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Final Fantasy XV

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Музыка классная! Ну, графон ничего так... Все.


И что они сделали с Реджисом??? Надеюсь, это не он...


Ха-ха, на гафе пишут, что это реально редизайн короля.Их источник - http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/100/1100781/ Я в японском не очень (совсем) не разбираюсь, но, думаю, можно верить.


Изменено пользователем Lermontka

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На второй-третий просмотр хорошо пошло. Музыка классная. Всё, что показали было новым материалом, просто его было мало.


Сама задумка тоже хорошая: после долгой печальной сцены какое-то неизвестно что поднимается над горизонтом.


Плюс тренды, тренды:



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ЭТО.САМЫЙ.СКУЧНЫЙ.И.НИКЧЁМНЫЙ.ТРЕЙЛЕР.ЭВА. Плачущий мужик на полторы минуты, ну обалдеть, хайп трейн уже не остановить.

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вспоминаю старые трейлеры...ну и к чему этот "бенч" показали?

картинка конечно невероятная, но сомнений от игры только прибавляется.


скриншотики кароч:
















Setting the stage for the main character Noctis, the trailer depicts the dramatic events that take place 15 years prior to the journey that players will embark on in Final Fantasy XV. The trailer also depicts the strong bond that young Noctis has with his father, King Regis, who now faces difficult decisions regarding relations between his kingdom and its warmongering neighbor, Niflheim.




In a matter of days, the Kingdom of Lucis is to sign an armistice, ending a long and bitter conflict with Niflheim. Ahead of the ceremony, Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae.

The offer of peace, however, is no more than a ruse to lower the Lucian shield, and the imperial army takes the crown city and its sacred crystal in one fell swoop. En route to his destination, Noctis is shocked to learn that he, his father the king, and his betrothed are believed dead.

Overnight, the dream of peace has faded into a distant memory. His world crumbling around him, Noctis has naught but his resolve and his loyal companions to see him through the trials to come.

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Это какой то обосрамс а не трейлер. Не показали ровным счетом ничего.

Скварям походу реально просто нечего показывать и кроме Эпизода Доски у них нифига нету, а уж на выход игры в ближайшие 2 года скорее всего можно не рассчитывать.

Изменено пользователем MRDrama

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Мальборо крутой. И это хорошо, что не показали бой с ним. Вероятно, этот кусок геймплея специально подготовили на случай, если стори-трейлер бомбанёт.


Короче, ребята сказали, что у них уже железно всё расписано по поводу новых демонстраций и анонсов на ближайшие месяцы.


Следующий вброс кусок информации - на PAX Prime в конце августа.


Всё ещё выглядит как моя самая желанная игра эва. Что ни покажут - всё бесподобно. Маловато, однако.

Изменено пользователем kawa77

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вроде качество лучше...





Final Fantasy XV at Gamescom 2015: early story detailed, Malboro battle footage



Get the summary below.

Release Date

Square Enix is not announcing a release date at Gamescom. However, the company said it has established a solid plan regarding its distribution of information, including the release date, which has been decided internally.



In addition to the bonds of friendship between Noctis and his comrades, one of the important elements in Final Fantasy XV is the bond between parent and child.

Tabata won’t explain what that big creatures teased at the end of the trailer were. But they’re not Eidolons, he said.

The actual game’s story starts 15 years after the trailer.


Early Story

In a matter of days, the Kingdom of Lucis is to sign an armistice, ending a long and bitter conflict with Niflheim.

Ahead of the ceremony, Prince Noctis, heir to the Lucian throne, sets forth from his homeland to formalize the union of states through his marriage to the lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae.

The offer of peace, however, is no more than a ruse to lower the Lucian shield.

The imperial city takes the crown city and its sacred crystal in one fell swoop. En route to his destination, Noctis is shocked to learn the he, his father the king, and his betrothed are believed dead.

Overnight, the dream of peace has faded into a distant memory. His world crumbling around him, Noctis has naught but his resolve and his loyal companions to see him through the trials to come.


(Luna is described as a very strong female character who acts on her own will and motivations.)


Q&A Corner

This is a very abridged version of the Q&A session. All answers are from director Hajime Tabata and are not direct quotes.


  • Q: Will there be airships?
    • A: We’re currently looking into the technology to see if that’s possible. If the height that the airship can fly is limited, then it would technically be possible. There is a good chance it will be in the game and at least fly at bird’s height. If it’s not in the base game, I want to have it released after the game launches as downloadable content.
  • Q: Why do the edges of the screen look so dark?
  • A: This is one of the after effects to change the visuals. This is because everyone’s TVs have different technical specifications.
  • A: Currently it’s at a state where it responds correctly whenever the techniques are used. The system will be tweaked and be polished, but the basic design is complete. There is also a third type of Cross Chain not featured in the Episode Duscae demo.
  • A: The core elements of Versus XIII‘s story are still present in Final Fantasy XV—all of the things that we thought were important for tragedy and calamity—but has been expanded with other elements like the focus on friendship, the bond between father and son, etc.
  • A: We’ve got a really good villain for Final Fantasy XV. There will be a time soon where we’ll release information about this character. He’s going to top all of the previous villains.
  • A: We can only really at the moment say that’s what she looks like. We’ve only revealed her face so far. She’s a very important character in the story and needs to be very mysterious right now. On the development team, we call her the straight, black-haired girl.
  • A: We haven’t forgotten. They can’t announce launch timing yet, but they want to release it as soon as possible.
  • Q: Is the Cross Chain combination system finished?
  • Q: Final Fantasy Versus XIII was supposed to have a sad and deep dramatic story. Can we still hope for something really deep and emotional in Final Fantasy XV?
  • Q: Previous Final Fantasy games had some charismatic villains like Sephiroth. Can we expect a new bad guy for Final Fantasy XV?
  • Q: Who is the mysterious lady with the black hair?
  • Q: What happened to the playable city demo? Have you forgotten about it?

Official Forum

An official forum will be opened in both English and Japanese. All of the most important discussions that take place there will also have participation from the development team, as well.



New footage showcasing the Malboro enemy was shown. Watch it below. The swampy valley location shown is from the second half of the game.


Next Active Time Report

The next Active Time Report will come to you from PAX Prime in Seattle at the end of August, followed by the Tokyo Game Show in September.

на перевод пока времени нет, но постараюсь как смогу

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Трейлер не плох, но не хайпнул.

Графон явно проапгрейдили (потянет?), и собственно весь трейлер был про то, какая у них теперь крутая лицевая анимация.

Хотеть больше!

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Презентация Илитная для илитов. Явный [quote name='MRDrama' timestamp='1438786608' post='4913959'] обосрамс [/quote], как и трейлер.

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Final Fantasy XV Is 65% Complete, The Game’s Development Is Fully on Target


ждем в 2017?

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Final Fantasy XV Director, Hajime Tabata, has confirmed to GameSpot that fans can expect to play the game before 2017, indicating the game will be released in 2016.

2016 короче

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 Ну это уже ближе к делу, хотя тоже не особо много.

Думаю что все таки начало 2017

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какое-то говно. судя по ролику сюжет будет как в фф тайп зиро - куча бесполезных заставок ни о чем

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Великий Табата, во всей своей красе. Бесконечные слезы и сопли это эго главная режиссерская фишка.

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[member='Charmander'], Он плачет что у него лицо Ганса Грубера отняли, лучше бы посочувствовал...

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[member='TA_Rubedo'], В большинстве я имел в виду пост про сюжет, но можно и добавить скорби и во 2е русло. 

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Как мысли читают мои, Мальборо бомба. Уже два моих пожелания исполнились, давайте ребята, к успеху идете лол. Изменено пользователем SleepingL1on

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PC Might Be Considered After Launch


The first version of Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae has a slightly shaky frame rate, but the situation was improved for version 2.0. At Gamescom, I had a change to ask Director Hajime Tabata how his “quest” for 1080p and 30 stable frames per second is proceeding.


Tabata-san’s answer was quite interesting:



The honest answer to that is that there’s obviously a dfference in specifications between the two consoles. Maybe we haven’t fully grasped how to get the full potential of each of the consoles yet. We’re still working on that.

If we were gonna make it just for a single platform, and really optimize the game structure and the technology for the platform, it would be very possible to do that.

But because we have to work on that as a multiplatform game, I still can’t quite guarantee that we’ll definitely be able to make that on all platforms.

But certainly, from a technical perspective,

  • we are already at a point where we can very much guarantee a thirty frames per second frame rate with constant and stable rate in the same way as in Duscae 2.0.


Tabata-san also added that getting to sixty frames per second would be impossible on consoles. With a full open world game, with action-based combat, so many special effects and moving objects and characters, running at 1080p and 60 FPS would require a top PC.

Speaking of PC, Tabata-san mentioned that there’s no current solid plan for a PC version, and that’s because the tuning for a PC game is different from a console game.

At the moment the team is focusing on getting the final game out and tuning it for a TV screen in the living room. The team feels that people have been waiting for the game for a long time, so it’s important to release it as soon as possible.

That said, once the console version will be out, they will want to think about the next step, and they’ll consider a PC version too.

Tabata-san is also very interested in Steam, because it allows to reach a very different demographic from the one offered by consoles, so he’ll be looking at creating opportunities to use the platform in the future.

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Дата релиза пишут в 2016 точно. Табата подтвердил.О ,слава богу, допиливают. Изменения ,конечно , не в  лучшую сторону .Но все равно  проект очень жду.

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Момент с Мальборо, пожалуй лучший за долгое время, что я видел по этой сомнительной игре.

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