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Mountain View


Дата релиза: 25 февраля 2022

Shadow Of The Erdtree: 21 июня 2024

Nightreign: 30 мая 2025

Разработчик: FromSoftware

Издатель: Namco Bandai

Платформы: PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC

Официальный сайт: https://www.eldenring.jp












за авторством Льюс Терин и Velldanas ©





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Только что, Mountain View сказал:

Squall007 KirimKirimich Демоны в 2021, Ринг в 2021, дабл кил, фромы малышки.

Ну пока это только твои мечты) 

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1 час назад, Mountain View сказал:

Фромы всё правильно делают, поиграем в 2021.


Я тебя сейчас не люблю :troll_face_50:

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весна 2021 выглядит вроде логичной датой, но тогда почему они сейчас ничего не показывают, поэтому закрадываются сомнения и мб будет 2022

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10 минут назад, Squall007 сказал:

весна 2021 выглядит вроде логичной датой, но тогда почему они сейчас ничего не показывают, поэтому закрадываются сомнения и мб будет 2022


Что там логичного? Сейчас все, кому не лень начнут заявлять весну как окно релиза. А потом переносить.


Весна афигенно нелогично.

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3 минуты назад, Lex Mercer сказал:


Что там логичного? Сейчас все, кому не лень начнут заявлять весну как окно релиза. А потом переносить.


Весна афигенно нелогично.

все последние игры фромов выходили весной(секиро, бб, дс3, дс2) с чего вдруг они поменяют свое релизное окно, которое им приносило успех:frog33:

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1 час назад, KirimKirimich сказал:

Ну пока это только твои мечты) 



33 минуты назад, Lex Mercer сказал:


Я тебя сейчас не люблю :troll_face_50:



17 минут назад, Lex Mercer сказал:

все, кому не лень начнут заявлять весну как окно релиза. А потом переносить.



12 минут назад, Squall007 сказал:

все последние игры фромов выходили весной(секиро, бб, дс3, дс2)


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Зря он с Мартином связался.



Изменено пользователем Lex Mercer

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Чувак собрал на реддите все инсайды от Омн!. 


A compilation of all of Omn!potent's major post's


Omn1's Hype post for the next FROM game

I know I’ve kept you all waiting since my first post in this thread and teased you plenty with my hype. You’ve been (mostly) patient and quite curious so here it is. I want to preface this by saying that these are my personal thoughts and opinions, to take that as you will. But I hope that this will hold you guys over until announcement and that it was worth the hype, waiting, teasing and jebaiting.

It’s difficult for me to even find where to begin. But I guess I should start by saying that I’ve been a fan for quite some time and love these games to bits, even if I love some more than others. But even in saying that, after playing through each game there are a number of things I’ve always wanted to see Fromsoft add or experiment with in terms of gameplay and world design. Things I figured would maybe show up once here or there. But with this title it feels like all of my wishes have been granted and then some. Pretty much everything I ever could have wanted them to add is here. Finding out about many of these things has been like being taken to a toy shop as a kid, expecting to pick one of your favorite toys out and then getting told you can have all of them. Any time I think about the game I just get so incredibly happy that it puts a smile on my face and I get a bright feeling inside. It’s like a certain kind of High that is just absolutely Fantastical for me. Which I’m sure might sound odd to some, but I can only hope that once you guys see and find out more you’ll share in my excitement

And quite honestly, I think a lot of people will. I love watching the silly videos people create and put up on Youtube doing wild stuff in these games and I can only begin to imagine what kind of wild stuff people will be able to put together with this title and its new systems and the many hours and journeys fans will spend immersing and fully projecting themselves into this world, playing the way they want to. Especially since this is easily From’s most immersive world yet filled to the brim with secrets and stuff From has never done before in multiple areas. I expect fans to have experiences of being drawn into eyecatching locales like a sailor drawn to a siren while other darker things roam,lurk, skulk and stalk just out of view. In a world that’s lathered with old school inspirations that would have D.b.weiss & David benioff taking up a whole Tabletop to draw its lifeline and heritage. And don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of weird, dark and bizzare things so typical of From here too.

I’m also aware that many of the communities that From has fostered over the past decade have felt left out by Sekiro. For those people I can say that you won’t be left behind here, and I don’t just mean that in terms of the existence of certain things like fashion, but also the abundance and creativity of what’s being offered here, perhaps moreso than in the past. Much of what you’d like and have come to expect is here. I’m sure plenty of people will love being able to show off their threads while battling alongside or against other warriors and scoundrels. Whether you’re a Social Cat Or Titan, this Land is yours to explore.

In addition to that for people who are more like me, people who like to explore and discover these worlds, lore hounds and solitary soldiers. You’ll have so much to dig into and search for, there’s plenty of Unearthed Knowledge for you to write your paragraphs of theories about. If you love level design and that’s one of your favorite things about these games as it is mine, then you’ve got nothing to fret about either. Interconnected design is larger and deeper than ever and archaeologists and spelunkers might just be in for their biggest playground yet.

To me, it feels like From is firing on all cylinders here and if you’ve enjoyed From’s recent output over the past decade and are open to New things then I feel like you’ll get exactly what you would want out of the project like this. It’s not just a side step off the beaten path(though there will be plenty of that), but a culmination of everything they’ve done and an evolution leading to a new beginning. And for the first time I really and truly don’t know what else I could want out of a game like this aside from just more. More of everything that’s being offered here. This is easily the biggest thing From has ever done, and to me feels like magnum opus material. I’m sure other people will still have their favorites, but for me, this is everything I could have asked for and more.

Though I should also mention that I think people expecting battles between lions, wolves, stags and giddorah’s might end up disappointed, there is no Feast for Crows here (Though for people grabbing their horned helms, gjallarhorn’s and carving runes into their shields may end up feasting on crows to say the least).
And remember, this journey doesn’t end with E3, this is only the beginning, so don’t expect to be fully satiated just yet. But I hope this hype train will carry us there, and back again, rain or shine. And trust me there is plenty more to discover and get excited over ;) . Fear not the feast my friends, for I have laid breadcrumbs a plenty, and let the hype begin.

Elden Ring World/Gameplay Info by Omn1potent

The biggest single change in terms of design moving from Dark Souls to Elden Ring is the “open world”. But there are a million open world games from MMO’s to AAA games to BOTW, some very similar and some very different and some have even said “Well, isn’t Dark Souls already Open World? [From a certain point of view]. So let’s take a look at Elden Ring’s Open World in terms of design.

Remember when you first played Dark Souls and how cool it was traversing the world, especially once you got passed the early areas and human settlements like Undead Parish? Entering Sen’s Fortress, The Tomb of Giants and Anor Londo? All these incredible and varying locales that made this world feel much larger than it really is and the scale at which things were designed making you feel like this world was truly not built for the likes of you? It’s something I definitely missed from later titles. But after the shininess has worn off you’re able to start seeing that this massive world wasn’t really all that massive and was, realistically quite small. I want you to think about that while also thinking about Miyazaki’s quote of “we want to do things we weren’t able to do with Dark Souls”. Imagine a game in which that illusion was able to be made a lot more “real”. Now open your (metaphorical) eyes to Elden Ring.

Due to the nature of the game being “open world” it’s also able to more effectively capitalize on the concept of being able to see an area long before you reach it as well as looking back across the land to places you have already been, seeing how places connect and what not. This one of Dark Souls 1’s most charming elements and it’s been brought forward into Elden Ring in both a more natural way and on a much larger and more effective scale and I’d imagine that’s a design element that most will appreciate, as I certainly do. You’ll be traveling across the world and seeing places long before you’re able to reach them. Imagine a scenario in which you arrive at the staircase like the one in the dungeon in DS3, looking out across a vast distance to see a castle like Archdragon peak. But instead of having to psychically transport yourself there you know that eventually you’ll be able to cross that vast distance, bridge that gap and reach that castle to find what lies inside. The increased scale and scope is a hugely important pillar of this title.

That being said, this world is quite large. Before you start freaking out and going “but From said this isn’t your typical open world, is this going to be a big, largely empty world with random crap sprinkled throughout the world just to fill the space?” Short answer: Absolutely not. Long answer: one of the pillars of design in Elden Ring is to create a meaningful and fully realized world (to the best of From’s ability). Which doesn’t mean collectathons, random and sparse packs of copy pasted enemies and a lot of landmass simply for the sake of having a lot of landmass. What’s important is creating a variety of experiences for you to encounter and face throughout your journey while also making the world feel real and alive, like a place you can truly immerse yourself in and lose hours to and to a massively greater degree than in previous titles. As well as filling the world with interesting landmarks to draw your attention and help you familiarize yourself with your surroundings but also points of interest along your journey from one goal to another.

Areas will connect to one another like Dark Souls and I think it’s worth mentioning that they are aware of the problems of the infamous Iron Keep > Earthern Peak and the increased space allows things like that to be avoided.

In terms of the landmass itself, it’s far more similar to the works of Miyazaki’s idol Ueda than anything else (at least outside of Fromsoft), so it’s not just about having a super large mass of open field, but also degrees of verticality (where it makes sense) as well as natural transitions between the more open sections and the less open sections like castles and ruins and whatnot. When I mentioned Scotland in the original E3 post this is what I was referring to. Not Celtic or Gaelic Mythology (and such rumors had nothing to do with me). The landscapes of Scotland served as an inspiration for Elden Ring’s landscapes. That being said you’ll also be sure to see plenty of cool fantasy locales

“Alright, well, that’s cool and all but after a while things might get a bit samey right? And I’m not seeing how this is really all that different aside from just being bigger” While aside from there being a number of different locales this is a great opportunity to talk about another massive change. A departure from static worlds to a more meaningfully and active one. What do I mean by this?

Looking first at past Fromsoft games Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro. These are all, largely static worlds. Things generally, don’t really happen unless you’re there to make them happen. Enemies might patrol a certain, small perimeter at best and during major player activated story events, enemy layout might change and or the behaviours of a few enemies might change in tiny ways. Such as the church giants in Bloodborne no longer patrolling the area and instead sitting on their knees. But overall, once you’ve been through an area once even after it’s changed you generally know exactly what to expect and where to expect it. The player activated changes might indicate a change in time of day across the entire world that will persist until again, the player activates an event and changes it or other things that are, fairly superficial.

And looking at the vast majority of open world games, they have day/night cycles and weather systems and both are usually primarily if not entirely cosmetic.

So where does that leave us with Elden Ring? Starting with static/nonstatic. Elden Ring, like past games will have opportunities to effect and change things in the world. But the noteworthy element here is that the world will change on its own. I don’t mean in any singular major sense but perhaps you’re strolling down your typical route to get from point A to B, having a jolly time on your horse, blasting old town road and before you know it you’re met with some sort of towering monstrosity. You’ve now got 2 choices. A try your luck and attempt to take down the beast. B: Pull a big ol nope and get your ass right out of there. Maybe you pick B, and end up taking a different route from now on…but who’s to say it won’t show up there too? Or even if it’s the only one out there? Perhaps you’ve been traveling, see something cool and start traveling inside some ruins or a cave. You start making your way back out and hey, things look a lot darker outside than they did when I came in and the enemies that were here when I left aren’t here any more…but some other things are. Perhaps there are ways to use this situation to my advantage, but perhaps I don’t want to risk it. The game also has its weather cycles though I wouldn’t expect anything particularly expansive or exciting in this department. Ultimately you’re left with a world that feels a lot more alive and like I said immersive. Like this is a place where things live.

Accompanying this are some changes and improvements to AI and design that has found new ways to trick the player into a false sense of security before being murdered. We’ve now leveled up from things hiding behind a corner and popping out to either slit your neck or kick you off a cliff, now we’ve got more involved and elaborate jebait mechanics to go with a more sophisticated world (Though I’d imagine plenty of the usual will end up in the game as well).

With all this being added and all the work being put into making this title what it is, I wouldn’t expect the likes of world tendency or insight this time around.

And all this is pretty much open and free for you to explore.

“But I like Fromsoft level design and hate open world games” There will, of course be plenty of your typically meticulously crafted areas for that too.

Alright, happy new years everyone.

Omn1 talks about Elden Ring's world design

Alright so lets go over this one more time.

Starting with: Given that It's generally the same people in here and my posts are first and foremost, for the people in here, I usually imagine us to all be on the same page. So my posts are addative and are supposed to work in conjunction with one another, adding context to past things and extrapolating on other things further.

Like Love Machine eloquently put it above. It's not about literally going back to Dark Souls in all but name. But given that this is a Fromsoft game, a medieval fantasy action role playing game at that, there are going to be similarities in terms of design and direction more so than any other game. Like siblings, they share the same DNA as they're from the same creators. But also like siblings, two siblings could look similar and have the same general values due to having the same background but have completely different interests.

While Dark Souls 1 is not where it all started, Its kind of irrelevant to the immediate discussion given its approach to world design is so distinctly different from its successors. Elden Ring included. Dark Souls 1 is a more appropriate starting point given that not only was it the first of the bunch to implement that sort of interconnected design but it has design philosophies that were not prioritized or had been abandoned in its successors and that is mainly what I'm alluding to.

Again, bringing back some of those design philosophies and thinking about how it can be done differently, in a different context or done better. A big one, again, being the players freedom of choice in direction and how to approach a situation.

But that does not mean that we're returning to the essentially hallway esque design of Dark Souls 1 where clever level design makes the world seem a lot larger than it is. There will still be elements of that as there are technical constraints and it's kind of hard to put a fully playable map of a country into a game without concessions (See: Witcher 3) but instead, this time things are actually large, actually open and you're actually traveling large distances to get to far off places, rather than traveling a few blocks to end up in a different castle.

I've previously likened it to Shadows Of The Colossus, that is still true. But it doesn't really tell the whole story. Because while SOTC is open, vast and there is an important sense of scale and distance, and it cleverly weaves between large open landscapes with different vistas down into pathways and decrepit ruins and back outward again. It's incredibly empty and your freedom is limited and while there are variations in vistas through the use of different biomes, everything conforms to the same sort of visual design philosophies, which works for this game because there isn't much in it, but wouldn't work for a From game. You can technically go anywhere you want, but that doesn't mean much when the only thing you can really do is kill the Colossi and you have to kill the Colossi in a specific order.

Which isn't really the image I want to depict of Elden Ring. Yes the vastness, the openness, the freedom, the clever funneling of player pathing. But less so the emptiness and the lack of player freedom or player choice.

Which again, goes back into Dark Souls 1's design philosophies. These together start to form the bedrock of the world design and then you start adding things on top of that.

Dynamic day/night cycles, lighting, weather, I'll even throw you a bone and say wildlife, enemies out in the open world that change their positioning, both big and small. Things that make the world feel like it lives and breathes and doesn't just exist as your playground and while they're relatively minor when looked at as singular elements. You start to take all of these elements and put them together and ultimately what you have is something that again, shares the same DNA as past games, but culminates into something different.

Even just looking at weather, day/night and lighting on its own is cool to me, because while: yes they're in so many games that its not inherently interesting or special. When you look at past games, with very few, contextual exceptions. Every area and locale is going to look essentially the same from when you enter to when you leave or even when you come back. Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro dabble in time of day changes, but these are all irreversible and in my opinion, especially in the case of Dark Souls 3, aren't really super effective in changing the mood and atmosphere of an area and any fan of these games, especially when it comes to world should know that mood and atmosphere are huge parts of what makes these worlds and zones special.

You could enter a zone at dawn on a rainy day and exit with the night setting in and clouds clearing the way for the sky(which will be fantastic for the screenshot community), and even that can change more than just atmosphere with different enemies moving into the scene. Perhaps from there you've decided you're done with this area, see something in the distance and start making an effort to travel in that direction to see what it is.

Which is sort of another element of Dark Souls, you can see Duke's Archives from Undead Burg, and so on and so forth, but due to the way that the game is constructed, you can't really meaningfully execute on the dream of "see that, go there" of your own volition because the game will funnel you there when the game decides its time. Here it's different.

Which is why its not "Just Dark Souls 4". Yes there are elements of Dark Souls, which is to be expected given that again, this is a Fromsoftware Medieval Action Roleplaying Game but its taking the design elements of past games and taking them in a different direction and like Miyazaki said, doing things they couldn't before.

And like Love Machine said, world and lore are huge parts of what make these places feel distinct and unique. Yes there will be some similarities, but in the same way that the actual game world has elements of Dark Souls that have been approached differently while also having its own new ones that come together to create something unique. The world and lore will be the same, there will be dragons, but that doesn't mean its just Dark Souls 4 and personally I'm super happy with the direction that's been taken with the lore and story, more so than Dark Souls, but we will save that conversation for another time.

So while yes, you're not getting 10 million NPC's with 30 million lines of dialogue or BOTW style exploration, Sekiro combat depth or anything that is all that revolutionary (the why should be obvious for many reasons that I can't be bothered to explain right now) , that doesn't mean this game isn't as robust and worthwhile of the moniker of open world (or more specifically Open Field) or is just another Dark Souls. It's taking that baseline and seeing what else can be done with it.

Omn1potent Lore Post

The world & lore of Elden Ring are probably my favorite aspects of the game and big reasons as to why I consider it to be a potential personal all time favorite. I’ve always dug the lore in these games and the places we inhabit, some far more than others but it’s always the connective tissue that can really make or break a game for me and at times is the deciding factor in whether or not I’ll even give a game a chance. That being said, being a fan of ASOIAF & From games, a collaboration between the top minds of both is of course a dream come true for me. So let’s take a bit of a look into why this collaboration is so cool.

Before we begin I think it’s worth once again reinstating that G.R.R.M did not write the narrative of this game. He wrote the back story and world history of Elden Ring as well as collaborating with Miyazaki & From on the world itself. Miyazaki handled the narrative instead and Martin’s writings are used as world history, there was no hardline rules on how they had to adapt his writings and they were free to interpret them as they see fit and create based on that. This is the nature of this collaboration.

So as we discussed prior in the context of Fantasy and ASOIAF, Martin’s best qualities are his incredibly detailed world building through his ability to create believable, living, breathing worlds that have a large sense of scope and an almost encyclopedic sense of history. On top of that he has a great knack for bringing in well trodden concepts and ideas in the realm of fantasy and making them interesting either by twisting them or by their placement in a larger whole. That is what’s being brought to the table here. A history that delves into the statecraft of this world, political confrontations, its major players and powers and other important presences who’s influences and impact can be felt into this day. Usual Fromsoft stuff to some extent, but obviously with a bit more emphasis placed on the importance of these things rather than having it be the usual very much in the background, blink and you’ll miss it stuff.

Important inhabitants of the world aren’t just humans or ‘Not’ Humans (though you as the player character will be) with everything else being an enemy of vague intelligence but you’ll be opened up to a much wider variety of interesting folk on your journey, different races, some of which may have similar fantasy roots as races already explored in past games but explored differently, the likes of some you may have already glimpsed in the trailer. Others will be new with their own Fromsoft tinge. Different races out in the world add a lot of personality, variety and vibrancy that wasn’t really there before as the majority of who you meet are generally human or some form of human-esque.

My reasoning for labeling Elden Ring “High Fantasy” begins there. The scope of the world, lore and narrative is more grandiose than past games in pretty much every way to match the new, greater scope of the game it’s meant to inhabit, in addition to a tone that strays a bit further from convention into territory of being brighter than usual Fromsoft fare (though being a GRRM/From game it’ll have its dark moments).

From the concept of the Elden Ring down to the major players involved in this world, even down to things more ‘simple’ like the functions of magic and its place and purpose in this world as well as those who wield it being more fleshed out than usual, both in terms of their sub-narrative as well as organizations of their own. Its immediately clear that a lot of time and effort was put into fully realizing this world and everything in it, arguably to a degree unseen in past games.

Schools of Magic aren’t just about what sort of element you wield but which school matches the ideals you most closely adhere to and which organization you might feel more connected to. Things that will be explored through their visual design and in game narratives.

As for the Elden Ring itself. I think its my favorite From concept yet and it’s deeply tied into the world itself in a number of aspects, I personally would argue more so than the likes of the Dark Sign, Souls and the linking of the fire or Old Blood. As those prior examples were aberrations of the natural order and state of the world, the Elden Ring was the state of the world, and obviously when something like that is shattered, everything is effected.

To draw a bit of a parallel to our world. We have things like the moon, our magnetic field, our atmosphere. All of these things have an important role in our life on earth that is so intrinsic to our existence that having one of or all of these things removed would change the planet and all life on it. The moon has an effect on animal life and is used to guide behaviors in different species, as well as the tides, it was once used to measure the passage of long periods of time. The magnetic field helps keep us safe from the likes of cosmic storms and solar flares as well as affecting the fundamental force of magnetism, which is also used by many guiding instruments. I shouldn’t need to explain why our atmosphere is important, and if you need further proof, look at Mars. But why is that relevant? Because the Elden Ring is a fundamental force of this world on that scale and while it’s loss hasn’t literally wiped all life off the face of the planet, it’s had a number of more exciting fantastical effects on the world.

What happens to the land without it, its people, its visible and tangible effects. What happens when the barrier comes down and all the worst and unimaginable things it was keeping out start to make their way in. When someone you once knew becomes something. When existence itself and everything within and around it just stops working as intended. Its influence has seeped into everything for better or worse and you get to witness the results of that.

How do you deal with that, how do the people around you deal with that, governing bodies, nations, the divine royalty of gods and demigods. How and where does everything intersect? What comes next?

And its not just about reading about it through lore but going out there and seeing it for yourself, experiencing it and having it be represented in every aspect of the world around you. Expanding on environmental storytelling

So what does that leave you with? A world in turmoil, strife and conflict amongst peoples in which the forces of existence itself have been broken, and the ensuing aftermath of which you get to wade through and experience for yourself across great distances and locales that are equally as grandiose as the world they inhabit that really bring in that high fantasy feeling to your trek, not taking place in just a single land like past titles, but multiple with their own distinct qualities, characteristics, visuals and recognizable inhabitants. This will be more of a journey than ever. Part of making that world and journey more engaging and believable though is populating the world with interesting characters for you to meet, with their own journey and stories and that’s another aspect that From is making an effort to improve on. A lot more characters with stories that will span further across the game in terms of location and story progression with their own motives and personal ambitions. Like the larger and more involved NPC quests of DS3 but on a more consistent scale.

The player themselves also gets a more interesting and involved personal narrative beyond “go here, do thing, save land because I said so”.

What you’re left with is a larger world than Dark Souls with places that aren’t just alluded to, but you get to explore yourself, facing a more intense and far further reaching internal as well as existential calamity when fundamental forces of this universe are broken. Leaders and nations, the divine and the fiendish, all in conflict and you finding your place throughout all of this. Resulting in a powerful narrative with more dramatic weight than preceding titles but not any more overbearing.

Omn1 clears up some misconceptions

Just want to pop in and make sure we're all on the same page here and clear up some misconceptions.

The way I see it is Elden Ring is sort of a new start for the Souls games. Going back to Dark Souls 1 in particular and building off of that while of course looking at what they've learned on subsequent games and implementing elements of everything that came after where they see fit. Creating a new "baseline" for future "Souls" games or From A/RPGs.

So what that means in practice (As some of you have speculated) is moreso focusing efforts into exploration and world design elements more than other elements. I wouldn't expect any singular aspect of the game to be "revolutionary" or completely out of left field. Again its building off of prior games and It's uniqueness, at least in my opinion comes from that. I already think that these games are top tier, especially in the ARPG scene. So to have them take what they've learned over the past decade, sort of go back to the drawing board and build something out of those pieces has it result in something that is greater than the sum of its parts, at least IMO. But I would say the exploration and world and how things come together are the most impressive aspects. Which is then coupled with systems and improvements, such as improved AI and dynamic day/night & weather, dynamic enemy placement, roaming enemies and large roaming creatures, etc. Things that sort of seem small on an individual level and aren't really ground breaking game systems but become a lot more significant when you look at it in the context of:

-Fromsoft Dark Souls 1 level design in a bigger world and again seeing things long before you're able to reach them and things being on a much greater scale than theyve ever done before.
-More open level layout.
-A lot more freedom and choice in direction and in some ways progression.

As well as looking at other basic systems, looking at their best implementation of it and then doing that on a larger and or more consistent scale

The lore and art of the world I think will also play a significant role in making it feel unique and fresh and I think that is important as well.

Effort is being put into improving both magic and melee combat and movement and there are some cool things going on there. Some QoL things are being brought over. But you're not going to get Sekiro tier mechanics and depth or anything in this game as implementing stuff like that when you've got stat allocation, massive gear variety (the most thus far unless stuff gets culled) as well as build variety, PvP and what not, then you've gotta make it fair to magic users and whatnot. Balancing that all becomes an unmitigated mess when you have so many variables to deal with. Meanwhile Sekiro only had 1 weapon + tools and linear stat progression. So i would keep my expectations in check on that front too. Going back to the earlier thought process, I'd be thinking along the lines of Dark Souls as a baseline and developing things outward from there. But I think that in terms of moment to moment gameplay some of the QoL carryovers from Sekiro (like a dedicated small jump as one example, no not hopping on heads) will help make gameplay at least feel more meaningfully distinct over just another Dark Souls sequel and provide some more movement or tactical options where it makes sense.

So I wouldn't put my hopes into any super complex systems or anything making it into ER. its more a matter of taking all of these puzzle pieces, making improvements, adding some new things where it makes sense or adds something of value without becoming a hassle or detriment to development and putting something together that ultimately represents something that is again, greater than the sum of its parts.

While I have been teasing subterranian stuff, I think some people have gotten the idea that I am teasing or promising water having an important significance in ER. I am not and I think people have gotten the wrong idea based on perhaps ineffective wording of a metaphor on my part and personal works of a From 3D artist. So, don't wanna get anyones hopes up for anything significant on that front


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4 часа назад, Arystan сказал:

Чувак собрал на реддите все инсайды от Омн!

Arystan Лень простыню читать, там что-то новое есть или это просто компиляция всего того, что мы уже видели  раньше?


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Да все нормально ребзя, говорят Мартин дописал первую страницу лора, но впереди ещё долгий путь:57a8bd5c741d1_FROG11:

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3 часа назад, Squall007 сказал:

но впереди ещё долгий путь

Танимура он такой, да, быстрее не может пилить :troll_face_22:

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да прост Танимура гаргулей захотел добавить, а Мартин предложил лор для них всех написать. на каждую гаргулью месяц тратят, а Танимура штук 15 хочет сделать 

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17 часов назад, Squall007 сказал:

Да все нормально ребзя, говорят Мартин дописал первую страницу лора, но впереди ещё долгий путь:57a8bd5c741d1_FROG11:

Не удивлюсь, если это бородача вина, что по Рингу ноль инфы :frog22:

Ну, и, конечно же, Танимура, куда без него - по-любому, втихаря пытается подложить свинью Батьке :57a8bd5db44f9_FROG16:

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О скором показе Elden Ring от создателей Dark Souls и Джорджа Мартина можно забыть


Заждались новых подробностей об Elden Ring от FromSoftware? У Джеффа Грабба для вас неприятные новости. Фэнтезийная игра от разработчиков Dark Souls и Джорджа Р. Р. Мартина не появится на выставке Gamescom 2020.


На прямой вопрос одного из фанатов в Твиттере редактор VentureBeat ответил однозначным нет.


«Джефф, пожалуйста, ответь, как ты думаешь, что будет показано на Gamescom с большей вероятностью, Bakugan или Elden Ring?»

«Bakugan», — ответил Грабб.


Такой же ответ журналист предоставил на вопрос о возможном появлении Elden Ring во время цифровой презентации Xbox Series X, а в видеоподкасте «GamesBeat Decides 157» от 24 июля Грабб сообщил:


«Не думаю, что в этом году мы где-то услышим новости об Elden Ring, за исключением, возможно, The Game Awards».


Gamescom 2020 начнётся 27 августа. В этом году выставка перенесена в онлайн-формат.



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2 часа назад, Squall007 сказал:

Полтора года без инфы будет, с одним трейлером:frog25:


На Awards покажут новый cgi.

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27 минут назад, Lex Mercer сказал:


На Awards покажут новый cgi.

Думаю, Миядзаки пойдет дальше и просто покажет черный экран минуты на полторы с фоновым повторяющимся "О, Элден Ринг"

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