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Домик чаепития GM™: живо беседуем о JRPG [!NEW! ОПРОС: Любимые локи?]

Favorite JRPG Locations📌  

15 проголосовавших

  1. 1. Cписок локаций:

    • Города и деревни: Места для взаимодействия с NPC, торговли и получения квестов.
    • Подземелья: Лабиринты с монстрами и сокровищами для исследования.
    • Леса и джунгли: Дикие места с разнообразной флорой и фауной, полные опасностей и приключений.
    • Горы и пещеры: Высокие вершины с уникальными ресурсами и глубокие пещеры с опасными существами.
    • Пустыни: Засушливые области с опасными условиями, где можно найти древние руины.
    • Руины и древние храмы: Заброшенные строения с загадками и ловушками, хранящие тайны древних цивилизаций.
    • Замки и крепости: Оборонительные сооружения, часто населенные врагами и охраняющие важные объекты.
    • Поля и равнины: Открытые пространства для путешествий и случайных встреч с врагами.
    • Океаны и реки: Водные просторы для морских путешествий и подводного исследования.
    • Небесные острова: Парящие в небе локации с уникальной архитектурой и флорой.
    • Параллельные миры и измерения: Альтернативные реальности с необычными законами физики и обитателями.
    • Магические леса и зачарованные земли: Места, наполненные магией и мистическими существами.
    • Промышленные зоны и фабрики: Технологически развитые области с машинами и роботами.
    • Поля битв: Места сражений, где игроки могут найти ценную добычу.
    • Снежные и ледяные локации: Холодные регионы с уникальными ресурсами и опасными существами.
    • Канализации: Подземные системы с опасными существами и скрытыми проходами.
    • Болота: Влажные территории с густой растительностью и ядовитыми обитателями.
    • Подводные локации: Глубины океана с уникальной флорой и фауной.
    • Лабиринты: Сложные конструкции, где легко заблудиться.
    • Вулканические зоны: Области с активными вулканами и лавовыми потоками.
    • Заброшенные лаборатории: Места проведения научных экспериментов, часто с опасными последствиями.
    • Космические станции: Локации в космосе с футуристической атмосферой.
    • Тюрьмы и крепости: Места заключения с охраной и ловушками.
    • Зачарованные замки: Волшебные замки с магическими существами и загадками.
    • Поля сражений прошлого: Исторические места с остатками былых битв.
    • Тайные базы: Скрытые локации, используемые для секретных операций.
    • Порталы и врата: Места, ведущие в другие измерения или миры.
    • Тропические пляжи и побережья: Экзотические места с пальмами, коралловыми рифами и теплыми водами.
    • Заброшенные особняки: Старые, мрачные здания, наполненные привидениями и тайнами.
    • Дикие западные города: Города на Диком Западе с салунами, бандитами и ковбоями.
    • Миры снов: Сюрреалистические миры, созданные из снов и кошмаров.
    • Футуристические мегаполисы: Города будущего с небоскребами и летающими автомобилями.
    • Школы и академии: Места обучения, где игроки могут изучать новые навыки, заклинания или боевые приемы.
    • Другое: Любые другие уникальные или необычные локации.

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                                                                        НОВАЯ ГОЛОСОВАЛКА!



В замену старой, лагающей темы была создана новая. К слову, если кому-то интересно, то он всегда может вступить в наш уютный клуб джентльменов жрпг, стоит только запостить свой ТОП.

Items->phoenix down->use...







OkaRin (Tae)  

1) Final Fantasy IX
2) Final Fantasy X
3) Final Fantasy XII
4) Dragon Quest XI S
5) Chrono Trigger
6) Kingdom Hearts II
7) Blue Dragon
8) Persona 5
9) Breath of Fire IV
10) Tales of Vesperia


1) Final Fantasy X
2) Persona 2: Innocent Sin
3) Final Fantasy XII
4) Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
5) Kingdom Hearts
6) Blue Dragon
7) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
8) Dark Souls

9) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
10) Phantasy Star 2



1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Final Fantasy Tactics
3) Final Fantasy X
4) Final Fantasy IX
5) Dragon Quest VIII
6) Kingdom Hearts I
7) Chrono Trigger
8) Lunar: SSSC
9) Star Ocean 2

10) Suikoden II


El Shadda1

1) Xenogears
2) Dragon Quest VII
3) Final Fantasy VII
4) Xenosaga 1
5) Final Fantasy Tactics
6) Front Mission 3
7) Breath of Fire IV
8) Chrono Cross
9) Wild Arms 2
10) Tales of Eternia



1) Final Fantasy VIII
2) Final Fantasy XII
3) Persona 4
4) Tales of the Abyss
5) Final Fantasy VII
6) Tales of Vesperia
7) Suikoden II
8) Persona 5

9) Final Fantasy IV
10) Tales of Symphonia


Lost Dreamer  

1) Final Fantasy 7
2) Star Ocean 2
3) Tales Of Eternia
4) Tales Of Vesperia
5) Xenoblade
6) Dragon Quest 8
7) Valkyrie Profile
8) Final Fantasy 10
9) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
10) Wild Arms 2




1) Breath of Fire IV
2) Final Fantasy XII
3) Xenogears
4) Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
5) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
6) Vagrant Story
7) Mother 3
8) The World Ends With You
9) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
10) Baten Kaitos Origins



Remain Nameless  

1) Xenoblade Chronicles
2) Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
3) Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
4) Tales of Graces F
5) Digital Devil Saga 2
6) Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
7) Ys VIII
8) Final Fantasy IX
9) Suikoden II
10) Persona 5




1) Suikoden 2
2) Final Fantasy X
3) Chrono Cross
4) Chrono Trigger
5) Final Fantasy VI
6) Suikoden 3
7) Arc the Lad II
8) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
9) Pokémon Gold
10) Rogue Galaxy




1) Chrono Trigger
2) Chrono Cross
3) Persona 4
4) Metal Max Returns
5) Shin Megami Tensei II
6) Vagrant Story
7) Final Fantasy 6
8) Legend of Mana
9) The Legend of Dragoon
10) Golden Sun



Lex Mercer  

1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Legend of Mana
3) Vagrant Story
4) Final Fantasy IX
5) Lunar: Silver Star Harmony
6) Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
7) Final Fantasy Tactics
8) SaGa Frontier 2
9) Fire Emblem: Awakening
10) Blue Dragon




1) Shin Megami Tensei IV
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Chrono Cross
4) Xenogears
5) Pokemon X/Y
6) Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
7) Xenoblade
8) Breath of Fire 4
9) Digimon World 3
10) The Legend of Dragoon




1) Kingdom Hearts II
2) Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
3) Xenogears
4) Lunar: The Silver Star
5) Star Ocean 2
6) Final Fantasy Tactics
7) Final Fantasy XII
8) Final Fantasy VII
9) Persona 3
10) Disgaea: Hour of Darkness




1) Xenogears
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Final Fantasy VII
4) Wild Arms 2
5) Legend of Dragoon
6) Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
7) Phantasy Star IV
8) .hack//G.U.
9) Vandal Hearts
10) Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure




1) Final Fantasy XII
2) Vagrant Story
3) Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
4) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
5) Dragon Quest VII
6) Xenogears
7) Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
8) Valkyrie Profile
9) Parasite Eve
10) Resonance of Fate



1) Final Fantasy IX
2) Skies of Arcadia
3) Xenoblade
4) Front Mission 3
5) Chrono Trigger
6) Pokemon Silver
7) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
8) Grandia 2
9) Dragon Quest VIII: Jorney of the Cursed King
10) The World Ends With You




1) Chrono Trigger
2) Final Fantasy I
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Fire Emblem: Awakening
5) Shining Force II
6) Golden Sun
7) Pokemon SoulSilver
8) Shin Megami Tensei IV
9) Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
10) Summon Night: Swordcraft Story




1) Tales of Xillia 2
2) Persona 4
3) Final Fantasy X
4) Final Fantasy XIV
5) Kingdom Hearts II
6) Tales of Vesperia
7) Persona 3
8) Final Fantasy VII
9) Final Fantasy VIII
10) Resonance of Fate




1) Final Fantasy 8
2) Chrono Cross
3) Thousand Arms
4) Xenogears
5) Skies of Arcadia
6) Panzer Dragoon Saga
7) Breath of Fire 5: Dragon Quater
8) Final Fantasy 7
9) Earthbound




1) Final Fantasy X
2) Wild Arms 3
3) Legaia 2: Duel Saga
4) Front Mission 4
5) Tales of Vesperia
6) The Last Remnant
7) Dark Cloud 2
8) Rogue Galaxy
9) Final Fantasy XII
10) Phantasy Star Online




1) Final Fantasy X
2) Xenoblade
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Persona 4: Golden
5) Final Fantasy VII
6) Final Fantasy IX
7) Skies of Arcadia
8) Panzer Dragoon Saga Azel
9) Final Fantasy VI
10) Grandia II



Andrey Vorobey

1) The World Ends with You

2) Shin Megami Tensei Soul Hackers
3) Shin Megami Tensei 4
4) Persona Q
5) Dragon Quest VII
6) Tales of Graces F
7) Dragon Quest VIII
8) Final fantasy 12
9) Xenoblade
10) Bravely Default



1) Final Fantasy IX
2) Xenogears
3) Persona 2 Batsu
4) Xenoblade
5) Xenosaga 3
6) Lunar Eternal Blue Complete
7) Digital Devil Saga 2
8) Persona 4: Golden
9) Tales of Vesperia
10) Grandia 2




1) Chrono Cross
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Kingdom Hearts 2
5) Chrono Trigger
6) Lost Odyssey
7) Xenogears
8) Persona 3
9) Dragon Quest 7
10) Kingdom Hearts


1) Persona 4
2) Tales of Symphonia
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Final Fantasy IX
5) Skies of Arcadia
6) Tales of Destiny II
7) Chrono Cross
8) Brigandine - Legend of Forsena
9) Legend of Dragoon
10) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga



1) Chrono Trigger
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Mother 2
4) Final Fantasy VI
5) Persona 2 Eternal Punishment
6) Mother 3
7) Xenogears
8) Pokemon Gold
9) Shin Megami Tensei III Lucifers Call
10) The World Ends With You




1) Final Fantasy XII
2) Persona 4
3) Dragon Quest VIII
4) Tales of the Abyss
5) Lost Odyssey
6) Star Ocean 3
7) Valkyrie Profile 2
8) Persona 3
9) Lunar: The Silver Star
10) Dark Cloud 2



1) Digital Devil Saga
2) Persona2: Eternal Punishment
3) Pokemon Crystal
4) Resonance of Fate
5) Final Fantasy XII
6) Shadow Hearts
7) Koudelka
8) Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
9) Phantasy Star 2
10) Shining Force 2



1) The Legend of Heroes: Sora no Kiseki SC
2) Persona 4
3) Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra
4) Final Fantasy XII
5) Kingdom Hearts II
6) Persona 2: Innocent Sin
7) Final Fantasy VI
8) Breath of Fire IV
9) Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
10) Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2




1) Chrono Trigger
2) Final Fantasy VIII
3) Final Fantast VII
4) Tales of Vesperia
5) Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
6) The World Ends with You
7) Kingdom Hearts II
8) Persona 3
9) Vagrant Story

10) Final Fantasy X



1) FinalFantasy VI
2) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
3) The World Ends With You
4) Pokemon Yellow
5) Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
6) Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
7) Xenogears
8) Mother 3
9) Chrono Trigger
10) Chrono Cross



1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Chrono Trigger
3) Final Fantasy X
4) Chrono Cross
5) Tales of Vesperia
6) Tales of Symphonia
7) Shin Megami Tensei III: Lucifers Call
8) Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
9) Xenoblade Chronicles
10) Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth



Qqsha Akara Barnak  

1) Lost Odyssey
2) The Last Remnant
3) Final Fantasy IX
4) Final Fantasy X
5) Tales of Vesperia
6) Final Fantasy VIII
7) Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
8) Resonance of Fate
9) Blue Dragon
10) Persona 3




1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Final Fantasy VI
5) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
6) Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
7) The World Ends With You
8) Xenogears
9) Kingdom Hearts
10) Final Fantasy III



car breaker  

1) Kingdom Hearts
2) Kingdom Hearts II
3) Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
4) Final Fantasy IX
5) Final Fantasy VI
6) Legend of Dragoon
7) Chrono Cross
8) Ys Seven
9) Threads of Fate
10) Front Mission 3




1) Final Fantasy X
2) Final Fantasy VIII
3) Final Fantasy IX
4) Phantasy Star
5) Final Fantasy VI
6) Lost Odyssey
7) Last Story
8) Persona 4
9) Rogue Galaxy
10) Chrono Cross



Rush Sykes  

1) The Last Remnant
2) Lost Odyssey
3) Eternal Sonata
4) Tales of Vesperia
5) Final Fantasy VIII
6) Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
7) Blue Dragon
8) Final Fantasy X
9) Final Fantasy XIII
10) Resonance of Fate




1) Final Fantasy VIII
2) Final Fantasy IX
3) Final Fantasy VII
4) The Last Remnant
5) Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
6) Final Fantasy X
7) Final Fantasy XII
8) Chrono Trigger
9) Final Fantasy
10) Final Fantasy III




1) Skies of Arcadia
2) Xenogears
3) Final Fantasy VIII
4) Parasite Eve
5) Final Fantasy X
6) Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht
7) Front Mission 3
8) Legend of Dragoon
9) Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
10) The World Ends With You




1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Xenogears
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Suikoden II
5) Final Fantasy VI
6) Final Fantasy X
7) Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
8) Persona 4
9) Suikoden V
10) Vagrant Story




1) Persona 3
2) Front Mission 5
3) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
4) Hyperdimension Neptunia
5) Parasite Eve
6) Persona 4
7) Front Mission 4
8) Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
9) Front Mission 3
10) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga



Андрей Сажин  

1) The World Ends with You
2) Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
3) Shin Megami Tensei IV
4) Etrian Odyssey
5) Dragon Quest VII
6) Tales of Graces F
7) Dragon Quest VIII
8) Final Fantasy XII
9) Xenoblade Chronicles
10) Bravely Default 




1) Phantasy Star IV
2) Chrono Trigger
3) Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
4) Final Fantasy VI
5) Pokemon Black and White
6) Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
7) Xenogears
8) Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
9) EarthBound
10) Shadow Hearts: Covenant




1) Breath of Fire 3
2) Xenogears
3) Xenosaga I
4) Dragon Quest VIII
5) Persona 4 Golden
6) Vanguard Bandits
7) Chrono Cross
8) Earthbound
9) Legend of Mana
10) Final Fantasy XII




1) Final Fantasy X
2) Chrono Trigger
3) Dragon Quest VIII
4) Persona 5
5) Golden Sun
6) Tales of the Abyss
7) Final Fantasy VIII
8) Disgaea
9) Valkyria Chronicles
10) Final Fantasy VII
11) Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis




1) Xenogears

2) Vanguard Bandits

3) Final Fantasy III

4) Final Fantasy VII

5) Persona 5

6) Tales of Berseria 

7) Fire Emblem Awakening

8) Dragon Quest VIII

9) Final Fantasy IX

10) Pokemon Black



1) Persona 3

2) Final Fantasy X

3) Persona 4

4) Final Fantasy VI

5) Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII

6) Valkyrie Profile

7) Persona 2: Innocent Sin

8) Final Fantasy Tactics

9) Kingdom Hearts

10) Xenoblade Chronicles



1) Xenogears
2) Chrono Cross
3) Valkyrie Profile
4) Shadow Hearts: Covenant
5) Front Mission 3
6) Lunar: The Silver Star
7) Final Fantasy VIII
8) Phantasy Star 2
9) Parasite Eve 1
10) The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky



1) Shining Force 2
2) Shining Force 1
3) Chrono Trigger
4) Xenogears
5) Xenoblade Chronicles
6) Legend of Dragoon
7) Legend of Mana
8) Breath of Fire 4
9) Saiyuki Journey West
10) Phantasy Star 2



1) Persona 5
2) Final Fantasy X
3) Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
4) Valkyria Chronicles
5) Final Fantasy VIII
6) Resonance of Fate
7) Persona 4
8) Stella Deus
9) Final Fantasy IX
10) Koudelka


Сергей Калашников

1) Xenogears

2) Final Fantasy VII

3) Breath of Fire III

4) Chrono Trigger

5) SaGa Frontier

6) Chrono Cross

7) Persona 4 Golden

8) Final Fantasy XII 

9) Final Fantasy XIII-2

10) Kingdom Hearts 2



1) Grandia 2
2) Final Fantasy X
3) Kingdom Hearts 2
4) Persona 4
5) Star Ocean 2
6) Lost Odyssey
7) Parasite Eve
8) Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
9) Dragon Quest XI
10) Skies of Arcadia


1) Final Fantasy VIII

2) Xenoblade Chronicles

3) Xenoblade Chronicles 2

4) Lunar Silver Star Story 2

5) Atelier Ryza

6) Tales of Vesperia

7) Tales of the Abyss

8) YS Memories of Celceta

9) YS Lacrimosa of Dana

10) Dragon Quest XI





Вступление открытое, для быстрого поиска обращайтесь ко мне, PSN ID: OkarinYukarin


Результаты Опросов:














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2 часа назад, Zenforso сказал:

получше той что на пс2 будет ибо там самые раздражающие механики сделали лучше поэтому это наверно лучший дк в принципе

А что там поменяли?:57a8bd5f05fbe_FROG21:

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51 минуту назад, TA_Rubedo сказал:

А что там поменяли?:57a8bd5f05fbe_FROG21:

Там врагов на карте видно сразу теперь, режим фотокамеры сделали, перемотку боёв, персонажа нового добавили и по мелочи (новые Данжи, костюмы, рецепты, оружие и возможность пожениться с Джессикой). Из минусов, это упростили графон и миди музыка в западной версии

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1 минуту назад, Truselyandr сказал:

возможность пожениться с Джессикой

Ну это все меняет!!:McConaughey:

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TA_Rubedo для меня главным образом круто что там наконец видно во что ты вкачиваешь персонажа (до этого на верочку качаешь разное оружие), ну и когда врагов видно и нет рандом энкаунтеров лучше мир исследовать можно. И этот дурацкий алхим котёл больше не варит предметы по миллион лет а сразу выдает результат. Доп боссы и остальные приятные мелочи, и да добавили ДВУХ персонажей, но по ощущениям они не очень так что бродил с классик пати :troll_face_3:

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24 минуты назад, OkaRin сказал:


Отлично выглядит, жаль подпортили впечатление игрой приквелом, и надеюсь обещанный русский перевод не будет сделан той же командой что локализовала приквел.

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Zenforso А что с приквелом не так? так-то его другая студия делала, ну и понятно что на сдачу от пары плошек риса)

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4 минуты назад, OkaRin сказал:

Zenforso А что с приквелом не так? так-то его другая студия делала

Ну лор и персонажи совпадают, и он тоже сильно meh, плюс они взяли это дело под свой флаг - значит одобрили. Допустим если бы Bloodstained Curse of the Moon вышел бы так себе, то начал бы сомневаться в качественном подходе и по поводу Bloodstained Ritual of the Night хотя тоже разные студии, но кикстартер компания одна.


А в остальном с этой игрой приквелом почти все не так, уже обмусолили в теме по самой игре (это я про общую тему Suikoden если что) :troll_face_63:

Изменено пользователем Zenforso

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Это то что под сайкоден косит?


Приквел это то что для мобил вышло? Там же вообще другая тема с игрой.

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13 часов назад, TA_Rubedo сказал:

Это то что под сайкоден косит?


Приквел это то что для мобил вышло? Там же вообще другая тема с игрой.

Эюден от создателей Суикоден с той же тематикой игра, для тех кто не в теме. Собери под 100+ персонажей в JRPG с тем же геймплеем по большей части, они собрали как и Ига на доп игру, которая метроидвания приквел и она чистой воды проходняк.


Приквел притом day 1 в геймпассе, как и сама игра потом будет. Только обладателям геймпасса собственно и советуется, иначе деньги на ветер.

Изменено пользователем Zenforso

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Zenforso Не может быть, расскажи еще чего интересного, а то никто не в теме :57a8bd5a0af02_FROG1:


Я о том что та игра вообще быстро была сделана чтоб видимо как-то название в ход пустить и жанр другой. Просто проводить связь меж этих игр, ну не знаю...

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11 минут назад, TA_Rubedo сказал:

асскажи еще чего интересного, а то никто не в теме

С учетом того что ты написал, да ты явно не в теме, без обид :troll_face_3:

А как не проводить связь? Тот же мир, персонажи что участвовали там напрямую в сюжете, есть и в основной игре (даже в трейлере). Концепты, мир и лор же и прочее все равно те же люди делали и потом уже сам процесс обрабатывала другая студия, ты так говоришь будто они вообще в ваакуме друг от друга существуют, какие-то вы наивные люди :troll_face_63:

Притом разрыв по времени явно минимальный, персонажи что были в приквеле и в основной явно не позврослели даже на год.

Изменено пользователем Zenforso

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55 минут назад, Zenforso сказал:

без обид :troll_face_3:

Я уточнил, на всякий, а то эти японские названия перемешались в голове. Поэтому да, в обиде теперь :frog28:

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Двойной кикстартер от бать это что-то новенькое:McConaughey:. Успехов обоим.:agree:



Wild Arms creator Akifumi Kaneko and Shadow Hearts creator Matsuzo Machida are back with new large-scale RPGs Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood, and are asking for the community’s support via a “Double Kickstarter” crowdfunding campaign launching on August 29.

Gematsu had the opportunity to talk to Kaneko and Machida about their new projects, as well as learn more about the Double Kickstarter campaign that will decide whether each project progresses beyond the prototype phase.


Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts creators to launch Double Kickstarter campaign for spiritual successors Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood

WILD BUNCH Productions, a company founded by the core team that created Wild Arms, and …

Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness


What makes Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness a spiritual successor to Wild Arms? What major elements does it carry over?

Akifumi Kaneko, Lead Game Designer: “None of the story or characters from the Wild Arms series will be carried over.

“However, the setting of a wilderness on the brink of destruction, and the story that is a mix of Western and Fantasy will be similar.

“I would say my personal tastes and style as a game designer will also be carried over throughout the story as well.”

The protagonist Ingram is a Pathfinder, which is an adventurer similar to the Drifters of Wild Arms. What separates Pathfinders from Drifters?

Kaneko: “This is simply a difference in how the translator chose to express the word. In Japanese, we use the term “wataridori” (literally “migratory bird”, this term was used in all Wild Arms games as well).

“It’s meant to evoke an image of an adventurer who doesn’t live in any one place, who lives free like a bird.

“60 years ago, there was a main character in a Japanese movie that was called ‘wataridori.’ He was a vagabond who solved the problems of the towns he visited and then would go back on his journey. Sort of like the Western movie Shane. That’s what I had in mind when choosing this name.

“The translation of “Pathfinder” this time around has a very romantic, but powerful, reassuring feel to it. I’m quite fond of it.”

Can you tell us more about Ingram and companions Euclid and Alicia? Who are they and how will their paths cross?

Kaneko: “Euclid is Ingram’s childhood friend. They meet again as a means to fulfill a promise they made when they were young. But Ingram has forgotten most of his memories from that period. The story starts when those two cross paths.

“Their meeting with Alicia is more shocking. At this time I can’t go into much of the details, but what I can say is there’s a dramatic car chase scene.

“Alicia uses a large spear and shield as her weapon and is a very powerful warrior, but she has a very bright, social personality as well.”


The concept of ARMs also returns, and this one by the same name. The meaning of “ARM” varies from one Wild Arms game to the next, and the same is true here. Can you talk more about Aether Reaction Maximizers and their significance in the world of Armed Fantasia?

Kaneko: “My apologies, but since that would get into some very important parts of the story I can’t reveal much at the moment.

“What I can say is that there is an organization that is trying to control the world, and ARMs are weapons they have created for many years.

“ARMs take the magic power within the user (Aether) and turn it into power. This makes them able to unleash much more power than any normal weapons.

“That’s why in the story, most adventurers who wander the wilderness use ARMs.”

Tools are another returning concept, this time under the name Gadgets. In Wild Arms, Tools were used to clear dungeon obstacles and the same is true in Armed Fantasia. Can we expect any freedom in utilizing these Gadgets to solve puzzles, or will there always be one route or solution?

Kaneko: “We’re still figuring out the specifics for this, but stuff like using bombs to blow up rocks in your path… that kind of thing.

“For puzzles or times you need to use Gadgets to get by, we definitely want to make it so there are multiple solutions.

“However, in order to do that, we will need a lot more development funds. At the moment, before the Kickstarter has even begun, we can’t say for sure whether or not that will be possible.

“But that’s certainly one thing we would love to include in the game.”


Armed Fantasia is described as a large-scale JRPG adventure with a gigantic world map that players will travel across on foot and in various vehicles. How “gigantic” can we expect the world to be? And what kind of vehicles will we be using to traverse it?

Kaneko: “The world map is going to be gigantic. I want it to be so big that there isn’t a word to express how big it is.

“For vehicles, we’re planning on having vehicles for land, sea, and air. By acquiring said vehicles, it will make it easier to explore the nooks and crannies of the world.”

Is the world map a traditional-style world map (e.g. Wild Arms 1, Final Fantasy VII) or will it be rendered at the same scale as dungeons, towns, etc.?

Kaneko: “We’re currently figuring out the specifics for that. Honestly, things might change depending on how much we get in terms of development funding.

“In my personal opinion, I hope we don’t have to limit it to the size of towns or dungeons.”

What kind of activities will there be for players to come across on the world map?

Kaneko: “Movement and exploration will be the main things to do on the world map. However, if possible I’d like to include some puzzle solving elements from my previous works as well.

“We hope you look forward to what’s in store.”

I probably should have been more clear. Will there be any additional activities such as side quests?

Kaneko: “We’re currently trying to make the world map as gigantic as possible and we want to include exploration elements as well as side quests for the player to complete.

“Also, there’s a new element that wasn’t in my past games where you can use Character Actions on the world map and Gadgets as well. We’re working on making it so there are plenty of things for the player to overcome on the world map as they play. We hope you look forward to it!”


Can you talk about the turn-based Cross Order Tactics battle system? What are Chain Order and Force Breaks, and how can they be utilized to battle more strategically?

Kaneko: “Order Chains are when the characters attack the same enemy one after another. It increases the attack power of their attacks and the effects of the skills they use.

“Order Chains can not only be used by the party, but they can be used by enemies as well.

“Because of that, there will be times where you’ll see enemies trying to set up an Order Chain and you’ll have to interrupt the turn order in order to stop them from doing an Order Chain. If you don’t, you’ll wind up taking a ton of damage.

“Force Breaks are flashy techniques that are another source of damage for your team. If your Force Break gauge is filled, you can use a Force Break whenever you want during the turn order. For example…

  • “You can use this to pull off a move that hits all enemies before the enemies get their turns.
  • “At the end of everyone’s turns, you can recover an ally’s HP.

“Depending on how you use it, it can become a very strategic part of your battles.

“And again, you can use them whenever you want during the turn order. So you can use them to interrupt an enemy’s Order Chain, like we talked about above.”

We’ve talked about the similarities between Armed Fantasia and its predecessor, but what are you doing this time around that is all-new or that you were not able to do before in Wild Arms?

Kaneko: “Everything we’ve revealed has been prepared specifically for the Kickstarter. The actual development of the game will happen once the Kickstarter is over.

“Because of that, there isn’t a lot I can give very precise answers about.

“That said, the gigantic, gorgeous world map is one of the features we want to include in the game.

“Back when I developed Wild Arms 4, various circumstances caused us to have to leave out the world map entirely. The frustration I felt from that time remains within my heart to this day. That’s why I want to include the best high quality world map I can in this new title.


While you (Wild Arms creator Akifumi Kaneko) are of course helming Armed Fantasia, what other key staff from the series is returning for the spiritual successor?

Kaneko: “Our character designer, composers, and directors are all people that worked with me on the Wild Arms series. It is very reassuring to have them backing me again.

“And not only that, but our new staff members are great too and all have wonderful careers in the industry.

“I am proud to have the best of both worlds, designers of both traditional and new games in one amazing team.”

For our final inquiry, please use this opportunity to share a message with the fans.

Kaneko: “Hello! My name is Kaneko, and I am the overall game designer and scenario writer for Armed Fantasia.

“Since the end of the Wild Arms series 15 years ago, I’ve created other action games and created anime as well. But I had no idea that so many fans outside of Japan would be supportive of my return to JRPG creation. Thank you all so very much. It is an honor.

“We’re working hard developing the new game in a way that meets all of your expectations. Please consider supporting the campaign!”

Penny Blood


What makes Penny Blood a spiritual successor to Shadow Hearts? What major elements does it carry over?

Matsuzo Machida, Lead Game Designer: “The fact that it’s a game set in modern times that deeply explores the shadows of history, and its horror aspects such as black magic and creepy creatures are two major elements that PB has inherited from its predecessors. The detective aspect of investigating and solving bizarre murder incidents, on the other hand, would be one new major element.

“The game will also have a very sad, tragic story that overarches everything, but this is an element that represents my own thoughts on life and the world rather than something I’ve carried over from a previous work.”

The protagonist Matthew is an investigator cursed with transformation abilities inherited from his father, which he must use to vanquish creatures and uncover the truth behind a bizarre incident. What elements of cosmic horror can we expect to encounter in this story?

Machida: “Matthew is an Inheritor—one who has inherited “Old Blood.” In his case, the power of his blood allows him to transform into fusion monsters.

“As he goes on to solve various bizarre incidents, Matthew will close in on a criminal hiding in the shadows who is slowly becoming a threat to all of the human race. He’ll also run into a slew of other monsters… And maybe even some from the Cthulhu Mythos which you might be familiar with.”

Matthew has a complicated relationship with his abilities, hating them, but using the gift he despises to defeat evil. Will that relationship be reflected in the gameplay at all?

Machida: “I designed the game systems of my previous games in a way that they would reflect the main character’s psyche, and it’s become a large characteristic of the way I approach game design.

“The same is true in Penny Blood. Matthew, the main character, will wander through the ‘Graveyard’—the abyss of his own heart. To Matthew, it looks like the creepy traveling carnival that his father took him to when he was a child. As Matthew experiences the different attractions, he’ll face his trauma and all the anguish that comes with it. This is a path he cannot avoid if he wishes to unlock new fusion monsters.”

The Graveyard will also hide great mysteries and affect which ending each player unlocks.


Can you tell us more about Matthew and companions Emilia and Suseri? Who are they and how will their paths cross?

Machida: “At first, Matthew prepares to dispassionately complete his new job just like every other one that’s been assigned to him… But as he proceeds with the investigation, he starts searching for Emilia, a woman who went missing while in Japan. Matthew’s meeting with Emilia will greatly change the course of his life. Suseri is someone who helps Matthew out while he’s in Japan. No… perhaps ‘surveillance agent’ is more accurate.”

Like the Shadow Hearts series, Penny Blood will have players exploring multiple locations across the world, including New York, Japan, China, and Europe. Given the variety of locations, what can we expect in terms of the scale of each new place we visit?

Machida: “I’m very interested in the world of 100 years ago, and overjoyed that I can set Penny Blood in that time period. The same countries still exist in our time period, but their cultures and relationships have changed a great deal. I hope to depict these elements in a fresh manner through a visual story.

“The size of each town will depend on its location, but my aim is to make them each ‘just the right size,’ and of course fill them with unsettling and striking landscapes.”

The overworld map is described as a bird’s-eye view-style display. Does that mean we can expect a more traditional-style method of traversal (e.g. Wild Arms 1, Final Fantasy VII), or is it selection-based?

Machida:Penny Blood will be a game where you dive deep and explore a cramped, yet profound world, rather than one where you adventure across a vast world map.

“Our current plan for the world map is that it will be selection-based and displayed from a bird’s eye view, but we plan to create it in 3D so that players can change the perspective to find hidden landmarks or new routes that can lead them to important evidence. We really want players to become immersed in the detective / special agent role, even when they’re on the world map!”

Besides the story, what other activities can players look forward to doing in Penny Blood?

Machida: “Aside from the overarching story of Penny Blood, which will be its main focus, there will also be several sub-quests (side stories) that the player can engage in.

“The sub-quests will solving cases by using technology that had just been introduced at the start of the 20th century. This includes fingerprinting, voiceprint profiling, mental profiling such as Rorschach tests, and other pioneering methods of criminal profiling that rely on science to nail criminals. Through Matthew, players will be able to experience what it’s like to explore the world of Penny Blood as a professional investigator.”


Can you talk about the turn-based Psycho Sigil battle system? How does the twitch-trigger reaction strengthen attacks and keep the player more involved compared to traditional turn-based battle systems?

Machida: “The original idea for the Psycho Sigil came to me when I was trying to imagine a way to depict a character’s soul—an otherwise invisible thing. I needed a way to graphically display a character’s lineage, personality, and trauma, and also in a way that would allow it to transform as the story progresses. I thought it’d be a great way to depict the unique aspects of each character.

As for how it works, each sigil contains shining dots that represent spots the player is supposed to hit. The player’s goal is to hit the button when the “moving light passes over each spot at the proper timing. The Psycho Sigil will serve as an important tool for succeeding in both battles and events.

“Attaining a perfect with a Psycho Sigil input during an attack will allow you to do things like kill a normal enemy in one hit or perform a combo attack. For the latter, there will be a randomness to it. Combo attacks won’t simply link up separate attacks from different characters – they will each have their own animation, where characters gang up on the enemy together. Discovering the hidden combo attacks for each of the unique characters will be part of the fun of Penny Blood‘s battle system.”

The Fusion system from Shadow Hearts returns in Penny Blood, allowing Matthew to utilize monsters in battle. How has that been enhanced or changed this time around?

Machida: “The concept I used in my previous series was “devils,” which was influenced by Devilman, a personal favorite of mine, but this time I’m focusing more on myths and legends. With Matthew, I wanted to focus on the ‘holy’ nature of heroes that appear in fairy tales, so I decided to go with knights. But they aren’t just normal knights—they’re spectral knights. I really put a lot of care into each of their designs. I wanted to make each knight unique, with equal helps of style and creepiness, in order to turn them into special creatures you can only see in Penny Blood.”

Sanity Points also return, which keep your party members in check from succumbing to darkness. Can you tell us more about that? Does this have any consequences outside of battle?

Machida: “The aspect of the battle system that evolved the most for Penny Blood is actually how the Sanity Points (SAN) affect things.

“In my previous series, when a character’s sanity points reached zero, they would go berserk and the player would no longer be able to control them. In Penny Blood, the player will be able to go on controlling characters with zero sanity. Characters who go mad will receive attack boosts and become stronger, but if they take any damage, they’ll gain sanity points and become sane again—just like when you slap someone who’s gone berserk in order to help them get a hold of themselves. In order to defeat powerful foes, players will need to strategize and constantly dance back and forth between the realms of sanity and madness.

“We’re currently investigating how to use sanity points outside of battle. They may be involved in certain events, such as performing black magic rituals…”


We’ve talked about the similarities between Penny Blood and its predecessor, but what are you doing this time around that is all-new or that you were not able to do before in Shadow Hearts?

Machida: “By setting this game as a product aimed for adults (18+) from the start, I aim to restore the creepiness and grotesque atmosphere that gradually faded out from my previous series and see how far I can really take things. Of course, I don’t intend to just make this some messy splatterfest. No matter how grotesque a scene gets, I still want it to excite players and give them an exhilarating feeling.”

While you (Shadow Hearts creator Matsuzo Machida) are of course helming Penny Blood, what other key staff from the series is returning for the spiritual successor?

Machida: “Currently, Kato-san, the character designer and art director, and Hirota-san, the main composer, have been fully involved in the game’s production. There is a high possibility that several other people who worked on my previous series will take part in this project as well. However, you can trust that every staff member of my current team is amazing in their own way, and that Penny Blood will be a completely new creation that can stand on its own.”

For our final inquiry, please use this opportunity to share a message with the fans.

Machida: “It’s nice to meet you, everyone. I am Machida, the general director and scriptwriter for Penny Blood. We’re deeply grateful for all the passionate support fans all around the world are giving us as we embark on this new challenge of ours.

“A new type of RPG filled with love, tears, and laughs is about to resurrect right here and now, wearing a newly-polished dark horror dress! Please give us your support!!”

Double Kickstarter Campaign

What brought these two projects together into a single Kickstarter campaign?

Publicist: “The Japanese game industry is fairly small, and Kaneko-san and Machida-san ended up bumping into each other at a gathering. Both creators knew of each other and talked about how fans wanted a sequel. That conversation ended up being a motivator for them and they began talking to publishers. Unfortunately, it had been so long and neither Wild Arms or Shadow Hearts were as famous as Final Fantasy, so they were told they needed to prove there was adequate demand for the titles. In seeing Eiyuden Chronicle go through a similar path, they decided going to crowdfunding would be the right way to prove out user demand.”

How has the success of Kickstarter campaigns for other notable spiritual successors (Bloodstained, Eiyuden Chronicle, etc.) influenced the launch of the Double Kickstarter campaign?

Publicist: “It gave us enough confidence to create new assets and go down this path. We talked with many different publishers and they all needed a proof of concept so seeing other developers get the opportunity to make a new game via crowdfunding helped inform this decision.”

The “Combo Meter” concept is interesting as it allows backers to support both games even if they are technically only backing one. How did that idea come about?

Publicist: “One of our planners loves how you are seeing a lot of different collaborations like Naruto in Fortnite and how publishers like Capcom and Bandai Namco have worked together on the same title. So we just started thinking about what elements could fit in both games without breaking the different game worlds.”

Similarly, the community game campaign seems to allow users to support the game without funding the game at all. What kind of stretch goals and upgrades can we expect to come out of that?

Publicist: “The community game is largely focused on upgrading the different merchandise that you will get when you pledge for a reward. We understand people have limited amount of money they can pledge to a campaign so our hope is that by supporting the game via the community game you are helping to raise awareness and improve the rewards for all backers.”

Are both projects equally as far along in development?

Publicist: “Both games are in the prototype phase but will only continue if the crowdfunding goals are met.”

Thank you for your time, everyone!


Кик пока не стартанул, страничка: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doublekickstarter/armed-fantasia-and-penny-blood

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21 минуту назад, OkaRin сказал:

Двойной кикстартер от бать это что-то новенькое:McConaughey:. Успехов обоим.:agree:

Кик пока не стартанул, страничка: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doublekickstarter/armed-fantasia-and-penny-blood

Ни чё се жирок, а главное что еще и графонисто, а не пиксельное-олдовое как обычно в таких случаях бывает.


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Упущенный шанс назвать вторую игру Penny's Blood и заставить весь мир хихикать при упоминании игры.

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Armed Fantasia выглядит заманчиво, но так как еще даже кикстартер не запустился, то до релиза еще дожить нужно.

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Изменено пользователем IDN

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Metal max 3

90 часов.... Добрался до финального данжа....

Я не хочу вылезать из этой игры!

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3 часа назад, delete сказал:

Metal max 3

90 часов.... Добрался до финального данжа....

Я не хочу вылезать из этой игры!

3-я часть как-то связана с остальными? :57a8bd5f05fbe_FROG21:

И где её можно купить? Посмотрел на ebay она там 200 баксов стоит. :McConaughey:

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4 минуты назад, Truselyandr сказал:


И где её можно купить? Посмотрел на ebay она там 200 баксов стоит. :McConaughey:

Только пиратить:troll_face_51:

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