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 || The Last of Us: Part I || The Last of Us: Part II || Обсуждение сюжета со спойлерами || Сериал The Last Of Us ||


Разработчик: Naughty Dog
Издатель: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Даты выхода: PS3 – 14 июня 2013 ; PS4 – 29 июля 2014 года ; PS5 – 2 сентября 2022 ; PC – нет даты   
Жанры: Survival Horror, Action-adventure, Stealth-action (Приключенческий боевик с элементами скрытности и выживания) 
Руководители: Нил Дракманн, Брюс Стрэйли, Энтони Ньюман, Курт Маргенау
Композитор: Густаво Сантаолалья


За спойлеры без скрытия – внеочередной бан



Для начала нужно разобраться с терминами Ремейк и Ремастер. Remake – дословно c английского переводится как "заново сделать" или "переделывать". Поэтому тут все просто. У слова Ремастер (Remaster) нет прямого перевода, так как это не общее слово из лексикона англоязычных людей, а специфический термин изначально появившийся в музыкальной индустрии и от туда перешедший в другие сферы. Суть простая – мастер (master) это оригинал произведения который записывается на носители. Они не редко называются "мастер копиями", "мастер дисками" и прочими подобными вариантами. Соответсвенно внесения изменений в этот "мастер", называется "ремастер". В игровой индустрии изначально использовался другой термин – порт. Давайте разберемся, чем он отличается от понятия ремастера. 


Изначально "ре-мастер" – это сведение мастера (звуковых дорожек оригинала) под новые стандарты, очищение шума, изменение АЧХ и компрессии в случае необходимости (но не всегда), но главное – подготовка к воспроизведению на новом формате устройств. То есть портирование на новые устройства. Например, с винила на кассеты, с кассеты на компакт диски и т.д. Современные ремастеры в музыке не всегда идут в сторону улучшений, так как потоковые сервисы требуют легкости, то перевод в кодеки с пониженым битрейтом и подготовка к воспроизведению с телефонных динамиков это тоже ремастер. Посмотрите на некоторые старые треки рематированные в 2018 или 2020 году под Apple Music. Там компрессию увеличили, сделали песню громче и с более явными средними частотами, чтобы динамики телефона хорошо с ней справлялись и не пищали по возможности.  В игровой индустрии такой ремастер можно сравнить с портом того же Ведьмака или Doom на Switch. 


Так что по аналогии с музыкой этот термин стали использовать в кино, а потом и в играх. Поэтому, по сути портирование на новые системы (по сравнению с изначальными) и ремастер можно считать синонимами. Слово ремастер может означать улучшение эффектов, текстур, разрешения, а может этого и не означать, ведь при портировании пере-мастировать\ре-мастировать игру можно и без графических изменений. Не так давно вышла Onimusha на современных платформах. Графика и геймплей от PS2 отличаются мало, но к вертолетному (танковому) управлению добавили движение на стиках как в первых DMC, поэтому это тоже "улучшенный ре-матер". При этом просто заставить игру работать на устройстве на котором это изначально не предполагалось – это и есть игровой "ре-мастеринг". Vanquish Remaster как раз из этого числа. Графически игра примерно такая же как была, а управление и менять не надо было. При этом кто-то может подтягивать текстуры, улучшать геометрию или перезаписывыать звук, но пока это в рамках оригинального кода и конструкции – это ремастер.


Таким образом если разобраться с этим, то станет понятно, что Demon's Souls, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy и Mafia DE – это ремейки. Очень близко сделанные к оригиналу, но созданы почти или полностью с нуля и не являются ремастерами ни каким боком. При этом понятие ремейк может включать в себя и такие радикальные изменения как у Resident Evil 2 и 3 или Final Fantasy VII. Эти игры можно было бы называть играми по мотивам, но под понятие remake (переделка) это тоже попадает. В музыке так же. Remake может быть близким к оригиналу как "Behind Blue Eyes" у Limp Bizkit, так и сильно отличаться как "Tainted Love" Мэрилина Мэнсона, которая в оригинале спокойная и очень простая песня.

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[quote name='Daiverr' timestamp='1337181318' post='2659457']Эллен Пейдж[/quote]
а я про Хлою Грейс Морец подумал

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Но теперь она действительно больше на его дочурку похожа, чем на молодую подругу.

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[quote name='dozensnake' timestamp='1337181514' post='2659460']а я про Хлою Грейс Морец подумал [/quote]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 20 секунд:[/size][/color]
:fffuuuh: мечты мечты

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нормальная стала.....именно такая какая нужна была по сюжету!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! а то казалось что он с малолетней подругой с которой он тр.... в общем с которой у него роман!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[b]Подробное описание демо-версии The Last of Us[/b]
[left][quote]Today at its E3 2012 Judges event, Sony showed off the first gameplay demo for Naughty Dog's upcoming action game, The Last of Us. While footage was not provided, we figured you'd still enjoy a first-hand, detailed account of exactly what we saw.

Before the demo began, representatives from Naughty Dog took the stage to explain that the game is their take on the survival action genre. Set 20 years in the future after an outbreak has taken over the US, The Last of Us chronicles a cross-country journey shared by a middle-aged man named Joel and a young girl named Ellie. Naughty Dog stated that their main goal is to parallel the emotions of the player with Joel and Ellie and create a reality that you can invest in so that you believe that they exist. They want you to feel the same tension and survival instincts that they're experiencing.

Lighting is paramount because there's no electricity, so more ambient and soft lighting is used to make the environments feel richer. They also added that the music is not typical video game fodder. It does not parallel the action because they want it to foster some sort of emotional impact. They want the characters to feel real as they experience what Naughty Dog calls the balance of power. They explained that the pair will react differently based upon what resources they have and how many enemies they're facing. With that, they kicked off the demo.

As it begins the pair is driving in a car and they pull up to an overgrown urban area. Joel has second thoughts and decides to keep going. As they drive along the player is shown the decay of a post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh until, eventually, a pair of staggering feet are shown. Joel draws his gun and tells Ellie to put on her seat belt. Ellie begins to panic as Joel barrels towards the injured man. She asks if they should help the injured man and he quickly states, “He's not injured at all.”

Sure enough, the man runs out of the way and a full-on ambush takes place. They barely avoid a car that tries to run them off the road before a bus smashes the side of their car, trapping them inside a convenience store. Several human enemies appear and they attempt to remove Ellie from the car. Joel tries to help to no avail and gets out of his side of the vehicle where he's confronted by a man who smashes his head through a glass door and attempts to force his throat down onto a large shard. Joel reverses the move and forces the enemy down onto the glass who then collapses–emitting gross gurgling sounds.

One of the other enemies is holding Ellie down on the ground, but Joel comes running up and smashes him, setting Ellie free. Now the first guy who was feigning injury on the road comes in with a gun. Joel pulls out his own and the game goes into Uncharted's cover-based gunplay as two more enemies appear. Eventually he runs out of ammo and Ellie tosses a brick, smashing the enemy in the head. Joel then rushes in and finishes him with a melee attack. He then drops another
More enemies begin pouring in who see the dead bodies and begin searching for Joel and Ellie. In a panic they climb out a window and begin hiding behind various vehicles. Joel has the plank he used earlier strapped to his back and eventually he creeps up behind one of the enemies and strangles him. He then scavenges his bullets utilizing the same exact interface and icons used in Uncharted. At this point there are two enemies left and they're looking for their now-dead comrade. Joel picks up a brick, hits an enemy with it, and then belts him with the plank to finish the job. He then pulls out his gun and attempts to shoot the last enemy but misses. Joel begins trying to find him, calling him a “pansy-assed piece of s***.” Eventually the final enemy screams and attempts to attack Joel from behind, but Joel shoots him and ends the threat.

He tells Ellie the coast is clear and asks her if she's OK. She says yes and he tells her to look around for anything they can use. The crashed bus has blocked off the way back, but Ellie finds a gate and Joel lifts it so that they may escape inside a building. Inside there are tons of dead bodies and the pair leaves through a door into a stairway going up. Chatter ensues between the two and Ellie asks him how he knew it was an ambush. He says he's been on both sides. She asks him if he's killed a lot of innocent people. He issues a non-committal reply and she says, “I'll take that as a yes.” She eventually finds some bullets, but mostly the place is just ripped up from top to bottom.

They eventually find a door to the outside where there are even more dead bodies that have been burned in a pile. They climb up some stairs where you can clearly see the Pittsburgh skyline and its iconic golden bridge. Joel explains that the bridge is their way out of the city so they climb down to the ground.
[/left][left]The pair walks up to a burned-out school bus filled with charred bodies and finds some ammo inside. As they exit you can clearly see a Route 76 sign pointing to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Below it is a jam of cars that had tried to escape the city, but all the drivers inside are dead. Ellie asks what happened to them, and Joe explains that the military probably killed them because “dead people can't get infected.” As they make their way through the vehicular graveyard Joe tells Ellie to get down. As the pair hunkers behind a car a man appears on top of a bus. After a couple moments he whistles, a couple more men appear, and the demo ends.[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][/quote][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 6 минут 14 секунд:[/size][/color]
Звучит все очень здорово. Быстее бы e3 >_>[/left] Изменено пользователем Sh1nn

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крутатень, надеюсь то что описано покажут как stage demo на Е3...

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[quote name='Momentum' timestamp='1337241832' post='2660584']
крутатень, надеюсь то что описано покажут как stage demo на Е3...
надеюсь поссле е3 где то летом дадут демку пощупать

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мб покажут мультиплеер(если он будет)

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не надо мульта, лучше больше и толще территории для эусплоринга, не фоллаут но всеравно было клево полазить по комнатам,шарить полки и холодильники

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а то что описано выше, это разве ингейм, а не продолжение недавнего ролика?

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[b][member=Owl][/b], демка начинается сразу после недавнего ролика.


[b]Грэг прикольно описывает демку :[/b]


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[quote name='Sh1nn' timestamp='1337241472' post='2660577']
[b]Подробное описание демо-версии The Last of Us[/b]
[left][quote]Today at its E3 2012 Judges event, Sony showed off the first gameplay demo for Naughty Dog's upcoming action game, The Last of Us. While footage was not provided, we figured you'd still enjoy a first-hand, detailed account of exactly what we saw.

Before the demo began, representatives from Naughty Dog took the stage to explain that the game is their take on the survival action genre. Set 20 years in the future after an outbreak has taken over the US, The Last of Us chronicles a cross-country journey shared by a middle-aged man named Joel and a young girl named Ellie. Naughty Dog stated that their main goal is to parallel the emotions of the player with Joel and Ellie and create a reality that you can invest in so that you believe that they exist. They want you to feel the same tension and survival instincts that they're experiencing.

Lighting is paramount because there's no electricity, so more ambient and soft lighting is used to make the environments feel richer. They also added that the music is not typical video game fodder. It does not parallel the action because they want it to foster some sort of emotional impact. They want the characters to feel real as they experience what Naughty Dog calls the balance of power. They explained that the pair will react differently based upon what resources they have and how many enemies they're facing. With that, they kicked off the demo.

As it begins the pair is driving in a car and they pull up to an overgrown urban area. Joel has second thoughts and decides to keep going. As they drive along the player is shown the decay of a post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh until, eventually, a pair of staggering feet are shown. Joel draws his gun and tells Ellie to put on her seat belt. Ellie begins to panic as Joel barrels towards the injured man. She asks if they should help the injured man and he quickly states, “He's not injured at all.”

Sure enough, the man runs out of the way and a full-on ambush takes place. They barely avoid a car that tries to run them off the road before a bus smashes the side of their car, trapping them inside a convenience store. Several human enemies appear and they attempt to remove Ellie from the car. Joel tries to help to no avail and gets out of his side of the vehicle where he's confronted by a man who smashes his head through a glass door and attempts to force his throat down onto a large shard. Joel reverses the move and forces the enemy down onto the glass who then collapses–emitting gross gurgling sounds.

One of the other enemies is holding Ellie down on the ground, but Joel comes running up and smashes him, setting Ellie free. Now the first guy who was feigning injury on the road comes in with a gun. Joel pulls out his own and the game goes into Uncharted's cover-based gunplay as two more enemies appear. Eventually he runs out of ammo and Ellie tosses a brick, smashing the enemy in the head. Joel then rushes in and finishes him with a melee attack. He then drops another
More enemies begin pouring in who see the dead bodies and begin searching for Joel and Ellie. In a panic they climb out a window and begin hiding behind various vehicles. Joel has the plank he used earlier strapped to his back and eventually he creeps up behind one of the enemies and strangles him. He then scavenges his bullets utilizing the same exact interface and icons used in Uncharted. At this point there are two enemies left and they're looking for their now-dead comrade. Joel picks up a brick, hits an enemy with it, and then belts him with the plank to finish the job. He then pulls out his gun and attempts to shoot the last enemy but misses. Joel begins trying to find him, calling him a “pansy-assed piece of s***.” Eventually the final enemy screams and attempts to attack Joel from behind, but Joel shoots him and ends the threat.

He tells Ellie the coast is clear and asks her if she's OK. She says yes and he tells her to look around for anything they can use. The crashed bus has blocked off the way back, but Ellie finds a gate and Joel lifts it so that they may escape inside a building. Inside there are tons of dead bodies and the pair leaves through a door into a stairway going up. Chatter ensues between the two and Ellie asks him how he knew it was an ambush. He says he's been on both sides. She asks him if he's killed a lot of innocent people. He issues a non-committal reply and she says, “I'll take that as a yes.” She eventually finds some bullets, but mostly the place is just ripped up from top to bottom.

They eventually find a door to the outside where there are even more dead bodies that have been burned in a pile. They climb up some stairs where you can clearly see the Pittsburgh skyline and its iconic golden bridge. Joel explains that the bridge is their way out of the city so they climb down to the ground.
[/left][left]The pair walks up to a burned-out school bus filled with charred bodies and finds some ammo inside. As they exit you can clearly see a Route 76 sign pointing to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Below it is a jam of cars that had tried to escape the city, but all the drivers inside are dead. Ellie asks what happened to them, and Joe explains that the military probably killed them because “dead people can't get infected.” As they make their way through the vehicular graveyard Joe tells Ellie to get down. As the pair hunkers behind a car a man appears on top of a bus. After a couple moments he whistles, a couple more men appear, and the demo ends.[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][size=3][/quote][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 6 минут 14 секунд:[/size][/color]
Звучит все очень здорово. Быстее бы e3 >_>


Надо в новость[/left]

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Столько экспрессии и эмоций :)
Так дерзай.

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Вроде как новые скриншоты имеются - http://trendygamers.com/2012/05/20/wallpaper-screenshots/

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[b]Геймплей :[/b]


[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 3 минут 19 секунд:[/size][/color]
Что творят... Что творят... :fffuuuh:

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[quote name='Sh1nn' timestamp='1338864267' post='2693155']
[b]Геймплей :[/b]

[color=#339933][size=2]Добавлено спустя 3 минут 19 секунд:[/size][/color]
Что творят... Что творят... :fffuuuh:

I am hyped. Честно не ожидал, что так удивят геймплейно.

А вот релиз не назвали да?

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Дату релиза не назвали к сожалению. И вообще такое ощущение что опять решили анонсы растянуть на весь год от геймскома до TGS и VGA :okay:

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Да понятное дело, что в 13 году только выйдет.

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