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Dragon's Dogma 2

Mountain View


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1 минуту назад, gesNake сказал:



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4 минуты назад, Mountain View сказал:

Нестабильная производительность на консолях из-за разблокированного фреймрейта

Господи, неужели они оставили это? Если так, я буду оч расстроен, потому что, на мой взгляд, это очень тупое решение. 

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2 минуты назад, Призрак с Парты сказал:

Ну всё, Ронин подождёт :troll_face_31:

Не, тигры ждать не могут, а вот грифоны всякие пусть чилят пока :57a8bd5b0d1ba_FROG5:

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пока режим 60фпс не завезут - моих деняк не получат:frog29:

ну реально че сложного блин урезать эти ненужные 4к

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По инфе IGN - 25+ часов уйдет чисто на сюжетку (с небольшими отклонениями).

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3 минуты назад, gesNake сказал:

завтра обзоры на рис ронина на 90+

Каждому тигру берёшь по копии значит.

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19 часов назад, Mountain View сказал:

Кэпком не должна прерывать свое комбо SF6-RE4-DD2




1 минуту назад, OkaRin сказал:

Mountain View Ну всё, катится обратно хайптрейн, опустится ниже 88 - НЕ ИГРА!:clever:




комбо прервано  :knack6:

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GameSpot - 9/10

It's not often that a cult classic gets the green light for a sequel, especially 12 years after the original game was released. Capcom hasn't tried to make Dragon's Dogma 2 more palatable to potentially attract a wider audience, either. It stuck to the first game's core values and expanded upon them to create a bigger and better game that consistently delights in its approach to seamless exploration and the thrill of adventure. This means it feels very familiar in a lot of ways, but it's a game for those who fell in love with the original, despite its flaws, and will hopefully find an entirely new audience who perhaps never gave the first game a chance. Even after 40 hours, my heart continues to grow fonder for this special game. It's an exceptional achievement that's quite unlike anything else, and I wouldn't hesitate to place it amongst the pantheon of Capcom's very best.


IGN - 8/10

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a strange and wonderful game that seems haunted by some of yesteryear's bugaboos. It is a retelling and reimplementation of all of those wonderful ideas from the 2012 cult-classic, including an awesome dynamic world and some of the best combat in the genre that integrates a subtle but amazingly complex physics system. On the other hand, its finicky ally AI, clunky climbing, choppy frame rate, and camera with a habit of going haywire at the worst times are all "features" I wish hadn't been brought back for another round. Even so, there's an action-RPG here that's richly rewarding and incomparable to its contemporaries if you can be patient with its quirks and open to embracing its hands-off open-world and quest designs.


Eurogamer - 5/5

I do think a lot of what Dragon's Dogma 2 does scratches an itch for me, and that some of the things I love about it are specific to me. But the longer I've played it the less I've worried about my own bias towards it. Even if I hadn't have played the first Dragon's Dogma, I can tell you with complete certainty that I'd have come to same conclusion I have now, and I'd have given Dragon's Dogma 2 the same score I have now, simply because no other game in recent memory has inspired the same feeling of captivation and wonder in me. The joy of discovery lies within all of us, and Dragon's Dogma 2 succeeds in evoking that magical feeling in a way no other game has before it.


Push Square - Score Pending

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute masterpiece in terms of offering a true sense of adventure. Fans of the first game shouldn't even begin to hesitate; this is everything that Dragon's Dogma wanted to be back in 2012, and it's utterly glorious at its best. But even if you're newly Arisen, this sequel stands alongside some of the greatest open world journeys in gaming — an unruly frame rate its only disappointing blemish.
Again, once we've wrapped up the main quest and dabbled in New Game+, we'll be back to offer our final thoughts along with a score.


The Guardian - 4/5

If this review feels chaotic, then that's a fair reflection of the game. It is mad, fun, fantastical chaos and I honestly love it. Before I started writing this, I had left my Arisen and her endearingly incompetent pawn in an ancient battleground patrolled by a dragon. We blasted it with a couple of ballista bolts, and then it flew over and crushed the ballista with a claw, at which point I realised we were somewhat outgunned here and ran for some castle ruins to hide from the creature. This seemed like a good idea until skeletal warriors rose from the ground, and I realised the castle is extremely haunted. I don't know how we'll get out of this situation. But I do know it will be an adventure.


PC Gamer - 89/100

In 2022, I wrote "Please don't change anything for Dragon's Dogma 2". Obviously Capcom hasn't just made the same game again—the quests are more impactful (if wonky), the world is bigger, the combat is more elaborate, and there are some welcome quality of life features. But really this is just more Dragon's Dogma. More huge monsters to fight, more adventures with a wonderful cast of pawns, more creatures to pick up and throw at their pals. It is very good and I am very, very tired.


VG247 - 5/5

Dragon's Dogma 2 is wickedly clever, tightly designed, self-aware in all the right ways, and refreshingly unconcerned with whatever the latest trends are. The only game Dragon's Dogma 2 is really interested in iterating on and answering to is the original Dragon's Dogma. For fans of that game there's delightful bonuses, references, and punch-the-air moments, too. But even for newcomers, what should be plain is that Dragon's Dogma 2 does its own thing - and its own thing is magnificent.


RPG Site - 10/10

Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute triumph in nearly every sense of the word. There's so much more I could share about my playthrough, but this is a game best worth experiencing blind - letting your own actions dictate the story you tell. So, immerse yourself; "learn aught of this world you must protect". Dragon's Dogma 2 is a bold and brave leap forward for RPGs, inviting you to come along for an unforgettable journey that will be uniquely yours. All that awaits is that very first step.


Metro - 7/10

Dragon's Dogma 2 looks lovely, the bucolic idyll of its landscapes punctuated by massive monsters, mountains, deserts, and plenty of lethal deep water rivers and lakes. Battles can be drawn out and tactically interesting but outside of its core mechanics and addictive levelling up, the lack of plot and overarching similarities with previous outings make for an overfamiliar and ultimately underwhelming return.


TechRaptor - 8.5/10

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a massive experience and despite the core main quest, I think it'll be different for everyone depending on what you make of it. That you can spend hours upon hours doing naught but the main story speaks volumes of what they've created here, and the emphasis on free roam builds a lot towards getting the most out of all the systems Dragon's Dogma 2 has to offer.


Destructoid - Unscored

Even though I have plenty of Dragon's Dogma 2 to experience, I'm already incredibly immersed in the journey. If you've played the original, you know exactly what you're getting here. If you haven't—why haven't you?!—you can expect a massive living open-world RPG with rewarding combat and an intriguing storyline. It's not a seamless experience, but in my 40 hours of play it's certainly been a worthwhile one.


Shack News - 9/10

Despite some annoying technical issues, Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute feast of an RPG. It's cliche to say, but it genuinely feels like there is something to discover at every corner. There's a variety of ways to build your character and party, and the Pawn system feels like it should be the standard for similar games moving forward. Capcom has once again shown a deep understanding of why its games resonate so well with people, and Dragon's Dogma 2 is one we'll be talking about for years to come.


God is a Geek - 9/10

This sequel is exactly what veterans will be expecting, and, frankly, wanting – and I couldn't be happier that it finally got made, as double-edged as that may be. It can be incredibly stubborn, annoyingly obtuse, and occasionally awkward, but it's also huge and beautiful, filled with adventure, danger, and wonder, and if you're willing to immerse yourself in its systems and play it the way it was intended to be played, there's simply no other action RPG experience like it.


Wccftech - 8/10

Make no mistake: Dragon's Dogma 2 is a highly enjoyable fantasy action/adventure with RPG elements that will provide you with about 40 hours of pure fun. Its peerless sense of exploration, meaty combat system, and stunning visuals will motivate you throughout the entire playthrough. Just don't expect to find a fantasy world simulator or, indeed, a narrative worth remembering.


Console Creatures - Unscored

I'm having a lot of fun with Dragon's Dogma 2, but I have much more to go before I can finally rate the experience. However, I felt it was much better than expected once I cleared the initial hurdle. Based on what I've played for about 35 hours, I can see why the original was such a cult hit. Over a decade later, though, with the technology finally capable of providing the horsepower to deliver Itsuno's vision, stepping into the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 leaves a lasting impression far more positive than I expected.


NME - 5/5

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a sprawling RPG adventure that innovates on the absolute best open world design trends while encouraging and rewarding player agency. There's potential for players to pour hundreds of hours into this world and still not see everything there is to see. This, combined with top-of-the-range combat, makes for one of the most exciting games we've played this decade.


Digital Spy - 4/5

Dragon's Dogma 2's blend of weird is an adventure at least worth digging your claws into. That's because Dragon's Dogma 2 is just so damn interesting. It walks a tightrope of intrigue that balances quirky systems, fun combat and obscure secrets with frustrating circumstances, weird world-building and curious design choices, and somehow manages to make it across, and if you embrace all it has to offer, you might too.


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веселая нарезка чертей 


с 3 (технически 4 раза) видимо получилось у него сделать что он там 15 лет назад придумал 

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че там игрожур пишет про фпс и сайд-квесты, про сюжет и его подачу?



Луна будет?




Нестабильная производительность на консолях из-за разблокированного фреймрейта

Довольно простой сюжет с не самой увлекательной первой половиной

Иногда игра кажется неуклюжей, в том числе во время сражений

Есть технические проблемы


Осталось про сайды узнать.

Изменено пользователем FKNerv

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Только что, Призрак с Парты сказал:

Каждому тигру берёшь по копии значит.



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30 минут назад, OkaRin сказал:


О нет...Мне нужно самому искать и читать квесты?:57a8bd5cb224b_FROG12:

Провал года. Провал десятилетия. БОЙКОТ!!!!:frog22:

Изменено пользователем Alekzan

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2 минуты назад, gesNake сказал:



Ясно, записал в блокнотик, ручкой :troll_face_22:

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Ицуно, спасибо за работу, а теперь давай делай мне DMC6 :57a8bd5c741d1_FROG11:

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Если еще и ронин получит 90+ то нынче любая японская игра получает 90+ от игрожура заочно. 

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Забавно как игрожур пишет про есть проблемы в тех части

В 2024 году игра барахтается в 30 фпс, это не проблема, это писец пушистый.

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Не услышал ничего про сложность. Кто уловил, как там дела со сложностью? В слитом стриме чел говорил что сложность и количество смертей у него на уровне элден инга (много), как на самом деле?

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8 минут назад, Greidis сказал:

Если еще и ронин получит 90+ то нынче любая японская игра получает 90+ от игрожура заочно. 

Япония встала с колен!

(шутка, она и не опускалась)

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33 минуты назад, SVTR сказал:


Пишут, что по умолчанию включены трассировка (кроме XS) и разблокированный фпс, последнее отключить нельзя. Нахрена? На видео дропы с 40 до 30-31 в замесах. Реально, кто-то может объяснить ценность такой фичи, пожалуйста? Чтобы какое-то время где-нибудь на опушке или в лесу наблюдать относительно ровные и плавные 40 фпс, а через пару шагов заставлять страдать свои глаза резким дропом? Бог мой, как у меня горит. 

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На прошке все будет норм:trollface-new:

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Хочу начать вором, и вот думаю кого лучше себе в основного компаньона взять. Еще одного милишника, или наоборот мага. Кто какой отряд планирует брать? 

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Паверпух пишет 60-100 часов на платину по гайду



Dragon’s Dogma 2 Story Length:

The game only features one difficulty and minimal cutscenes. The time it takes to finish the story is completely dependent on how much side content you do.


20 Hours for a Story-Focused playthrough (ignoring side content) and following a Walkthrough for solutions

40 Hours if searching for everything yourself and doing a good amount of side content. This is what will be applicable to most players.


On average, plan in around 40 hours for the first playthrough. 

A second playthrough would be significantly shorter, the game can be rushed in under 10 hours if you already know where to go.

There is New Game+, your level and equipment carries over.


100% Completion / Platinum Trophy Length:

Platinum Length = Around 60-100 Hours (with guide).

100% Completion = 100 Hours+ (all side quests and collectibles)


For platinum / 1000 Gamerscore you need to do most of the side content but not all of it. Some side quests are tied to trophies and Maister Teachings, others are not. So you’d only need to play the trophy relevant ones. For trophies/achievements you only need 80 of 240 Seeker Tokens, so the majority of collectibles isn’t mandatory.


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