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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End и The Lost Legacy

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К слову о Елене. 


Елена из 1 части:





Елена из 2 части:




Елена из 3 части:




Елена из 4 части:




Повторюсь, в 4 части Ленка отличная.

Изменено пользователем Grindders

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Ленка стала такой страшной=( Типичная внешность средней домохозяйки. Где же та авантюристка из первых частей?

Тут у нее выражение лица такое :) Там надо всю сцену смотреть с контекстом, очень забавную, кстати.

Изменено пользователем orbit

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[member='stig09'], да причем тут секс-символы-то? 0о У вас только 2 типа внешности что ли? Типов внешности красивых девушек валом. Начиная от псевдо-красивых (гламурные курицы) заканчивая эдакими "ламповыми няшами" (типа умные, красивые и без тонны косметики).


Я не сторонник секс-символов, но в прошлых частях Елена была лучше, имхо

в 4-й части она намного красивее

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[member='Re-ally'], ну на фотке, где она на диване, выглядит как-то странно

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[member='Re-ally'], ну на фотке, где она на диване, выглядит как-то странно

[offtopic]выше ответили  :icon_wink: [/offtopic]

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менюшка мульта, персы и две новые карты

[spoil]8 карт


Изменено пользователем Bogoroditsk

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Зачем они так рано сервера запустили. Это не очень честно по отношению к тем, кто "законопослушно" ждет релиза :)

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Ну по идее сервера могли запустить для тестеров и ревьюверов. А там и везунчики подтянулись

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Для прессы насколько я знаю коды рассылали, они в резервации играли.

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Все в восторге от Анча - лучшая часть в серии, лучше ТЛОУ. Даже подняв такую высокую планку, НД умудряются не только не опускать её, но и подниматься с каждым разом всё выше и выше. Хочется уже оценочки увидеть pff.gif

П.С. Gameinformer


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I am in complete utter awe of everything I see. I can't tell you the last time I was so floored by graphics. I can't stop taking pictures of everything. I haven't even seen much action in the first three hours and I don't care. The story is incredible, new standards being set here. This is TLOU x 100. OMG I can't even imagine TLOU2.
One reviewer I know is trying to decide between a perfect score and a point above perfect. The wait hurts.

Мнение чувака от первых часов игры. Без спойлеров


Some background before I dive into impressions so that you know my tastes. I am a gameplay first guy, you will find me argue gameplay over story all the time. That said I love a good story, just not at the expense of gameplay. My second favorite series is MGS because even though it has a huge story the gameplay is always top notch.

I am a huge fan of Naughty Dog and this series in particular. I think Uncharted 2 is one of the greatest games ever made and I maybe in the minority here but I think it's NDs best game, better than TLOU. I understand why TLOU is so loved but I am more of an action guy, I love action movies, I like the constant action uncharted gives than the more slow pace of TLOU. Why is U2 so special, because the pacing is pretty much perfect. They took the gameplay from the first and added vertical combat, the moving around the battlefield sets it apart from other TPSs. It's one of those near perfect sequels. U3 was more of the same but just felt like a bad copy with worse pacing, still great but it's not U2.

Ok now you know my stance on the series, I played about 4 hours and there was almost no combat yet I didn't care. The storytelling side is just so damn good, this is movie quality stuff. There is no difference between real acting and these virtual characters, every bit of body language and facial nuance is picked up, I am watching actual acting and I am so invested in this story. I already love these characters but this feels more like they are actual humans than some characters in an action movie, it's so compelling. I wouldn't mind watching uncharted 4 the movie it's so good.

That said it's still a game, interactivity is why this medium exists and I found myself engaged at the cool ways they present the story. I felt like I was in a David Cage game with the level of detail these environments have and the way you can explore. It's kind of what U3 was going for in some of those boring moments but this is done right. There is one moment that had me geeking out so much, you guys that played the game will probably know what it is. While it's doing all this the game is teaching you all the mechanics so it serves as a tutorial as well. I think it works so well because it does all this in so many different locations and situations and the story is always moving forward. Can it be boring in multiple play throughs, maybe, but I think if you power through it can be done very fast.

I took my sweet time because my jaw was on the floor at basically everything. This is without question the most beautiful game ever made. The level of detail present is staggering. Photo mode has loads of options and I spent a good hour just taking pictures of random plants, I couldn't help myself.

At some point though the game had to get going and I played through the first major action chapter and holy shit the action is incredible!! First thing you will notice is that shooting feels great, finally some weight to the bullets, it feels right. The game introduced the new stealth mechanics and it works like most every game with guards that get suspicious and go alert. The area I played wasn't large but it had multiple paths to take, to either hide or shoot. It's so great to have these options as it makes replaying each section a blast, I didn't mind dying.

One time I got seen so all hell broke loose, I jump out a balcony to reposition, guards were following, they are coming from all sides. I am playing on hard and these guys seem relentless. I was jumping into another room, they were jumping right after me. I turned and smashed one guard into a wall, took his gun, jumped out a window shot some guys from outside, jumped back in and went into hiding. Guards lost track of me so I was able to sneak up on some and snap some necks. In one area I got caught and like 5 guards came out so a huge firefight broke out. I died so the next time I didn't get caught and killed the three guards on patrol, no backup, no firefight. So that's the level of changes you can expect to see depending how you play.

In terms of AI they seem smart enough, they flank, take cover, use grenades. I think they lose track of you a bit too easily and they seem to go right back to their normal patrol. This is not MGS level sneaking here; I tried to shoot out some lights and that didn't work. Doesn't matter cause it's mostly about the action and this section ended in a massive scripted shootout. The environment was crumbling around me, I am rolling all over the place trying to get better weapons while avoiding fire. The music is pumping and it is AMAZING, my cover is being torn to shreds, my palms are sweaty, it's everything a great action sequence should be and it wasn't really a big setpiece, it was just a great firefight. If this game keeps this up it’s going to easily be the best game in the series.

This game feels special. It's definitely uncharted, mechanically most of it is the same but the refinement with the better shooting, alert states and larger areas make it feel like a true step forward from Uncharted 2. The story, graphics and presentation are at a whole different level. Man I can't wait to get out of work and play more tomorrow.





Gunplay is fucking amazing, some of the best feeling gunplay I've had the pleasure of controlling. Weapons feel and sound weighty and they feel like they pack a punch.

Graphics are on another level. Best overall presentation I've witnessed. Usually games are all over the place with some areas looking good and some looking bad. Uncharted looks good no matter what. Consistency with graphics is a big draw for me and ND have delivered consistency.

Story wise I'll have to agree with Arne when he says the opening chapter is better than the last of us. Granted TLOU made me tear up. TLOU made me emotional and no other game has come close. Uncharted 4 however gives us a chapter that's close to (or longer if your exploring) an hour long which sets the scene and tone of the game on another level.

I could go deeper into the gameplay systems etc but I'm saving that for a later date when I've played enough to get a fuller picture.


The animations in this game are absolutely the best. But you probably knew that or had a feeling. However, the animations, combined with the TLOU-esque melee system and the contextual animations kicking in alongside the AI helping you...

Good fucking lord, I have never been more impressed with a brawl. Just the seamless way everything blends together.



Holy fuck.A couple things:

1. The gunplay and movement is better than any game I've ever played. It's literally perfect.

2. The Easter Egg that may have been spoiled for some people is simply incredible. I was spoiled and I still loved it--won't say any more but I will say that if you think you were spoiled, you really weren't.

3. This game is paced amazingly well, just incredible.

4. Graphics are jaw-dropping. Never seen anything like it.

Back to the game!






Все очень и очень хорошо))

Изменено пользователем zhenia13

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Не, серьёзно кто-то ждал , что Доги Планку не поднимут? Они единственные в мире, наравне с Рокстар такие)

Фромы еще, пожалуй.

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Фромы еще, пожалуй.

И СД-Про)

индустрию вытаскивают с клоаки однотипного говна

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Фромы еще, пожалуй.


Кроме бладборна все темные души это топтание на месте. Трешка вообще квинтэссенция повторов.

Изменено пользователем Pilliwinx

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Да по сути только Naughty Dog и Rockstar, CD Projekt пока рановато в этот список вносить из-за одной игры

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[quote name='Кирилл_Копыленков' timestamp='1462313591' post='5157760'] Они не тянут индустрию вверх, увы [/quote]

То то сколько подражателей появилось. Все они тянут. только сами пока застряли в самоповторах,  с другой стороны потихоньку развивают то, что наработали.

[quote name='CRIMATOR' timestamp='1462314415' post='5157762'] CD Projekt пока рановато в этот список вносить из-за одной игры [/quote]

Они одной игрой сдвинули целый жанр ААА српг вперед. До этого жанр барахтался со времен первого МЭ. 

Фромы = Беседка, многие хотят сделать убийц Скайрима/Соулсов, занять их нишу или хотя бы составить конкуренцию.

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[member='Arystan'], на самом деле, я не понимаю, в чем Ведьмак 3 сдвинул жанр вперед. Тут это будет оффтопом, но я бы с удовольствием где-нибудь это обсудил без метаний говном. Потому что я люблю CDPR, мне нравится Ведьмак 3, но там они наступили на грабли, которых никто, я уверен, не ожидал от них. За это их много где ругают. Даже на официальном форуме есть соответствующая тема и там некоторые представители компании признают ошибки и обешают исправить в будущем.

Тот же выбор исчез из игры, осталась лишь иллюзия. Ведьмак после крутых выборов 1 и 2 части, к третьей скатился в "игру от Теллтейл". Или ролевая состовляющая. Геральту вернули память и в результате он стал отдельным персонажем, он больше не выражает игрока и, соответственно, строение диалогов подстроилось под эти реалии. В результате потерялся отыгрыш и многие диалоги вообще непонятно, зачем нужны, так как иногда тебе не дают выбора вообще и ничего бы не изменилось, если бы этот диалог стал кат-сценой (подобную претензию можно адресовать и МЕ3, там тоже все скатилось к этому, увы. И, внезапно, там тоже поменялся основной сценарист к третьей части), а те диалоги, что выбор имеют, возвращают нас к первому пункту: твой выбор ни на что не влияет.


Еще раз прошу прощения за оффтоп.

Изменено пользователем Grindders

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[member='Arystan'], [offtopic]только не сейчас, спать пора, впереди ранний подъем) как-нибудь потом все же, когда больше времени будет телеги катать)[/offtopic]


А известно, кто для гамага рецензию пишет?

Изменено пользователем Grindders

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Потроллили )) 

ахаха..)) поржал..ЛОЛ))) :rasta:

Ленка стала такой страшной=( Типичная внешность средней домохозяйки. Где же та авантюристка из первых частей?

да нормальная она деваха, вы наверное Страшных не видели!?nopont.gif

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