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Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII

Рекомендуемые сообщения

2 hours ago, awakecode said:

а мы не отстаем от овервотча, в плане гей-тематики  https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/01/09/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-specialist-confirmed-gay-prophet/

может Профета будут меньше пикать


47 minutes ago, xWhItEWoLFx said:

Что именно?


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Эм, а в игре ну хоть какой намек есть на его принадлежность к лгбт? Если нет, то это очень смешно

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50 minutes ago, Belich said:

Эм, а в игре ну хоть какой намек есть на его принадлежность к лгбт? Если нет, то это очень смешно

Зачем в играх развивать персонажей, если можно вбросить твитом или комиксом?

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5 часов назад, awakecode сказал:

а мы не отстаем от овервотча, в плане гей-тематики  https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/01/09/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-specialist-confirmed-gay-prophet/

может Профета будут меньше пикать?:troll_face_22:


Я так и знал! Когда этот говноед по 3 раза подряд убивает тебя с ульты, со рта невольно летят слова с гей-тематикой в адрес этого спеца :cr:

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После 100 уровня награды в ящиках выдаются рандомно или для всех одинаково?

просто мне дают один хлам..

и что с дубликатами? В боп3 за них давали очки за которые можно было  ящики купить а тут ничего? =/

Изменено пользователем Darik

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4 часа назад, Darik сказал:

После 100 уровня награды в ящиках выдаются рандомно или для всех одинаково?

просто мне дают один хлам..

и что с дубликатами? В боп3 за них давали очки за которые можно было  ящики купить а тут ничего? =/

Рандом, мне пока до 120 ничего норм не выпало 

2 часа назад, Arrival сказал:

Darik Как автоматик то? По обзорам выходит что фигня, не?

Ну там вроде ещё норм скины должны быть на оружие и спецов, но пока не везёт 

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4 часа назад, Arrival сказал:

Darik Как автоматик то? По обзорам выходит что фигня, не?

Ну я бы так не сказал, просто он не имба и  требует больше обвесов для максимальной эффективности чем другие топовые варианты :)

Из минусов это средняя дистанция поражения и медленная перезарядка но последнее решается  модулем быстро съёмными магазинами.

А из плюсов слабая отдача, зажимай не хочу ) высокий дамаг и хорошая скорость. Обоймы хватает на троих человек точно)

1 час назад, Baydrock сказал:

Рандом, мне пока до 120 ничего норм не выпало 

Ну там вроде ещё норм скины должны быть на оружие и спецов, но пока не везёт 

Ясно, выпал альтернативный легендарный скин на battery, нравится больше чем тот что за 98лвл.

Изменено пользователем Darik

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7 часов назад, Darik сказал:

и что с дубликатами? В боп3 за них давали очки за которые можно было  ящики купить а тут ничего? =/

Каждые 3 дубликата тебе подгоняют рандом на лопате :57a8bd5a80d7f_FROG3:

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Here’s everything new in Black Ops 4:




  • Multiplayer

    • Chaos Control added as MP Featured Playlist.

    • TDM 100, Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit added to MP Featured category.

    • Elevation and Madagascar added to normal map rotation for Black Ops Pass holders.

    • Updates to various game modes, Specialists, Perks, Scorestreaks, Gear, and Challenges.

    • Fix for Killathon Reactive Camo requirements.

    • Various gameplay and stability improvements.

  • Zombies

    • 115 Day Celebration Event: Zombies 2XP, Zombies 2X Weapon XP, and 2X Nebulium Plasma live 10AM PT Jan. 15-18.

    • “Unsinkable” Gauntlet in Voyage of Despair (PS4).

    • Three new Epic Elixirs (PS4).

    • Balance updates for six existing Elixirs.

    • Adjustments to PhD Slider Perk.

    • Reduced Crimson Nosferatu damage and spawn rates in Dead of the Night.

    • Various gameplay and stability improvements.

  • Blackout

    • Stash interface updated to grid layout for faster looting on consoles.

    • Reduced Concussion grenade stack count to 1.




The following updates are going live today on PS4, Xbox One, and PC:


  • Featured Playlists

    • Chaos Control added as Featured Playlist.

      • Teams have unlimited lives.

      • Capture time increased to 2 minutes per zone.

      • Round time limit increased to 3.5 minutes.

      • TDM 100, Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit, and Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit added to Featured category.


  • 115 Day Celebration Event

    • Zombies 2XP, Zombies 2X Weapon XP, and 2X Nebulium Plasma live 10AM PT Jan. 15-18.




The following updates are going live today first on PS4:


  • Gauntlets

    • Unsinkable” Gauntlet live in Voyage of Despair.

    • 30 rounds of challenges with unique rules for each round.

    • Players earn medals and tiered rewards for completing rounds 10, 20, and 30, as well as an additional reward for completing round 30 without failing a round.

    • Players are issued a Strike by failing a round, with the game ending after three Strikes.

    • All matches are timed for competitive speed-run support.

  • New Elixirs

    • Perk Up (Epic): Gain 4 additional random Perks that are not in your loadout.

    • Refresh Mint (Epic): Refreshes the cooldowns for Equipment, Perks, and Special Weapons for your entire team.

    • Conflagration Liquidation (Epic): Spawn a Bonfire Sale power-up.




The following updates are going live today on consoles, with PC to follow later this week with additional PC-specific updates:


  • Maps

    • Elevation and Madagascar added to normal map rotation (Core and Hardcore) for all Black Ops Pass holders.

  • Game Modes

    • Heist

      • Added SWAT RFT assault rifle, Daemon 3XB SMG, Combat Axe, and EMP Disruptor to Heist.

      • Resolved an issue where the player would not be granted proper Tier progression in some cases.

      • If the last living player disconnects, all downed friendlies will now bleed out, ending the round.

    • Hardpoint

      • Added an overtime win condition for Hardpoint. In the event of a tie at the end of the time limit, the team to score the next point will win the match.

      • This setting has been enabled for CWL Hardpoint in Custom Games.

    • Search & Destroy

      • Resolved an issue that allowed the defenders to defuse and win the game after the bomb detonated.

    • Free For All

      • Assault Pack can now be interacted with after it was hacked in Free For All.

  • Specialists

    • Zero

      • Hacking an enemy no longer prevents Specialist Weapon or Equipment usage.

      • A hacked Assault Pack will now no longer be destroyed if the original owner leaves the match.

      • A hacked Barricade will now no longer be destroyed if the original owner leaves the match.

    • Ruin

      • Resolved an issue that allowed Ruin’s Grav Slam to kill players through walls and floors.

    • Firebreak

      • Resolved an issue that prevented Firebreak’s Purifier from damaging friendly players in game modes with friendly fire enabled.

    • Crash

      • TAK-5 will no longer remove the hacked status from players.

  • Perks

    • Improved Cold Blooded’s enemy Scorestreak targeting delay from 5 to 7 seconds.

    • Improved Team Link’s circular vision radius by 9%.

    • Updated Tactical Mask description to include increased resistance against EMP Disruptor.

    • Tracker’s detection icon will now clear correctly if the player switches to a class without the Tracker perk.

  • Scorestreaks

    • Care Package should now properly kill a player when landing on top of them.

    • Added a notification for when a player calls in a Thresher.

    • Resolved an issue where a Care Package or Mantis smoke marker’s FX would show for all players.

    • Resolved an issue where the sound of the Care Package hitting the ground was delayed.

    • Resolved an issue where the Dart would not be usable again if it failed to be deployed the first time.

    • Resolved an issue where the player’s view angles would change while controlling a vehicle.

    • Resolved an issue with the hacked vehicle effect remaining on a player’s screen if dying to a hacked vehicle.

  • Gear

    • Resolved an issue where the Acoustic Sensor would stop functioning when switching classes during the grace period at the start of a round.

  • Challenges

    • Clean Sweep

      • Now correctly tracks Hardcore game modes.

    • Conquest

      • Now correctly tracks Hardcore game modes.

  • Weapon Customization

    • Killathon Reactive Camo

      • Killathon Reactive Camo now properly unwraps if it was unwrapped before the requirements changed in a recent update.

      • Updated the unwrap requirement text to correctly reference the new requirements of getting 50 kills, instead of 5 kills without dying.

    • Added support for camo and reticle customization in offline Custom Games.

  • Custom Games

    • Resolved an issue where CODCaster spectating would disable a player’s Perks and second Equipment charge.

    • Resolved an issue where the second Equipment charge bar would not show in Custom Games.

    • Bots playing as Zero will now use the Ice Pick in Custom Games with bots.

  • Stability – Fixed crashes that could occur:

    • When a player owning a Mesh Mine disconnected from the match.

    • When deploying a Strike Team marker.

    • When hacking a Barricade that expired or was destroyed.

  • Black Market

    • “Friendly Fire” reticle owners now have access to green and blue versions of the reticle to match the version displayed in the Black Market.

  • Miscellaneous

    • Added a notification in the Death Cam for friendly players when a Tac-Deploy is available.

    • Resolved an issue where player names would no longer show in Multiplayer game modes after playing Heist or Blackout.

    • Resolved an issue that caused on-fire effects to remain on a player’s screen for the duration of the wound.

    • Resolved an issue that prevented some alternative voiceover lines from playing to the player.


  • Gameplay

    • Elixir Updates

      • Join The Party: Now revives downed players in addition to respawning dead party members, but will not restore lost Perks.

      • Sword Flay: Melee attacks now instantly kill Basic and Vermin enemies for the duration, and deal 5X damage to all other enemies.

      • CTRL-Z: Increased the duration of turned zombies from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.

      • Cache Back: Reduced rarity from Epic to Legendary to increase the chance of concocting Cache Back more frequently.

      • Phantom Reload: Doubled the previous percentage chance to get free ammo.

      • Blood Debt: Duration reduced from 3 minutes to 1 minute, and Blood Debt now simply ends when points are reduced to zero, rather than killing the player.

    • Perks

      • PhD Slider now fully prevents self-inflicted explosive damage.

      • PhD Slider damage reduction for enemy explosive attacks has been changed from 80% to 50%.

    • Dead of the Night

      • Reduced the damage dealt by the Crimson Nosferatu bite attack.

      • Reduced the maximum number of Nosferatu and Crimson Nosferatu that spawn during normal round progression.

    • Power-ups

      • Power-ups are now more evenly distributed to appear throughout each round, as opposed to near the start of the round.

  • Stability

    • Global – Fixed crashes that could occur:

      • After waiting for a long period of time in the lobby after exiting a match.

      • In certain cases when using Deadshot Dealer.

      • In rare cases when joining a Custom Game in progress.

      • In rare cases when a player spectated a Zombies match.

      • In rare cases when the alternate ammo type from a Pack-a-Punched weapon affected an enemy.

    • Blood of the Dead

      • Fixed a crash that could occur during the ending cinematic.

      • Fixed a rare crash that could occur while using the Hellfire in Eagle Plaza outside of the Warden's House on Round 73.

    • Voyage of Despair

      • Fixed a crash that could occur after finishing the portals for the Catalysts in the Main Quest.

  • Challenges

    • Charmed

      • Now properly requires players to use 50 Talismans.

  • Miscellaneous

    • Global

      • Best Time now properly displays when selecting maps at the Zombies mode screen.

      • Resolved an issue where players were still damaged by zombies during the Nuke whiteout screen and shortly afterward.

      • Resolved an issue where players could go past Prestige Master rank 1000 through natural play.

      • Resolved an issue where FX may sometimes disappear, including on Wonder Weapons, Perks, Pack-a-Punched weapons, and Silver Bullets.

      • Resolved an issue where a host went missing after 30 seconds while waiting in the lobby with 3 players in a private match.

      • Resolved an issue where the Cartoon mode effect could still persist for the player if a second player in a splitscreen party turned on Cartoon mode, and the first player left the match and went into a solo match afterward.

      • Resolved a visual issue where the level 3 Chakram Whirlwind FX could be seen spinning around the player along with low-resolution dust FX.

      • Resolved an issue where the Maddox with Dual Zoom attachment could carry far more ammo than usual when Pack-a-Punched.

      • Resolved an issue where the After Action Report tabs could overlap each other.

      • Resolved an issue where players with a Minor or Major Virtuoso’s Charm Talisman still had a chance of the Mystery Box moving to another location on their next box opening.

      • Resolved issues where the Welling Clan Tag was misaligned on the Welling and clipping into the player’s hand, and where the Kill Counter did not appear at all.

      • Resolved an issue on Xbox One when a guest profile attempting to access the Laboratory could encounter multiple issues, including a UI error and lost cursor functionality.

      • Closed an exploit where players could enter a live game with custom rules.

    • Dead of the Night

      • Implemented visual improvements for the Pack-a-Punch camo on multiple weapon attachments.

      • Resolved an issue related to Nosferatu Bile pickups slowly accumulating if it was not collected by the player.

      • Resolved a bug that caused the player’s weapon to switch to the Welling for the duration of a Crimson Nosferatu bite attack.

      • Resolved an issue that could cause Nosferatu to spawn under the map when summoned by the Crimson Nosferatu.

      • Resolved an issue that allowed enemies killed by the Wonder Weapon to sometimes spawn power-ups outside of the playable space.

      • Resolved an issue that caused inconsistent visibility during the Wonder Weapon quest while in splitscreen.

      • Resolved a timing-specific issue that could lead to the incorrect player being sacrificed during the Main Quest.

      • Resolved an issue where Silver Bullet weapons canceled the Deadshot Dealer Perk modifier headshot streak.

      • Resolved a collision issue that allowed the Theater camera from leaving the playable space in the Gardens.

      • Resolved an issue that caused poor visualization of the trees in the Gardens area.

      • Resolved an issue that caused a prompt on the clock for the Pack-a-Punch to remain indefinitely after the sequence completed.

      • Resolved a rare progression issue related to enemies spawning in a non-playable location.

    • IX

      • Addressed a rare progression break that occurred when a special round started as players teleported to the Chaos Tower.

      • Addressed a rare case where players could become immune to fire traps.

    • Blood of the Dead

      • Resolved an issue where no fog would appear during Hellhound rounds.

      • Closed an exploitable area that players could reach in the Citadel Tunnels using the Path of Sorrows.

      • Closed an exploitable area on the catwalk that players could reach using the Ragnarok DG-5.

    • Classified

      • Resolved an issue where the blur effect from killing Nova 6 Crawlers persisted for spectating players.

      • Resolved an issue where a player using Nowhere but There would teleport to the War Room instead of the Laboratories when another player was downed in the elevator while it was on the Laboratories floor.


  • Looting Interface

    • Looting interface on consoles is now a grid layout with multiple pages for all Stash types.

    • Identical items will now stack inside a Stash instead of being displayed individually.

    • Remaining Armor is now displayed on Armor items in a Stash.

  • Gameplay

    • Reduced Concussion grenade stack count to 1.




Изменено пользователем Darik

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8 часов назад, Darik сказал:

Elevation and Madagascar added to normal map rotation (Core and Hardcore) for all Black Ops Pass holders.

Вот и разделили игроков - как я понимаю, поиск теперь разный будет у сизона и без него.

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Когда там уже загрузить можно недельный блэкаут? 

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Treyarch сообщила, что восклицательные знаки возле никнеймов игроков без сезонного абонемента появились в Black Ops 4 по ошибке.

По задумке, они должны быть видны только в групповых лобби, а не публичных. Ситуацию пообещали исправить в следующем патче.

Обкекался - скажи, что ошибка

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5 часов назад, Kiqoon сказал:

Обкекался - скажи, что ошибка

Я кстати так и не видел 

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2 часа назад, Ligfip1 сказал:

на бокс блекаут не завезли походу))


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3 минуты назад, alzhur сказал:


Весь стор облазил?

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Подскажите, как управлять лайтинг страйком на пс4? Как цели помечать, как ускорять - какие кнопки жать?

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хаос контроль как раз такой каким должен был быть контроль изначально, очень крутой режим, в котором как раз проявляются на максимум способности оперов

ток килстрики бы оттуда убрать, пушо иногда совсем град из говна на респаун высыпается

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В 21.01.2019 в 08:00, dozensnake сказал:

хаос контроль как раз такой каким должен был быть контроль изначально, очень крутой режим, в котором как раз проявляются на максимум способности оперов

ток килстрики бы оттуда убрать, пушо иногда совсем град из говна на респаун высыпается

Согласен, хаос контроль - очень хорош, но вопрос останется ли он на постоянку?

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ВНЕЗАПНО: в Black Ops 4 начался новый мини-ивент «Варвары»! Главной наградой будет пистолет KAP-45, который является инкарнацией KAP-40 из #BO2. #COD #BO4

— Из другого интересного есть, разве что реактивный камуфляж «Путешествие» для пулемёта Аид;
— 25 этапов нужно пройти за 27 дней;
— Через неделю на Xbox One и ПК;
— Полный смотре всех наград операции смотрите в ролике.

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Восстановил возможность заливать видосики , сейчас монтирую свой первый монтаж скоро выложу для оценки :) всем привет :)



Изменено пользователем Sergey Gappoev

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В 21.01.2019 в 09:00, dozensnake сказал:

хаос контроль как раз такой каким должен был быть контроль изначально, очень крутой режим, в котором как раз проявляются на максимум способности оперов

ток килстрики бы оттуда убрать, пушо иногда совсем град из говна на респаун высыпается

Топовый топ :)ох как он нужен навсегда аааа :)

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В скором времени ожидается нерф брони третьего уровня в Затмении. Изменения затронут как ремонт брони, так и сам показатель защиты.


Да ладно дошли таки молитвы игроков?

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