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Mountain View


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71 пользователь проголосовал

  1. 1. Планируете ли вы играть в ремейк от Bloober Team?

    • Да, беру игру на старте
    • Нет, не планирую
    • Куплю только по скидке
    • Пока подумаю, решу позже
    • Жду ремейк на ремейк
    • Это просто сон собаки

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Они там ARG устроили на сайте этом.

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01/36 is on the artifact registry page, after removing the underscores in the 404 url 

02/36 is on Sarah Hendrix's page, in the page found after clicking the heart in the "A Perfect Snapshot!" section, then scrolling down and clicking "Here's" in "Here's a little tip just for you" 

03/36 is on Mabel Grant's page in the "Lunch with Sarah!" section, on Sarah's sandwich

04/36 is on Ethan Ninomiya's page on the "Back to Top" text

05/36 is on Ruby Sinclair's page in the "Binge-Watching in the Works!" section, on Felix, the second person from the right

06/36 is found on Sarah's page under the "Staff Updates" section, on the word "Issues" 

07/36 is on Nala's toy in the "Obsessed!" post on Mabel Grant's page

08/36 is on Ethan Ninomiya's page in the "Practice makes perfect" section, on the calculator at the bottom of the image

09/36 is on Ruby Sinclair's page in the "Stepping Up" section on the laptop emoji

10/36 is on Shara Hendrix's page, at the bottom in the middle of the flower pot image next to "RIP Felix" (White text on white background)

11/36 is on Ruby Sinclair's page in the "Excited!" section on the cake emoji

12/36 is found by clicking "Somewhere" in the text on 10/36

13/36 is on Mabel Grant's page, on the fourth black circle from the right in the row of circles in the "It's all about the donuts" section

14/36 is on Ethan Ninomiya's page, after going through the "Return to Top" secret. "July 24, 2024" above "Untitled"

15/36 is TBD

16/36 is TBD

17/36 is found through Felix's hidden page accessed through knowing his birthday. https://www.silenthill-historicalsociety.com/staff/felix952908/

18/36 is TBD

19/36 is TBD

20/36 is found by clicking on the bowl on Felix's page in the "Not Bad at All" section

21/36 is TBD

22/36 is TBD

23/36 is TBD

24/36 is on the "Exhibit of Lakeside Amusement Park" page, on the flag on the top of the carousel in the last inage 

25/36 is TBD

26/36 is TBD

27/36 is on the Mystery artifact collection page, in a slightly off color dot on the right

28/36 is on the "Silent Hill’s Entertainment District and Nightlife" page on the right below the pizza, in a similar off color dot.

29/36 is TBD

30/36 is found on the "The Artist Allen Smith and Waterfront Landscape", in the final image on the top left duck in the bottom right

31/36 is TBD

32/36 is TBD

33/36 is TBD

34/36 is TBD

35/36 is TBD

36/36 is TBD

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2 часа назад, chalovak сказал:

Mountain View Выходит, город не заброшен и нормально функционирует? Или он и не был никогда заброшенным? Забыл уже


Это довольно спорная тема в сообществе. Помню, официальный японский сайт 4 части говорил, что город заброшен, но в самой игре, если я не ошибаюсь, упоминается обратное. Хотя, конечно, я играл в русскую и английскую версии, поэтому стоит проверить японку.

Изменено пользователем zcativ

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