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PlayStation Network [PS Store и PS Plus]

Рекомендуемые сообщения

oeUO2jR.png     gGhB7RX.png    Sdyj2D3.png    HrS7xDP.png    v7HVa3W.png  

PSN позволяет играть онлайн*, общаться с друзьями и загружать цифровой контент. Вас ждут уникальные предложения и живое, активное игровое сообщество.
*- Доступ к сетевым возможностям игр без дополнительной платы осуществляется только для PS3, PSP и PSV.

  • Обновление PS store происходит во вторник вечером
  • Обновление Playstation Plus происходит в первый вторник месяца
  • Цена PS+ : 3899руб. - за 1 год, 1599руб. - за 3 месяца и 499руб. - за 1 месяц
  • Будьте осторожны! Если вы прервали подписку PS+ на какой то срок,а потом решили продлить, то часть игр может у вас не работать по причине слетевших лицензий. Сони отказывает признавать данную проблему и не будет помогать вам. 
  • Сайты для мониторинга цен в PSN 1 и 2
  • Сайты на которых можно узнать о наличии русского языка в играх 1 и 2
  • Проверка состояния PSN


Вы можете обратиться в техподдержку Sony по телефону и электронной почте.
Телефонная служба поддержки
8-800-200-76-67 (звонок по России бесплатный)
Поддержка по электронной почте
Форма запроса в службу поддержки
Факс 8-495-258-76-50
Центр информации для потребителей ЗАО «Сони Электроникс» - Карамышевский проезд, 6

123154 Москва, Россия



Пользователь twitter под ником @exec00t создал DNS сервер для обхода блокировок ip адресов которые использует PSN. Данная инструкция работает не у всех, но уже много позитивных отзывов и если не хочется заморачиваться с VPN, то это самый простой способ починить PSN.


Чтобы изменить DNS на консоли, нужно:

  1. Зайти в "настройки системы"  
  2. Там найти опцию "сеть".
  3. Дальше второй пункт "установить соединение с Интернетом"
  4. Выбирайте нужный способ подключения (кабель или Wi-Fi). 
  5. Способ установление подключения "Специальный"
  6. Далее настройка IP на "автоматически", а DHCP "Не указывать",
  7. Вот главное: DNS нужно указать "Вручную". Их два, основной лучше указать, а дополнительный
  8. Дальше MTU – "Автоматически", а прокси сервер "не использовать".

Это все. Сделайте тест соединения если хотите.


При таких настройках должны заработать трофеи, тусовки и отображение списка друзей. Игры работают не все. В сети можно встретить отзывы, что работают R6 Siege, Destiny и некоторые другие популярные игры. Проблемы остаются с Fortnite и не работают For Honor и GT Sport.  

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часть скидок до 6-го января и часть до 20-го, значит как и в прошлом году 6-го будет вторая  волна скидок. по опыту прошлого года - в первой волне популярные игры со средним скидоном, во второй - старые / менее популярные игры с крутым скидоном.

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2 часа назад, Arrival сказал:

за всех не скажу, но скидка такая снова появилась

Счастья тебе, здоровья, удачи в новом году:troll_face_15:

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1 минуту назад, Tarnumius сказал:

А где раздел со скидками?

просто посмотри по играм тебя интересующим. я вот ниох увидел за 1800 полная версия.

тормент за 1000

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Что-то psprices подводит. В последнее время скидки на их сайте смотрел, а сейчас зашел и у них, например, не указана скидка на полное издание Nioh.


Похоже, придется по старинке – прямо в самом Сторе всё смотреть.

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6 минут назад, Annasophia сказал:

Что-то psprices подводит. В последнее время скидки на их сайте смотрел, а сейчас зашел и у них, например, не указана скидка на полное издание Nioh.


Похоже, придется по старинке – прямо в самом Сторе всё смотреть.

Не, скорее всего не всё обновили ещё, пишет 250~ скидок, а на деле их больше 500. Наш стор запаздывает

Изменено пользователем Greidis

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Да чего торопиться то, вечером уже будет раздел со скидками в самом магазине.

Лол, уже есть.

Изменено пользователем Lonelyversemaker

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Чуть позже по играм сделаю список.

Хмм появилась какая-то хитрая плашка "распродажа",


Изменено пользователем Tarnumius

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'10tons Cyberpunk Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4403-CUSA08646_00-CYBERPUNKBUNDLE1 ) (PS4)
RUB 1.949

'Battlefield - Юбилейный набор' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02387_00-BATTLEFIELDANNIV ) (PS4)
RUB 6.199

'Call of Duty: WWII + Destiny 2 - набор' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA08653_00-CODWWIIANDD2BASE ) (PS4)
RUB 5.299

'Digerati Bundle 2 Pack Part 9' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03323_00-PAUV000000000000) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 1.499

'Digerati Bundle 3 Pack Part 6' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03323_00-PASAMUV000000000) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 1.799

'Digerati Bundle 4 Pack Part 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03323_00-TFHUVVDHSLA00000) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 2.549

'Digerati Bundle 4 Pack Part 6' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03439_00-LQRTFHVDHSLA0000) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 1.949

'Digerati Bundle 5 Pack Part 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03850_00-LQRPASAMTFHUVBUN) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 2.549

'Digerati Bundle 5 Pack Part 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03323_00-PASAMUVVDHSLA000) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 2.649

'Digerati Bundle 5 Pack Part 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA03851_00-LQRPASAMTFHSLA00) (PS4|PS Vita)
RUB 2.549

'Dustoff Heli Rescue 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1032-CUSA10023_00-DUSTOFF000000000 ) (PS4)
RUB 1.069

'Feral Fury' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3625-CUSA10393_00-APP0990000000022 ) (PS4)
RUB 574

'Hammerwatch' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0958-CUSA03394_00-HAMMERWATCH00000 ) (PS4)
RUB 719

'Ironcast: полная коллекция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4337-CUSA02530_00-BUNDLE01COMPLETE ) (PS4)
RUB 1.099

'Lost Grimoires Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1667-CUSA10015_00-LGRIMOIRESBUNDLE ) (PS4)
RUB 1.069

'Monster Energy Supercross - Special Edition Pre-order' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4356-CUSA09837_00-SUPERCROSSSPECPO ) (PS4)
RUB 4.999

'Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame Pre-Order' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4356-CUSA09837_00-SUPERCROSSPREORD ) (PS4)
RUB 4.399

'Mordheim: City of the Damned - Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4133-CUSA02867_00-MORDHEIMCOMPLEED ) (PS4)
RUB 3.599

'Need for Speed: Уникальный набор' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA05986_00-NFSBUNDLE0000000 ) (PS4)
RUB 6.199

'RollerCoaster Legends' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3061-CUSA10110_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
RUB 359

'The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia Pre-Order Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA08054_00-7DSPREORDER00000 ) (PS4)
RUB 4.099

'TINY METAL' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2678-CUSA10815_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
RUB 1.799

'Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4143-CUSA07337_00-FUTURLABV2XPS4CM ) (PS4)
RUB 1.599

'X-Morph: Defense Digital Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4380-CUSA05397_00-XMORPHDIGITALDLX ) (PS4)
RUB 1.799

'Хедмастер' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0944-CUSA06297_00-HEADMASTER100000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'Набор основателя' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0331-CUSA05078_00-PALADINSFOUNDERS ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 359 -> RUB 251

'Путешествие' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00470_00-JOURNEYPS4061115) (PS3|PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'Паранормальное явление: потерянная душа' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1366-CUSA08742_00-PAVRTHELOSTSOUL2 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.749
-49% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.464 (PS+)

'Дожить до рассвета' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02636_00-UNTILDAWN0000001 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.299

'ЗА ГРАНЬЮ: Две души' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00512_00-GBEYONDTWO000001 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 719

'«Путешествие»: Коллекционное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02172_00-JOURNEYCOLHD0001 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 499

'МОРСКОЙ БОЙ' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04286_00-HGCBATTLESHIPPS4 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'«Одни из нас: Оставшиеся позади»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00558_00-THELASTOFUS00000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Скрытая повестка' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA06778_00-PMFW000000000001 ) (PS4)
-28% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 929

'Сорванец: Развернутая история' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00562_00-TEARAWAYUNFOLDED ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Хроники Последних Дней' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01511_00-GONETOTHERAPTURE ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Тачки 3: Навстречу Победе' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA07027_00-DISNEYPIXARCARS3 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.599

'Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота — издание Игра года' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4497-CUSA05574_00-00000000000GOTY4 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.299

'Ведьмак 3: Дикая Охота' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4497-CUSA01440_00-0000000000000004 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Набор AC: Черный флаг, Единство, Синдикат' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02377_00-AC4ACUNACSUKRRUS ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Accel World VS. Sword Art Online' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07920_00-AWVSSAOMT0000000 ) (PS4)
-33% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.549

'Ace Banana' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA06030_00-ACEBANANAVR00002 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 359

'Agents of Mayhem' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA03067_00-AGENTSOFMAYHEMDS ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA03067_00-AOMTOTALMAYHEM01 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'Akiba's Beat' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4293-CUSA07108_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Albedo: Eyes From Outer Space' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-CUSA02588_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-80% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 215

'ALIENATION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00062_00-ALIENATIONGAMEEU ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Amnesia: Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1188-CUSA05457_00-AMNESIACOLECTION ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 719

'ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03862_00-ARCADEGS00000001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 574 -> RUB 215

'ARCADE GAME SERIES: DIG DUG' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03863_00-DIGDUG0000000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 289 -> RUB 143

'ARCADE GAME SERIES: GALAGA' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03865_00-GALAGA0000000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 289 -> RUB 143

'ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03864_00-MSPACMAN00000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 289 -> RUB 143

'ARCADE GAME SERIES: PAC-MAN' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03862_00-PACMAN0000000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 289 -> RUB 143

'Archangel' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2397-CUSA09220_00-ARCHANGELVR00001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 2.599 -> RUB 1.299

'Arizona Sunshine' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3392-CUSA07980_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.749
-49% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.464 (PS+)

'ARK: Survival Evolved - Founder's Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0688-CUSA06782_00-ARKSEGAME0000000 ) (PS4)
-35% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 2.849

'ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer's Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0688-CUSA06782_00-ARKEXPBUNDLE0000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 7.199 -> RUB 4.599

'ARK: Survival Evolved Season Pass' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0688-CUSA06782_00-6212114814651414 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 3.249 -> RUB 2.199

'ARSLAN: THE WARRIORS OF LEGEND' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA03866_00-AMGAMEEU00000000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 1.599

'Assassin's Creed Истоки' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA08393_00-GAMEACEMPIRE0000 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.799

'Assassin's Creed Истоки - DELUXE EDITION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA08393_00-EDITIONDLXACE000 ) (PS4)
-35% RUB 4.599 -> RUB 2.989

'Assassin's Creed Истоки - GOLD EDITION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA08393_00-EDITIONGLDACE000 ) (PS4)
-25% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 4.399

'Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04893_00-ACLEGACYHD000000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 2.999 -> RUB 1.299

'Attractio' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA04248_00-ATTGCTEAMPS42015 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Bandit Six: Combined Arms' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3436-CUSA07978_00-BANDIT6CMBARMS00 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 929 -> RUB 499

'Bastion' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4484-CUSA02057_00-BASTIONBUNDLE000) (PS4|PS Vita)
-76% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 259

'Batman: Arkham VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA05340_00-ARKHAMVRLT000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Battle Chasers: Nightwar' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4389-CUSA06673_00-BATTLECHASERSEU0 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.299

'Battlefield 1 Revolution' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02387_00-BATTLEFIELD01REV ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Комплект Battlefield 1 + Titanfall 2 Ultimate' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02387_00-BF1TF2ULTIMATE00 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Battlezone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4529-CUSA04785_00-BATTLEZONE000000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 929

'Berserk and the Band of the Hawk' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA07406_00-SLAYERGAME000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Blackguards 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA07275_00-DAEDAKALYBLACKG2 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Black the Fall' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08147_00-BLACKTHEFALL0000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 649

'BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4293-CUSA04629_00-BBCFPS4000001000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Bloodborne' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00207_00-BLOODBORNE0000EU ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 999

'Bloodborne: Game of the Year Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA03173_00-BLOODBORNE0000EU ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.299

'Bloody Zombies' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4114-CUSA08543_00-BLOODYZOMBIES000 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 969 -> RUB 574

'Borderlands: The Handsome Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA01446_00-BORDERLANDSHDCOL ) (PS4)
-84% RUB 5.299 -> RUB 859

'Bound' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA04380_00-BOUNDGAMEEU00001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Broken Age' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2154-CUSA01963_00-BROKENAGEBUNDLE0) (PS4|PS Vita)
-79% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 289

'Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4486-CUSA09633_00-BUBSYEU000000001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0290-CUSA07188_00-BULLETSTORMFC000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0290-CUSA07188_00-BULLETSTORMBUNDL ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 3.249 -> RUB 1.299

'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA05285_00-CODIWPREORDER001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.599

'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA05285_00-CODIWDELUXE00001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 6.299 -> RUB 2.499

'Call of Duty: WWII' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA08653_00-CODWWIITHEGAME02 ) (PS4)
-13% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 3.499

'Call of Duty: WWII - Digital Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA08653_00-CODWWIIDELUXE001 ) (PS4)
-20% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 4.699

'Carnival Games VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA05842_00-000000000CVRSCEE ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'CastleStorm Definitive Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA00403_00-CASTLESTORM00001 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'CHAOSCHILD' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4293-CUSA07107_00-CHAOSCHILDPS4EU0 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.899

'Children of Zodiarcs' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08334_00-COZBASEGAME00001 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859

'Chroma Squad' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07623_00-BUILDVERSION1000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Cities: Skylines - PlayStation4 Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4139-CUSA06407_00-CITIESPS4GAME001 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4139-CUSA06407_00-PREMIUMEDITION01 ) (PS4)
-25% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 3.299

'Claire: Extended Cut' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0310-CUSA05466_00-CLAIREEXTENDEDCU ) (PS4|PS Vita)
-67% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 399

'Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA07399_00-CRASHNSANETRLOGY ) (PS4)
-22% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.949

'Crystal Rift' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1499-CUSA06140_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0031-CUSA07998_00-CYONMEGAMIONLINE ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899

'Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA08532_00-DANGANV3PS400000 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.659

'Dangerous Golf' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1884-CUSA04398_00-TFEDANGEROUSGOLF ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

'Danger Zone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1884-CUSA08594_00-3FE1234500000000 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'DARK SOULS III' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03365_00-DARKSOULS3000000 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.299

'DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03365_00-DSIIIDELUXE00000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.899

'Day of the Tentacle Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2154-CUSA01959_00-DOTTSCEEPS4BUNDL) (PS4|PS Vita)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Deadcore' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4151-CUSA04453_00-DEADCORE000PS4EU ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 574 -> RUB 289
-60% RUB 574 -> RUB 231 (PS+)

'Deadlight: Director's Cut' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA04434_00-DEADLIGHTPS40100 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 999 -> RUB 359

'Deer Hunter: Reloaded' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0281-CUSA08033_00-DEERHUNTER201700 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1762-CUSA08410_00-DEMETRIOSCROSSBU) (PS4|PS Vita)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Destiny 2 – Комплект: игра с сезонным абонементом' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA06172_00-DESTINY2EPBNDPRE ) (PS4)
-31% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 4.099

'Destiny 2 - Стандартное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA06172_00-DESTINYTHEGAME02 ) (PS4)
-38% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Destiny 2 – Цифровое Deluxe-издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA06172_00-DESTINY2DELUXPRE ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 6.299 -> RUB 4.399

'Diablo III: Eternal Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA00434_00-D3ETERNALCOLL000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.999

'Dick Wilde' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3495-CUSA08505_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'Digimon World: Next Order' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05392_00-DIGIMONWORLDNE0A ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.599

'DiRT 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA07062_00-DIRT4E0000000000 ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.199
-52% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.819 (PS+)

'DISGAEA 5: ALLIANCE OF VENGEANCE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA02664_00-DISGAEA500000001 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.599

'Dishonored: Death of the Outsider' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA08781_00-BLKHRT0000000000 ) (PS4)
-35% RUB 1.499 -> RUB 969

'Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA08781_00-DISHONOREDDOTODE ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.599

'Dishonored The Complete Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA08781_00-DISHONORCOMPLETE ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 4.699 -> RUB 1.899

'Don't Starve: Console Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2107-CUSA00327_00-DONTSTARVEPS4V01 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 359

'Don't Starve Together: Console Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2107-CUSA04282_00-DONTSTARVETOGETH ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 649

'Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2 Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05088_00-DBXVBUNDLE000000 ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 5.599 -> RUB 2.499

'DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05088_00-DRAGONBALLXV2000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 2.199

'DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 DELUXE EDITION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05088_00-DBXV2DLXEDITION0 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 2.849

'Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA07340_00-DDDAFULLGAME0000 ) (PS4)
-38% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 999

'Drawn to Death' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA06190_00-DRAWNTODEATH0001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0290-CUSA05968_00-PAGODA0000000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 439 (PS+)

'Dungeons 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA07633_00-0000000DUNGEONS3 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899

'DYING: Reborn' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA07042_00-DYINGREBORNSTA01 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 1.349 -> RUB 574

'DYING: Reborn PSVR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA06738_00-DYINGREBORNVR001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'DYING: Reborn Ultimate Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA07042_00-DRBUNDLE00000002) (PS4|PS Vita)
-59% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 719

'DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 Empires' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA01564_00-DW8EMPBOOT000001 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.299
-69% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 979 (PS+)

'DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA00365_00-DW8WXLGAMEEU0000 ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 929

'DYNASTY WARRIORS: Godseekers' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA06639_00-PIECEGAMEEU00000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 1.899
-66% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 1.469 (PS+)

'Семейный набор от EA' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01866_00-FAMILYBUNDLE0000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Eagle Flight' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04876_00-EAGLEFLIGHTGAME0 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 2.999 -> RUB 1.299

'Комплект EA SPORTS FIFA 18 и NBA LIVE 18: The One' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFA18XNBALIVE18 ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 5.499 -> RUB 3.199

'Комплект EA SPORTS FIFA 18 и Need for Speed Payback' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFA18XNFSPBBUND ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 7.978 -> RUB 3.799

'Комплект EA SPORTS FIFA 18 и NHL 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFA18NHL1800000 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 7.978 -> RUB 3.799

'Стандартное издание EA SPORTS NHL 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07580_00-NHLICEHOCKEY2018 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'Издание EA SPORTS NHL 18 Young Stars' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07580_00-NHL18DELUXEPOST0 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Издание EA SPORTS NHL 18 Young Stars Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07580_00-NHL18DELUXEPOST1 ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 5.499 -> RUB 3.199

'EA SPORTS UFC 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01936_00-EASPORTSUFC2GAME ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 699

'EA SPORTS UFC 2 Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA01936_00-UFC2DLXEPOSTLNCH ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 2.899 -> RUB 999

'ELEX' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4389-CUSA04462_00-ELEXRPGPBNGEU001 ) (PS4)
-25% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.849
-35% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.469 (PS+)

'Euro Fishing' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2866-CUSA06447_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 649

'Euro Fishing: Foundry Dock + Season Pass' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2866-CUSA06447_00-FOUNDRYSEASONP00 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 3.249 -> RUB 1.599

'Euro Fishing: Season Pass' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2866-CUSA06447_00-FISHINGSEASONPAS ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 2.599 -> RUB 1.399

'Euro Fishing: Urban Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2866-CUSA06447_00-URBANEDITION0000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 899

'Euro Fishing Urban Edition + Season Pass' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2866-CUSA06447_00-URBANSEASONPASS1 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 2.099

'Everything' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2259-CUSA05956_00-EVERYTHINGPS4000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP5018-CUSA03197_00-VKLAUCD000000001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'F1 2017' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4001-CUSA07557_00-F12017EMASTER000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA03450_00-FO4GOTYRPBUNDLE0 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'НАБОР 'FAR CRY 4 + FAR CRY PRIMAL'' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA00462_00-FC4FPRIMALUKRRUS ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899

'Farming Simulator 17' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4133-CUSA04549_00-FARMINGSIM17STDE ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'Farming Simulator 17 - Premium Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4133-CUSA04549_00-FARMINGSIM17PREM ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 1.599

'Farpoint' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA04508_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.299

'«Fat Princess: Невероятные приключения» -комплект Mega Loot' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00836_00-FPAMEGABUNDLE000 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'ИЗДАНИЕ 'КУМИР' FIFA 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFA18SUPDLXPLED ) (PS4)
-7% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 4.099

'FIFA 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFAFOOTBALL2018 ) (PS4)
-12% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 2.199

'Издание 'Роналду' FIFA 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA07994_00-FIFA18DELUXEPLED ) (PS4)
-11% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 2.849

'FINAL FANTASY IX Digital Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08918_00-FF9FORPS4BUNDLE1 ) (PS4)
-29% RUB 1.499 -> RUB 1.069

'FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA05531_00-FFXIIGAMEPS400EU ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899

'FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00285_00-COMPLETE20170000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.949

'FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn – стандартное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA00285_00-B000000000000954 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 999 -> RUB 539

'FINAL FANTASY XV' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA01615_00-FINALFANTASYXV00 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Расширенное цифровое издание FINAL FANTASY XV' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA01615_00-FFXVPOSTLNCHDPE0 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 4.699 -> RUB 1.899

'Firefighters: Airport Fire Department' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8935-CUSA09025_00-FIREAIRPORTPS4EU ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Firewatch' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0144-CUSA04118_00-FIREWATCH0000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 439 (PS+)

'Friday the 13th: The Game' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2165-CUSA06846_00-F13GAMEXXXXXXXXX ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.649 -> RUB 1.299
-66% RUB 2.649 -> RUB 901 (PS+)

'Full Throttle Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2154-CUSA06701_00-FULLTHROTTLECRBY) (PS4|PS Vita)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA05993_00-GAROUMOW00000001) (PS4|PS Vita)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Gauntlet: Slayer Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA00690_00-GAUNTLETGAME0001 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 429

'Goat Simulator' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA02779_00-GOATSIMULATORPS4 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 649 -> RUB 259
-70% RUB 649 -> RUB 194 (PS+)

'GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03370_00-GE2RBBUNDLE00000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'GOD WARS Future Past' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07257_00-GODWARSFUTURE001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'Комплект: Grand Theft Auto V и платежная карта «Белая акула»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA00411_00-GTAVBUNDLECASHGR ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 4.334 -> RUB 2.499

'Grand Theft Auto V' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA00411_00-GTAVDIGITALDOWNL ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'Grim Fandango Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2154-CUSA01858_00-GRIMFANDANGOBUND) (PS4|PS Vita)
-90% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 109

'Grow Home' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02900_00-GROWHOMEPS4SCEE0 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 574 -> RUB 215

'Grow Up' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05124_00-GROWUPPS4SCEE000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'GUNDAM VERSUS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA08799_00-GUNDAMVSPKG00001 ) (PS4)
-37% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 2.199

'.hack//G.U. Last Recode' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07691_00-HACKGURECODE0000 ) (PS4)
-33% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.899

'Handball 17' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA05580_00-HANDBALL17SCEE00 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.599

'Hand of Fate' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2182-CUSA01321_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

'Hand of Fate Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2182-CUSA01321_00-HOFDELUXEEDITION ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Hardware: Rivals' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00971_00-HHD0000000000000 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.499 -> RUB 499

'Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA05748_00-PJDX393MAJITENSI ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 3.249 -> RUB 1.599

'Heavy Rain' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02357_00-HRPS400000000001 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 719

'Коллекция Heavy Rain и «ЗА ГРАНЬЮ: Две души»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00512_00-HRBTSCOLLECTION2 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'HELLDIVERS Masters of the Galaxy Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00231_00-HELLDIVERSMOTG00) (PS3|PS4|PS Vita)
-74% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 359

'HELLDIVERS: Super-Earth Ultimate Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02974_00-HELLDIVERSSCEE00) (PS3|PS4|PS Vita)
-75% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 539

'Heroes of the Monkey tavern' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2915-CUSA07493_00-MONKEYTAVERNFULL ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'HITMAN: издание «Игра года»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA02369_00-000000S1GOTYFULL ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 2.599

'Horizon Zero Dawn' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07320_00-HRZ0000000000000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Hunting Simulator' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07164_00-HUNTINGSIMULATOR ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.299

'Hustle Kings VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA05634_00-HKVRUPGRADE00000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Hustle Kings VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA05634_00-UHUSTLEKINGVR001 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 499

'I am Setsuna' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA04740_00-IAMSETSUNAGAME00 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.399

'Infinite Minigolf' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA07813_00-IMINIGOLF0000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'INSIDE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-CUSA02754_00-INSIDE0000000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'Invisible, Inc. Console Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2107-CUSA04281_00-INVISINCPS4E0001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Island Flight Simulator' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1629-CUSA07870_00-ISLANDFLIGHTSIMU ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.299

'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA04909_00-JOJOEOHDGTLED001 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.299

'Jotun: Valhalla Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2251-CUSA05293_00-JOTUNVALHALLAED1 ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 429

'Цифровое издание J-Stars Victory VS+' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01661_00-JSTARSDIGITAL0V2 ) (PS4)
-79% RUB 6.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Just Cause 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA02748_00-JUSTCAUSE3EXPORT ) (PS4)
-80% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 699

'Just Cause 3: издание XL' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA02748_00-JC3XLEDITION0000 ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 4.394 -> RUB 999

'Just Dance 2018' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA08367_00-JD2018PS4SIEE000 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.499

'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0633-CUSA06561_00-KTANEBOMBGAME001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA05786_00-KINGDOMHEART1525 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA05787_00-KINGDOMHEARTSX28 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Knack 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07670_00-KNACK20000000000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Kona' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA07256_00-KONAMAINGAME0000 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Layers of Fear' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA04497_00-LAYERSOFFEAR0000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA04497_00-LAYERSOFFEARPACK ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 574

'LEGO CITY Undercover' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA06511_00-LEGOCITYUNDERCOV ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.199

'Коллекция LEGO Harry Potter' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA05935_00-HARRYPOTTER17000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'LEGO Worlds' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA06262_00-LEGOWORLDS000001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Lethal VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA07106_00-LETHALVR00000000 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 324

'Let's Sing 2017' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA05098_00-VGKMLETSSING2017 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'Let's Sing 2018' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3617-CUSA08893_00-VGKMLETSSING2018 ) (PS4)
-24% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.899

'Let's Sing 2018 - Platinum Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3617-CUSA08893_00-LETSSING2018DDE0 ) (PS4)
-29% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 2.499

'Все эпизоды сезона Life is Strange: Before the Storm' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08487_00-BTS0000000STAONE ) (PS4)
-28% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 859

'Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08487_00-BTS0000000DELONE ) (PS4)
-33% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 1.199

'LIMBO' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-CUSA01369_00-PLAYDEADD11LIMBO ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 649 -> RUB 289

'LIMBO & INSIDE Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2054-NPEJ00466_00-INSIDELIMBOBUNDL ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.949 -> RUB 719

'LittleBigPlanet 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00063_00-GLITTLEBIG000003 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 499

'Little Nightmares' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05952_00-LITTLENIGHTMARES ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Little Nightmares Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05952_00-LITTLEDELUXEED00 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Loading Human: Chapter 1' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1877-CUSA06425_00-LOADINGHUMAN0001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'LocoRoco Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07286_00-UCES003040000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Madden NFL 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA03860_00-MADDENNFL18GAME1 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'MADDEN NFL 18: G.O.A.T. Праздничное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA03860_00-HOLIDAYBUNDLE000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Mafia III' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA03617_00-MAFIA30000000001 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'Mafia III Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA03617_00-MAFIA3DIGITALDL2 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 5.249 -> RUB 1.899
-69% RUB 5.249 -> RUB 1.636 (PS+)

'Mages of Mystralia' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1697-CUSA08412_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 789

'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06380_00-DUCKPREORDEREUDX ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 5.599 -> RUB 2.849

'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Standard Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06380_00-DUCKFULLBUNDLE00 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Mass Effect: Andromeda' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02491_00-MASSEFFECT400000 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'Mass Effect: Andromeda, издание Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02491_00-ME4DELUXEEDITION ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'MATTERFALL' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02475_00-MATTERFALLEU0001 ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 859
-54% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 599 (PS+)

'Mega Man Legacy Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA02521_00-MEGAMANLEGACY000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo Pack' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA08259_00-RCC12BUNDLE00001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 719

'Mega Man Legacy Collection 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA08259_00-RCC2000000000001 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'Megaton Rainfall' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1055-CUSA06563_00-MEGATONRAINFALL0 ) (PS4)
-35% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 719

'Mervils: A VR Adventure' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1962-CUSA06310_00-MERVILSPSVR00002 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 574

'METAL SLUG 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA02241_00-METAL0SLUG300000 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 859 -> RUB 289

'Metro Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA00593_00-MCOMPLREDUXDISC1 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 539

'Monopoly Deal' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA01055_00-ASOBOMONODEAL000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 359 -> RUB 143

'MONSTER OF THE DEEP: FINAL FANTASY XV' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA08629_00-FFXVVR0000000000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.399

'Mortal Blitz' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1625-CUSA08818_00-MORTALBLITZSKO00 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719 (PS+)

'Mortal Kombat X' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA00970_00-MORTALKOMBATX000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.009

'Mortal Kombat XL' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1018-CUSA03679_00-MORTALKOMBATXL00 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.599

'MotoGP17' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4356-CUSA07865_00-MOTOGP17FULLGAME ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.899

'Mount & Blade: Warband' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1457-CUSA03263_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 574
-71% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 379 (PS+)

'MXGP3 - Special Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4356-CUSA07864_00-MXGP3SPECIALEDIT ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.199

'MXGP3 - The Official Motocross Videogame' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4356-CUSA07864_00-MXGP3FULLGAME000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.899

'Mystik Belle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8916-CUSA09989_00-MYSTIKBELLEWFPB1 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 649

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07162_00-NARUTOUNS2000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07161_00-NARUTOUNS3000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA02854_00-NARUTOUNS4000000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Road to Boruto' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA06210_00-NARUTOUNS4RTB000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 3.499 -> RUB 1.599

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA06291_00-NSUNSLEGACY00001 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 2.499

'NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA06291_00-NARUTOUNST000000 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.749

'NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA07160_00-NARUTOUNS1000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'NBA 2K18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA08637_00-NBA2K18000000000 ) (PS4)
-37% RUB 3.965 -> RUB 2.499

'NBA 2K18 Legend Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA08637_00-NBA2K18LEGENDED1 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 6.199 -> RUB 3.499

'NBA 2K18 Legend Edition Gold' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA08637_00-NBA2K18LEGENDGD1 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 9.199 -> RUB 4.699

'NBA 2KVR Experience' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA06928_00-NBA2KVR000000000 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'NBA LIVE 18: издание The One' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA06321_00-NBALIVE18G4DDREU ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'NBA Playgrounds' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2609-CUSA06923_00-NBAPLAYGROUNDS17 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 439 (PS+)

'Need for Speed Payback' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA05986_00-NFS1800000000001 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.199

'Need for Speed Payback - Издание Deluxe' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA05986_00-NFS18DELUXEEDT00 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.849

'Never Alone Arctic Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4531-CUSA01394_00-FTDLCBUNDLE00001 ) (PS4)
-79% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 289

'Never Alone' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4531-CUSA01394_00-NEVERALONEPS4000 ) (PS4)
-80% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 215

'Nex Machina' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2604-CUSA05595_00-NEXMACHINAGAMEEU ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Nioh' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07123_00-NIOHEU0000000000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599
-46% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.349 (PS+)

'Nioh – Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA09995_00-NIOHEU0000000000 ) (PS4)
-31% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 2.199
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.879 (PS+)

'Nom Nom Galaxy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA01373_00-NOMNOMGALAXY0000 ) (PS4)
-79% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 215
-89% RUB 1.009 -> RUB 114 (PS+)

'observer_' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1875-CUSA07558_00-OBSERVER00000000 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.299

'One Piece Burning Blood' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03584_00-ONEPIECEBBPS4000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD - Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA03584_00-OPBBGOLDED000000 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 1.599

'One Piece Pirate Warriors 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01742_00-PROJECTOP3EU0000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA01742_00-OPPW3GOLDEDITION ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 999

'One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA08306_00-OPUWR00APPLI0000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.599

'Outcast - Second Contact Launch Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07582_00-SIEE600000000000 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899

'Outlast' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4467-CUSA00409_00-OUTLAST000000000 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.349 -> RUB 359

'Outlast 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4467-CUSA06633_00-OUTLAST200000000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.069

'Overcooked' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKED000000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.099 -> RUB 399

'Overcooked: Gourmet Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKEDBUN001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 479

'Overcooked Holiday Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA05399_00-OVERCOOKEDBUN002 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 479

'Overwatch Game of the Year Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0002-CUSA03975_00-OWGOTYBUNDLE0000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.299 -> RUB 1.649

'PAC-MAN 256' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05026_00-PACMAN2560000000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 359 -> RUB 143

'Pang Adventures' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1470-CUSA03650_00-PANGADVENTURES01 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'PaRappa the Rapper Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07172_00-UCES007750000001 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Patapon Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA07285_00-UCES009950000001 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'Persona 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA06638_00-PERSONA512345678 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 2.199

'Persona 5: Ultimate Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA06638_00-PERSONA5ULTIMATE ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 6.199 -> RUB 3.199

'PES 2018 PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER - FC Barcelona Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0101-CUSA08251_00-PES2018DELUXE001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 2.199
-55% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.979 (PS+)

'Pinball FX2 VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4042-CUSA06390_00-PINBALLFX2VR0000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'Pixel Gear' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA06705_00-PIXELGEARVR00001 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 789 -> RUB 359

'PlayStationVR Worlds' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01690_00-EVT1100000000000 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Prison Architect: All Day And A Psych' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA03487_00-PRISONBUNDLE0002 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.099 -> RUB 1.029
-61% RUB 2.099 -> RUB 819 (PS+)

'Prison Architect: PlayStation4 Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA03487_00-PRISONARCHITECT0 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 899
-54% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 739 (PS+)

'Pro Evolution Soccer 2018' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0101-CUSA08251_00-PES2018EU0000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899
-55% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.709 (PS+)

'Professional Farmer: American Dream' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8935-CUSA09298_00-FARMAMERICAPS4EU ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Project CARS Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA04093_00-PCARS2BUNDLE0000 ) (PS4)
-38% RUB 5.599 -> RUB 3.499

'Psychonauts In The Rhombus Of Ruin' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2154-CUSA06235_00-PSYCHONAUTSITROR ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.349 -> RUB 649

'Pyre' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4484-CUSA05763_00-PYREGAME20170000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719 (PS+)

'Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4151-CUSA02603_00-QUBEDIRECTORCUTB) (PS3|PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215
-80% RUB 719 -> RUB 143 (PS+)

'Radial-G : Racing Revolved' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8942-CUSA06662_00-RADIALGPS4PSVREU ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.069

'Raiden V: Director's Cut' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4486-CUSA08107_00-RAIDEN5ENCA70707 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Rapala Fishing: Pro Series' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0281-CUSA07916_00-RAPALAFISHING000 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Ratchet & Clank' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01073_00-RCPS400000000000 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 2.549 -> RUB 1.299
-59% RUB 2.549 -> RUB 1.044 (PS+)

'Raw Data' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2147-CUSA09759_00-RD1RELEASE000001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 2.649 -> RUB 1.399
-62% RUB 2.649 -> RUB 1.001 (PS+)

'Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8935-CUSA02745_00-ROABODPS4EU00000 ) (PS4)
-36% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.599

'Rebel Galaxy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0222-CUSA02586_00-REBELGALAXY00000 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 429

'Набор Resident Evil «3 в 1»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03840_00-RE456BUND00000EU ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 3.599 -> RUB 1.299

'resident evil 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04704_00-BH4HD00000000001 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'RESIDENT EVIL 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA04284_00-RE5HDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'Resident Evil 6' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03840_00-BH6HDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA03842_00-BH70000000000001 ) (PS4)
-16% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 1.599

'Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01815_00-BHDOB00000000001 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 699

'RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06212_00-RERHDPS400000000 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 699

'Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06212_00-BHR1HDBHR2BUNDLE ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.299

'RIGS Mechanized Combat League' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00257_00-RIGS000000000000 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'RiME' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2211-CUSA06360_00-RIMEGAME01EU0001 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.499

'Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0082-CUSA05716_00-RISEOFTOMBRAIDER ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 3.749 -> RUB 1.299

'Risk Urban Assault' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02123_00-RISKGAMEPS400003 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Robinson: The Journey' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4291-CUSA05800_00-ROBINSONJOURNEY1 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Rock Band 4 Rivals Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8802-CUSA02901_00-RB4GAMERIVALSBDL ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 4.299 -> RUB 2.199

'Rocket League' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-ROCKETLEAGUEEU01 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 839

'Rocket League - Game of the Year Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2002-CUSA01433_00-RLGOTYEU00000001 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 1.079

'Rogue Trooper Redux' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4529-CUSA08409_00-ROGUETROOPEREDUX ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 929

'RUGBY 18' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA07761_00-EKORUGBY18SCEE00 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'RWBY: Grimm Eclipse' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2209-CUSA06754_00-RWBYPS4000000002 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - Team JNPR Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2209-CUSA06754_00-RWBYPS4BND000012 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 719

'Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05673_00-MMPOWERRANGERSFG ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'SAMURAI SHODOWN V SPECIAL' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA08819_00-SSVS000000BUNDLE ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'SAMURAI WARRIORS 4-II' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA02855_00-HGEXEC0000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'Shadow Complex Remastered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1464-CUSA05007_00-SCRSCEE000000000 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Shadow of the Beast' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA00951_00-SHADOWOFBEAST0EU ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8923-CUSA07792_00-DEAST00000000001 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899
-61% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.259 (PS+)

'Shadow Warrior 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3643-CUSA05648_00-SHADOWWARRIOR200 ) (PS4)
-62% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.069

'Shadwen' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA04540_00-SHADWENSCEE00000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 429

'Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8916-CUSA02811_00-RISKYSREVENGEPAK ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 859 -> RUB 429

'Sheltered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04293_00-SHELTERED0000000 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 929 -> RUB 289

'Skyforge: Набор штурмовика' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000110000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Стартовый набор «Избранный Элаем»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-2000010000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 574 -> RUB 344

'Skyforge: Набор лучника' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000020000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор алхимика' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000090000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Сюжетный набор' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-6000010000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 859 -> RUB 515

'Skyforge: Набор богатыря' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000080000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор берсерка' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000010000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор кинетика' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000040000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор мастера теней' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000030000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор штурмовика' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000100000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор некроманта' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000060000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Комплект «Дар Акониты»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-GORGONIDESBUNDLE ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 839

'Skyforge: Набор монаха' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000050000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skyforge: Набор колдуна/ведьмы' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07484_00-4000070000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 929 -> RUB 557

'Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4151-CUSA05547_00-CLOVERISLANDPS4E ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 324
-80% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 217 (PS+)

'Slain: Back from Hell' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP8925-CUSA06465_00-SLAINCROSSBUYUSV) (PS4|PS Vita)
-46% RUB 999 -> RUB 539
-71% RUB 999 -> RUB 289 (PS+)

'Smashbox Arena' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1258-CUSA08117_00-4152434849414354 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.069

'Sneaky Bears' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3061-CUSA09093_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 859

'Sniper Elite 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4529-CUSA04099_00-SNIPERELITE40000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.599

'Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4529-CUSA04099_00-SNIPERELITE4DDE0 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 6.199 -> RUB 1.899

'Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4321-CUSA04854_00-SPEDITION0000002 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.599

'SOMA' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1188-CUSA03200_00-HPL3SOMAGAME2015 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 574

'South Park The Fractured but Whole — Золотое издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05485_00-SPTFBWBUNDLE0014 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 5.298 -> RUB 3.199

'South Park: The Fractured but Whole' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05485_00-SPTFBWBUNDLE0010 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.199

'SPACE HULK Ascension' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4358-CUSA03886_00-SPACEHULKASC0002 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'Sparc' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP5018-CUSA09053_00-SPARC00000000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.069

'Spintires: MudRunner' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4133-CUSA09958_00-MUDRUNNEREU00000 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.749

'Starship Disco' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4083-CUSA06843_00-STARSHIPDISCOVR1 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 809 -> RUB 429

'Star Trek: Bridge Crew' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05761_00-STARTREKBRGCRW01 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 2.599 -> RUB 1.299

'STAR WARS Battlefront II' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA05749_00-BATTLEFRONTII000 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.199

'STAR WARS Battlefront II: эксклюзивное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA05749_00-DLXEDITION000000 ) (PS4)
-43% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.849

'Statik' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2462-CUSA06929_00-STATIKSIEE000001 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'SteamWorld Dig' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4473-CUSA00499_00-STEAMWORLDDIG000) (PS4|PS Vita)
-67% RUB 649 -> RUB 215

'SteamWorld Heist' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4473-CUSA01478_00-SWHCROSSBUY00000 ) (PS4|PS Vita)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'STEEP' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05527_00-STEEPGAMEEEPR001 ) (PS4)
-35% RUB 1.999 -> RUB 1.299

'Street Fighter V' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01222_00-SF5FULLGAME000V2 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 999

'Street Fighter V - 2017 Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA01222_00-SF5DELUXE2000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Sudden Strike 4' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA06994_00-SUDDENSTRIKE4444 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899

'Sundered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2251-CUSA08136_00-SUNDEREDENG00001 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'Super Cloudbuilt' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4415-CUSA07018_00-CLOUDBUILTPLUS00 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 579 (PS+)

'SUPERHOT' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2477-CUSA08144_00-EUSUPERHOTGAME00 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 929
-63% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 659 (PS+)

'SUPERHOT MIND IS SOFTWARE BUNDLE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2477-CUSA08144_00-4444444444444444 ) (PS4)
-39% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.749
-54% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.321 (PS+)

'SUPERHOT VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2477-CUSA08165_00-EUSUPERHOTVRGAME ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 1.009
-59% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 739 (PS+)

'Super Stardust Ultra VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA05951_00-SUPRSTARDULTVREU ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

'Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05033_00-SWORDARTHR0000EU ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05033_00-SWORDARTHRDLX000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 4.699 -> RUB 2.199

'Tales of Berseria' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA05105_00-PS4TOBERSERIA001 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.899

'TEKKEN 7' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA06014_00-PS4TEKKEN7000001 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 4.099 -> RUB 2.199

'TEKKEN 7 Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0700-CUSA06014_00-TEKKEN7DLXED0001 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 5.899 -> RUB 3.199

'TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0177-CUSA02388_00-TEMBO00000000000 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 929 -> RUB 259

'Tethered' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1225-CUSA06529_00-TETHEREDSECRETSO ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 649

'Tethered Divine Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1225-CUSA06529_00-TETHEREDEUBUND01 ) (PS4)
-61% RUB 2.049 -> RUB 789

'The Assembly' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4114-CUSA01045_00-THEASSEMBLY00000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.799 -> RUB 899

'The Disney Afternoon Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0102-CUSA06851_00-DISNEYLEGCOLLPS4 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 649

'The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA00086_00-GOLDED0000000000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.899

'The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA00086_00-VLCANOCOMPLAUNCH ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.199

'The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Collector's Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA00086_00-VCNOCECOMPLAUNCH ) (PS4)
-55% RUB 5.699 -> RUB 2.549

'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA08933_00-SKYRIMVR00000000 ) (PS4)
-29% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 2.849

'The Escapists' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-THEESCAPISTS0000 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 324

'The Escapists 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA06244_00-THEESCAPISTS2000 ) (PS4)
-14% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 1.199

'The Escapists: Supermax Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-ESCSUPER00000000 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 399

'The Escapists + The Escapists: The Walking Dead Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA01857_00-THEESCAPISTSBU01 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 449

'The Escapists: The Walking Dead' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04097_00-THEESCAPISTSWD00 ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 324

'Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Extended Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1257-CUSA03934_00-INCREDIBLEADVVH1 ) (PS4)
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649

'The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1257-CUSA07617_00-INCREDIBLEADVVH2 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'THE LAST BLADE 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04143_00-LASTBLADE2000PS4 ) (PS4|PS Vita)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'The Long Dark' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2845-CUSA09690_00-TLDRKFULLGAMEPS4 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 2.649 -> RUB 1.599

'The Lost Bear' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1731-CUSA04537_00-1234567890123456 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'The Minecraft: Story Mode Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2026-NPEJ00488_00-MCBUNDLE00000000 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.069

'The Shadow Warrior Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3643-CUSA05648_00-SWBUNDLE00000000 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.399

'The Solus Project' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4151-CUSA05712_00-SOLUSPROJECTPS4E ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 579 (PS+)

'The Surge' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4133-CUSA04849_00-THESURGEPS4SGAME ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599
-60% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.279 (PS+)

'The Talos Principle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3643-CUSA01256_00-00000000000TALOS ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 574

'The Telltale Batman Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2026-NPEJ00489_00-BATBUNDLE0000000 ) (PS4)
-51% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 1.399

'The Telltale Games Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2026-NPEJ00413_00-TTG0000000BUNDLE ) (PS4)
-75% RUB 7.199 -> RUB 1.799

'The Telltale Mega Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2026-NPEJ00490_00-TTGMEGABUNDLE000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 7.999 -> RUB 2.549

'This War of Mine: The Little Ones' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA02646_00-THISWAROFMINEG01 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'Thumper' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1599-CUSA06296_00-THUMPERPS4FULL00 ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 574

'Titanfall 2: Максимальное издание' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA04013_00-ULTIMA0000000000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.399

'Стандартное издание Titanfall 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA04013_00-TITANFALL2RSPWN1 ) (PS4)
-48% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.299

'TOM CLANCY'S RAINBOW SIX SIEGE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02368_00-RAINBOWSIXSIEGE0 ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.299

'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02368_00-RB6SIEGESPCOMP02 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 5.299 -> RUB 2.499

'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA02368_00-RB6SIEGESPGOLD02 ) (PS4)
-57% RUB 4.398 -> RUB 1.899

'КОМПЛЕКТ ИГР: «TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX ОСАДА» И TOM CLANCY’S' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA01262_00-DIVRAINBOW6UKRUS ) (PS4)
-59% RUB 4.598 -> RUB 1.899

'TOM CLANCY'S THE DIVISION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA01262_00-THEDIVISIONSCEE0 ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 999

'Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA01262_00-TCTDPOSTGOLD0001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 5.599 -> RUB 1.899

'Torment: Tides of Numenera' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2911-CUSA05827_00-TORMENTTONGAME00 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 999

'Touhou Double Focus' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA07003_00-TDFFPSPS4EDITION ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 699

'Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA05278_00-PS4GAME000000001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Touhou Genso Wanderer' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1063-CUSA06506_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.599

'Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1023-CUSA06759_00-TOUHOUSCARLET000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'Toukiden 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4108-CUSA05719_00-TOUKIDEN20000000 ) (PS4)
-32% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.599
-42% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 2.219 (PS+)

'Transistor' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4484-CUSA00642_00-TRANSISTORGAME00 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 1.349 -> RUB 324

'Trine 2: Complete Story' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA00217_00-TRINE2COMPLETE00 ) (PS4)
-76% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 289

'Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA03057_00-TRINE3ARTIFASCEE ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 429

'Trine Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA01126_00-TRINEBUNDLE00000 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 429

'Trine Enchanted Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA01126_00-ENCHANTEDEDITION ) (PS4)
-77% RUB 929 -> RUB 215

'Trine Trilogy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4029-CUSA03057_00-TRINETRILOGYSCEE ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 719

'Tropico 5' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA01123_00-00000000TROPICO5 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'Tropico 5 - Complete Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4365-CUSA05220_00-00000000TROPICO5 ) (PS4)
-69% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 999

'Tumble VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA04145_00-TUMBLEVR00000001 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'UNBOX: NEWBIE'S ADVENTURE' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-CUSA07806_00-UNBOXGAMEXXXXXXX ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 899

'Uncharted: Утраченное наследие' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA09564_00-UNCHD4LOSTLEGACY ) (PS4)
-24% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.899
-29% RUB 2.499 -> RUB 1.774 (PS+)

'Цифровое издание «UNCHARTED 4: Путь вора»' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA04529_00-UNCHARTED4000000 ) (PS4)
-6% RUB 1.699 -> RUB 1.599
-11% RUB 1.699 -> RUB 1.514 (PS+)

'Uncharted: Натан Дрейк. Kоллекция' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02344_00-UNCHARTEDTRILOGY ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.299
-46% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 1.189 (PS+)

'Undertale' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3746-CUSA09415_00-CB00000000000084) (PS4|PS Vita)
-30% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 748
-40% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 641 (PS+)

'Unearthing Mars' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2707-CUSA07655_00-WKVRUMARS0000000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 499

'UNMECHANICAL: EXTENDED EDITION' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4151-CUSA01198_00-UNMECHCROSSBUY00) (PS3|PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215
-80% RUB 719 -> RUB 143 (PS+)

'Unravel' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0006-CUSA02532_00-UNRAVELUNRAVEL09 ) (PS4)
-72% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 359

'Until Dawn: Rush of Blood' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02350_00-RUSHOFBLOOD00001 ) (PS4)
-52% RUB 1.199 -> RUB 574

'Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4062-CUSA08839_00-UTAWAREFUTARIORO ) (PS4)
-41% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.899
-51% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 1.579 (PS+)

'Vermintide: The Arrogance Lost Collection' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4122-CUSA02094_00-VTBUNDLE00000002 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 3.249 -> RUB 1.299

'VIP набор Paladins' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0331-CUSA05078_00-VIPPACKBUNDLE000 ) (PS4)
-30% RUB 289 -> RUB 202

'VR Invaders - Complete Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2134-CUSA07698_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-45% RUB 1.299 -> RUB 719

'VR Karts' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2889-CUSA06711_00-VRKARTS000000001 ) (PS4)
-19% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 1.299

'VR Ping Pong' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1121-CUSA06032_00-0000000000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 539

'Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4358-CUSA06086_00-DEATHWATCH000002 ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 999

'Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4122-CUSA02094_00-VERMINTIDE000001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 699

'Warhammer Quest' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0819-CUSA06175_00-WARHAMMERQUESTEU ) (PS4)
-67% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 929

'Watch Dogs2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04295_00-WD2FULLGAME00000 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 4.399 -> RUB 1.299

'Watch Dogs 2 - Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04295_00-WD2DELUXEPOSTLAU ) (PS4)
-65% RUB 4.599 -> RUB 1.599

'Watch Dogs2 - Gold Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA04295_00-WD2GOLDPOSTLAUNC ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 6.799 -> RUB 2.199

'We Are The Dwarves' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2029-CUSA05549_00-1597536644882270 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'Weeping Doll' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1830-CUSA06706_00-2016092947650060 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Werewolves Within' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0001-CUSA05287_00-WEREWOLVSWTHIN01 ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 2.199 -> RUB 929

'We Sing' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4389-CUSA05912_00-WESINGPS4EU00001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'We Sing Pop' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4389-CUSA09323_00-WESINGPOPEU00001 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'What Remains of Edith Finch' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP2333-CUSA07974_00-WHATREMAINSFINCH ) (PS4)
-34% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 929
-44% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 789 (PS+)

'White Day: A Labyrinth Named School' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4293-CUSA08253_00-WHITEDAYPS400100 ) (PS4)
-47% RUB 1.899 -> RUB 999

'Windlands' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1499-CUSA05879_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-63% RUB 1.749 -> RUB 649

'Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA07378_00-COLOSSUSFULLGAME ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Digital Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1003-CUSA07378_00-WLF2DELUXELAUNCH ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.499

'Worms Anniversary Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04022_00-WORMSAN000000000 ) (PS4)
-68% RUB 2.849 -> RUB 899

'Worms Battlegrounds' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA00824_00-WORMSBGS00000000 ) (PS4)
-78% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 359

'Worms W.M.D' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4064-CUSA04022_00-WORMSWMD00000000 ) (PS4)
-56% RUB 1.599 -> RUB 699

'WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4008-CUSA08226_00-WRC7000000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.899
-60% RUB 3.799 -> RUB 1.519 (PS+)

'WWE 2K18 Digital Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1001-CUSA08385_00-WWE2K18DDELUXEED ) (PS4)
-11% RUB 3.199 -> RUB 2.849

'X-Morph: Defense' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4380-CUSA05397_00-XMORPHDEFENCE000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 789
-54% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 649 (PS+)

'Ys Origin' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1470-CUSA06702_00-DOTEMUYSORIGIN01 ) (PS4)
-49% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 719

'ADK DAMASHII' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04151_00-SLPS259060000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Ape Escape 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02269_00-SCES508850000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02279_00-SCES519100000001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'Canis Canem Edit' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03551_00-SLES535610000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Dark Chronicle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02075_00-SCES511900000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Everybody’s Tennis' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02270_00-SCES545350000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'FATAL FURY BATTLE ARCHIVES VOL.2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04153_00-SLUS217230000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Forbidden Siren' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02274_00-SCES519200000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Grand Theft Auto III' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03550_00-SLES503300000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03541_00-SLES525410000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03550_00-GTACLASSITRILOGY ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 2.549 -> RUB 1.009

'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03546_00-SLES510610000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Manhunt' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03545_00-SLES520230000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Max Payne' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA04488_00-SLES503260000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04156_00-SLES546770000001 ) (PS4)
-64% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 499

'OKAGE: Shadow King' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02282_00-SCUS971290000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'PaRappa The Rapper 2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01946_00-SCES504080000001 ) (PS4)
-70% RUB 719 -> RUB 215

'Primal' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02077_00-SCES511350000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'Red Dead Revolver' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03542_00-SLES524780000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Rise of the Kasai' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01948_00-SCUS974160000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Набор классических игр Rockstar Games с PS2' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA04488_00-PS2CLASSICBUNDLE ) (PS4)
-58% RUB 4.999 -> RUB 2.099

'Rogue Galaxy' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02271_00-SCES545520000001 ) (PS4)
-73% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 289

'SAMURAI SHODOWN VI' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04158_00-SLES552920000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP0576-CUSA04160_00-SLUS208340000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 719 -> RUB 289

'The Mark of Kri' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA01945_00-SCES511640000001 ) (PS4)
-66% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 359

'The Warriors' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1004-CUSA03548_00-SLES534430000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Wild Arms 3' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9000-CUSA02273_00-SCUS972030000001 ) (PS4)
-60% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 429

'Apollo 11 VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP1577-CUSA04503_00-0000000000000001 ) (PS4)
-42% RUB 859 -> RUB 499

'Chernobyl VR Project' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4495-CUSA08404_00-CHERNOBYLPROJECT ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 719 -> RUB 429

'EVEREST VR' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP3085-CUSA07210_00-EVERESTVRREL1001 ) (PS4)
-46% RUB 1.069 -> RUB 574

'Perfect' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4114-CUSA06951_00-PERFECT000000000 ) (PS4)
-40% RUB 719 -> RUB 429


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Сизон Пасс к Вульфу 1069р со скидкой 40 процентов, хотя согласно Бефесда Россия должен стоить 699р и без скидки. Как же меня бесит порой Плейстейшен Россия и что вся российская пресса боится высунуть язык из их задницы.

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Grindders вопрос в том, кто рулит опять же ценами. 25 евро и 15 он стоит в Германии. То бишь без корректировки под регион, то на то и выходит. 



'Crossout - Starter Bundle' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4432-CUSA06859_00-EF00030000000000 ) (PS4)
-50% RUB 719 -> RUB 359

'Gran Turismo Sport' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9001-CUSA02168_00-GTSPORT000000000 ) (PS4)
-53% RUB 3.999 -> RUB 1.899

'Gran Turismo Sport Digital Deluxe Edition' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP9001-CUSA02168_00-GTSPORTDELUXE000 ) (PS4)
-44% RUB 4.499 -> RUB 2.499

'Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty' ( https://store.playstation.com/#!/ru-ru/cid=EP4134-CUSA00326_00-ONNTGAME00000001 ) (PS3|PS4|PS Vita)
-74% RUB 1.399 -> RUB 359


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Что за маразм? Почему Motorstorm 1 и 2 только на дисках, ппц не могут залить свой эксклюзив в свой же магазин 

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Я бы не удивился, игра крутая, но продажи ни к черту -  ее и по скидкам за даром почти отдавали, но видимо и там не брали.

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у ватмана помню пс4-версия была ужасная, мб пофиксили

ну и сам он был средненьким(новый сезон говорят получше)

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Пытаюсь залогиниться в твиче на плойке , пишет : user already linked .

Если я удалил старый аккаунт на котором логинился в твич , значит досвидания?

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1 час назад, Martin’s Dad сказал:

Пытаюсь залогиниться в твиче на плойке , пишет : user already linked .

Если я удалил старый аккаунт на котором логинился в твич , значит досвидания?

Один псн акк = один твич акк.

Возможно можно старый акк отвязать в самом твиче, но я не пробовал.

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Веб-версия стора перестала присылать смски при 2-этапной аутентификации. Куда копать?

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