторых местах присуствуют коменты))))))и я с ними согласился бы)))

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[b]Solidus Snake[/b], ну не знаю... не стал бы я доверять.... почему то Кинг тут чемпион... в общем ерунда..

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Меня больше всего удивляет - Маршал - враг Джина.
С чего этого 48-ему дядьке надо от 21-его парня? :-D

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[quote name="gravemaker"]теккен муви? лучше бы соул калибур муви сделали[/quote]
тебе властелина колец мало? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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[b]Solidus Snake[/b], я что то забыл :oops:
[b]gravemaker[/b], лучше пусть сперва сделают теккен муви.. потом уже пусть займуцца соулом... хотел бы посмотреть как Митсуруги всех рубил бы..

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