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Bending Unit 22

Eidos: в следующей части Tomb Raider будет перезагрузка брен

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зачем играть в такое - не пойму

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наоборот нужно яркую, светлую игру сделать, добавить эл-тов новых, усложнить головоломки, сделать игру более зрелищной...

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игра продалась 1.5 млн за 2 месяца, но не смогла перекрыть финансовые проблемы в этом году. Эйдос пишет, что это связано с экономическим кризисом в америке и тд. кстати интересныый пост одного из уволенных сотрудников

[quote]As you all have heard we got fired because Eidos didn't make as much of a profit as they hoped, to be able to buy another Ferrari in another color for each of their greedy executives.

So we, the people who do most of the work and who really needed the job had to make room so the lazy millionaires who rarely show up at work because they are busy tanning on a beach somewhere on Hawaii, had a sacrificial lamb to slaughter. Now of course everything is solved.....?

No. Eidos and the people with high paid jobs who 'couldn't care less about this silly game' (real quote from a small unofficial meeting about Tomb Raider by one of them) are the problem and everyone knows this. Even they themselves know it. But how can they fire themselves or the ones they are close to....? This is just show for shareholders and them trying to save their own lazy butts.

Yes, I am ****ed off. We were forced to sign a paper which basically says we can't talk about it ir get sued for a lot of money...well, come and find me Eidos!

Ask away and as long as it doesn't endanger the job of someone else, I will answer.[/quote]

[quote]Thanks all for the compassion, appreciated.

I will answer the questions in one post or I would have to quote so much, sorry!

A few asked if the DLC was part of the game itself. Ask anyone who is part of it and if they are honest they will tell you around 40% of the DLC was meant to be in the game itself, originally. But it was decided later on to take out those parts because they were expecting most sales on the 360 and the DLC the way it looked at the time was looking to be a bit 'thin'. So we were asked to cut some parts out to be used in the DLC. Now this doesn't mean that they will be in the DLC in the exact same manner as they would have been in if they had been used in Underworld. I have to stress that. It is adjusted. So if you would see it in the DLC you don't necessarily think, hey this was taken out of Underworld. But it is. It took away a bit of the 'epic' thing of Underworld.

However the poor sales for the 360 was a bit of a shock and the 360 exclusive now everyone knows was a huge mistake. Guess what, the guys who made that mistake are still working at Eidos. And Eidos will lose lots of money on it when they release it. Hence the stalling.

Rivendell, some of us are huge fans of Legacy of Kain but no money means no game. Defiance didn't have a closed end for a reason. There were some stuff done around defiance which could result in a game but again, the high paid folks had a say in that and as we can see, they make amazing choices!

grayfox360, Crystal never made plans to remake Angel of darkness but we did study the games of Core. And that of course influences what we do to an extent and Angel of Darkness I think had some impact on the Underworld.[/quote]

[quote]Some asked about Eidos forcing us in some ways. Well we work for them, they pay us so of course they can demand and that is no problem!

But me and others think they made some very bad decisions which resulted in us looking like we had caused it. The DLC being a huge mistake in many ways because it also affected the quality of Underworld. They thought they could earn more this way....they actually lost/will lose more money because of it and also lost more credibility and it is a huge frustration topic at Eidos. Do you really believe we like making a mini-game so only the minority can play it because they own the hardware for it? Most of us hated it, no other words to describe it but hate.

Now, we have made mistakes too, I will be the first to admit, regarding certain technical challenges which we underestimated, resulting in some bugs-glitches and the like ...however, eventhough challenging, those could have been fixed if we were given more time. Of course that is not acceptable for a company who has to show figures in a certain period. Especially because they did give us more time already, all credit due. That was our biggest mistake in this and also unacceptable. The reviews were correct about it, end of.

And also, the ones who made the mistakes, a few also work for Crystal without saying too much, still have the job(s). So it's not all Eidos, although a majority of the problem is there. So we both must take the blame...then get rid if the people who made the mistakles....however, the problem is still there, even after firing us who had nothing to do with those wrong decisions.[/quote]

[quote]ZIP!2009, none of us who got fired will starve or something, however it obviously will affect all our families. Some are not furious like me but very depressed and that is not healthy. I know tomorrow I will probably regret what I typed here but at the moment, I am sane, I am clear minded, I feel I have been mistreated very badly so there it is.

The DLC is a strange case for sure, this defined the whole Underworld experience the moment it was told to us. It is officially not canceled, but it is being stalled at the moment. And is it only 360 exclusive now? Well, officially yes....

A few mentioned Toby...he's a nice guy, no doubt, all the best to him. He is one of the big guys with more influence than me and the others who got fired, what can I say?

A few also started calling some employees here liars. They do not lie...they do not know or they use their words carefully. What I said won't contradict what they say (I don't know what they said exactly) but it will look like a contradiction. I said parts of the DLC was part of Underworld, BUT altered.

Moon-Safari, we enjoyed Tomb Raider a lot because of the dynamics of the game itself. So much to do every day with such an enthousiastic team! Many are old Tomb Raider fans too, don't forget. We wanted to make the best game possible with the tools we had. Unfortunately the business wants limitations and that sometimes did kill the moment, however without that there would be no game in the first place. I will miss everything.

Eddie Haskel, yes much debate about everything. What we did wanted to ditch was the slow controls of the Core games and I think we succeeded in that, making it more modern. And I understand many fans of the old games dislike it but we had to modernize. We are all very aware of what fans in general think, but we can't change all because of it. What was untouchable was the theme of Tomb Raider in general, but we were expected to modernize it and make it more flashy and in your face.

I think I covered most of the questions of the first half of this thread as far as I can without endangering me or anyone. Thanks again for the support, some of the others who are fired are also reading so this is not just for me! Depending how I feel tomorrow I will post again maybe, if not apologies for everything but I needed to get it off my chest. Take care all, this is not the end of Lara, no way don't worry[/quote]

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[b]ACE[/b], да-да, щас все всё списывают на финансовый кризис. Но только из тех, у кого игры плохо продаются. У кого продаются хорошо - смотрят на выдумщиков, и смеются.

Кризис кризисом, а народ как играл в игры, так и играет. А может и больше. Всё-таки способ уйти от проблем, хоть и временно.

[quote]Сиськи станут больше.[/quote]
Вот это правильно. Наверняка лара слилась потому что разрабы взяли за моду куждую часть её сдувать. Такими темпами скоро она вообще бы плоской стала )

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[b]Red Priest Rezo[/b], покажи мне логическую связь между продажами в 1.5 млн копий игры за 2 месяца и плохими продажами.

и лучше пост почитайте - интересное чтиво

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блин Tomb Raider не тот проект который должны делать Crystal Dynamics, вернее они могут, но по своему,
кстати сказать единственая игра в серии про лару крофт которая мне понравилась была была TR:Legend,
который в свою очередь был Райдеров в чистом виде каким его видят Crystal Dynamics.

Я обожаю Crystal Dynamics и мне очень хочется чтоб они делали что-то своё.

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[b]Azz[/b], без Эми Хенниг наследие каина у них не выйдет :( так что пусть томб райдеры делают. там хоть сюжет не важен

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[quote name="Just_KiD"][b]Richy[/b], хм, мне понравилась эта часть[/quote]

Ага, только Вы, похоже, исключение. Эта игра провалилась в итоге и по оценкам, и по продажам, практически похоронила серию и окончательно убила Core Design.

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Лара окажется гермафродитом, а ее дворецкий - пришельцем с планеты Вулкан! :encore:

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[quote name="Richy"] [quote name="Just_KiD"][b]Richy[/b], хм, мне понравилась эта часть[/quote]

Ага, только Вы, похоже, исключение. Эта игра провалилась в итоге и по оценкам, и по продажам, практически похоронила серию и окончательно убила Core Design.[/quote][b]Richy[/b], угу, а я продал свою лицензионну версию от Нового диска в двд боксе(которую покупал летом 2003 за 1000р) за 30рублей :-D

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[quote]Azz, без Эми Хенниг наследие каина у них не выйдет[/quote]
Я непрошу Наследие Кайна. У них был просто офигеный "GEX" и кстати говоря Я бы больше хотел что-то новое!

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[b]Azz[/b], еще пандемониум классный был. но я думаю, что делать три дэ платформеры после марио галакси уже не выгодно - засмеют :gigi:

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[quote name="ACE"][b]Azz[/b], без Эми Хенниг наследие каина у них не выйдет :( так что пусть томб райдеры делают. там хоть сюжет не важен[/quote]

[b]ACE[/b], предлагаю прямо сейчас вспомнить тут, где же именно в данный момент работает Эми и какой проект она делает :-D

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[b]Richy[/b], не надо то говено вспоминать плиз. там и 10ой доли того сюжета и атмосферы не было, что в Наследии Каина

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[quote name="ACE"][b]Richy[/b], угу, а я продал свою лицензионну версию от Нового диска в двд боксе(которую покупал летом 2003 за 1000р) за 30рублей :-D[/quote]

Эт ты зря, раритет же сейчас! :-)

[color=green][size=75]Добавлено спустя 55 секунд:[/size][/color]

[quote name="ACE"][b]Richy[/b], не надо то говено вспоминать плиз. там и 10ой доли того сюжета и атмосферы не было, что в Наследии Каина[/quote]

Ну так может дело тогда не в Эми? :-)

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1) не могу держать у себя игры, если они мне не нравятся
2) а дело было во всей команде. Это как со сквар софт до 2002. Ты кстати не в курсе, Кэрол Вульф всё еще в Crystal Dynamics? Адам Филипс по этому поводу ничего не помнит

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Хоть бы сиськи стали больше и без бюстгалтера, что бы при намокании был виден её бюст сковозь одежду, тогда игра станет ещё мрачней :kojsfd:

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[quote name="ACE"]
2) а дело было во всей команде. Это как со сквар софт до 2002. Ты кстати не в курсе, Кэрол Вульф всё еще в Crystal Dynamics? Адам Филипс по этому поводу ничего не помнит[/quote]

Без понятия, я из Crystal никого не знаю, только тех, кто в Naughty Dog перешел.

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[b]Richy[/b], не в курсе, что Эми говорит по поводу ЛоК и работы в Naughty Dog? очень любопытно

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