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Mountain View

Hollow Knight: Silksong

Mountain View


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Дата релиза: КАМ ИН СУН

Разработчик: Team Cherry

Издатель: Team Cherry

Платформы: PC, Switch, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5

Официальный сайт: https://www.hollowknightsilksong.com



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- Team Cherry's next game will not be Hollow Knight related
- Team Cherry like Castlevania Lords of Shadow!
- Hornet will have the ability to perform tasks for NPC's, keep track of tasks you've completed through noticeboards around Pharloom.
- Not replacing organic quest lines from the first Hollow Knight.
- Instead of rescuing Grub's from jars, now you rescue fleas, that get themselves into little scraps.
- Hornet's Crests are fully customisable, can be easily changed to reflect your play style.
- Trying to create a game that's accessible to new players, but also matches the difficulty of the original game.
- 'Tricks' such as Sting Shards, Pimpillo Bombs, straight pins, can be crafted at benches from shards gathered from defeated enemies.
- The objective of the game is to climb to the Citadel, but there will be 'many other lands'
- Hollow Knight composer Christopher Larkin returns
- Start off the game having lost many of your powers
- PC and Switch only at launch, release date TBA.



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  В 31.12.2020 в 10:49, Tinkino сказал:

- Team Cherry's next game will not be Hollow Knight related
- Team Cherry like Castlevania Lords of Shadow!
- Hornet will have the ability to perform tasks for NPC's, keep track of tasks you've completed through noticeboards around Pharloom.
- Not replacing organic quest lines from the first Hollow Knight.
- Instead of rescuing Grub's from jars, now you rescue fleas, that get themselves into little scraps.
- Hornet's Crests are fully customisable, can be easily changed to reflect your play style.
- Trying to create a game that's accessible to new players, but also matches the difficulty of the original game.
- 'Tricks' such as Sting Shards, Pimpillo Bombs, straight pins, can be crafted at benches from shards gathered from defeated enemies.
- The objective of the game is to climb to the Citadel, but there will be 'many other lands'
- Hollow Knight composer Christopher Larkin returns
- Start off the game having lost many of your powers
- PC and Switch only at launch, release date TBA.



- Следующая их игра не будет связана с Полым рыцарем.

- Разрабам нравится Castlevania Lords of Shadow!

- В игре теперь будет доска с объявлениями/заданиями от НПС, которые Хорнет сможет выполнять параллельно, при этом квестлайны из первой игры никуда не денутся.

- Теперь вместо личинок будем спасать блох.

- Хорнет кастомайзится.

- Игра будет приветлива к новым игрокам, но о старичках тоже не забудут (будет сложно, а может и ещё сложнее).

- Расходники можно крафтить на скаймейке, сырьем будут осколки, выпадаемые с противников.

- Основная цель - добраться до Цитадели. Будет ещё много других локаций.

- Кристофер Ларкин (композитор и саундизайнер первой игры) возвращается.

- В начале игры многие способности будут недоступны.

- Сначала выйдет только на ПК и Свич, даты выхода нет.



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  В 31.12.2020 в 12:07, Lex Mercer сказал:


Взобраться. Это важно, судя по всему. 

Сначала добраться, потом взобраться :frog33:



– Hornet can travel faster and is more acrobatic than Knight
– Can mantle or clamber onto ledges as well
– Caves around Hornet have expanded to accommodate her height
– Team Cherry approached the enemy design differently since Hornet is a fast and competent fighter
– Cancel out of mantling animations to gain height faster
– Enemies are more complex
– One enemy disguises itself as a discarded skull
– Another enemy is like the Moss Charger, but has more legs and accelerates as it goes with more complex patterns
– Magic isn’t as prominent in Pharloom, but there are strange things happening like pilgrims involved with cult-like behavior
– Hollow Knight: Silksong starts out by getting players acclimated to old and new systems
– More varied areas to start out with, beginning in Moss Grotto and then going into the lava-moated ‘boneforest’ area, which was cut from the first game
– This plays host to the hub town of Bonebottom and the bell-lined tunnel known as The Marrow
– Many early enemies and falling hazards now give out two hits to the health bar
– Hornet can heal with Bind, an ability that uses the silk she gathers by hitting enemies to bandage wounds
– Three masks instead of one
– Team Cherry’s Ari Gibson: “… you spend more time either at full health or almost dead, and the gameplay is kind of snapping between those two states”
– You’ll come across strings of beads, and they can be broken at any point to use as currency
– While strung, you’ll keep the beads if you die; they’re like a banking system
– Some vendors will string beads up for you so that you can pay them a small amount and get them to put back onto strings
– There are around 100 different benches that come out of the floor when approached that act as save spots
– Difficulty intended to be around the same as the first Hollow Knight
– Those that haven’t played the first game can jump in here easily
– Hornet has tools that can be crafted or replenished at benches by using Shell Shards from enemies
– Pimpillo Bomb: area-of-effect blast
– Sting Shards: extend spikes in mid-air or when struck with a weapon
– Straight Pins: can be thrown like kunai
– Straight Pins can be modified to become Tri-Pins to throw three at once
– Hornet learns these tools and their modifications from Pharloom residents
– Hornet is a strong personality with a clear role, and she speaks
– Players will be able to see “a variety of strange places”
– Initial goal is to get to the Citadel, which is at the top of the world
– Hornet’s Crests: customizable, themed loadouts
– Hornet can take on different tasks for NPCs
– Keep track of tasks with noticeboards scattered throughout the world such as Bonebottom
– Tasks go along with the organically unfolding quest lines of the first game
– Tasks seem to involve combat challenges, finding secret locations, and more
– One task, “Gather” has players rounding up Mossberries and bringing them to the Druid of the Moss Temple
– Hollow Knight composer Christopher Larkin is back
– Hornet lost her traditional strength after time being bound in a cage, and is now sort of restoring it; the Weavers are helping her
– Silk Spear: get a superpowered forward lunge and cut through sticky web barriers; uses part of Hornet’s silk supply
– Last Judge: foe that fires rings of flame

A release window for Hollow Knight: Silksong has not yet been determined, and EDGE lists the game as “TBA”. It’ll be on Switch when it’s ready.



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  В 31.12.2020 в 11:56, KRIZZ сказал:

Сначала выйдет только на ПК и Свич, даты выхода нет.


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  В 31.12.2020 в 09:54, Charmander сказал:

Garama :frog22:


Charmander Остуди свои трусы :frog38:



  В 31.12.2020 в 10:49, Tinkino сказал:

- PC and Switch only at launch, release date TBA. 


Tinkino Самое важное как всегда на десерт приберегли, надеюсь, что 2021 всё же.

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  В 31.12.2020 в 15:00, Mountain View сказал:


Charmander Остуди свои трусы :frog38:




Tinkino Самое важное как всегда на десерт приберегли, надеюсь, что 2021 всё же.

В 21-м пройду на пк за себя, за тебя и за того парня :57a8bd5c741d1_FROG11:

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  В 31.12.2020 в 15:02, Mountain View сказал:

zhenia13 спасибо, но я на свитче сам пройду :rolleyes:

не знал, что у тебя свич есть :mario:

Mountain View большого и крутого коллекторза игры всем нам в 21-м году :mario2:

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  В 31.12.2020 в 15:04, zhenia13 сказал:

не знал, что у тебя свич есть

zhenia13 Нету еще, да купить не проблема как бы) Просто планировал его к Баюшке-3, но раз тут такое дело, Хорнет не может ждать, сам понимаешь :rolleyes:

Да и бая неизвестно вообще когда выйдет.

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  В 01.01.2021 в 05:17, Lex Mercer сказал:

Хорошая компиляции информации, на русском:




Lex Mercer выше несколькими постами кидали уже :uzi:

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  В 31.12.2020 в 11:56, KRIZZ сказал:


- Сначала выйдет только на ПК и Свич, даты выхода нет.


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  В 15.04.2021 в 17:06, Льюс Терин сказал:

Хоть что нибудь слышно про игру?



Да, шум ветра в Холлоу Нест.

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И вот нас в очередной раз опрокинули хоть с новой инфой по Silksong :frog25:
Стабильность :Garold6:

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Мне кажется, все эти трейлеры - это просто сон собаки, как и слитые видосы другой соулс-лайк игры :frog39:

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