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Final Fantasy XIII-2

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[url=http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5249/5366764938_dab0602ac8_o.jpg]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5249/536 ... 2ac8_o.jpg[/url]
лого 2500х1833 *_*

[size=85][color=green]Добавлено спустя 54 секунды:[/color][/size]

[url=http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5284/5366764670_16fb39f50d_o.jpg]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5284/536 ... f50d_o.jpg[/url]
и скрин в разрешении побольше *_*

И на евроблоге Playstation говорят что "FINAL FANTASY XIII-2, is coming next winter." Евро релиз мб?

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[spoil]Final Fantasy XIII-2 - epic win
Инфа — 8%[/spoil]
[spoil]Final Fantasy XIII-2 - epic fail
Инфа — 93%[/spoil]
интересно как же они боевку улучшили :trollface:

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[quote]у лайтнинг оголили бедра[/quote]

Номура обещал оголить еще многое... рейтинг 18+ как никак :up:

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[b]RD[/b], не сочиняй :trollface:
и там 16+, а это значит, что не больше сисек чем в СК например :sarcasm:

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Самое убогое лого, среди всех номерных Финалок
эмо сочетание цветов так вообще звиздец

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[b]Vincent[/b], ага. что-то как-то странно. к томуже слишком много деталей и теней на персах в лого превращают его в кляксу. но если будет игра лучше фф13, то я всё прощу :ads:

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Всё, нафиг, никакой лицензии, скачаю на боксег. :facepalm:

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появились те самые тизер-трейлеры в ХД.

[url=http://na.square-enix.com/ffxiii-2/]http://na.square-enix.com/ffxiii-2/[/url] - тут западный сайт и тут качество херовое, зато на англейцком.

[url=http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fabula/ff13-2/]http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fabula/ff13-2/[/url] - ВОТ ТУТ КАЧЕСТВЕННО, зато на японском.

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[b]kawa77[/b], спасибо.

У меня такое чувство что это музыка Hamauzu, что для меня очень очень хорошо))

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чел напоминает Найтвульфа в молодости :gigi: но на деле это Фанг, сменившая пол (Номурыч же изначально делал ее мужиком)

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Вот вам и линк вселенной Фабула Нова :
Божество, созданное после сотворения Пульса.
Ещё и фал'си, лол, хранит баланс мира.
Забавно - так то кристальное сооружение в ролике её храм оказывается походу.

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[b]Taelsien[/b], после последней инфы я беливить больше стал. вдруг реально исправят все недочеты оригинала? :agree:

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[b]dotdroid[/b], [b]ACE[/b], Believe in Торияма&Китасе.
Я слышал эти парни веников не вяжут :trollface: !1

Итак, Денгеки первыми взяли интервью у народных любимцев М и Ё по поводу ожидаемого шедевра. Спешиалли фо Эйси:
[quote]Toriyama said the game will delve deeper into the Fabula mythology this time.[/quote]

Ну и далее предисловие:
[quote]According to Toriyama, the XIII-2 story will be like taking the afterstory that was written in the bonus booklet that was included with the Japanese Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII and expanding from there. The story kicks of after XIII, in the Gran Pulse world.

The story is a true sequel to XIII and will answer some of the mysteries of what happened in the background in the build up to FFXIII's ending. The world will expand further in XIII-2 (I'm not sure if Toriyama is speaking literally or figuratively here). The story's taste will be darker and more mysterious than the original.[/quote]

НЕОЖИДАННЫЕ формы персонажей, лол
и новые пополнения в рядах :
[quote]Similar to XIII, Lightning will be a principal character. Other characters will also appear in the game in "unexpected forms," according to Toriyama. Some of the returning characters will see major changes to their atmosphere. The game will also have a number of new characters, in addition to the mysterious male character from the trailer.

That mystery character is the character next to Lightning in the game's logo, Kitase confirmed. He's meant to be a character in conflict with Lightning, a character of equal strength.[/quote]

Вспомнили про любимую 10-2 :trollface: :
[quote]The early trailer and single official screenshot show a major change for Lightning: she wears armor. [b]While this is a big change, the character's image will not have a Final Fantasy X-2-style change, said Kitase.[/b] For those who haven't played it, FFX-2 had a poppy, comedic feel compared to FFX, with Yuna and the other leads dancing around and changing clothes during battle. XIII-2 will have the serious feel of a true numbered entry in the series, said Kitase.[/quote]
Ну хоть что-то радужное. Китасе, следи за собой и особенно беспредельщиком Тори! :-D

И по геймплею проехались, в словах в конце таится НАДЕЖДА :lol: :
[quote]The two only briefly discussed gameplay. The game's battle system will be a further evolution of FFXIII's ATB (active time battle) system. Because it's a sequel, explained Toriyama, they want to actively use the the experience they gained in making the original to address issues that need to be addressed, and to make areas that are already considered good even better. [b]For XIII-2's development, they've been running tests and listening to opinions from inside and outside the company and even from overseas.[/b][/quote]

В конце недели будет новая инфа уже от Фамицу.

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[b]Taelsien[/b], круто! пока все радует 8)

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[b]ACE[/b], а те не верил, что ми ФФ 13 и Версуса связаны :lol:

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странно, что никто не запостил. новый рендер же :up:

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[b]Vincent[/b], наличием кристаллов? тогда они еще связанны с первыми частями финалок. а я говорил, что вселенные у этих игр разные. и наличие кристаллов никак не делает их играми в одной вселенной. не привирай

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[b]RD[/b], Это же постер :).
Рендеры на сайте новые (точнее с трейлера))
Или здесь - [url=http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/01/28/ffxiii_2_screens/]http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/0 ... 2_screens/[/url]

Кстати, вот лого проектов под эгидой Фабула Нова) :

И, как и обещали - инфа из Фами :

Famitsu first asked for a recap of how the project came to be. [b]The main reason they decided to make a sequel, said Toriyama, is that there was demand throughout the world. In addition to this, Toriyama and the development staff wanted to portray the Lightning character further.[/b] The original FFXIII ended with a lingering question: is Lightning really happy? Final Fantasy XIII-2 will come to a clear conclusion.

The "Episode i" after story novella that was included as a bonus with the first print run of the Japanese Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII serves as the prologue of XIII-2. Famitsu pointed out that Episode i shows the various characters from FFXIII returning to their normal lives. Does this mean that Lightning will be on her own? Also, Famitsu asked, will the purpose of Lightning's new journey be to find a method of helping Vanille and Fang?

Regarding the latter point, Toriyama noted that being helped by the sacrifice of the two characters left a wound in the hearts of everyone. The story will of course show not just Lightning, but the other allies who were hurt by that, Toriyama assured. Additionally, there will be a number of new characters.

Similar to the Dengeki interview, Famitsu's interviewers asked if there would be any Final Fantasy X-2 style dancing and singing in XIII-2. XIII-2 will have have a serious direction, Kitase replied. [b]Toriyama noted that considering Vanille and Fang are gone and the world is in a state where Cocoon had fallen, there's no way for the new story to be totally peaceful. XIII-2 will have a darker and more mysterious side over XIII.[/b]

Famitsu asked if XIII-2 will possibly being set in the dark world that Lightning is wandering around in at the end of the Episode i novella. [b]Toriyama responded that the principal setting will be different from that of XIII, but he assured that the FFXIII world will be in the game in some form.[/b]

As part of the story of the original, [b]Lightning has lost her l'Cie abilities (summons, casting magic, etc.).[/b] In response to this observation from Famitsu, Toriyama joked that perhaps Lightning has become an even more incredible existence than a l'Cie. Famitsu countered that she certainly has become sexier. Toriyama responded that even though she's probably more explosed (I must be missing something here because she doesn't look more exposed to me!), similar to the original, they're valuing her refined and noble qualities. He added that her clothing has a more fantasy feel to it this time, and the design of her weapons and other such items will match.

Famitsu also pointed out that when Lighthing and the mysterious new guy shown in the trailer line up back to back, they look like angel and devil. "Which is the angel and which is the devil?" joked Toriyama. He added, Lightning has a new mission this time, and as she attempts to fulfill this mission, she'll end up in a confrontation with the guy. He's a powerful character who can fight on equivalent ground with Lightning, the hero who saved the world.

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интересно как они успеют сделать игру за полтора года?
они там девелопинг процесс полностью поменяли чтоли?

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[b]ACE[/b], Готовый контент был, они наверняка начали разработку уже после релиза 13ки), планирование - это не палец в небо.
И да, поменяли определённо - я толком не вчитывался в подробности, но они вообще несколько разрозненных дивизионов превратили в PDD 1.
А именно - объединили Осакскую и Токийскую команды.

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[quote]Also, Famitsu asked, will the purpose of Lightning's new journey be to find a method of helping Vanille and Fang?
Toriyama noted that being helped by the sacrifice of the two characters left a wound in the hearts of everyone.[/quote]
Это то о чем я думаю )) ?

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